Program V1: The First Announcement

Announcements for the first version of The Program are stored here.

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Program V1: The First Announcement


Post by Namira »

6 hours was quite a long time. 6 hours was as many as 360 minutes. And that was terrible.

'That' being the fact David Adams had been watching V42 of the Program in an uncomfortable trailer for ages now, and only one kid had actually been killed. It wasn't exciting in the least. There'd been a couple of indications that people might have been about to actually kill somebody, an exchange of gunfire, and the Chalmers kid getting cold-cocked by Bryant something-or-other, but it had all been teasing, really. A prelude to the act itself.

Oh well... Adams had all day. And the next day. And the next day... and all the days up until it twigged for the kids that nobody was going to come along and commend them for their patriotism and discipline and hand out medals. Eventually, everything would come crashing down. Every fear would multiply, every paranoid thought balloon into full life... and it would be beautiful.

But not yet. For now, Adams had to be satisfied with one guy getting shot in the chest. ...Not that he hadn't enjoyed watching Chalmers getting beaten down. He reminded Adams too much of a couple of guys at his school, the ones that said he'd never amount to anything because he didn't pay enough attention to his appearance.

Adams smiled. The month's suspension he'd been hit with for breaking one of their arms had been totally worth it.

The brigadier-general yawned and stretched laconically, eyeing the monitors arrayed in front of him on the off chance that anything interesting was happening. No such luck. Sighing, Adams stood and stepped out of the trailer, gesturing for a couple of techies to continue keeping an eye on the game. The broadcast would be starting round about now - six hours gave them plenty of leeway for any necessary editing, and a lot of families would be currently glued to it.

Dammit, this lack of action was going to hurt ratings...

Strolling over to a van bristling with dishes and electronic equipment, Adams opened the sliding door and stepped inside. This was the announcement van. Show time.


Minutes later, numerous hidden speakers crackled into life across the compound.

"Sup kids? This is your friendly neighbourhood Brigadier-General ...and I've got a very special song to play to all of you. Hahaha just kidding, I'm not a DJ. Although funny story I... oh nevermind, most of you will be dead in a couple of days. It's a good story though. Maybe I'll tell you later, if you haven't been violently murdered in the meantime.

Where was I...? Oh right, yeah. Well kids, you can all breathe a sigh of relief at this, because none of you have suffered the humiliation of finishing in last place. Nope, that honour goes to Matt Gourlay, who I doubt anybody liked anyway. Hey that rhymes... Adams Adams the rhyming man, rhyming rhyming fast as he can. Watching those kids, whatever will they do, kill each other is what's true!"

...*ahem*. As I was saying, Gourlay died, John Ferrara shot him, we all go home happy. Apart from the part where it'll be in a body bag for most of you, but anyway... that's the only kill for the time being. 54 remaining, see all of you in six hours or so.

And remember, Uncle Sam loves a patriot!"


Alright, there's been a slight delay on really getting this mini going, but I've noticed the majority of people have kept up with activity extremely well. From here on, since that's over with now, we're going to be enforcing the two weeks, no post rule for activity, exactly like on the main board. If you have less than 7 days left on the timer, your deadline for activity is considered 7 days from this announcement, just so you've had an appropriate heads up. There won't be any official adoptions on mini (handing off is okay), so it's going to go two weeks --> warning, one further week --> inactive kill, with the two weeks resetting if you post after a warning. You will NOT get the extra week's grace for any infringement after the first.

We also conducted the Program's very first rolls, so with no further ado, here is the first set.

#1: Henry Barren (Tiuarbo)
#2: Luke Mendoza (Keaka) - Chanel Martin (Inky, Hero Card Used)
#3: Damon Gent (cappstv)
#4: Harris Van Allen (LaZardo)
#5: Dominic Brown (Dom) - Allie Green (Mimi, Hero Card Used)

You have three days from this post to play any hero or swap cards, and then SEVEN days after that to have the death completed and linked here. Taking any longer WILL result in the character and death being taken off your hands, and ineligibility for Mini competitions for said death. You can ask for an extension if it seems one will be necessary, but please, try to make it for only absolutely essential cases.

I advise everyone rolled to start planning out potential ways of killing off their characters, even if they're hoping for a hero.
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