The Opening Faceoff

G04 - Start

A fairly basic building, the Watchtower is made up of a cylinderical base containing a spiral staircase, terminating in a ladder leading up to a trap door and a fairly small, although uncramped observatory.

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The Opening Faceoff


Post by Tythanin* »

(G04 - Melinda Schenn Start)

' head...' Melinda painfully cracked her eyes open, a hand placed against her forehead as she tried to shake away the pounding that was running through her head. It only helped slightly and she took a couple of deep breaths to simply get her bearings. After the gas-induced haze left her mind, the reality of the situation came to her and she couldn't help but give off a pained sigh. She knew The Program was important...almost vital to the morale of the country and she knew that her parents watched the show when it had been aired earlier. But all throughout her life...she never thought she'd actually be in it. The odds were stacked in her favor yet still...

She shook her head, getting to her seat and beginning to stretch. She was stiff, which made sense considering she had just been lying on the ground outside of what appeared to be a watchtower of some sort. An army-green duffel bag lay by her side and she immediately recognized it as the day pack that was given to all of the participants. 'So this is real, huh? Well...the only thing to do is to fulfill my duty and give these people a show. I still haven't fulfilled Terence's dream and I'm not going to let myself die until I have...he's counting on me. I wonder if he's watching me right now. ...Ahaha, knowing him, he's probably on some cloud on heaven with his friends, drinking a beer and pointing at the screen. Ah, I miss him.'

Her mood considerably lifted from thoughts about her deceased brother, she quickly finished the rest of her exercises and bent down to grab at her bag. Unzipping it, she pawed through the rations and other things until she found what appeared to be her weapon for the contest. She looked dumbfoundedly at the Red Ryder BB Gun that lay inside and she pulled it out, turning it over in her hands. 'This is it? Versus my classmates...this is my weapon? How many guns have actually been given out?'

She scowled slightly, shaking her head as she found several cans of BBs that came with the rifle. She opened one and stuffed a couple of BBs in the pockets of her jeans, loaded another inside her gun, and left the others sealed inside of her bag. With her preparations finished, she zipped it closed and slung the duffel bag over her shoulder and took a good look at her surroundings. There was the watchtower behind her, which would make an excellent vantage point, and allow her to get an almost bird's eye view on her surroundings. Then again, there could already be someone in there and they might not enjoy having an extra companion around...

She shook her head. This was not the time to get paranoid and keep second-guessing everything. That would only paralyze her (figuratively) and render her efforts useless. It was time to practice the American way. Face forward into the future, believe in yourself, and carve your own destiny into the rough stone that the world provided you with. With her BB Gun in hand, she opened the door to the watchtower and began walking up the stairs.

But just because her method was to keep moving forward, that didn't mean she was going to be an idiot about it. She had heard some odds and ends about the military life from her letters with Terence and even if most of them were filled with talks about how he had made many friends, there were at least some lines on military procedure. Not that she really remembered it...and now that she thought about it, it kind of just was common sense. Be careful around corners, keep your eyes and eyes open, don't make too much noise...for someone who was locked in a situation where she could die at any second, Melinda considered things like that as nothing more than simple common sense.

She finally reached the ladder, looking up at closed trap door. If there was someone in the upper room, they had no doubt that she was already there. It could be that someone was just waiting to kill her...She shook her head. 'I told myself before. I can't let myself get paranoid. I'll have to handle this on the ice. Keep cool...just focus on the game. Keep myself aware...but don't focus on the enemy too much. Focus on what you and your teammates can do.'

"Hey! Is anyone there?!" She shouted. There was no answer, so she simply asked again. Once again, there was no answer, so she climbed a couple of rungs up the ladder and rapped it hard with her BB gun. No answer...nothing. No seemed like the upper room was well and truly empty. Taking a chance, she opened up the trap door and quickly fired her BB Gun inside. It simply pinged off of someothing and Melinda felt like an idiot when there was no retaliatory fire or even a shout of surprise.

'I guess it was empty after all.' She thought to herself as she loaded another BB into the gun. 'That suits me perfectly fine.'

She walked over to the windows and pulled over a seat, sitting down as she looked down at the ground below. "Well...this is it."

"It's time for the opening face-off, girls. Let's do our school and country proud."
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Post by decoy73 »

((Jessica Vogel continued from It Had To Be Me))

Jessica walked out of the Mess Hall (as the map called it), looking for somebody to team up with. In fact, as far as she cared, anybody would have qualified under these circumstances, provided that he or she didn't attack. Looking around herself, she noted the tower. It seemed like the best place to go - anybody who could hole up there had a pretty good view of anybody coming up, and was fairly protected with any friends, should they find her, or vice versa. Now all I have to do is find those friends.

She looked up at the top of the tower. It seemed empty, but that also meant that maybe she couldn't see the person inside (who could be friendly, but maybe not).

Eh. It's not like it'll kill me to find out. What will be the worst that happens? The nap I take is limited to ten minutes? She just walked over quickly to the building, keeping an eye out around her for anybody, friend or foe, looping around until she saw the door. Smiling a little, she opened it up, looked inside, and entered, leaning back against the door, and took a second to relax.
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Post by Tythanin* »

'I just got here and someone else is already coming? I hope she's not hostile...' Melinda thought to herself as she looked down from the observation deck, watching a brown-haired girl run towards the tower door. She briefly considered just trying to fire down at her, but she quickly discarded that idea. She most likely would have missed if she had taken a shot and not only that, it'd probably just make the girl either freak out or start firing back...or both, even. So she just kept watching until the girl got inside the tower.

"What should I do..." She mumbled softly to herself. She knew what Terence would do. He would've probably just tried to hail the girl from the watchtower and then, if that failed, go down the trap door to meet her face to face. But she wasn't Terence, even though she was trying to fulfill his dream. She was a bit more cautious...and definitely didn't want to make a mistake and get shot. So instead she moved to the trap door, her BB Gun held steady in one hand as she opened the door a crack.

"Hey! Whoever you're not going to be a threat, are you? Cause if you are...I've got a gun and I'm not really afraid to use it."

...Now that she thought about it, that sounded kind of dumb. Well...too late to retract her words now. And she meant it...even if the 'gun' she had was just a BB gun.
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Post by decoy73 »

"Hey! Whoever you are ... you're not going to be a threat, are you? Cause if you are ... I've got a gun and I'm not really afraid to use it."

Jessica was about to close her eyes when she heard the voice. She looked up, where the voice came from. Who was that (It was Melinda Schenn, armed with a BB gun, but all Jessica could make out was that the voice was female).

Great. She just wanted to relax for a second, and now this. Why can't I just get two seconds of relaxation before walking into a death trap? She just called out, trying to hide the irritation in her voice:

"No. I'm not armed. I just want to relax. Is that a problem?" Better not be.
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Post by Tythanin* »

(OOC: Auuuugh, so sorry for the wait.)

Melinda breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the reply to her question. It was possible that the girl responding to her was simply lying, but...well, it was best not to be too paranoid. She shifted in place, still holding the trap door open as she shouted back, "No, it's not a problem! If...if you want a chair to sit on, come up the ladder at the top. There's a few extra in here that you can use. Sorry for being so..."

What was the word? Aggressive? Defensive? Suspicious? Melinda didn't really know how to finish it off so she just let it trail off. Sighing softly to herself, she left the trap door open and went back to her seat, the BB gun resting on her lap. She faced the trap door, wondering just who it was that had entered the tower. Well, it probably didn't matter. If all she wanted was a place to rest and relax, that was fine. As long as it wasn't trouble headed her way, she was content.

'So...what to do next, huh...It's only the beginning of the game, but it's best to get an advantage early. ...Isn't it?'
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Post by decoy73 »

"No, it's not a problem! If ... if you want a chair to sit on, come up the ladder at the top. There's a few extra in here that you can use. Sorry for being so ..." The girl's voice trailed off. Jessica sighed in relief as she walked up the stairs.

Thank god for small fortunes.

As Jessica reached the top of the stairs, she noted the trap door open in the ceiling. She climbed the ladder, poking her head through as she noted the girl sitting there. It was, what was her name? Melissa, no, wait, Melinda. Melinda Schenn, from the hockey team. In her lap was what seemed to be a rifle. As she raised herself onto the floor of the room, she peered at the weapon, noting the ...

A BB gun? That was it? Jessica just sat down in the nearest seat. It wasn't like she had much better in terms of a weapon. She just looked at the gun, and opened her mouth, attempting to make a decent conversation.

"That's all they gave you? I'd laugh at that, except that they didn't even give me any weapon, so yeah. Looks like we're the makings of the Program's Useless Weapon Club."
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Post by Tythanin* »

A small, embarrassed grin wormed its way on Melinda's face as she heard the girl's reaction to her weapon. Her cheeks flared a slight red and she shifted in her seat, looking over at her visitor with a curious expression. She recognized her now. Jessica Vogel. One of the other athletes around school, Jessica was said to be pretty damn good. Melinda wished she knew more about the girl, but Jessica didn't play hockey and that had pretty much eliminated any chance of actual socialization.

"Yeah...that's all I got." Melinda replied, her fingers tapping against the toy BB gun. "And you didn't get a good weapon either? Hahah...I guess they've got something against athletes or something." She sighed and took a glance outside of the watchtower. "So what's been happening? I woke up a few hours earlier and have just been...holing up in here. I guess."
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Post by decoy73 »

Melinda looked a little embarrassed at Jessica's remark (it wasn't like Jessica had rubbed Melinda's weapon in her face, right?)

"Yeah...that's all I got. And you didn't get a good weapon either? Hahah...I guess they've got something against athletes or something. So what's been happening? I woke up a few hours earlier and have just been...holing up in here. I guess."

Jessica blew some hair out of her eyes. "Same as you. I woke up in a kitchen, checked my things, and ended up coming here. I'm just hoping that we can wait this thing out. I mean, I have nothing whatsoever."
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Post by Tythanin* »

"Hmm...well, okay. Works with me...if you want to stay here for a while, be my guest." Melinda responded with a short nod. She just turned back to the window, looking outside to see if anyone else was going to come in the area. Still, though... 'What am I doing? I mean...I know who Jessica is, but this...I really shouldn't be trusting her so much. But...well, I don't think she's going to do anything dangerous. If she was, she would have done it already, right? Either way...I guess it wouldn't hurt to just stay calm and remain here.'

"So what're your plans for this, Jessica?" Melinda murmured as she continued to watch outside. "It's not like staying inside here is going to be the best idea but..."

"Well, at least it's safer than most, right?" She turned back to offer the other girl a brief smile.
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Post by decoy73 »

"Hmm...well, okay. Works with me...if you want to stay here for a while, be my guest." Jessica just leaned back in her chair.

"So what're your plans for this, Jessica? It's not like staying inside here is going to be the best idea but... Well, at least it's safer than most, right?"

Jessica thought about Melinda's statement. It wasn't like anyone else was going to be able to sneak up on them, and there was only one way into this room even if they came in.

"I don't really have any plans ... well, other than not die, but that's practically a given. For now, I guess that one of us can guard the door while the other one keeps a lookout." Jessica paused for a second, then stood up and moved her chair so that the left two legs were on the trapdoor. "There. Now all we have to do to keep anybody out is to sit down."
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Post by Tythanin* »

"Sure, that sounds okay with me." Melinda said with a slight smile, nodding to herself as she watched the other girl position the chair over the tower's sole entrance. With that in place, there was probably no way anyone else could enter without somehow tricking the both of them to letting them in. It was a cowardly strategy, Melinda knew, but it was the easiest and most efficient way to survive and not get into any real danger. This way, she'd at least be able to outlast everyone else...hopefully, at least. 'Hmmm...but what to do while we wait?'

She eyed Jessica before turning her attention back to the field outside. It was obvious that to win the game, one of them would have to die. Melinda bit off a sigh as she thought about her assigned weapon. Having a real gun would have made everything so much easier, but luck just wasn't on her side. Still, she had a defensible position and she was hanging out with someone who had an even worse draw on the weapons category. They were both athletes though, so an actual fight probably could go to either one of them...

'Better stay positive. Terence did always say that negativity was the easiest to make yourself fail...'

"So...what do you think is happening out there?"
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Post by decoy73 »

"Sure, that sounds okay with me." Melinda smiled a little. Over what, Jessica didn't know. Maybe it was because her weapon could actually qualify as a weapon. Strike that. Melinda had a weapon, period. If Jessica had been given anything else, she might have been less scared of going out into the open, but with her shit-tastic draw, her best idea was to find cover and pray.

"So ... what do you think is happening out there?"

Jessica thought about that. If things were going like they had with Sheri, then it was likely that people were already starting to snap. Jessica just smiled, or at least tried to.

"Whatever's going on out there, I'm glad we're in here, that's for sure."
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Post by Tythanin* »

"You can say that again." Melinda said with a slight smile, sighing as she sat down on her chair and relaxed a bit. From then on, it was just a waiting game. The watchtower was silent most of the time, with Melinda more concerned with watching the outside to see if anyone else was entering the area. Besides that...silence, small talk, sleeping. Really, it wasn't all that exciting, but when it was when it was exciting that you were basically screwed. So Melinda appreciated the break.

And the announcements came. Melinda listened closely, keeping her ears open for the killers. She didn't care about the people who had's not like she had many friends back at school anyway. Besides, they were dead. It's not like they could do anything to her now. There were quite a few killers running around though...a little frightening, considering that both she and Jessica had no weapons to speak of but...well, at least they were fortified.

She cast a glance at Jessica. "Anyone you really knew in there?"
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Post by decoy73 »

The next twelve hours were uneventful, at least, as uneventful as it could get in the Program. They talked, they slept, they kept watch, with Jessica focusing on the chair and anyone who might want to get in.

The announcements came, with that Brigadier General Adams asshole guy talking about how seven people died. This scared Jessica a little. Her little idea of sitting on the only way in only prevented people from entering. If somebody had the right weapon, she and Melinda could be dead anyway. Not to mention that they had no weapons, preventing either of them from actually defending themselves should someone go psycho on them.

"Anyone you really knew in there?" Melinda asked. Jessica furrowed her brow.

"No, I mean, I kinda knew Matt and Harris, but they were both jackasses, so I never really talked to them if I could help it. I've talked to John a bit, but we're not like best friends or anything. What about you?" She looked at Melinda.
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Post by Tythanin* »

Melinda cracks a smile and laughs a bit when she hears Jessica's response. "Nah...well, I saw them around in classes sometimes but I never talked to them. Damn, though...there's already that many people dead. I gave some of the students were feeling more patriotic and willing to give the watchers a show, huh? That General's certainly happy with himself, at least...."

She sighed and shifted in her seat. "Well, whatever. As long as my name doesn't appear on that list, I'll be fine. Same with you, right?"

"I wonder what's going to happen's obvious we're not gonna get rescued. But hey, there's no time limit so I guess if we get lucky and find some way to make it work, we could possibly live here forever." Melinda said with a snort. "Ah...if only."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Tythanin. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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