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Live Wire

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:52 am
by Courtography
(Louis Johnson continued from Get Ready To Fly)

He had stopped running a few hours prior when he had found the small building attached to a larger one. He had assumed it was the armory, especially once he found the cleared out shelves that seemed perfect for weapons.

That was where he was now, leaning against a wall, his bag next to him. He had taken the time to eat a few saltines and drink water, but fear was going through him. He was afraid that any moment someone would burst in and shoot him, or blow him to pieces. John Ferrara surely hadn't forgotten their encounter and Kendra was probably beyond pissed that he had run away.

He was safe for now though, alone in the abandoned armory. Maybe he could just sit there and wait out the game. Have everyone else kill each other and leave him there sipping his water and snacking on saltines. That would be a good way to go through it all. He had gone through enough danger so far as is, escaping the Program's resident killer John Ferrara.

He stretched his leg out, sitting for hours on end wasn't doing much for his legs.

Then the always happy sounding voice of Adams filled his ears. As much as he might dislike Adams, and the military in general, Adams was the best source of information he had. Even more than that, Adams may have saved him with his well timed announcement the first time.

And with the first listing of deaths sadness hit. Vaughn was dead. He had known Vaughn from swim team. In the first announcement no one he knew or cared about had died, now it was different. He couldn't even enact crazy plans for revenge on the killer since she had gotten killed.

Moving on, he hadn't really known Damen, but he knew the killer. He had talked to Madeline a few times at art stuff at school. He couldn't see her as a killer though, it just didn't work in his mind. But she was, he would have to keep that in mind. She might be an acquaintance on good terms, buy that didn't mean a lot when she had gone around shooting someone.

The singing of the Star Spangled Banner was terrible, Adams voice was horribly off key. Louis was no fan of the government, but it almost seemed insulting to them to have Adams singing the song.

The next death was the only one so far that gave him any kind of satisfaction: Harris Van Allen. They had disagreed on a few things, Harris was a massive military guy. He always tried to get him to join the jocks and pick on the minorities when he just plain wasn't interested. He had his group of friends and he didn't need any of the others.

More pain, this time it was Nikki. She was an art friend. Unfortunately he could see all too easily how she would get killed off. She was rather spacey, so while she was fun to be around she wasn't the most reliable. He could remember one time where he had planned on a group of people going to an art museum. Nikki hadn't shown up, she had forgotten. People had been a bit annoyed, but he could tell it was true, she had really forgotten.

He would have to put Kami on his list, assuming he had a list. Which he didn't, not yet. Besides even if he had plans for revenge he was missing a key piece of that puzzle: a weapon.

The final death made him sad again, Henry. Henry had done some swimming stuff with him a few times. He had been better than Louis, he remembered sadly as he knew he would never hear the kindhearted Texan speak again. The killer hit him even harder though, it was either his friend Stefanie or her twin sister Sophie. He felt enraged for a moment, he didn't want his friends killing his friends.

Wait, Adam had announced the location of the last death. As much as he might be mad at her, or her sister, Stephanie was one of his better bets for an ally in all this. And a friend. It might be a bad idea, but he was leaving the armory behind.

It was time to head for the Officer's Quarters.

(Louis Johnson continued in Remedy)