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Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:54 am
by Mini_Help
((William Chandler continued from Small Comforts))

He hadn't done anything. This whole time, throughout this entire awful game, William Chandler had blundered around and watched people die, and he hadn't done a thing about it. He hadn't even stopped the abduction. He'd held up the wrong girl. He should have been better. What had happened? He'd been weak. He'd been stupid and useless, and it hurt. Hearing as everyone he traveled with died hurt. Being unable to find Claire hurt. She'd been kidnapped from under his nose. All his other companions were dead now, and he'd searched, but he hadn't been able to find Claire anywhere.

She was probably dead by now.

In The Program, everyone died. Everyone, that is, except that one lucky killer, who vanished instead. Maybe they died too. Whatever. It didn't matter to William, because he knew it wasn't going to be him.

He was a failure. He was alive on a fluke. It was just dumb luck. He didn't deserve to win.

He was sitting against the back of the garage, his pistol in hand. He was scared to die. Terrified. But it was going to happen to him. He'd failed at everything he'd tried. He'd attempted to seize the moment, but he'd just messed up. Then he'd spent twelve hours hiding. He wouldn't be able to waltz through the finals. He wouldn't make it out of here.

That was why he'd decided to end things on his own terms.

This was one thing he wouldn't mess up.

He knew about the killers. There were a good number. Maddie was the worst. She'd was still alive, actually. She'd been in the group. He'd thought about hunting her down, but that wouldn't work. He was useless. She'd just gun him down. Maybe torture him to death. Better to go out with dignity. Better to spare himself the pain.

He didn't give a speech goodbye. Didn't think overly much about what he was doing. If he'd done so, he would probably have lost control and backed out, taken the cowardly route.

Instead, he simply raised his gun to his head, gave the nearest camera a quick nod, and pulled the trigger.

M23, William Chandler: DECEASED