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Tough As Steel(e)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:29 am
by KamiKaze
((Kami continued from Life Sucks And Then...))


The bag fell off her shoulder. Kami promptly sat down, her back against one of the buildings scattered about. So this was where they were? Now that she was out of that hellhole, she could see that she- they- were in a military base of some kind. It was like a first person shooter- "Okay, you are a fat girl with a gun running around a military base. Shoot EVERYTHING". That'd actually make a good FPS, now that she thought of it. Maybe the gun would fire cakes and candy. And you could eat the enemies! Like annoying girls who kept talking about...

She paused and brought herself back to reality.

She... really needed to stop running away when that happened.

Of course people were going to yell at her! Nobody likes being killed! Being killed hurts and then you are dead! It wasn't going to be so simple. Not so simple, indeed.

Kami was calm now. Her head wasn't hurting as much, but she had some degree of calmness to her.

Well then. She could just kill any attackers. Like if some guy came up to her with a bazooka, she could shoot him all she wanted. It was allowed and fair game! She was a potential murderer, but potential murder needs to have elegance, as she pointed out to herself earlier. Not just shoot everything in sight. Even if you were a socially awkward chick. Come on, do something smart, not just shooting and waving your gun at random people.

Well, she still knew she had to kill. Not freeze up like last time, or let some weirdass girl rant at you making you nervous.

But now that she thought of it, it was probably a good idea to see what else was in her bag anyways.

First she pulled out her gun. Then a first aid kit. The next item to come out was a manual for the gun (well, that helps). A map, a compass, and... was that food?

She lifted the pouch out of the bag, gazing them over. Wow, this really was a military operation, huh? Military style ration pouchy thingiemabobbers. Really. And was that bread and water?

Kami had to admit, she did feel a little bit hungry. But she just got here! And she wasn't that hungry, was she? Maybe in an hour she'll need to dig in. For now, though, she needed to save them. And besides, if she ate them all in one sitting, that'd be... stereotypical, right?

And so everything got put back in the bag.

Kami slouched forward, resting her head in her hands. People back home always got worried when she did that, but it wasn't home. Sorry, but this is definitely not Kansas, if we wanted to use a cliche.

What now? Where to go? What to do...?

Go out and find good people to shoot?

Or just stay here?

Re: Tough As Steel(e)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:29 am
by KamiKaze
"Sup kids?"

Kami let out a small shriek as she dropped the food pouch she had been holding. Only just a few minutes ago, she had given into the urge to eat it, or at least take a look inside. She didn't even get to have it open before the announcements got on!

Meh. Maybe for the better.

According to the Announcement man person thing, only one person had been killed. Matthew Gourlay, who was killed by... John Ferrararararara? She didn't quite catch that, actually. Also, poetry. Adams the Rhyming Man... well, if that was true, Kami was Steele, the... uh, Shooting Girl? What the hell this guy was doing, though, was beyond her. For a military base for a military operation, he seemed a little... casual. Who the fuck sings a song about watching people get killed? Maybe he was one of those psychos who really enjoyed killing as much as a little kid enjoyed their toys or something.

And so, it ended.

Kami promptly lifted her food pouch and tossed it back into her bag. Maybe later, after all. She wasn't THAT hungry. And besides, she needed to go on her next adventure.

Where to?

She looked around. Lots of buildings. Lots and lots. Where could she go? Not where she came from, certainly. Did she really need to be ranted at again?

Kami closed her eyes and pointed in a random direction.

And then she opened them.

That one!

She lifted herself off the ground, zipped her bag, and hoisted it over her shoulder.

And promptly, she went off to terrorize whatever poor residents she would encounter in said building. Or maybe they would terrorize her. Depends on who attacks who. Terrorizing was definitely going to happen, though. Everyone terrorized here. It's their orders. And Kami was just one person terrorizing the compound.

((Kami Steele continued in Picture This))