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Viva La Raza

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:54 am
by Macha*
((David Burn, continued from Bat Country.))

Back to the start. That was where Dave was headed. Retracing old steps to get a fresh start. Maybe he'd lie down, mock waking up again. Could he remember what he shouted at the cameras? Eh, fuck it, didn't matter much anyway. Just ramble some shit and make it sound good, right? Should have that part down. It's what he'd been doing so far.

"So," Dave looked up at a nearby camera. He briefly thought about smashing one, just to see how they'd react... nah, that'd be fucking dumb. Scratch that thought, begin anew. "Looks like I'm going solo from here on out, huh?"

Dave paused as he approached the gate. Where he first met Megan and Jen and Wendy. Dave paused as he heard a loud grumble coming from his stomach. Right, killing his classmates could wait, now was food time. Dave threw his bag on the floor and sat cross-legged on the hard ground. He rummaged through his back, picking out what passed for food out of what they'd given him.

"What even is this crap?" Dave looked down at what was basically a pack of Philly cheese wedges filled with shit. They expected him to eat that shit? No. Dave drew the line at eating turds, funnily enough. Well, Dave decided, Lets see what's in the other shit. Saltines. Really, Government? Really?

That was it. Fuck it, Dave was done. He was done with this place, the annoying fuck-nugget over the announcements telling him the lamest fucking jokes he'd ever heard about his dead classmates. Dave played with the thought of trying to break out. Breaking out? Eh, no one'd ever done it before, but that just meant it'd be easier, right? If he was honest, Dave just wanted to be home right now. With real food, and his sisters, his grandparents. The stuff that mattered. Not the perverted, psychotic, dumb, hypocritical, dumb, sycophantic dumb assholes he was almost ashamed to call his classmates.

Sure, he was looking out for number one. He wasn't ashamed to admit that. He wasn't ashamed to admit he was a selfish asshole for wanting this.

But Dave was a selfish asshole who wanted to get home, and if that meant busting out, that meant busting out. The details weren't a problem to him, he'd figure his shit out. Just give him time and a single opportunity, and like a thief in the night, he'd seize it.

Dave sighed and stuck his hands back in his pockets. "If you're not cheating, you're not trying."

((David Burn, continued in Captain America.))