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Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:58 am
by Brackie
Matthew hated fighting. To be more specific, he hated getting into arguements with his parents. They were some of the best he could have asked for, but when they got angry, or disagreed with him in any way...that was when the true words started to come out.



Should've abandoned you.

Yeah, Matthew's life was one of pretty much overwhelming stress when it really came down to it.

It was great he had Alex though.

In the words of everyone he knew, a minor miracle occured when they got past the one month mark in their relationship, and Matt was pretty much sure that Zeus himself would have come down from Valhalla and congratulated him on making it past 5 months, were he real. Monogamy was a foreign term to him for the most part, and learning it was like teaching one of those Japanese communities the concept of hygiene. Not gonna happen quickly.

But...god dammit, Alex was awesome in so many ways. In bed was a different matter altogether, and something Matthew wouldn't forget, but he just had something about him, something so nice inside, that it was like hooks dug beneath Matt's skin and kept them together through sheer force. The thought of actually answering that number Phoebe slipped him a few months ago was being dug further and further into the back of his mind every day.

So after a particularly bad fight with his parents, they left. They always did that, just left the house for a while after a bad fight. They'd go somewhere, calm down, and stay away from the house for about 3 hours until Matthew had enough time to think about what he'd done wrong, why he'd driven them away.

Of course, he'd figured that out years ago, and now used this opportunity to spend time with Alex.

The moment the door slammed shut, he was at the phone. Alex, under an unlabelled speed-dial, was quick to answer, and Matt didn't have to speak much to let Alex know something was wrong. One minute after the phone call, Matt had already changed into better-looking clothes, a white button-up shirt and jeans, forgetting a headband for once, cleared his room of everything unessential, and took a swig from the whisky bottle in the back of the cupboard that a) Matt's mom usually used for cooking and b) Matt's dad used on long nights that he didn't think anyone knew about. Of course Matt brushed his teeth afterwards.

It was kinda like preparing for the Olympics, making sure that the house still wasn't dark and musty like it was on any normal weekend.

After while, he realised it would have been only a few minutes until Alex said he would come. Smiling one of his best smiles at no one in particular besides himself, he sat himself on the couch and turned on the TV.

Cartoons were usually a good time-waster anyway.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:58 am
by General Goose
It was lucky Alex liked walking, because the walk between his grandparent's café and Matt’s house was pretty damn long. If he walked quickly at a steady pace, still took the better part of thirty minutes to get there. Still, it was worth it. Always was.

Quickly popping another mint into his mouth, he absentmindedly looked up and saw that he was nearing Matt's house.


Quickening his pace into something bordering on a run, all his thoughts focused on Matt and how he was, he soon found himself right in front of his destination. He glanced at the window of the nearest parked car to quickly check his appearance out. He was dressed casually, wearing a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. Aside from the fact his hair was beginning to get a bit too long for his liking, he looked fine, so moved to the front door.

Pressed the door bell.


Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:58 am
by Brackie
Huh, they still have Garfield? Wasn't that cancelled, like, about fi-

The door chimed, and Matt's heart jumped up to his throat.

He came.

Course, that was a forgone conclusion, seeing how long they'd been together and how predictable he'd become. The same patterns, the same routines...why was he thinking about that?

He needed to see Alex.

Flicking off the TV, Matt jumped over the back of the couch, and almost subsequently landed on Torn, their black tabby cat. His sneakers missed her tail by an inch, and Matt had to stop himself from swearing when she shreiked at him and ran off down the hallway. He'd probably was gonna get some food from the back alley.

Matt stood in the front hall of the house, and checked himself in the mirror, greeting his reflection with a smile. Everything was going okay. It wasn't like Alex was gonna judge him, what from how badly he sounded on the phone. He was much too great for that.

Flinging open the door with his left hand, he took a quick glance at Alex, smiled, grabbed him by the front with his other hand, and, almost casually, slammed the door behind them and pulled Alex into a kiss, his tounge intertwining with Alex's with such a passion it was though they'd never meet again.

It wasn't like they had a sparse sex life, don't get him wrong. They had some of the greatest times together. But every so often, after a fight or whenever Matt felt truly alone, it was at that point that Matt worked his hardest to make sure that the times lasted.

Breaking the kiss suddenly, he worked his hand around to the crook of Alex's neck, and carressed his hair.

"So hey. Parent's are away, and I wanted to spend this time wisely," Matt started, before his smile flickered away momentarily "...yeah, we kinda had a fight. They went off somewhere to cool off, and...I don't think I could stay here alone. You weren't busy or anything were you?"

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:58 am
by General Goose
Alex didn't have to wait much longer outside before the front door swung open, and Matt, looking as great as he always did, stood right in front of him.

Before he even could get the obligatory greetings out of the way, Matt had impulsively pulled him through the doorway into a passionate kiss and slammed the door shut behind them, getting no resistance whatsoever from Alex, who cooperated with Matt's tongue completely. Matt could be like that sometimes, forsaking verbal greetings for the more physical varieties.

Not that Alex was complaining.

Just as he was getting into it, Matt withdrew from the kiss without warning, and it would be an understatement to say that Alex was a little bit disappointed at the sudden end. Placing his arms around Matt's waist as Matt caressed his hair, Alex listened patiently as Matt explained what was going on.

Well, he agreed with the idea that inviting him around was a good way to spend this free time. An excellent way.

He changed his cheeky grin to a sincere look of empathy as Matt explained his familial problems briefly, but after Matt asked him whether he was busy or not, he stared at the ceiling in thought to try and think of what to say in response.

"Erm...not really. Was just reading a book. Slow day at the café today, but even if I did have stuff to do, I'd still have came round." He flashed Matt a friendly grin, and carefully moved away from his arms, heading towards the Payne household's front room. "So...should we head to the couch?"

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:58 am
by Brackie
It wasn't like Matt was overly worried if he'd taken Alex away from something important. It was just something to make sure before they had their fun.

Alex seemed to be overly enjoyed at the idea of a great time for the next hours or so, and asked about the couch. Grinning, Matt slipped his arms around Alex from behind and nestled himself into a comforting hold.

"Any other night, it would be a great idea, buuuut," Matthew started, and took ahold of Alex's arms. Using them as pointers, he indicated to the various windows that lacked curtains in the comfy room before them "The neighbors do have kids who're still awake, and I don't think I'd wanna scar them that much for life. Unless you're into that sort of thing, getting caught." He accented his syllables every so often with a whisper in Alex's ear. Matt wasn't into too much of the abnormally kinky stuff, though he'd like a good thrill every now and again. He wondered if him and Logan's underwear were still nestled in the lion cage...would the zookeepers have cleared it after a year or so?

He grinned a little, and spun Alex around.

"Come on, there's always my room. Cleaned the sheets yesterday," Matt whispered, before slowly starting to kiss Alex again. As he did this, he shuffled backwards down the hallway, pulling Alex with him towards the room nestled behind the mahogony door at the end.

They had about two and a half hours together at this point. The foreplay could go on forever and they'd still have a lot more to do.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:58 am
by General Goose
Not on the couch? Not that big a deal, but Alex liked Matt's couch. Maybe it was because his father had really bad taste in couches and always brought them second-hand from some creepy sleazeball, but Alex found Matt's couch to be really comfortable and placed rather practically for on-the-spot, instantaneous "activity", in Alex's opinion. But he didn't resist Matt's guiding, but did do an over-exaggerated pout for a few seconds to express his disapproval at leaving the couch, and did manage to get in a half-assed sarcastic quip.

"Oh come on. I'm sure the children would rather learn how sex works from us rather than from finding their dad's stash of videos."

He had been mumbling, truth be told, so he didn't really know whether Matt had heard it or not. And didn't really care. There were bigger things to think about.

Then Matt spun him around and proposed moving to his bedroom. And before Alex could reply, Matt moved in for another kiss. Seeming to take Alex's silence and lack of resisting as consent to the concept of moving to his room (which it was), the two began heading for the door.

Eventually, the two reached it, and Alex took the door handle and pushed it open.

"You first."

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by Brackie
Matthew Payne's room greeted the two boys as Matt led Alex by the hand inside. The curtain was pulled closed, the fan was slowly rotating, and everything that could possibly be an interruption was switched off. Alarm clock, his phone, his TV remote was removed of its batteries; Matt was extra-prepared for a time like this, since this opportunity came along a bit less often than he'd liked it too.

As they approached Matt's bunk, Matthew pulled Alex into another kiss, and started to lean back on the bed, the comfortable blankets greeting him like he'd fallen into a cloud. A cloud which he was about to stain indefinitely, but still a cloud, nonetheless. He held Alex on the edge of the bed for the extent of the kiss, and he broke it, holding him by the sides and the chest. Smiling cheekily, he slowly moved himself back to the head of the bed, and took Alex along for the ride. Soon, they were both fully on Matthew's double-sized abode, and that was when he started the routine. Every so often, he's shake it up a bit by adding something different, but tonight, he was in the mood for the classics, the ordinary.

Plain old fucking.

With Alex on top of him, he snaked his hands under his hoodie and shirt, all the while Matt's tongue made it back into his mouth, deeper and more passionate than the first time. This was where he aimed to impress, the foreplay. Magnificent stuff, really, and Alex was the Italian Stallion in his sport. Yes, it was kinda obvious he was foreign, but hey, he didn't care, they'd surprise him by being absolutely wonderful every so often. At this point, nothing cared, except making sure he got his fix for the night with the guy he'd lasted so long with.

Not wasting any time, Matt worked his hands in between the hoodie and the shirt and started to peel it off, breaking the kiss momentarily. When he resumed, he started downwards, working his mouth at the crook of Alex's neck, while moving Alex's hands towards the top button of his shirt. While Matt undid the first button himself, he faced Alex, smiled, and gave him the signal that it was time for him to work his own little magic.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by General Goose
Before Alex knew it, he was on the warm, welcoming bed in Matt's room, the passion and intensity of the foreplay rising at a rapid pace. Something else was also rising rapidly as well, but that wasn't exactly unexpected.

Alex began to unbutton Matt's shirt, taking his eyes off of Matt's face and focusing on this new task. He speedily undid each and every button in turn, soon revealing Matt's chest. He beckoned Matt to finish taking his shirt off, and pulled it out from underneath him and threw it absentmindedly to the corner of the room. Flashing Matt a brief devilish grin, Alex moved in to plant a few kisses on Matt's bare neck and chest, before moving up to quickly peck Matt on the lips.

Unzipping his own hoodie and in one smooth motion pulling his own shirt off his head (both hoodie and shirt joined Matt's shirt in the corner), Alex moved in for another few seconds of passionate kissing, before he began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by Brackie
Alex did the job splendidly well, and Matt lay bare-chested on his bed, his shirt tossed in the corner haphazardly. Alex started his own act, placing kisses on his neck and chest, before leaving a little present on his lips. He was being a tease at this point, and Matthew freaking loved it. Finishing the job he started, Alex removed his hoodie and shirt, and now they were really getting into it. More kissing, more intertwined legs later, and Alex decided to make the next move again, starting to remove his pants. Matthew took it as a signal to do the same, and almost like that, his jeans were wrapped around his ankles, with the only thing separating him from Alex completely being a few layers of fabric.

After he was done, kicking his own jeans off his legs, he started to provide his own little help in the form of almost removing Alex's jeans for him. Soon, both their jeans lay intertwined at the foot of Matthew's bed, and the foreplay still continued. The long, drawn out kisses were now more combined, more focused. Alex was still on top of him, and as their hips remained together throughtout. Matthew felt the growing pressure inside his own briefs push against the simultaneous feeling inside Alex's. It was on now, but there was still time for a little fun before the they fucked.

Matt curled his leg around Alex's, and using the intimate touch as a distraction, flipped him on his back. Matthew was on top now, just the way he liked it, and the tables turned. He pinned him against the bed, and after a particularly passionate kiss, started to place his own kisses downwards. His tongue graced Alex's prominent collar bone, and made its way down to his chest, hovering over his nipples. He gave them a kiss, with a prominent amount of tongue involved, and still continued downwards. Chest, lower abs, and then the navel. Avoiding that area in particular, seeing as how he didn't know if he'd washed in there recently, he hovered his kissesaround the area just above there, and used his right hand, his strongest hand, to rub Alex's crotch.

If the foreplay was anything to go by, then the act that followed would be glorious.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by General Goose
With a little help from Matt, soon both of the two young men were completely naked aside from their underwear (which weren't much of a barrier, truth be told), the jeans lying sloppily the foot of the bed. Things were progressing nicely. Alex was enjoying the foreplay, hell, Matt was arguably an expert at it (though Alex was, in his humble opinion, no amateur), but the anticipation for the main event was building. His briefs were getting an increasingly larger bulge in them, and he could feel Matt's were too.

Without warning, Alex was flipped onto his back, and, in a sudden (but not unwelcome) role reversal, Matt assumed a position on top of him. Pinned against the bed, Alex was treated to a barrage of kisses from Matt, starting with another passionate, lengthy kiss on the mouth. Matt then began to move his kisses further downwards, onto his collarbone, then his chest, his abdomen. Alex loved every second of it. Fuck, Matt knew how to use his tongue.

And then Matt reached his destination, and began using his hands.

Letting out an involuntary groan of pleasure and surprise, Alex just laid back and let Matt do his work. Describing Matt's actions as enjoyable would be an understatement.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by Brackie
Alex groaned in pleasure as Matt started the real heavy petting. The kisses made their way up his body again, with Matthew's hand still carressing the boy's crotch. If he fastened the pace, something could go off too early, and that wouldn't be good at all. If he stopped or slowed down, it would send too many mixed signals. He trailed his free hand along Alex's strong right leg, as his body became level with Alex's again, and then Matthew smiled, sent the perfect sign to Alex.

He would know what that certain smile meant.

Matthew was the hurricane, and Alex was the small wooden house. It was time to blow him away.

An idea popped into his head as he went back to planting the kisses upon Alex's being, and he slowly moved his hand to the covers under the two boys on the bed, moving them so that they were now at the foot of the bed as well. This was only the first motion, though, as he soon started to pull them back to the head, and this was the opportunity they'd been waiting for.

Matthew had a real thing for being in the bed when he was given the opportunity. While there were better ways, an infinite number of positions times an infinite number of locations, there was really nothing quite as romaaaaantic as doing it in the bed, under the covers, where the darkness truly welcomed them as they made themselves together.

Man, Matt could write poetry if he wanted to, he was prosey enough for that crap.

Bringing Alex down to him, partially under the covers already, he kissed him one more time before he threw the covers over both of their heads.



You can't really leave Matthew speechless that easily on any normal day. All he could say was

"Wow, man."

The positions held between them had swapped so many times that Matthew lost count. He knew it had to be an even number, since his back was now on the bed, and he held Alex on his chest in half-hug, half embrace, arm wrapped around his shirtless figure as their feet rubbed against each other under the covers. They'd since gotten at least one article of their clothing back on, their respective pairs of underwear, though he had an inkling that the ones he now wore were slightly bigger than normal - which wasn't a bad thing at all, by the by, like wearing someone's skin.

So what else could Matt say at this moment in time, after everything had been truly said and done, other than...


Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by General Goose
What had just happened was great, and had made him feel great. Every little aspect had gone just right, from the foreplay to the act itself; it had been entertaining, exciting, had incorporated a diverse range of positions and had overall been an extremely enjoyable fuck. He and Matt had both came (pun not intended) a long way in the three months they'd been together. Definitely one of the best fucks Alex had had in a long time, both during and before his relationship with Matt.

In Alex's experience (which was, in his own humble opinion, while not the most comprehensive, still quite a lot), the moments immediately after sex were usually among the most awkward moments of a relationship. With Matt however, things were different. If they weren't having a tender embrace after the act (like they were now), then they just did things like talk (last time they ended up having a conversation about a new game that had just come out and how they both suspected the coach of Alex's swim team was a perv) or go over a difficult school assignment. Or they just sat and watched cruddy evening TV and made snide, satirical remarks about it.

And that was exactly what Alex wanted to do right now.

Sure, it was a bit of a strange transition, having passionate, intense sex with your boyfriend then sitting down on the couch to make some vintage cartoons with him, but Alex could be weird like that sometimes.

So, as sad it was to move away from the bed and away from Matt's arms, Alex slowly and gently moved out of the bed, smiling at Matt constantly, before motioning to the door casually. "What do you say to watching a bit of TV?"

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by Brackie
The boy slipped out of his grasp as they lay their silently, and Matthew let out a little laugh at his idea. Watch some TV? Sounded like a normal reasonable plan created by Alex, so there really wasn't any reason in the world to object to it.

TV it was, then.

Sliding out of the covers and off the foot of the bed, he picked up both of their pairs of jeans, and tossed Alex the pair that was slightly bigger, still with a slight smile on his face, and slipped his own pair on. The first try wasn't so successful, as he slipped on the carpet and fell behind the bed, out of his view.

After several seconds of silence, he extended his hand into view and gave him a thumbs up, before thrashing around out of view in an attempt to naturally slide himself into his Levi's. After a bit more, he got himself inside the jeans, and shot up off the ground.

"That was fun! So what do you wanna watch? We've got, like, one and a half-hours left before my parents are done fuming, so we could probably catch a late movie. Or we could get some skin flicks from next door and...nah, just kidding, round one was brilliant enough for tonight anyway," Matthew started. Alex was probably wondering where his upper body clothing was. Well, that stuff was hidden from view now, kept with his own shirt, since...well, Matt felt like it. It was a nice view, and it was something he could stick close by as Alex riffed on whatever they watched.

Throwing his arm over Alex's shoulder, he planted a kiss on his cheek and walked down towards the lounge room with him, leaving Matthew's room behind.

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:59 am
by General Goose
((OOC: Short post go, let's get this wound up.))

After slipping into their jeans (they remained shirtless, but Alex wasn't going to complain about that any time soon. Clothing for the top half of the body (for both genders) was overrated anyway), Matt cheerily asked what they should watch, before making a couple of suggestions of his own.

Chuckling at the last suggestion (it weren't a bad idea, in all honesty, Alex wouldn't decline an offer like that if made sincerely), the two turned out of Matt's (still rather untidy) room and began heading towards the front room. As they went, Matt planted a quick kiss on Alex's cheek, and Alex then paid him back in kind.

Slouching on the couch, Alex talked. "Well, Matt, I don't know about a film...all the new ones are crap and all the old ones are...well, we've seen em all before. Maybe we should check out the news, or see if something funny's on?"

Re: Nothing I'd Forget

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:00 am
by Brackie
So they sat themselves down on the couch and started to watch TV. It wasn't anything special, just the news, interspersed with the occasional loud commercial with some guy who was on crack. The time really flew by for the two of them, which wasn't really noticable for Matthew cause they'd both started to lie down. Unlike the experience in his bedroom, Matt put his head on Alex's chest as they watched TV, and the sound of his heartbeat was one of the most comforting things in the world. It made him forget about the fact that they'd narrowly avoided being sent off to The Program, only recently, on Announcement Day a few weeks ago. It made him forget about the fact that his parents didn't really care about him right now, and best of all, it made him forget about the world that didn't revolve around Alex.

They watched TV, nothing more.

And almost an hour later, it was time for Alex to leave.


Matthew tossed Alex his shirt and hoodie at the doorway, feigning keeping them only a few minutes before and sending Alex out into the night without any clothes on. Of course, he really was considering it. Buuuuut he let it slide.

As Alex caught the clothing, Matt smiled again as they hugged at the doorway.

"Thanks for being here," Matt said, and gave Alex the longest kiss of the night, before tossing him out onto the street...without even his shirt on.

Matt laughed, and went to get his own shirt on.


Of course, the best things in life never turn out the way one expects them to, do they?

3 days later, Matt's friend in another class, Lani, was having a fight. Not a big fight, but a fight nonetheless. Who with? One of Alex's friends in the same class. Matt never caught her name, but the fact that the two girls were at each others throats about somethign was obviously disturbing Alex. After that night, he didn't come over that often.

And 2 weeks later, the fight spilled over to them.

One of the girls apparently played a prank, a terrible prank, on the other one. Lani had laced all of her food with laxatives, right before an exam, and she couldn't keep it in. She had to sprint out, right after it started, and as such, she immediatly failed the test. This was apparently the last straw, and Alex found out that Matt knew Lani. He knew that she was one of his best friends, and that they often discussed stuff like that, but Matt refuted every claim, rightfully so. He had no idea what was going on, why Lani did it, but Alex wasn't convinced.

More names spilled over.

At the last second of their relationship, a punch was even thrown.

And then...they decided for the best that it would be time to end their relationship.


As soon as Alex slammed the door, 4 weeks later, Matt stood there, gobsmacked.

And five seconds later, he walked to his room.

10 seconds later, he was scrounging around inside his bedside table for a number.

Phoebe's number.

She was the girl in the other class who'd given him her number, all those weeks ago.

5 minutes later, Matt walked out the door, wearing the same clothes he wore that last night with Alex.

Because that was how Matt worked. Call it a dependancy issue or a libido which couldn't be controlled, Matt needed to screw something and be with someone. Phoebe was available, and Matt took it. He ignored Alex the next day, didn't return his IM message the same night, and instead went over to Phoebe's place 3 times a week.

And that was how it ended, Matt and Alex. Their best night together was their last night together, and while Alex may have had a bit of trouble, Matt did what he did best: he moved on and found someone else.

It was a good thing Alex didn't want his underpants back though, they fitted rather well.