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Don't Step on the Grass, Sam

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:46 am
by Ciel
Alex was vaguely aware of two things. First of all, he was in some part of some wooded area, the name of which he had forgotten. The second was that he was giggling about something. Not just a tiny little chortle. He was giggling like a school girl and he wasn't entirely sure why. He figured it was because he had just remembered a funny joke. He stopped giggling, not because he realized how strange it was but because he was taking a second hit.

That when he dropped it. Alex panicked/

"Aww shit!" Alex cried. He leapt off the hood of his car.

Was it bad that he was more worried about his lost toke more than any punishment he'd receive if he set this whole forest on fire?

Alex didn't think so. He scrambled under the car, trying to look for the damn thing.

"Where are you? Gah, fuck, no, wait, is this it? No. Shit. Fuccck. Come on! Where did I drop it?!"

How the hell do you lose a bleached toke in a sea of grass? It would stick out so much it could literally stab you. Luck was just being a bitch now. Alex had done nothing to deserve this! He got an A+ on his Biology project. He only put a hour into it but it got him an A, that's all that mattered. So the best reward had to be driving out into the middle of nowhere, no one else around and light one up. It was his last one too! Shit, Alex didn't think he could go on for a whole week without it.

Green started to bleed into his eyes like a bad omen. Everything was blurring together, and it was dark under the car. Presently Alex poked his head out. He coughed.

"Shit. Shit shit shit..."

Re: Don't Step on the Grass, Sam

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:47 am
by Tagabasa*
It was an adult American Kestrel. Male, judging from the black-spotted white belly and the white tail tip. It was defiantly the F. s. sparverius; Sydney had never even seen the other types. She spotted looking through her binoculars and pulled out a small notebook. This was the third kestrel she had seen since she started taking records, so Sydney was in fairly high spirits from seeing it. The little sparrow-hawk falcons were one of her favorite birds of prey.

Sydney finished marking down her spotting, and glanced around. She was in her favorite campsite, with the woods all around. She liked people a lot, but sometimes the best way to relax was to get away from civilization with a few friends and have a good time. Come to think of it, Sydney probably should be getting back to her group right about now. She had left to get some snacks for everyone, but had gotten a little distracted by the kestrel.

She was walking back to the campsite when a odd small hit her nose. Smoke? It didn't smell like normal smoke, but then again, it wasn't like Sydney smelled normal smoke on a daily basis. She made her way toward the smell, which was only a few yards off the path she had been using. There was a car there, and the smoke seemed to be coming from around it. Sydney looked at her feet. A whitish cylinder-thing with a bump at the end was lying there, emitting the smell. Sydney absent-mindedly picked it up.

"Shit. Shit shit shit..."

The girl jumped. Apparently, there was somebody under the car. Sydney turned to look at the vehicle and yes, a boy's head was poking out from under it. The head was dirty-blonde, with the hair style that really could only belong to one person. She calmed down a good bit; at least she hadn't managed to get caught by a psycho-rapist.

"Hey, Alex! Is this yours?" Sydney held up the cylinder. The smell was bothering her, and she was beginning to think that the cylinder was one of those things you used for smoking pot or whatever. She had seen them before on TV or what-not, but it wasn't like Sydney had ever held one. She put the thing down of the hood of the car and laughed.

"I didn't peg you for the kind of guy who'd spend time here." She added, stretching her arms behind her back.