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Program V2: The Fourth Announcement

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:24 am
by Namira
Day Three (September 20, 2025): 08:00 AM
Weather: In a word; dreary. It looks set to be a miserable day, with thick grey clouds overhead, intermittent gusts of wind and the odd bout of freezing cold drizzle.



Adams set his hands on his hips and surveyed the layout of the dartboard. Triple twenty, starting promisingly, bullseye, which had been accidental, and finally one that had missed the board altogether but lodged in the wood it was mounted on. He usually played better than this, was a dead-eye, but ... things were preying on his mind. It was tough to stay focused when you were trying to keep track of over a dozen kids, and in the dark at that. The night vision filter he'd insisted installed on the cameras helped considerably; Adams was glad that he'd put his foot down when the pencil-pushers had groused about the budget he was demanding. Without the eerie green glow they'd have been relying on the kids to keep themselves lit up. They'd had night vision much of the rest of the time, in the past, it just became more important than ever when the contestants were wearing mechanical leashes.

He huffed, went to retrieve his darts, and there was a knock at the trailer's entrance. Adams turned, dart in hand to regard his visitor, hovering in the doorway. Brown haired, balding, kind've weasel-looking- ahhh, right. Charrell's sidekick. Porr? Parr, that was it.

"What is it, Lieutenant?"

Parr saluted. "Call for you, sir."

Great, another bureaucrat trying to get their dirty paws involved in things, no doubt. "I'm pretty busy, Lieutenant."

The technician shifted from foot to foot. "Ah... it's on the satellite link, sir. It's The General."

Adams paused. "...Keep an eye on things."

"Yes sir."

Tossing the dart to the floor Adams stepped out into the dismal morning.


The PA's activation was heralded with humming - tuneful, this time. Until, at least, one picked up on the melody. Adams was humming 'Old MacDonald'. Two whole verses worth of it, in fact.

"...he had a cow, ee ay ee ay oh.

Morning kiddos. If you're still alive to hear me then it's time for a big ol' 'congratulations' from Uncle Sam. Overnight we officially passed the halfway mark of this little game of ours. That's right - you've outlasted better than fifty percent of the field, so either you've got the right idea or you're luckier than most. Here's a tip for you though, before you get too excited; luck can only carry you so far. I've buried a lot of lucky men. I've buried fewer ruthless ones.

Anyhow - first not to make the grade yesterday was Stephanie Moon, when she took a walk in the lake. Next time I really hope the lottery doesn't hit a school for the clinically depressed, almost as many of you have offed yourselves as been killed, dammit.

Maxim Senders learned at the hands of Brian Callison that if you're going to have a tearful reunion, it's best to watch your back, lest said reunion become even more tearful. Callison notches up another, Senders sputters out.

Not to be outdone though, Callison's partner in crime notched up one for himself when he wasted Amanda White, who to be honest was doing well just to get that far. Broken arm, people, you could learn a little from her. Not too much though, Damien Stone did kill her, after all.

Next down the line, one I wasn't sure which way to go with, but in the end we called it a suicide - sorry Callison - Felicia LaChapelle tested our lovely collar technology. It works. i.e. yes it explodes if you pull it. Don't do that. They are expensive.

Aaron Chalmers took a smash to the head from Anastasia Flores relatively early in the time period, and looked to be out of the woods but them head injuries are tricky things... full marks for perseverance, kiddo - but you were close and no cigar. Eventually it did for him.

And the timing meant that whilst elsewhere she was having a bit of a bitchfit - has to be that time of the month - our Anastasia scored a double kill when she took out Jonathan Roberts. Spicy little thing, ain't she?"

Seventeen between you and your ticket out of here. Mull on that.

Oh, and DZs are clear, apart from the Stone Circle. Joining it, we have the Scorched Ruin, Meandering Stream and Crag Cabin.

Hope you got those. I'm not saying them twice.

I'll see you in twelve."


Anastasia Flores (Namira)
Bailey Williams (Jimmydalad)
Brian Meyerhold Callison (Aura)

"As normal you have three days to submit any cards and a further seven days to have the death completed.

You also have three days to vacate any dangerzones or risk death via collar detonation. Best bet is to not leave it to other people to help you clear out."

Sorry Chrome is being a whore.
Well, three.

Yup. Let's do this thang.
//roll-dice 1-sides 18
Also the code is in the thread.
...And that didn't work

AWESOME ROLLS STUFF rolled 1 18-sided die: 14
Anastasia Flores (Namira)
And of course I roll myself.

AWESOME ROLLS STUFF rolled 1 18-sided die: 6
3 mins ago
Bailey Williams (Jimmydalad)

AWESOME ROLLS STUFF rolled 1 18-sided die: 12
Brian Meyerhold Callison (Aura)

2 mins ago

...How do I log this? Just copy paste?
Yeah basically.[/spoiler]