In which it is ascertained that danger zones do, in fact, make you blow up

To the south of the town, following the only trail that seems to have been deliberately made into a path, there is the ruins of what may have once been some form of lodge. However, the building has been gutted by fire, leaving only ashes and blackened timber - an empty shell. The one thing that's clear is that whatever the building was, it was rather large, the wreckage indicating a number of distinct 'rooms'. The entire place is quietly ominous, unhelped by the pines encroaching on the ruins, nor the fact that the layout of the ruins makes it impossible to keep an eye on the entirety of the surroundings.
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In which it is ascertained that danger zones do, in fact, make you blow up


Post by Mini_Help »

((Dan Orvall continued from They Think It's All Over...))

Stabbing himself had not been the best of ideas. Dan was beginning to wonder whether something might just perhaps be seriously wrong with him.

Another point in favor of that idea was that he was right now standing near one of those danger zones they'd all been warned about. He'd seen another pair of guys down there, in the ruins, had heard them planning. He'd been considering going up to them and trying to tell them that Marley and Johnathan had attacked him. Those two boys would probably be besmirching his name, and he'd have to work his angles right to have a chance against someone already primed by their version of things. A friend or two, especially two decently athletic looking sorts, would go a long way towards keeping him safe.

Only, the announcements had come on, and the boys had cleared out too quickly for Dan to follow them, and now he was all alone on the outskirts of the burned building.

Dan wasn't quite sure why he was still staring into the ruin. It drew him, in a way. He liked what it represented. That was how all civilization ended. He couldn't say for sure if there had been pain and suffering, but he could guess. That was what this country brought, pain and suffering.

That had excited him, a little earlier. He hadn't quite figured out why, but it seemed to matter. People changed.

Dan was changing too. That was sort of scary.

How would things turn up if he kept this up? Would he make it to the end? Would it be worth it? He'd thought it might, but in this moment, he was having some doubts.

He knew he'd walked into the danger zone because his collar gave a beep. It made him jump. He'd sort of expected this to be instant, and now that it wasn't it was making him nervous. He considered making a run for it, apologizing, but he wasn't some government toady and if he was gonna make a stand and stop himself from going wrong he might as well at least do it right.

So he just stood there as the beeps grew longer and longer, and his heart raced but he didn't say anything.

Then, with a pop, everything stopped.
M16, Dan Orvall: DECEASED
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