I Know You


Pines dot the entire valley to a greater or lesser extent. However, it's the eastern slopes of the valley that the trees grow thickest. Here, the trunks are so close together that visibility doesn't extend beyond a few metres, light has difficulty filtering through, and a carpet of needles muffles footsteps completely. Added to the steep terrain, and the stand is not a place many would feel comfortable in for long.
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I Know You


Post by Namira »

((Tas continued from Cowards Die Many times))

It was starting to get a little hard to remember why she'd left the town in the first place. Underneath the tree cover was at least, warmer than things had been back out in the open, but Tas was still wrapped up tightly in the jacket she'd found in her bag. This late though, and it was beginning to get dark, the temperature dropping. Tas wasn't sure what she made of her chances out here. she was already having to squint into the darkness, and whilst visibility was low, a torch would be like a beacon.

The gun wasn't much of a comfort either. If she couldn't hit a stationary can in broad daylight, what hope would she have under these kinds of conditions? Tas was starting to hate the weapon; it was a false reassurance. The only reason she hadn't dumped the thing was because so long as other people didn't realise she was a poor shot, she could keep something of a bluff going. On the other hand...

Tas stopped for a moment, eyes narrowed. Instincts told her that actually being a good shot would be better, yet... that would mean shooting properly, shooting to kill, even, and that didn't sit well with her. It wasn't... Tas had spent a number of years hating most of her classmates, but dammit, that wasn't her. She wasn't a killer. She... she didn't think she was a killer.

The announcement had plenty to say about her classmates. All names she knew, not all of them well, but names she knew. Patriot High was small enough for Tas to recognise people in her year. One stuck out more than others; Clara, who Tas had played soccer with - until she'd been banned from the team, at least. That made her pull up a little. Clara was nice enough, most of the time. That she'd kill someone made Tas... uneasy.

She shivered.

Fuck this, too cold. Back to the town.

((Continued in In Hindsight, This Was A Terrible Idea))
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