Second Chances, Third Announcement

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Second Chances, Third Announcement


Post by MurderWeasel »

Day Four (June 21, 2012): 9:00 AM
Weather: The coolest day yet. While not exactly cold, things are definitely a bit chillier. The sky is overcast, lightly at first, but as the day progresses it gets more so. By 3:00 PM, rain has begun to fall. Sporadic, light-to-moderate showers continue until around 6:30 PM, at which point things clear up a little more. The sky is clear tonight. Tonight is two nights after the new moon.
Another day, another set of deaths. The progress was steady. In fact, things could already be said to be winding down. Nearly two thirds of the students had been eliminated, and it seemed as though the more aggressive members of the competition weren't planning on slowing their pace any. Danya was already starting to consider how things could be handled from here out. He suspected it wouldn't be more than three more days, at the absolute most. It was possible that everything would even end in the next twenty-four hours, but that seemed improbable, given how the violence had slowed in the last day.

It wasn't that important. Everything would end, one way or another. He'd even blow all the collars if he had to. He doubted it would be necessary, but there was always the chance the final handful would decide to drag their heels. Well, there'd be time to worry about that as it got closer. It wasn't like he had some particular emotional investment in seeing one of the kids actually survive.

Danya yawned, stretched, and leaned forward, ready to start the broadcast for the day.

"Good morning, kids," he said. "It's been another busy day for all of you. I hope you realize how privileged you are to still be around. It's like you're a little club, one with only fourteen members. Yes, that's right: only fourteen of you are still alive. Chins up, though. Your chances of surviving are increasing with every kill.

"Speaking of kills, here's what happened yesterday. Adam Reeves continued to show his penchant for brutality, targeting Nicole Husher. Ask him if you want the details. I don't recommend it.

"After that, two of our resident wannabe survivors faced off. It was a close call, but Jennifer Steinman beat out Paige Strand for the title of surviving amoral-freak-girl. Or, well, one of a few, now that I think about it. After all, April Stone also got another mark to her name, shooting dead Augustus MacDougal. I mean, technically the fall probably finished him off, but she gave gravity a good assist.

"Lyn Burbank collapsed and bled to death, courtesy of a parting shot inflicted by Carol Burke, a friend of Ms. Burbank's victim from before. Nice one, Ms. Burke. Dead is dead, regardless of whether you stick around to see your handiwork. I admire the ability to take a long view instead of going for instant gratification.

"Janet Claymont beat Kari Nichols to death, using a wrench. It was probably justified, though. Poor Kari had a few screws loose.

"Jennifer Steinman showed up once again, managing to stab Anthony Rollins to death with a machete. I just have to say, that's gotta hurt. You kids would be a lot less brutal if you took the time to figure out how your weapons are actually supposed to be used. Never change.

"Last, but not least, Jessica Vogel was shot by Karl Chalmers, bringing Mr. Chalmers to two kills.

"It's supposed to rain today, so I suggest you find some shelter. Specifically, I recommend you go somewhere besides The Lookout Tower, The Eastern Shore, The Makeshift Hospital, The Helipad, The Ruined Mansion, and The Inland Lake. For those who are a bit slow writing things down, I'll sum up: You're allowed in The Mall, The Jungle, The Resort Hotel, and The Lighthouse.

"Enjoy your time. Do some shopping. Visit the spa. Nobody likes an ugly corpse.

"I'll talk to some of you later. Good luck."

And, because it's that time again, the rolls:

1. Charlene Norris (decoy73)
2. Adam Reeves (Slayer)
3. Nicholas Reid (Rattlesnake) - Janet Claymont (Slamexo, Hero Card used)

As always, three days to play cards and escape danger zones. Five further days for deaths.
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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