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The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:27 pm
by Rattlesnake
((Kari Nichols continued from Let's Go to the Mall!))

It was the third day, and Kari had nothing to show for it. No weapons, no kills, no partners, and very little in the way of food and water. By itself, of course, having her hands free of blood was somewhat of a boon, but it was a tenable advantage at best. Aside from the fact that kills meant food, water, weaponry, and the like, she was working with a huge psychological disadvantage. She could hold no sense of intimidation over anyone, having no weapons and no prior experience at killing, but she couldn't deny the edge of fear that pressed against her chest with each name on the announcements. She was alone, hungry, thirsty, hands unexperienced and conscious as yet untested. She was surviving, but she wasn't thriving.

But that was about to change.

She unzipped her hoodie, shaking out her ponytail and wiping the sweat from her brow. Her target was out in the open now, and it would do no good to raise suspicion by keeping up her camouflage despite all sweltering reason as she approached. She stepped out onto the sparkling sand, feeling the sudden wall of radiant heat roll over her body, spiraling up the flare of her jeans and clasping invisible hands over her face. One hand reached almost instinctively for her Rubik's cube to steady her nerves as she took her first steps out onto the sparkling sand, scrambling it absentmindedly as she walked towards her prey. And she was nervous, as she should be. She'd been trailing Janet for a bit, and figured that she was alone. That was good. But all that did, really, was even the odds. Janet was about as tall as her, with a similar build, maybe even a bit stronger or faster from her cheerleading. And she had a weapon. Not a good one, but still something. That was a given, though; there would be no point in targeting someone without one. She wasn't about to kill someone over a piece of bread, after all. But she had to win, and to win she needed a weapon. And to get a weapon, well, they didn't come from nowhere.

She figured she was close enough now. She looked up, slipping the birthday invitation out of her pocket and waving her arm over her head.

"Oi! Janet! Don't worry, I just got this crap for my weapon."

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:54 pm
by Slam
((Janet Claymont continued from Body Count))

Where was she even going anymore? Did she hope that if she wandered around the island long enough, something might pop up and point out what she needed to do get out alive? Would she wind up on a boat to freedom now that she’d ended up on the coast?

Of course not. At that point, Janet was just lost in a trance as the island kept gaining new and new victims every hour, whilst she spent every day avoiding a new killer. The thought that anyone was coming to rescue them was becoming less and less believable, as the kills grew and grew in number. The fact that she’d wound up on the shore was just coincidence.

She had been walking through the jungle without any direction in mind once again, this time ending up arriving at the eastern coast as the midday sun hung in the sky. The sea was a welcome sight after the countless trees she’d ended up walking through since she’d left the mall two days ago now, the time between there and then almost feeling seamless save for the few encounters in between. The fact that it was that way, for her at least, was probably a blessing.

Sand had already crept into her trainers as she stared out into the ocean, not another source of land in sight, just an endless seam of ocean between her and freedom. There was no point swimming out, not with nowhere to be seen; no escape from her and her classmates’ Alcatraz. It had only taken a few seconds for the ocean to change from being a sight to behold to something that was practically laughing at her.

She hadn’t noticed Kari trailing her, not even for a second. Between the days of her classmates killing each other and her camping in an uncharted wilderness, the stray sound of a snapping branch in the woods around her didn’t even register. The threat of anyone killing her was still out of Janet’s mind, ever since Sidney had backed down without a scratch back on day one. She wasn’t alert.

So when she finally heard Kari call out to her, her reaction was far more reflexive than anything else, spinning around her whole body to find the source of the shout that had broken through her pointless daydreaming.

“Oh, Kari.” She said after a brief moment, unsure of what to make of the new face whilst her heart was raced quietly in surprise.

Kari Nichols: another smart kid. Too smart for any of the classes she was in, but that was about all she knew about her. That was starting to become a trend.

She opted to lower her wrench, if only for now. Apparently she didn’t have anything but a piece of paper for her weapon, not like everyone else she’d met with their knives and guns, or her and her stainless wrench. She’d never had any problems with her, at least not that she remembered, so she was probably fine. She couldn’t remember hearing her name on the announcements either, but she couldn’t really remember any of them at that point.

She was probably okay.

“…holding out?”

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:54 pm
by Rattlesnake
Kari gazed across the sand, sizing up her prey. She didn't seem particularly scared, which was good. The thought of chasing off her target prematurely not only sent a shock of annoyance through her, but a twinge of fear as well. She needed all of that food, weaponry, confidence, experience in short order. A dozen and a half of her classmates were dead now, and every weapon they'd held had a new owner. The lonely and weaponless were whittling down fast. She couldn't afford not to score here, could hardly even afford her position after she did. She'd need something else in short order. She couldn't wait until there were five people left with every gun, sword, and bludgeon on the island standing against her and her pathetic wrench. That would come later, though. For now, she needed to be friendly. Amiable. Just needed to get close.

She regarded Janet's greeting, considering briefly how to answer. The truth, she decided, would be best. Not all of it, but a good part of it. The truth was always the simplest, especially when she had nothing to hide. At least not about anything she'd done so far.

"Good. Oh, I'm Sorry..."

Her voice sounded weak in her ears, and it didn't seem very friendly to be shouting from such a distance. She broke off her response, jogging forward to a more neighborly distance where she could take a conversational tone without soft sand and crashing waves eating away her words before continuing her response.

"Mm, yeah. I'm good. Kind of. I mean, I haven't died yet, that's doing pretty well, I guess?" She chuckled, then drew her face into a more serious expression. "It's been of lonely, though. And scary. Sleeping in the jungle, hiding from people with swords and whatnot. I just want to hang with someone who won't cut my throat the minute I turn around, you know? Kind of a weird thing to say, but I guess it's true."

"Enough about me, though. How have you been? Managing it all by yourself?"

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:43 pm
by Slam
Janet’s fingers gripped around her wrench again as Kari walked towards her, comforting her yet again in the face of another unknown situation. She seemed okay so far, no spears in her face or threatening to kill her if she was a murderer, but the wrench put her at ease all the same, just by being there in her hand.

Janet wasn’t prepared for Kari to open up for her, nor had she even expected it. She was scared, just like herself, that someone was going to come along and try to kill her just for being there, just because those were the rules of this sick island. She wanted the same thing she did in this fucked up thing.

She nodded in agreement, her hand relaxing. The fact that Kari actually seemed to still be goddamn sane throughout this, miles ahead of pretty much everyone else she’d met so far, was all that Janet needed to hear to let her guard down.

“Yeah, I’m…I don’t know.” She began, shaking her head as she failed to find the words. “Everyone’s gone fucking nuts, you know? I’m running out of ideas here Kari, I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Shit, she was tearing up. She wiped her eyes, trying to hide the stress that was eroding her every day, but her face remained as screwed up as she felt regardless of her wishes.

“Everyone’s gone fucking nuts, you know? Just fucking killing each other, left and right.”


Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:26 pm
by Rattlesnake
Kari relaxed as Janet spoke, dropped her bag onto the soft sand. The truth, it seemed, was paying off. It was all looking easier and easier. She'd struck a chord with Janet, said something that she'd taken to heart, left her not just approachable but downright vulnerable.

If only she'd had a real weapon, she thought bitterly, Janet would be finished already. But she didn't and she wasn't, and there were still measures to be taken. The wrench was still dangerous. She could get close enough even now, but that wasn't enough to ensure her safety. She needed to get into a position where Janet couldn't get the leverage for a good swing. And she knew just how to do that.

She smiled warmly, slipping her cube into her pocket and stepping forward with her arms spread wide.

"Aw, c'mere."

She wrapped her arms around Janet, pulling her close and squeezing her in a hug. She moved her hands gently up and down, sounding out her back and shoulders, trying to get a feel for their relative strength. Janet was fit and strong, worryingly so. The element of surprise would be a necessity, but one she most certainly possessed. Janet was weak, unsteady, on the verge of tears. She, Kari, was focused, ready, coiling herself even now to strike like a snake. She had strength, too, she thought, flexing her fingers slightly. Strength where it mattered.

Kari stood on her toes, leaning forward, pressing their cheeks together, drawing herself in until Janet's harried breathing was loud and hot on the side of her face. She spoke quietly, comfortingly, lips inches from Janet's ear.

"Don't worry. Don't worry about it. It'll be fine."

She smiled again, broadly. She didn't know if she would have been able to find the words had it all been real. But now, leading her prey gently into the trap, it all came so easily. Naturally. Patting her on the back, holding her close, taking a good, deep breath before she struck. One last beat before it all broke free. Either she was trembling with excitement now or Janet was shaking with grief. It didn't matter now. She dropped her voice to a whisper.

"It'll all be over in a minute."

She slid her hands up Janet's back, fastened them around her neck, and squeezed.

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:39 pm
by Slam
The next thing she knew Kari and her were locked in a hug, and all of Janet’s uncertainty swept away.

Awkwardness filled that spot instead.

She was still glad that Kari hadn’t threatened her, wanted to not die along with her, but suddenly she had found herself in a tight embrace with the girl that she barely knew. At the same time, Kari seemed to be making a time of rubbing her back for whatever reason. It wasn’t really as comforting as Kari had probably meant for it to be.

It was still comforting though.

“Yeah, thanks Kari.” She said, gently patting her new friend back as she waited for her to finish getting her hugs out, enjoying what she could of the moment whilst it lasted; if nothing else, it had stopped her from losing it in a moment ago and breaking down right there and then.

But Kari was quite committed to breaking her down.

Her words on her ear were confusing, but undeniably startling, in their ambiguity. She tried to ask Kari what she meant, get her to explain that she was saying anything apart from that tiny, terrifying possibility that had been trying to claw its way into her head ever since she'd first met Sidney all those days ago. Before she could even catch a breath, however, Kari’s bony fingers had begun to crush her throat.

“Kari!” she barely said, breath choked in her mouth as the words struggled to come out, her throat trapped under a set of relentless finger tips. Kari never let up though, her grip only growing stronger around Janet’s neck as she began to suffocate, the breath in her body flailing for release.

She tried to shove Kari off, arms springing outwards between the two in desperation, but the snake had worked her arms right under Janet’s pits, hooking herself onto her and killing any leverage she had. In her panic, the wrench that had kept her company for the entire game slipped from her fingers, falling to the ground below with a defeated thud, whilst Janet continued struggling more feebly against the girl whose hands felt tighter every second: seconds that were rapidly dwindling in number.


Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:15 pm
by Rattlesnake
Kari had to acknowledge a faint pang of - Guilt? Regret? Wistfulness? when her hands closed around Janet's neck. It would have been a tempting proposition to just go with her lie, turn her disarming approach into sincere, if a bit touchy-feely, caring. Maybe Janet would have agreed to stick with her if she'd asked, to team up and destroy any opposition they encountered, armed or unarmed. That was just an idle dream, though, and she knew it. After all, even if she did accept and they did cut their way through the competition, it wasn't like they really knew each other that well, and gambling that even a close friend would abstain from killing her in her sleep was a shaky proposition. She didn't need that kind of baggage. She didn't need any help now. She was stepping up, playing the game, taking control.

She stared intently, almost unseeingly, all her attention devoted to her hands. Focusing on squeezing tighter, harder, on not letting Janet take a single breath, hands beginning to shake from exertion. Her thumbs pressed cruelly inward, pushing against the bones of Janet's throat, pinkies sliding over the smooth metal of her victim's collar. Every second solidified her advantage, denied Janet's muscles of precious oxygen, made it harder and harder for her to fight back.

Yet fight she did. Or tried to, at least. She'd worked her arms between them, trying to shove Kari off forcefully. Trying to derail her ultimate victory. The thought drilled its way into her skull, added itself to the swirling maelstrom of excitement and adrenaline. There was no way she was going to lose. Why was Janet even trying any more? She leaned back, looking at Janet's pathetic, reddening face, feeling her own rage grow. Her muscles seemed to be bunching of their own accord, shoving back violently. Showing her who was in control here.

And then, just as suddenly, she was pitching forward, dragged toward the ground by her grip on Janet's neck. What exactly had happened to her, what she'd tripped over or whether she'd just fallen of her own accord, Kari didn't know. All she knew was that she was falling, and she'd thrown her arms out instinctively to stop her fall, and Janet was gasping, and -


She pushed herself up off the soft sand, shaking out her hair, ignoring the pain in her hip where she'd landed on her Rubik's cube. It better not have broken, but of course there was probably sand in it now, and she was going to have to wipe it out almost as thoroughly as she was about to wipe Janet's pathetic little gasping life off the face off the earth.

She didn't care for subtlety any more, or for strategy. She had determination, she had adrenaline, and she was going to finish the job. Curling her hands into claws, kicking up sprays of sand behind her, she launched herself at Janet.

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:29 am
by Slam
The moment had been so brief, barely any time at all, but when Kari’s footing gave way and her grip loosened, all the fear that had begun to make time seem meaningless was forced back by the fresh wave of air in her lungs.

The blue sky above her became frozen in her mind as she spluttered for air, her heart racing to refill her body with breath, the all-consuming terror from a moment ago just waiting for the opportunity to grab her again. Kari scrambled in the sand next to her, trying to get back on to her and finish her off for good.

Barely giving her the second she needed to survive, her attacker contorted her claws and she pounced on to Janet in a spray of sand. Her arms lacked power, strength, as they tried to breathe again after being starved for so long, and all she could do was bat feebly as Kari’s arms lunged for her throat, one second taking hold and the next being knocked loose again, the two trading cuts and scratches in between. It was a deadly flurry that just needed Janet to slip up once, and she’d never have the strength to break free again. Sand whirled around them as their arms whipped through it, enshrouding the two in their own little murder world as they both grew more desperate.

She didn’t even notice her wrench the first time her arm was knocked into it, the one solid thing in the sea of sand around them barely standing out in her last chance at life. It was only the second time, when her hand landed on it in an open palm, that she recognized the grip that she’d cherished the entire game for comfort, and a flicker of hope, buried behind terror and instinct, entered her mind. Her last chance to survive this.

Her hand fought hard to get a grip on the steel wrench, none of her limbs moving straight between fending off Kari and still trying to regain some strength from the ordeal before, but she was finally spared an opportunity as her hands dug through to sand, clenching on to her last life line.

Channeling all the strength she could still muster into her one heavy weapon, she swung as hard as she had ever for what could only hope to have been Kari’s head.

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:33 am
by Rattlesnake
Kari crashed into Janet, struggling for grip, jockeying for position amid kicks and yells and elbows. It was all so fast, so violent, now. She didn't have time to sit there and watch Janet's face cycle from red to blue to ghostly white. But still she dove in, clawing at her victim's throat. If she couldn't crush it, she decided, she'd simply rip it out.

But she couldn't. No matter how much she tried, every grapple was broken, every punch absorbed, every scratch returned with interest. Desperation colored her thoughts. Had she picked the wrong target? She couldn't simply back off. There would be no apologies here. The weaker girl would end up limp and lifeless on the shore, and the stronger one would walk away. And with every passing second, Janet was looking more and more like the latter and less and less like the former.

The thought sent renewed vigor surging through her muscles. She wasn't going to give up that easily. She had the strength, the drive, lightning-fast reflexes. She blocked one blow, returned with her own. Yes. That was good. she was rallying, ready to beat her into submission. She could see the desperation in Janet's eyes as she backed away, scrabbling pitifully for something to help her come out on to-

Something glinted at the edge of her vision, and then it blacked out entirely.

Sand filled her mouth, and a dull, pounding ache filled her head. She blinked back the tears clouding her sight. She had to move, had to get up, had to... what was she doing? Wrestling with someone? Why would she be wrestling? That wasn't right. Something else, then. Having a party, wasn't it? That seemed like the right answer. And she'd fallen down because of something, so if she just pushed herself back up...

The dull ache exploded into a riot of pain as she moved. She collapsed, sending another shockwave of agony reverberating off the inside of her skull, forcing a gasp and then a scream through her throat. She curled her knees to her chest, grabbing at her temple with her hands. Warm moisture met her touch, and something moved under her grasping fingers. Something that wasn't hair.

She let out a second scream, choked with tears. How long had she been crying? She didn't remember starting. She just knew that she was on the ground, and all she could hear was ringing laughter. Or ringing ringing, which didn't make any sense. But she was crying, and she was lying on the ground, and why wouldn't they just leave her alone, or help her up? What kind of friends were they?

"Not... funny," she managed to choke out. "l'me gedup."

But she couldn't get up, because someone was kneeling over her, holding her down by the head. And pushing, always pushing, bouncing up and down to the rhythm of her own heartbeat, pushing in waves, harder and harder until one crest was just the trough of the next.

"Stoppit! Geddoff!"

Why were they doing that? Was she being punished for something? She remembered something about having to kill someone. Was that it? Did she hurt someone? That wasn't right though, because when that had happened she was just really scared and someone gave her a hug and she felt warm and nice and anyways it was a dream, she knew, because she remembered how it was like a week ago and then she woke up and they couldn't read her mind could they, she'd just go to sleep if they did because they couldn't read her mind while she was sleeping, everyone knew that, besides she had a dreamcatcher over her bed which meant, meant, it meant tha

She closed her eyes and snuggled into the sand.

G12 Kari Nichols: Deceased
16 Students Remaining

Re: The Most Dangerous Game

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:55 pm
by Slam
Luck finally took pity on Janet as her wrench connected with Kari’s head, smashing into bone and flesh in a punishing blow. In that instant their fight froze, Janet trapped underneath Kari as her body tried to comprehend the hit she had taken.

Then Janet could move again, as Kari fell on to the ground next to her from the force of the blow. Janet grasped in desperation at her chance to not die and scrambled away from her attacker, her throat still burning whilst she tried to regain control of the senses that were swimming back to her.

She watched as Kari struggled to regain her footing, but failed to do so. She was still grasping the wrench in her hand, blood having finally stained its metal frame. She panted for air as her classmate felt the blood under her fingers.

She had got in a good blow, Janet realized, enough to really take Kari out of it. She gritted her teeth in anxiety of the moment where Kari would turn around again, teeth bared and ready to try to murder her again, but that moment never came. Instead Kari had fallen completely into the ground, not even trying to raise a hand against her again. She never would.

“Shit.” Janet whispered, eyeing up the dying girl in front of her.

She didn’t know what to make of it.

She got to her feet and ran.

((Janet Claymont continued in Lost))