Carp Diem

Seas the Day: We are Day 6 now! (Now PM first) Content Warning: Graphic Grossness

These bubbling, oozing black pools found on the island's north-eastern side have a sinister appearance. Largely avoided by the miners, the tar pits are found in a grassy expanse of land with a few signs posted containing warnings; over the years, sunlight and rain has worn and corroded some of these signs almost but not quite to the point of unreadability.The biggest pits are obvious at a glance, but smaller patches or tar sometimes burst through the surface unexpectedly, and a number are hidden beneath underbrush. What cannot be mistaken, however, is the strong odor of tar which permeates the whole area.
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Post by Cake »

"You're really- serious about this."

Wendy stood up, staring at the still sleeping Irene, then to her pack and cooler.

The other girl coughed, weeped, snorted up her sniffles. It was a sorry sight to witness this misery. All hope was quickly leaning toward a non-entity for this one.

"Aren't you."
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Post by Aura »

Yumi remained on the ground when Wendy stood up. She couldn't pinpoint the emotion in Wendy's voice as the other girl talked down to her. Was it pity? Disappointment? She was hard to read, in part since Yumi had to wipe her eyes before she could manage to look up at her.

"I'm s-sorry." An apology escaped her lips as she tried to explain herself further. "It's the killers and the kidnappers. I don't want th-them to get to me."

She had to understand. She already said that she didn't want anyone to suffer.

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"I understand."

Wendy walked over to her pack and cooler, tugging them along with her, back to the sitting girl. She sat too.

"Would you mind if I take a moment to consider? It'll only take a minute."
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Yumi put her head down and wiped her eyes, giving Wendy the time she needed to think it through.
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"Thank you," Wendy spoke as she turned her attention in a different direction.

The igloo lid went up and Wendy gandered down at the contents inside.

"What do you think we should do, Mr. Dolph?"

Wendy went completely stone-still, staring, unmovingly, inside the blue cooler for almost exactly a minute of uninterrupted silence.
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Mr. Dolph?

Wait, what was she talking about? Yumi had a good memory, but she didn't necessarily need it to remember seeing Mr. Dolph get shot on the bus. It was glued to her mind, and if it hadn't been for all of the other traumas that she had encountered on the island, it would probably have stuck out a lot more. Instead, it was only the first of many steps that had ultimately taken her to the edge. That didn't have anything to do with why Wendy was suddenly bringing him up again after so long, though. Was she missing something here?

She looked up to see Wendy staring into a cooler. She didn't move, and she didn't react to anything. She just looked inside, like it was some sort of strange meditation. Yumi had no clue what to make of it, and she didn't consider herself to be in much of a position to argue.

Yumi wordlessly observed the ritual. She wondered what was going through Wendy's head, and where it would lead her.
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Wendy finally spoke, carefully shutting the igloo lid, eyes gazing directly through Yumi.

"How would you like this to happen."
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Post by Aura »

She... she was really going to help? No lies, no jokes, she was going to help?

Apparently that was it. She was going to help Yumi die.

"Okay, um..." She had thought about how she wanted to die, but now that the time was approaching, and she actually had to say it, it was harder than she had expected to put the words into form. "After I f-fall asleep, I want you to s-shoot me in the head. Through the brain, s-so it'll shut everything down before I feel anything."

She swallowed hard and admitted the next part of her plan as her voice threatened to break up again.

"I want to die when I'm asleep s-so I won't have to see it coming." Her hands were wringing themselves without her intention, her anxiety having moved all the way to her fingers. "And I won't have to be s-scared."
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Mr. Dolph was right to remind her. Maybe it would be better, more merciful to put Yumi down herself rather than to let her suffer some more at the hands of the players and makers.

Her promise to herself could still be made. Helping Yumi with what she wanted. Helping a friend of her friend, turned friend.

"I could. But how," Wendy didn't have the means to achieve what Yumi was asking.

Was she even able to sleep knowing full well what would be happening or had Wendy already given Yumi something she needed. Peace of mind.
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Oh, that's right. She didn't know what weapons Wendy had. She hadn't seen her wield anything, unless the cooler counted as a weapon, which it very well could be for all she knew. That wouldn't do Yumi much good in her desires, though. And from the way she was talking, she didn't have a gun to do the deed, so the cooler may very well have been all she had. It really didn't seem much to speak of.

That issue was easy to fix, though. Yumi reached to her side and picked her gun off the ground. The weapon she had been carrying since the beginning. A firearm that she had tried to teach herself how to wield, but never actually got around to using. A gun issued to someone who simply wasn't a gun person. After being carried around the island for so long, it was finally going to have a purpose.

She switched the safety back on, hearing that click for what was probably the final time. She took the gun of the barrel in her hand and held the grip towards Wendy, offering her the weapon.

"Here." She stated, her voice mostly devoid of the struggling that it had been afflicted with for the past few minutes, creating quite the contrast. "You can keep it when you're done."
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"Are you sleepy?"
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Post by Aura »

Yumi felt the weight of the gun leave her hand, feeling like Wendy was lifting a burden from her mind in the process.

"Kind of." She yawned, quickly providing solid evidence for her statement. "I was too f-freaked out to sleep last night, s-so I'm feeling pretty tired now."

She rubbed her eyes as another, heavier yawn came through. Now that her adrenaline from earlier was running out, she was really feeling the full effects of panic-induced sleep deprivation. BUt at least now that there was someone to watch over her, she could feel a little more comfortable about going to sleep.

"S-so I should probably lie down now, right?"
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"Thank you for this."


"Your gift is greatly appreciated."

Her fingers wrapped around the cold metal and lifted it to Yumi's sight more like bearing a chalice rather than brandishing a firearm.

She had made it this far without one, without the power that made everyone else mighty. The means to obliterate their teacher's head or Sebastien's, tear apart Kasumi at the knees, ground a huge boy like Everett. To intimidate and have others fear you, if you wanted them to.

Theo proved it with his threats not too long ago, afterall. But still she had stayed strong, brave like she promised for everyone's sake. Proved she didn't initially need one. That her smarts and social game had managed to carry her through. Until she ultimately won one.

Yes. You are smart. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself. Thank you Mr. Dolph.

"There," Wendy pointed at a cozy spot, neatly arranged near some bushes and shaded by trees. "It's where I slept last night."

"Just snore when you're ready," Wendy joked to ease the atmosphere, wondering if there were any more bullets than this. "Careful, don't wake Irene. She might not like this plan."
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Oh right, Irene. Yumi had been so busy pouring her heart out to Wendy and trying to convince her to go along with her request that she had forgotten that there was a third person involved. Like Wendy said, she wasn't sure if Irene would be too happy with the arrangement that they had in place, but it was too late to change things now. Her mind was made up. This was what she wanted.

Yumi got to her feet, and the effect of her drowsiness hit more much more than she expected. She felt unsteady as she walked over to the little spot that Wendy had pointed out for her. She carefully laid herself down and stared up at the sky. This was it. She just had to close her eyes and let nature take its course.

She tried, and laid there for a few moments, but for some reason, she couldn't quite send herself off to sleep. For how tired she was, it was bizarre. Like she wasn't quite ready to drift off yet, despite all evidence to the contrary.

She needed help.

She didn't want to be a bother to Wendy, considering all that she had already agreed to help Yumi with, but at this point, one more small favor shouldn't be a breaking point, or at least Yumi hoped it wouldn't be. Yumi opened her eyes and looked over to her.

"Wendy?" She called to her, trying not to be too loud in order to avoid waking Irene. "Can you come here?"
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Post by Cake »

"Are you okay."

Wendy walked over to her, resting the open cooler next to where Yumi lay.

"If not, we can keep you company."
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