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Re: Water Under the Bridge

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:11 am
by Cake
Delilah pulled back when she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

She didn't want anyone touching her, not after what had just happened.

Through tears she could see another girl, up the slope near one of the bridges. Had this other girl seen her kill Richard too? Unlike Clair or even Sam, Delilah wasn't sure she was familiar with her and that didn't give her any comfort. She had seen her kill someone in a game where the objective was to kill people. She'd never be trusted again. Not by any of them.

Worst of all, that girl was grasping onto a gun.

Her breathing picked up as she grabbed for the hilt next to her.

Sam was saying they should move out. She would. But not with him. She couldn't. She had just helped save his life and she would just be the death of him. Killing Richard would've all been a waste. Delilah was a killer now and if anyone like that girl with the gun saw Clair and Sam associated with her, they'd kill them too. She didn't need to bring them into any of it.

Her eyes stared, glued onto her two acquaintances. She couldn't doom these two. She liked them. And, what if, what if they consider her dangerous, too? After all, she had viciously stabbed a boy to death. That was certainly no accident. What if they decided it was better to get rid of her before she posed an even bigger danger down the line? People were playing this game after all. She couldn't afford to trust anyone.

She needed to get away. Especially with some girl holding a gun not too far away from them.

The sword went up, into the air, held in front of her and pointed forward, quivering in the air. She stuffed the cowbell into her pocket and grabbed the cover of her sword, backing away from them.

"No. S-stay away from me."

Delilah kept the sword up, backtracking until she felt she was far enough away. And then she ran.

She didn't even take her bag.

[[Delilah Rivers Continued To: From Where You're Kneeling.]]

Re: Water Under the Bridge

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:12 am
by Flare*
Holly stood there, helpless as she watched Richard continue to kick the ever loving crap out of them. Helpless as she say Delilah get up. Helpless as she stabbed him over and over.

Helpless as he fell over, dead.

A lot of people wonder how they would react if they saw someone die. Holly had just found out. She had no idea what to think. Many emotions, ranging from anger to sadness to depression to shock, pushed forward in her brain, fighting for attention. If there was one emotion she could feel, it was utter confusion.

"No... no way someone would die. No one would kill each other in our class. Right? Right?"

Of course, since she was only thinking this, Holly didn't get an answer.

It took several seconds for her to realize that Clair had brushed past her, running towards the scene. She couldn't see what was happening, and honestly, she couldn't care less.

She couldn't take it anymore. The annoying rush of tears happened to come back again, and she felt like throwing up. Holly needed to get out of there, fast.

The couple of tears practically turned into a river as Holly stumbled backwards, clumsily grabbing her bag in the process. She didn't really know why she was crying. Guess her body was just used to it.

Without a second thought, Holly took off running in the opposite direction. She didn't have a certain destination in mind, but that was the last thing she was thinking of. Before long, the young girls was out of sight, only leaving a very subtle and barely noticeable trail of tears in her wake.

(Holly Romero continued in The Great Elsewhere)

Re: Water Under the Bridge

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:12 am
by CondorTalon
Clair froze when the sword came up. Delilah was... pointing it at her? No... why...

"No. S-stay away from me."

"Delilah... please..." she pleaded, but Delilah wasn't listening. She kept pointing the sword at her as she backed away. Soon she was gone.

She could feel the tears come. It was amazing how all this time, everything that had happened so far, and this what was causing the tears to come. She closed her eyes, and began wiping away the tears. She looked over at Sam.

"Uh... well..." she said awkwardly, trying to think of something to say, but no words escaped her lips. Instead, her eyes fell to where Delilah's bag was resting. She walked over to it slowly, and picked it up. It felt heavy, although Clair was pretty sure that all of the bags they had were the same. She simply stared at it.

"She forgot this," she said, to no one in particular. "We should give it back, if we find her again..."

Sam had said that they should move out. Clair looked over at the corpse of Richard, unsure of what else to do at this point. She simply looked at Sam.


Re: Water Under the Bridge

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:12 am
by Iceblock
It didn't work out. Delilah pushed Clair away and held them at bay with her sabre until she fled.

Sam was already moving, as soon as she was out of sight, slinging his pack over his shoulder, even scooping up the bottle of maple syrup he'd dropped when Richard had hit him. He paused for a second as he watched Clair pick up Delilah's bag. Delilah had forgotten her bag. That's what Clair was saying. Wordlessly, Sam reached out his hand, and Clair handed the bag over. He weighed it, wincing slightly as his bruises protested the movement.

Delilah had warned them not to follow.

He took a few steps towards where she had disappeared, then remembered Clair. He turned, was only a little surprised by the appearance of another girl - Holly, he remembered from school, with a gun, fear in her eyes - but that wasn't important at the moment. She could easily have been a threat with that weapon and Sam might have been tempted to try to confiscate it for safeguarding, except that might have turned out like Richard's attempts to "safeguard" their packs and he really had something else to do. Before he could even consider what to say to the girl, if anything, she was gone.

Clair was still here, though.

"Sorry," he said. He didn't know why he was apologizing to her. "Follow me."

Sam owed Delilah nothing. He'd saved her from the mines, she'd saved him from Richard, in a way. They were even. The bag in his hands, though, told a different story. Told him that she was scared, confused. Richard had died for these packs and the thought stopped him, for a moment, but he pushed it away. It was in the past. Spilled milk, except with blood. He would have all the time later to dwell on it. Right now, he needed to focus on the present.

He slung her pack over his shoulder, and he was going after her, running, tripping, almost falling, muscles burning, probably from the bruises, maybe from exertion, but still pushing on.

((Samuel Wilson continued in Snake in the Grass))

Re: Water Under the Bridge

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:12 am
by CondorTalon
"Sorry. Follow me."

Clair had no idea what Sam was apologizing for. She simply nodded slowly. She looked back at where Holly was standing, before this all happened. She was no longer there... but where did she go? She looked back at Sam, as he slung Delilah's bag over his shoulder. He began to move out.

Clair followed.

((Clair Belvedere continued in Snake in the Grass.))