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Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:53 am
by Casey The Undead*
Jaszy laughed her ass off at Devonte's impersonation, not even bothering to cover it up. "Don't even joke Dev- you got more skills trying to be bad than that whole boys got in his pasty white body."

She took a sip of her drink, trying to get her breath back. "And stop raggin on Snowflake. She's better than any of the other white bitches in this school. Least she don't act like she owns this damn city."

As if summoned by the God of parties, Anthony made his way over, commenting on their very dark group.

"Well if it ain't the Snowflake-lover himself. Damn boy, stop acting like you a nigga- you know your ass is whiter than Wisconsin in a snow storm."

Jaszy hugged the boy briefly, still smiling.

"And we was just wondering, when are you gonna just get it over with and screw that damn Snowflake? I mean, come on boy, you making yourself look bad- chasing that white pussy around. I do believe you is whipped." To add emphasis, she made a whip cracking noise and flicked her wrist. "It's easy Anthony. Just walk on up, tell her you wanna fuck, wait till she gets distracted by some shiny object, and repeat until you've successfully gotten," she cleared her throat, "'all up in dat.'" She said the last part in as prim and prestigious a voice she could muster.

"Also, you missed all the excitement. My dear departed jackass decided he was gonna beat Devonte up, cause apparently he can't take a joke. Or dance. But naturally, Devonte, being the dumbass he is, nearly got himself killed, and I had to go save him. A-fucking-gain. What is that, the third time this week? You gotta stop picking fights with kids eight times your size. I ain't always gonna be there to hold your hand and stop the big kids from pummeling you into a little pile of black mush."

Jaszy laughed again, punching Devonte lightly in the shoulder. It was very amusing to push that kid's buttons.

"But yeah. That's all you missed. How's Snowflake? Still insane?"

Not that she didn't already know the answer to that question. The day that Anna became sane was the day that Jaszy bought out Abrecrombie and Fitch and dyed her hair blonde.

The very thought made Jaszy burst out into laughter again.

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:56 am
by BetaKnight*
"Goddamn, there's a lotta niggas over here! Who let you black motherfuckers in? Somebody need to call the cops before y'all start stealin shit. Looks like the Exxon Valdez fuckin crashed into the snack table."

Devonte waited for Jaszmine to finish her greeting before addressing Anthony. He grinned from ear to ear as he tried to give as good as the late comer gave. “Man, shut yo house slave ass up. Speaking of the Snowflake, where *is* your master? Missy Anna gonna let a nigga have a night off, since I don’t see a camera glued to your hand.”

Not waiting for Anthony’s response, he jostled Jaszmine, careful not to spill her drink. “Dayum girl. Cut a brother down,” he drawled as he leaned back and looked at her. “You act like I can control all the crazy uptight biscuits we stuck with. You’d think that growing up in the D, these motherfuckers would learn to take a joke and shit. But no, they keep their sticks firmly planted up their asses. I can’t help who they are, and I’mma be me. Why I gotta change to make them happy?”

Devonte glanced over at the fourth member of their group. “Marcus, man, back me up. Tell these fools that the shit that happened in the lunch room on Tuesday weren’t my fault. You were there when it started, before J showed up.”

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:16 am
by Fiori
((GMing of Anna and Skye done with permission))

Amber and Anna chatted for a while, laughing at each others jokes and generally conversing about whatever subjects popped into their heads at the time.

Turns out, she and her (boy?)friend Anthony were keen on filming the party for her online webseries. Well, Anna was definitely keen anyway. As far as Amber was aware, Anthony was probably more in the mood to quietly hang out with a couple of friends then run around recording everything in sight. Still, Amber couldn't really blame Anna for wanting to film it. In all honesty, she happened to be quite fond of Anna's little videos. Heck, she even went as far as begging her to co-star in a couple of them!

At the mention of alcohol, a naughty little idea sprung up in Amber's head. After all, if there was one thing she knew from attending a lot of parties, it was that the  killer combination of two girls, alcohol and a video camera usually ended with a something that was actually worth watching... IF you get my meaning. Hehe...

"Say Anna, I know what'd be cool idea..."

Before the young girl could finish her suggestion to grab a couple of drinks, a certain Skyler Thsani had decided to show up and make his acquaintance. Whilst a small part of her was SLIGHTLY annoyed at being interrupted, she knew better then to be rude. Besides, Skye was the guy (Teehee, that rhymes!) who organised the party to begin with, so he was probably entitled to being allowed to chat with whoever he pleased.

Besides, Skye was kinda cute, so who was she to complain?

"Heeey Skye, great party you've put on! LOVE the music! Did you pick all the songs yourself?"

Amber half-listened to Skye as he replied to her question, her eyes glancing to see who else had entered. She could tell out of the corner of her eye that Jaszy and Devonte's little posse had been joined by Marcus and Anthony. The young girl couldn't help but be slightly bothered by the fact that they had all decided to bundle together in some corner rather then spread out and interact with the rest of the party, especially seeing as the implications of all the black guests not wanting to interact with any of the white or Asian ones bothered her more than a little. She'd of happily joined in their conversation herself if Jaszy wasn't so overtly antagonistic towards her and Bobby...

...Speaking of which, where WAS Bobby anyway? She couldn't see him anywhere from where she was standing... Oh well, she'll try to find him later. Right now though, she was currently on a mission to get Anna a bit tipsy so she could liven up the party. Perhaps Skye could come of use here...

"Cool, cool... Oh Skye, sweetie, would you mind doing me a favour? Could you go grab me and Anna a couple of drinks? Alcoholic ones, I don't mind what kind... Thank you!"

She blew the tall boy a kiss as he went of to fetch the drinks, turning her attention back to Anna.

"Now then, where were w... Omigod, ELOISE!!!"

At that point, she spotted one of her more "popular" friends Eloise make her way through the loading bay, which was more then enough to make the young girl squee in delight. Whilst she wasn't exactly the nicest girl Amber was friends with, Eloise was definitely the type of person who she loved to hang out with. She always had some sarcastic remark to make which made her snicker, or some piece of gossip on whose sleeping with who. Plus, there was also the fact that she happened to be quite cute AND wasn't particularly bothered by Amber's casual flirting, which were both major bonus points as far as Amber was concerned.

Still, the only problem with her arrival was that meant that she couldn't hang out with both Anna AND Eloise simultaneously. As far as she was aware, neither of them were exactly the kind of people who'd get along with each other, so it'd mean having to temporarily abandon Anna once more... Oh well, I'll come back to her after she's had a couple of drinks...

"Sorry Anna, gotta split... Talk to you later!"

After giving Anna a little wave goodbye, resisting the urge to give her a quick kiss on the cheek as well, Amber rushed over to where Eloise was standing and embraced her enthusiastically, once again nearly causing her to topple over.

"ELOISE! Omigod, What took you so long to get here?!?"

After finally prying herself from her bear hug, Amber grinned playfully as she put her hands behind her back, her eyes subtly checking the other girl out.

"Let me guess... Fashionably late as usual?"

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:10 am
by Chib*
Getting closer, the music became less white noise, more of an actually audible song. One Eloise had heard, too. Not many times; it wasn't really her style, but it wasn't bad, as contemporary rap went. Certainly could've been a lot worse, to her mind.

The tall girl was just starting to look around for people worth hanging out with, when one of them spotted her first.

"Omigod, ELOISE!!!"

There was only one person that voice and those words could belong to, and sure enough, Amber Lyons bolted across the floor towards her. Eloise would later assure herself that she wasn't surprised by the half-tackle, half-hug that Amber came at her with, and that she didn't really almost fall over trying to absorb the smaller girl's momentum. Because she had Unagi. Then again, the entire "Unagi" thing had been kind of a joke, so maybe someone with it would be really unaware. It didn't really matter.

"ELOISE! Omigod, What took you so long to get here?!?"

In between finally being released from the somewhat uncomfortably tight embrace and trying to both catch a breath and formulate a reply, Eloise didn't have time to respond before the rather hyperactive Amber provided one for her.

"Let me guess... Fashionably late as usual?"

Curses, so much for the irony excuse. Instead, she adopted a different kind of irony, the same from mere moments ago in her head. Because she only watched Friends ironically, of course, she wouldn't admit to actually liking it. Which she certainly didn't. Honest.

"Well, uh, I was in the coffee house, and someone opened the door, and this raccoon came in..."

Then it occurred to Eloise that the reference would probably go over Amber's head, so she added a little laugh to let her know it was an intentional bad joke, and finished up with "Guessing you've been here a while, what did I miss?"

Around about that point, Eloise's powerful Unagi told her that Amber's eyes weren't focused anywhere near her face. It was the sort of gaze that would prompt the usual - stereotypical? - person to say "My eyes are up here." to the person doing the ogling. But then again, Eloise wasn't fictional nor a prude, and not only didn't she care about being checked out, she enjoyed the attention. Didn't matter that it was a good friend or even another girl doing it, having her looks wordlessly complimented was always a good feeling.

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:07 am
by Brackie
((Well, sorry about that, I just had to deal with schoolwork and exams and I couldn't really be bothered doing Mini for a while. I'm back btw))

((Recap ahoy!))

After Anna hopped out of the car, she gave A-Rock a wave and bounded off towards the main gate, camera in hand and ready to make some pah-row-dee.

But first, she needed to crash into something, or something needed to crash into her. REACTION SHOT! D:

She was met with a blur by the entrance, Amber, Amber was an AWESOME girl, so yeah of course she was happy to see her.

"AMBER! I'm like, doing some filming, yeah, but I'm not like gonna not have a fucking ball, huh?"

Like, oh my god, then the party got hectic! First, that guy she saw Amber hanging out with kinda looked, like, really weird. Then they went outside, with that Spanish guy, whatshisname, Manuel? Gah, no, that was Fawlty Towers, classic stuff, wrong Spanish guy. Though he MIGHT be from Barcelona...NO NO NO, WRONG TRAIN OF THOUGHT! Oh god, this party really was a ball, huh? She saw that, like, Marcus and Jazzy and Devonte guys that A-Rock always hung out with and chatted with and all that shit, and then OOOOOH AMBER HAD, LIKE, BIG NEWS! Oh wait, no she didn't, that was Anna who had big news, ANNA. ANNA HAD BIG NEWS, DIDN'T SHE.

She and Amber talked for, like, a heaps long time about what she was doing there besides getting drunk off her ASS.

Stuff happened, stuff happened, yadda yadda yadda, but that was all stuff about Amber, not really important. Like, the girl who basically begged to star in her series, like, she was a cool girl and all.

Oh, it was that guy, Skye!...who was Skye again? Nah, didn't care, but apparently Amber liked him, cause she was flirting with him left right and centre. Now, here was where Anna was jealous of her friend, cause, like, that was one of the things Anna couldn't do! Flirting! It was one of those INCY WINCY LITTLE THINGS that she saw, but couldn't DO. Like, her little slut of a sister got it done right, and to hell if she was asking EDIE of all people how to flirt. Nah, she didn't need a guy, once she got out of this hellhole she'd hook up with some married man in Hollywood and flirt her way to the top. That was how she rolled.

Oh, but then Amber threw a curveball. She wanted to go meet that other friend of hers...Eloise. Yeahno.

Anna slunk off in the other direction, camera in hand, making sure to get a good shot of the party preceedings. She passed by the bleachers, where she waved to everyone on camera and got them to wave half-drunkenly back. Despite one or two birds flipped at her (which she could edit out later, THANK YOU VERY MUCH), that shot was a success. Now she had to go and get that beer.

Oh? Look, someone to follow. They'd just thrown their drink away, she could make them the star for a bit. She crept almost ghostlike behind this guy, Daniel...Fox?

She bet he wouldn't even know she was there, as she grinned almost maniacally from behind the camera as he went towards the beer.

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:45 am
by Dr. Nic*
Glancing at his watch and idly listening to Devonte and Jaszmine, Marcus cracked open his own can of soda. About half of it was gone in one good gulp, and the rest in a second. He was thirsty. Before he went and responded to Jaszmine's comments, he did made sure to toss the can out and grab a second. Gave him time to come up with a response. Jaszmine took a little work to keep up with, sometimes. Devonte was simple, but Anthony and Jaszmine? Little more wit is needed, and Marcus' ammunition was a little scarce. His mind was elsewhere.

"Oh ha ha, Miss Goddess. You the Black Aphrodite now? We supposed to prostrate ourselves before your glory and sacrifice white bitches in your honor?"

Black Aphrodite... Blaphrodite? Ha. The things that come to mind. Especially out of boredom. It was nice to hang around friends, but this party was... lame, to say the least. He'd seen better. Much better. With better company, to boot. But he wasn't about to voice his complaints. It was free food, free drinks, free music and if he was lucky, some free ass as well. If he could stand to listen to some of these girls, that is. Already, he could hear the shrill voices. God damn, those voices were grating. Oh well. He'll smile and nod when he needed to. Right now though, there were more important things to think about. Like Anthony coming over and shouting.

And, of course, with Anthony came more comments from Jaszmine and Devonte alike. Usually jabs at Anthony's crazy white bitch. Marcus glanced at his watch. Plenty of time before he had to be home. Laney had homework she needed help on.

"Just be sure she don't put the video online. Don't need your ass on the internet. You ain't big enough."

A snicker and a smarmy little smirk followed his comment, and Marcus half-expected to get hit. It would be so worth it though. Nothing stings a man like questioning his... manliness. Yeah, let's call it that.

"And Devonte, the fuck are you talking about? Don't go dragging me into your shit, man."

Marcus waved off Devonte for a moment and cracked open his second can of soda. Didn't really know how to follow up on anything, at least for now. Didn't have anything to add to the conversation, at least just yet. So, he opted to smile, nod, and drink. Just smile and nod. Just smile and nod.

And watch the people.

Stupid white folk.

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:51 am
by ThePureLight7*
"Heeey Skye, great party you've put on! LOVE the music! Did you pick all the songs yourself?" Amber said.

Skye burst back into reality. He had phased out for a second, concentrating solely on moving through the crowd to where Amber was now standing. There was a split second where he took a quick glance at his surroundings and summarized what was going on. Shit, shit, shit, Amber, shit, what do I do now? I never thought this far ahead!

"Oh, no, not really," he said, truthfully, fumbling quickly through his thoughts and saying whatever came to the forefront of his mind, "My friend Sam is working as our DJ tonight. I lent him a lot of the albums for tonight, though." He payed closer attention to the song playing now; it was some new dance hit that he had heard a couple of times on the local top-40 station.

Dammit! Why did you say that!? he thought to himself, while keeping calm and collected in Amber's presence, You don't tell the truth! What are you, insane!? You're supposed to tell her that you hand-picked every song, cradled it in your arms, and fed it three square meals a day until it grew to its full potential as a party anthem!

"Cool, cool... Oh Skye, sweetie, would you mind doing me a favour? Could you go grab me and Anna a couple of drinks? Alcoholic ones, I don't mind what kind... Thank you!" Amber said as Skye continued.

"Oh, yeah!" Skye said, now congratulating himself for playing that first question off fairly well, "I'll be right on it!" And then it happened. The kiss...

... That Amber had blown casually in his direction, as a gesture of thanks. It was still kinda cool though.

Skye turned around from where Amber stood to go find the nearest cooler. "You've got this," he said to himself as soon as Amber was out of earshot, which was about two steps away from her, "Get the drinks. Get her a little tipsy, not completely drunk, and you're fucking in! It'll be like Superbad only everything doesn't go horribly wrong!"

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:40 pm
by Fiori
"Well, uh, I was in the coffee house, and someone opened the door, and this raccoon came in..."

Amber couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as Eloise made the obscure Friends reference, which (naturally) went straight over her head. As far as Amber was aware, Eloise had suddenly started saying a bunch of random nonsense which made absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Part of the reason for this being that the young girl had never even SEEN Friends before, seeing as the show was way too retro for her tastes... Then again, pretty much everything on TV sucked nowadays.

...Well, everything except Survival of the Fittest anyway.

Nevertheless, rather then look confused, she simply smiled and laughed along with her friend as if she had the slightest clue as to what she was talking about. HAHAHAHAhahaheheheh......... I don't get it.

"Guessing you've been here a while, what did I miss?"

Ah, now THAT made sense...

"Well, you missed Devonte being a jerkass earlier. Me an' Bobby were just HAPPILY dancing together, just minding our own business and having a great time when SUDDENLY Devonte just walked up and started like a real jerk."

At that point, she briefly turned back to where Devonte and his little 'posse' were standing around chatting to each other, probably making jokes at Bobby's expense or something.

"Still, Bobby didn't make things any easier... Seriously, for a second back there I thought he was gonna start throwing punches or something. BUT, luckily, Bobby's skank of an ex came along and broke it up before things got ugly. Can't say I really blame her..."

She took another brief look back at Devonte's group, this time looking at Jaszy as she began to laugh her ass off about something. God, look at her, acting all self-indulgent. "Ooh, look at me! I'm Jaszy! I'm a sassy bee-yotch with a lot of attitude! Look at me as I hang around my gangsta wannabe boyfriends!" Bitch... Still, got to admit though, I can see why Bobby fell for her in the first place.

"...ANYWAY. So, yeah, that's pretty much it so far. Nothing particularly exciting... Still, the night is young, so who knows? Maybe things'll get a little more interesting later on....."

She grinned naughtily as she said those last few words, holding back the temptation to give Eloise a wink as well. If there was one thing Amber was absolutely dead set on, it was that she was going to achieve at least ONE make-out session before the night was over. Maybe even two if she was REALLY lucky... After all, she had a reputation to keep up didn't she? Plus, making out is ALWAYS fun!

...Well, nearly always anyway...

"Oh, by the way... Do you have any idea where Bobby is? He was, like, standing right THERE a minute ago, and now......"

She pointed at the spot where she had left Bobby, shrugging as she finished her sentence to show that she hadn't a clue where he'd gone off to.

"So, uh... Have you seen him?

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:13 am
by Chib*
(Should've gotten on this earlier, but... I don't even have an excuse. Sorry all.)

"Well, you missed Devonte being a jerkass earlier. Me an' Bobby were just HAPPILY dancing together, just minding our own business and having a great time when SUDDENLY Devonte just walked up and started like a real jerk."

Oh, Devonte. Typical. Strange boy, good at basketball but outright refused to try for the team, shorter than she was and apparently very aware of it, an aficionado of that godawful hip hop music, and a bunch of other traits Eloise didn't care to mentally list. Point was, she wasn't fond of him. Whilst she was hardly any better herself, the boy came across as a jock of the most stereotypical variety, and thoroughly unlikeable to her. Amber turned towards their general direction, and Eloise in turn shot her best understated dirty look Devonte-ward. Nothing more, nothing less. It wouldn't do to look like she cared more than just a li~ittle bit.

"Still, Bobby didn't make things any easier... Seriously, for a second back there I thought he was gonna start throwing punches or something. BUT, luckily, Bobby's skank of an ex came along and broke it up before things got ugly. Can't say I really blame her..."

Even more typical. As she well knew, Bobby was a nice sort, even "sweet", but boy could he get confrontational. Backing down wasn't his style. Had Eloise put much thought into the matter, she would've likely staked money on a fight breaking out between Bobby and one of his myriad tormentors, over some stupid, trivial problem. Apparently, everything so far had been painfully, boringly predictable.

"...ANYWAY. So, yeah, that's pretty much it so far. Nothing particularly exciting... Still, the night is young, so who knows? Maybe things'll get a little more interesting later on....."

Oh well. Still better than unwelcome surprises. Still, a little injection of the unexpected certainly wouldn't go amiss. Silently, Eloise hoped that Odile wasn't planning on staying outside all night, or worse, moving on altogether. That girl had a knack for mixing things up.

"More interesting, eh? I certainly hope so."

A surreptitious raise of the eyebrows accompanied the end of that comment, implying whatever Amber wanted to interpret it as implying. By this point in her life, Eloise had come to realise that many of the expressions in her arsenal weren't designed to convey her own feelings, but simply suggest what the recipient was already thinking. Of course, to most, it would just look like flirting, and she was okay with that too. Can't keep up the pretence of being a cool bisexual girl if you don't swallow your distaste and pretend to be attracted to other girls every once in a while. It's not easy being this... whatever I am.

"Oh, by the way... Do you have any idea where Bobby is? He was, like, standing right THERE a minute ago, and now......"

Oh right, still in a conversation. Less indulgent introspection, less contemplating the intricacies of being impossibly cool, more paying attention and actually maintaining that façade. Amber pointed to a clearly empty spot of thin air.

"So, uh... Have you seen him?"

Normally, Eloise would be deliberately unhelpful, under the mask of being sympathetic and trying her best to help, without actually doing anything at all. It was good practice for when something happened and she genuinely didn't know the answer, and it was entertaining to watch people stress out over the little things. But Amber was a friend. A good friend. And this Bobby/Devonte/Jazmine affair seemed pretty important to her. Eloise motioned vaguely towards the door.

"Yeah, he's outside with Odile. Odile's here, by the way."

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:48 am
by CorruptDropbear*
"Yay, stalkers! I see that my musical talent has finally been realized! Woo!"

Turning around and sipping, Daniel gave a slightly creepy smile into the camera, trying to see if he could startle Anna. Doubted it, she was kind of the movie star/movie crewgirl around here. Wait, that wasn't right. Goddamnit the beer really was affecting his mind. Ugh. She only did that one thing, right? Ugh, never mind.

Shrugging and stretching at an awkward angle, he laughed, looking around at the total chaos of social networking around him. "Jeez, quite a party, right? So many ex's in one place, I'm surprised there hasn't been a punch-up yet." He wasn't joking - there was usually one when too much alcohol was around, although they were getting smarter about the precious art of 'not drinking until you drop'. Plus... well, it was Detroit, motherfucker. What did you expect?

Winking at Anna, he gave a grin. "You're looking quite sexy, by the way. Good work with the clothes." Well, he was being slightly over the top, maybe, but yeah, she was kinda nice looking. Wait, now he was thinking with his dick again. Idiot. Glancing at his drink and walking over to the bin, he chucked it in. "And I think the point that I'm hitting on girls is the fact that I'm too drunk." Turning around again, he nodded and sighed. "Come on, you've got more people to film than famous musicians."

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:20 am
by Outfoxd
Anthony palmed his face, shook his head as his "friends" started talking immediate shit about how Anna was holding him up.

"Y'all some bitch ass niggas. I just want y'all to know that. Bottom of my heart, you black motherfuckers." He smiled.

It was one of his most common jests, to comment on his darker friends' complexions. It was true, compared to them, Anthony might as well have been white. They were all darker than clouds in a thunderstorm.

He grabbed one of the cans, cracked it open, and took a sip. It was Faygo red, cheap stuff, but whatever. He wasn't gonna bitch about free pop.

"And hey, I'm little but I'm big, nigga, if you know what I mean. I walk with a limp because I'm just a straight pimp, baby." He kept up with the exaggerated thug voice as he responded to Marcus, drawing out the word pimp to "pee-imp".

He leaned back against the table, taking a cue from Marcus and checking out the party.

"Somebody tell me something. Devonte, the fuck did you do now? Whose shoes did you shit on?"

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:29 am
by Brackie
Okay, all it's gonna take is some voice amplification to make him sound more drunk, and...bam, we have drunken footage.

Anna smiled, and while the guy she was following started rambling, she quietly slipped off.

So it was simply a matter of doing the rounds now. To make this parody work, she needed to get some normal drunk footage, and just film all the important bits at home, later. She would be Shallow McClueless, A-Rock (Eww, I sound like a white bitch pretending to be black) would be concerned parental figure #1 (and 2# if she could get him into that dress), and...hmm, she just needed someone to faux take advantage of her in one of those key filmed scenes. Not here, of course, she could always get Amber to dress up as a guy and act out the part later, she loved being on the show, didn't she? So yeah, Anna had taken the Sociology classes and read the papers, if it was a woman taking advantage of a woman, it was funnier than a man taking advantage of a woman. Sure, people weren't too happy about that kind of news, but eh, it was how it went.

And...well, that was really all she needed. She could loop.

So now it was time to enjoy the party without a camera.

She slipped through the crowd like a knife through butter, and before she knew it she was right next to that Skye guy Amber was flirting with. No breathing space allowed.

"Sooooo I might be taking that now, I can't be too sober here, huh?" Anna slyly whispered to the boy with her gate to non-sobriety.

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:42 am
by BetaKnight*
Devonte threw his hands up in the air and huffed dramatically, nearly jostling and spilling Jaszmine and Marcus’ drinks. “The fuck, man! If I’d a scuffed up a nigga’s shoes, I could at least understand everybody bein’ all pissed off at me. Shit.” He practically spat out the last word. Brow furrowed, he scanned the crowd for his tormentor. Not spotting Bobby, he felt safe enough to vent his feelings.

“These fuckin’ crackers,” he ground out the word, “got they panties in a bunch ‘cause I pointed out that Bobby Gold dances like a motherfuckin’ spaz. And that homophobic, limp dick asshole got all up in my grill, screaming and sprayin’ spit like the fuckin’ degenerate Klansman he is. So of course, I’m the bad guy. Because, you know, fuck me, I had the nerve to point out that even people with a palsy got more style and smooveness than uptight little Jews who think they the shit cause they daddy a fireman.”

Devonte fumed. “I say what everybody thinking. Bobby acts a fool. But I’m the bad guy.” As he mulled that over, he came to a decision. Looking at his friends, he gestured at the other people in the party. “This place full of some fake ass tricks. I think I’mma dip. Fuck these yeasty ass motherfuckers. I don’t need this kinda aggravation.”

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:55 am
by Casey The Undead*
Jaszmine grinned, greatly amused with the way this night was going. "You big, eh?" She glanced Anthony up and down, stopping to glare at his crotch for a moment before scoffing. "Bitch, I bet I've seen bigger on yorkie." She laughed, punching Anthony lightly on the shoulder. "Though, since you gunning for a white girl, and you know how white boys is, I bet you'll be the biggest she'll ever see." She took a long drink of her soda, trying to catch her breath.

The Bobby story came up, a-fucking-gain, and Jaszmine could feel her humor vanish. "Shit, can't one of you dumbass niggas go ten fucking minutes without bringing that up?"

She listened to Devonte's recounting of events, quirking an eyebrow. "What Devonte is trying to say is he was a dumbass and nearly got the shit kicked out of him by a white boy with all the dancing ability of Vanilla Ice in a country club."

"Now look. I came here to have a good time, and I'm really sick of that dumbass interrupting it. I no longer give a fuck about him, and he ain't here no more, so I don't have to pretend I do. Now I'll be civil, and I'll be cool to his face, but I just don't want to deal with his shit anymore. I'm done being bitter, I'm done giving a damn. So can we please talk about something a little nicer- like, I don't know, somebody murdering puppies or some shit?"

Jaszmine downed her drink. "And one of you best get me another soda. Damn bitches ain't even keeping me hydrated. Damn."

Re: When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:58 am
by Dr. Nic*
"Did... did you just say 'yeasty'?"

Marcus didn't quite know how to respond to that bit of information. Yeasty? Really? Where the fuck did he get yeasty? And, most important of all... what the fuck did it mean?

"...Did you seriously just say yeasty? What the fuck does yeasty mean?"

Devonte freaking out and spewing insults? That was normal. Marcus didn't give a shit about that. But yeasty? That... that was fucking new. That was enough to surprise even Marcus, and he was used to Devonte's shit. Hell, he backed up Devonte's shit most of the time, and there wasn't exactly a hell of a lot that Devonte could do to surprise him. But... what the fuck did yeasty mean?

"Fuck man... you come up with the strangest shit to call people. Seriously."

And then Marcus went back to watching the people. And sipping at his drink, thankful that Devonte wasn't quite so boisterous and animated to have made him spill it. At least, spill it all. He did have to shake a bit of pop off his hand. Devonte bringing up the idea of dipping out made Marcus wonder again how long he had before he had to dip out as well. Another glance at the $10 watch on his wrist. It was a piece of shit. But it told him the time.

"If you dip out, I dip out. Gotta help Laney with her homework."

Another sip. Then it was a gulp. Then the can was being crushed, and tossed over into the garbage can.

"Bitch, get your own."

Marcus tossed a smarmy little grin to Jaszmine, then grabbed yet another can of pop for himself.

"We ain't your slaves."