
OPEN: Day 1.

Similar in feel to the Inland lake, this lake also features the smell of the salt air, and the sound of waves lapping against the cliffs and beaches can be heard if you just take the time to listen. The most obvious feature of this lake is the small sailboat that apparently has sunk in the center, a lone mast breaking the water line.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

His breath was coming hard as he ran after the ball of feathered misery. He had never been much of a runner. He'd kept fit by...

Oh wait, he hadn't kept fit. Right.

He ignored the spark of intense burning pain in his side as he ran, tightening his grip on the steel, his knuckles white. He felt the rage welling up in his body as he imagined the thing taunting him. He desperately, desperately wanted to kill that thing. And get his bread back.

That feeling, that burst of energy wormed its way through his body.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU BIRD!" He shouted, grinning maniacly. He was catching up! He could do this!
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Post by peregrineink* »


Mae watched in dumb fascination as Zach desperately chased a bird. This was utterly ridiculous, how could this be happening? She pictured all of the people at home, watching Zach make a spectacle of himself. She pictured her mother watching as the person she decided to align herself with cursed at an animal.

Too bad, mother. Eat your heart out.

A slight smile came to her mouth as she watched him go, and she crouched down to splash a little water on her face. The water felt absolutely amazing, and she almost just let herself completely submerged, but that would have been ridiculous. The water dripped down her face and towards her cleavage, and it felt delicious. However, did this count as camewhoring? She hadn't really thought about it before, Mae was basically dressing and undressing for cameras, and part of her just couldn't bring herself to care about them being there. Did that make her a camewhore? Did that make her some sort of slut for the cameras? Did her mother disapprove or was she proud of her daughter's comfort in her own body?

She was amazed at how quickly people apparently broke down to sex in the past, Mae wondered briefly if anyone on the island was doing it right now.

Cool your jets, Mae St. Clair, just because you're free from the law, or common decency, doesn't mean you need to check your virginity at the door.

Mae had gone sixteen years without becoming a slave to her libido, Shawn's chest wasn't going to change that now.

Or was it?

Shut up.

The two men with her were nothing but gentlemen towards her, if only they could see what was going on in her mind.

She looked up at Zach again, watching him go. It did feel like a vacation, some sort of island getaway. Maybe it was all a joke, maybe it was a new reality show where you just watched teenagers frolic.  

It was all way too silly. All of this.
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Post by Cake »


Shawn's expression turned into a kind of mix between a smirk and a frown.

He had to admit it was kind of funny though, watching a low cardio Zach, chasing the roseate spoonbill around, with the bird stopping every few feet to squawk, before flying again another few feet every time Zach got near, as if to taunt him. Rinse and repeat.

The pink bird seemed to be getting bored of him, as it turned it's attention to Shawn and Mae.
Shawn pulled out the white cloth that went with his male Cupid costume, and readied it as the pink bird flew near.


Shawn quickly scooped the Roseate Spoonbill into the cloth, between his arms. The bird squawked, flapping it's wings for a bit and dropping the bread onto the shallow water. Pink feathers everywhere.

He let go, as Zach approached, swinging his wrench wildly. The bird hiding in back of Shawn's legs.

"Ho, hey, back off on her man. What's the deal with you tryin' to kill animals? That's kinda uncool, dude."

The bird squawked at Zach, from behind Shawn's legs.

Shawn turned around, to notice a flock of roseate spoonbills gathering into the shallow water to feast on Zach's bread, with the original one leaving to join them. Shawn couldn't help but laugh out loud. Classic.

He turned back to Zach, noticing the rage building up at the sight. Being a chill guy, Shawn unzipped his pack, for the bag of beef jerky.

"Here: beef jerky, for your bread. Now just put down the wrench." Shawn said with an amused smirk, before tossing the bag to Zach.

He looked at Zach, who seemed frozen in place. He traced Zach's eyes, to Mae. Mae's eyes were on Shawn for some reason.
And... Shawn saw exactly what Zach was looking at.

Huha. Yeah. No wait. Look away. Get back on subject Shawn-dude.

"Uh... Everyone done with lunch? Where we headed next?"
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He chased the bird, his eyes slanted and swinging his arm wildly as he chased the Flying Platypus.

Then, Shawn began to do something with a patch of cloth and he slowed slightly to observe it. And ease the intense pain in his side. Then he did something and magic occured and suddenly Shawn was holding the bird.

"Heh- How Di- *Wheeze* Did you do that? *Wheeze*" He asked, amazed at Shawns skills. He had even more respect for the guy.

"Ho, hey, back off on her man. What's the deal with you tryin' to kill animals? That's kinda uncool, dude." He asked.

"Well, its Survival Of The Fittest. It's natural selection!" He thought, grinning at the idea "I'm a freaking force of nature!"

He looked at the feathers floating everywhere, in the water, in the air. A pink mist flooding his vision. It was... pretty.

"They're animals. And.. I just feel so angry... " He started before realising how that sounded. His eyes opened wide. "Wait, no! I didnt uh, mean it like that!" He said, trying to take it back and make himself seem like less of a crazy bastard.

Shawn offered him some Jerky and accepted it, putting it straight in his bag.

"Thanks dude"

He looked at Mae and traced her view to Shawn. He sighed, wishing he could be the subject of her affections. He'd always been second place to him. But now, he could see why. He was being so irrational. So stupid.

Maybe she'd be better with him.

"Uh... Everyone done with lunch? Where we headed next?"

"I think the Resort Beach, unless you had any other ideas."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae caught herself staring at the muscles moving in Shawn's back and cleared her throat. Now really wasn't the time for this, especially because Zach was attempting to murder another creature on the island and she really didn't want to think about how ruthless he seemed to be about it. Was he practicing for bigger things? Was he going to kill her?

No. He loved her.

He loved her and she was staring at Shawn.

Something icy hit the pit of her stomach as the realization began to creep up on her. Zach was in love with her, she knew this, and yet she couldn't stop staring at Shawn. In fact everyone thought that her and Shawn were the new "hot couple" at school. Zach was now placed in a situation where he could straight up murder Shawn, or her, should she disappoint him in any way.

The thought of this took her breath away. She had a sword, there was no question, but she also barely knew how to use it. Zach had a pipe and an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of SOTF-TV. Shawn didn't even have a weapon anymore, and was currently cupping a small bird in his palms like he was St. Francis of Assi.

None of this boded well. Mae needed to be smart, she needed to not upset Zach in any way. Maybe she could do it, maybe she could pretend not to care for Shawn (if she even did) and focus more on...what?

She swallowed hard.

They were saying something about moving on and Mae just nodded.

"Yes, good idea." She had no idea what they just said, but she figured it wouldn't really matter. They only had so many places to go.
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Post by Cake »

"Sounds good to me." Shawn stated. "Resort beach it is then!"

He put his hands through the arm holes of the golden sleeveless shirt, and pulled it over his body.

"Huha, we match..." Shawn said with a chuckle, pointing out the matching gold clothing between Mae and himself.

To the audience at home, they were the Golden Boy and the Golden Girl. The Golden Couple. All unbeknownst to Shawn.

He approached Mae with the Cupid costume's cloth, making use of it as a makeshift towel. He looked again at the lake water on Mae's breasts, which was what he figured Zach and himself had been eyeballing. Alright carefully approach the subject man.

"Hey Mae? You're wet..."

Mae looked up at him with pink in her cheeks. Same shade like the feathers. Did I say something, wrong?

He motioned at her wet shirt and cleavage, with the cloth towel before handing it to her.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

(( Sorry for the short post guys! ))

"Hey Mae? You're wet..."

Zach's head snapped to Shawn, and then to Mae. Wuh- What? He stared for a moment before realising he was talking about her shirt. He wasnt sure how he felt. On one hand he was glad that he wasnt the only one oggling her, but on the other hand, it made him feel threatened. He wasnt sure why, as he had given up any real hope of getting her, but that little voice in the back of his mind told him that he should still try, never give up on her. On love.

He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. They were stupid and irrational, and all the things he'd promised himself he wouldnt be on SOTF.

He hefted the big lump of metal onto his shoulder as he watched the blush develop on Mae's perfect white cheeks.

A thin smile crossed his lips. It was funny to see her embarassed.

He felt bad about that though, like he was crossing her.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Hey're wet.

Red flushed to her cheeks. Well, now she was. The thought disgusted her and she wiped at herself. The water felt great but was it worth the embarrassment? She was completely embarrassed. Both Shawn and Zach were practically eating her with their eyes, Shawn said something about matching and she just nodded.

"Well, looks like it's time for us to head to the resort beach, right? The resort beach is where we should be going." Mae marched out of the lake and walked towards her bag. She picked up her katana and held it at ready. She turned briefly, looking at the two boys who were still watching her, determination in her golden brown eyes.

She wasn't going to let how awkward this entire situation was get her down.

"I think I'll lead for a while....follow me."

And with that she began her trip in what she hoped was the right direction....

(Mae Myfanwy St. Clair continued to: Time To Pretend.)
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Post by Cake »

As she wiped herself, Shawn put his over-sized retro neon blue sunglasses on his face, to block the bright sunlight (In Style!) and also his peace symbol necklace on, to show any strangers that he "totally comes in peace." Yeah that should work.

He kept the blazer on his shoulder, should things start getting cold, but he doubted it, unless they go to the ski area or something. He checked his watch. Mid afternoon.

Mae said she wanted to lead and started moving first. Shawn spoke to Zach before following her.

"Hey Zach, there was a couple ideas Mae and I, were thinking about. We'll tell you on the way to the resort beach. There could be some extra supplies or maybe..." He thought of the bird stealing Zach's bread again. "...some food there? Don't think the TV producers want their contestants to die of hunger. I mean, that would be boring ya' know?"

With that Shawn followed side by side with Mae. Their golden sleeveless shirts shimmering in the sunlight. Zach not too far behind.

A small group of kids heading down to the beach.
With more than just Shawn singing their 'marching theme', "Ride of the Valkyries" this time - onomatopoeia style, as they traveled out once again.

[[Shawn Morrison Continued To: Time To Pretend.]]
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

His mouth formed a thin, tense smile as he followed the other two wordlessly. He thought about the irony of Shawn wearing a peace sign on his chest. In all likelihood they'd be fighting for their lives this time tomorrow.

Shawn kicked off on an onimatipia based rendition of the Ride Of The Valkyies. It was pretty funny in someway.

(( Zachariah Johnston continued to: Time To Pretend.))
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