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Re: It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:31 pm
by delicateMachine
No. No.

The world was wrong. Everything was wrong. Anzu unconsciously cried out as Ashley's gun exploded, as beautiful, perfect Caroline collapsed to the ground. There was nothing she could do but watch as Caroline smiled at her one last time before finally bleeding out.

Anzu took a few faltering, silent steps towards Caroline, gaze fixated on her gorgeous, smiling face, her glazed, lifeless eyes, the rest of the world gradually fading from existence. All at once, something within her broke, and Anzu collapsed to her knees with a sob, taking and cradling the corpse in her arms.

"No. You're not dead." Anzu quietly said to the love of her life, oblivious to her friends and the cameras surrounding her. "This'll all just be a dream, and I'll wake up and realize what an idiot I've been and I'll tell you everything, alright? And we'll get out of this alive, both of us, and we won't ever have to be separated again, and we'll be happy, okay?" Caroline smiled back at her with her perfect, beautiful smile.

Anzu continued to speak to the corpse in her arms, a constant stream of trivial things and small talk. Her eyes never left Caroline's face.

Re: It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:31 pm
by Deamon
The gun went off. It felt like a dream from that point. Caroline fell blood spraying out of her neck covering Ashley. While she was bleeding out on the floor Caroline smiled. Anzu started moving towards her body at the same time Sarah did. Anzu got there first and started to cradle Caroline's body, Sarah dropped to her knees next to her.

She had no idea what to do. Caroline was dead or dying and there was no way to help her. Anzu started talking to Caroline not that Caroline could hear anymore but it meant something to her at least. If Sarah had thought Scarlet Devil Mansion was over when Valerie died it was confirmed now. They'd lost two members, two of her best friends. They were gone forever; she would never see them again. She would never get to hear Caroline, the person she had invited into Scarlet Devil Mansion sing again.

Sarah went to place a hand on Anzu's shoulder but changed her mind. She needed her time alone to grieve and there was another person in the room. She looked at Ashley, the girl opposite her who was covered in her friend’s blood. She was crying as well, Sarah felt tears starting to fall down her face again. But she didn't see a member of their group when she looked at Ashley anymore, instead she saw a murderer that she used to know.

She moved closer to Ashley and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"If you don't leave now I'll kill you." There was no emotion in her voice, it stayed flat and steady. It was a statement of fact. There was nothing else to it. Ashley had stopped being a person as soon as she'd pulled the trigger.

Re: It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:31 pm
by Un-Persona*
Caroline rolled over, allowing Ashley to breathe normally. It was quiet, for a time not as long as she imagined it to be. She turned her head as she heard Anzu walking towards Caroline, watching as she talked to a corpse, as if Caroline was still here and Ashley wasn't. Instead of Anzu, Sarah had to be the one to talk to Ashley.

Threatening to kill her.

Part of Ashley wondered if anybody would be surprised if she would just shoot Sarah right now, as stupidly close as she was, after what she had just did. She circled her gun-wrist. Part of her also wondered how many would be surprised when she listened to Sarah. She closed her eyes and stood up, red and clear drops falling from her face.

She hadn't been thinking for the group this whole time, not as much as she believed she had. They were all fine by themselves without her. She hadn't needed to keep look out for when nothing was there, or had to be dragged away to the parlor when she couldn't even look out for herself. She could have just let Anzu kill the little girl, or have given Sarah the gun when she asked, or had just taken it lying down while Caroline attacked her. They would have been all the better for it.

Ashley certainly wouldn't have though. She'd do it all again if she couldn't avoid it. Every step she had taken so far had been for her own sake and sanity. Funny though, that now of all times, doing what was best for her would be best for everyone else too. Anzu had barely looked at her, as Ashley walked over and grabbed her bag, still talking to Caroline's body. Standing around each other, Ashley and them, had never worked and was built up to fall.

She couldn't afford to give anybody faith or second chances, and neither could they. They didn't care as she left, busy with their useless mourning. She held her head low, never once turning back in hopes they'd feign some hope for her to return.

((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Continued Next Time In You Remind Me))

Re: It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:31 pm
by delicateMachine
Ashley left the room. Anzu didn't notice. After all Caroline wasn't dead, so that meant there couldn't be a killer, right? They simply couldn't exist. Even if they had existed, there was no way that they would be Ashley. Ashley was Anzu's friend. Her best friend, besides Caroline. She was a good person. They must have lost her at some point, that's why she wasn't with them anymore. It was sad, but they would definitely meet again, and everyone would be happy.

For now, though, Anzu had to take care of Caroline. The environment had obviously gotten to the poor girl. She needed rest. Caroline smiled sweetly at Anzu, and Anzu smiled back, lightly brushing her hand over Caroline's face to close her eyes.

Slowly, carefully, Anzu lowered Caroline to the floor, before standing up and turning to face Sarah. Anzu distantly smiled at her, eyes out of focus, appearing to look right through Sarah. "Caroline's sleeping. We're staying here until she wakes up." She said, her words coming out in an uneven, jumbled rush.

Re: It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:31 pm
by Deamon
Ashley ran. That was good. Sarah hadn't been making an empty threat when she'd told Ashley she was going to kill her if she didn't leave. The reality of the situation however was that she was going to kill Ashley anyway. There was no way Ashley could make up for killing Caroline and she had forfeited her own life by taking another. Ashley could run as far away as she wanted, but Sarah had time, eventually she'd see Ashley again. Then when she did Ashley's life would end. It was just a fact.

Anzu stood up she seemed to be done grieving if Sarah had to guess. She was smiling though, which was weird. Sarah smiled back she was wondering where this was going. Caroline was sleeping? Sarah blinked. That was just wrong, there was no honest way Anzu could believe Caroline was sleeping, it was a worse lie than saying a dog ate your homework or like blaming a sibling for eating the cookies when you had cookie crumbs on your face. Sarah shook her head to bring her train of thought back to the real world. She needed to focus now more than ever.

Anzu was on the verge of losing it. If Sarah didn't do something then she'd be gone for good. Luckily she had seen enough Survival of the Fittest and was angry enough that her decision was made quickly and efficiently. She slapped Anzu hard in the face. The sound reverberated in the quiet confines on the beauty parlour. Sarah's hand stung so she knew that Anzu's face would hurt. In fact there was already a mark starting to appear.

"You need to wake up." She hissed turning her back on Anzu and going to pick up her pack. She had work to do. "Either come with me or don't eventually you'll see that I'm right about killers." And with that Sarah opened the door of the beauty parlour and stepped back out into the cold. She stopped briefly to flip her hood up and then she started moving. Slow enough that Anzu could catch up if she wanted too but fast enough to get her out of the cold sooner rather than later.

((RBP3: Sarah Bourne continued in whY whY Zee))

Re: It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:31 pm
by delicateMachine
Sarah's slap hurt like hell, the shock of pain enough to bring back the part of Anzu that was still capable of rational thought. If things had been different, she would have woken up right there and then, forced herself to come to terms with her grief. If Val had still been alive, or Ashley not the one who killed Caroline, there would have been a chance of recovery, a chance to still make something of herself.

However, Anzu had lost far too much in far too short a span of time. There was nothing left for her. Nothing left to fight for. She was tired of all this shit. Tired of fear. Tired of death. Tired of trying to keep herself together. It was easier to let herself slip back down into the depths of her dream, to stop caring about life altogether. Anzu's outrage at Sarah's strike faded all too quickly. She relaxed her clenched fist, resumed smiling her vacant smile.

Oh, dear, she must have hurt herself somehow. How clumsy of her. It was a shame that she had never managed to find Sarah, but Anzu was sure that she was alright. She was tough, after all. For now, it was still just her and Caroline, and that suited Anzu just fine. She sat down against the wall opposite Caroline's corpse.

And she stared, smiling. Caroline was just far too precious when she was asleep.

((Anzu Sakamoto: Continued in A Failure Played in Stereo))