The deep-sea can be fathomed, but who knows the hearts of men?


Nestled on the edge of the rainforest, cracked into the side of a hill, is the entrance to a large underground area. While outside lighting will make it through the descent into the natural atrium, all bets are off beyond that point as the only way of traversing the darkness is through torchlight. Otherwise, one might have difficulty navigating the vast tunnel system, damp with rainforest water and littered with bones of various ages and sizes, some of which look less animal-like than others. However, navigate these caves successfully, and you may find the light again, in the form of an exit into one of the island’s other areas.

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Post by Primrosette »

Whatever they were right now. He was going to put his deeper thoughts into the back of his mind and just focus on survival. That was all that he could really do for now.

Austin glanced down at the shotgun in his hands and it felt so strange to actually have his hands on one. "Okay, okay. Five shots.... Got it." He nodded and he glanced around at the gloomy cave that was just covered in misery and despair. "...God."

Jen wanted to get out of there and he couldn't really blame her. He didn't want to continue looking at Harun's corpse.

"I agree. Let's go." He nodded in agreement.

He turned around and he stepped forward, making sure that Jen could see his flashlight to help led the way out.

((Austin Song continued in The Sense Of Me))
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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Jen didn’t start walking until Austin got a few more steps ahead of her, her gaze focused on his back, watching for any errant movement. It felt, on some level, like an insensitive gesture, considering Austin’s emotional state. She had no interest in getting caught off-guard again.

Soon enough, she was under an overcast sky, the sun that had characterized the previous morning now hidden away. Still, in the light that broke through Jen found her posture straightening a bit, her sense dread tempered slightly by the lighter air.

Still, the suspicion never completely left her eyes, nor did her hands drift from the rifle, as the two of them left the darkness behind.

((Jen Mara Tuiqamea continued elsewhere…))
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