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Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:29 am
by Brackie
Jason hit Adonis just as well as Paris had. It was a hit he needed to make, and now Goliath had fallen, but David had fallen with him. The two sports stars were now tumbling to the ground, and Jason felt his knee scrape against the dirt, grazing open a fresh wound and bringing in something else he didn't need.

Fuck. It shouldn't have gone like this. Nothing like this should have happened. Jason was supposed to be smart, he was supposed to be the one who made it out. How the hell was he going to make it out now? His leg throbbing with stings, like pins and needles administered by bees. In the delirium of pain he looked around, tried to find some sort of advantage, and then he saw it. The way out.

The trees from which they emerged, rustling in the wind. Bushes, grass, things that weren't this stupid fucking ravine and its stupid fucking seagulls who ruined everything. He needed to get there, he needed to run. His bag had flown off in the same direction, he could pick it up on the way. The tip of the sword blade shimmered in the sunlight.

Jason tried to put the foot of his injured leg on solid ground to burst over in that direction, but he felt another grab and he fell back to earth. Adonis was not letting him go.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:29 am
by Aura
Adonis reached up and pulled Jason back to the ground. Fucker wanted to steal from them while they were trying to deal with a sick guy, then he was gonna get what was coming to him. He kicked his feet against the dirt, propelling himself up to face level with Jason once more.

He turned the thief over, making sure that he had a good shot at his face. A bit of blood dripped from his own face onto Jason's, reminding him of one of the reasons why he was so pissed off at the moment. With his ability to smell becoming ever more distorted, he brought his fist down on Jason, taking aim at his nose like a bullseye.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:29 am
by Brackie
Jason couldn't do anything as the fist fell to Earth with 200 pounds of Alba behind it except move his face slightly. The fist missed his nose, but it felt like a truck just ran a train on his face. He was dazed, confused, and for a brief moment he forgot where he was. All he felt was dizziness and wobbliness, keeping him down as he tried lifting himself from the ground. Or maybe that was the footballer on top of him aiming another shot.

He could only do slightly better than before by pulling his arm to his face, but instead of protecting him from the hit it only caused his arm to take the hit and smash back into his face, ramming into his nose like Adonis initially intended. It didn't break, but he felt the hit, and it kept him down.

He needed one more opportunity. A moment the size of a pinhole.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:29 am
by Aura
Adonis hadn't been in a fight like this for a long time, probably not since the cafeteria incident.  And at least back then there wasn't really anything on the line.  He was just pissed off.  But now, with Jason trying to fuck him over like this?  He was at a level beyond pissed, and he wanted to empty all that anger out on the asshole in his sights.

Jason's attempt at defending himself kept him from getting his nose smashed, but he still managed to get a pretty decent shot in.  That wasn't enough, though.  He needed to smack him good at least one more time, to let him know who he shouldn't have tried to screw over.  He reared back and held his fist above his head, preparing a good, strong punch to finish the fight.

You earned this, fucker.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:29 am
by Brackie
The moment he saw Adonis's fist go above his head, Jason took this as the opportunity it was. He thrust his fist towards Adonis's gut in a quick motion.

It worked. Adonis reeled. The moment of escape was widening, and Jason took advantage of it. He flung his fist towards Adonis's face again, and felt contact with his nose. His fist came back bloody, but it wasn't Jason's blood.

Adonis lost his grip. Jason was never getting a better chance to get out of here than now, so he shoved Adonis off of him and bolted in the direction of his bag. He didn't know what Michael was doing, but there was no intervention on his part. Good choice.

His leg stung, his face and arm throbbed, but he grabbed his bag and started running. He had to get out.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:30 am
by Aura
The sudden thrust of Jason's fist into his gut knocked all the wind out of Adonis' sails.  He dropped his own hands and doubled over, just in time for Jason to land another punch to his already-wrecked nose.

In response to the second shot, Adonis threw himself back, clutching his face with both hands.  He could feel a heartbeat in what he could charitably still call a nose, and every pulsation sent a throbbing pain through the rest of his head.  It was utter hell.  He sputtered every curse he could remember before choking on the stream of blood that ran from his nose into his mouth.

He flipped onto all fours, coughing and spitting out runny, occasionally gelatinous plasma.  He looked up from his own pain to see Jason fleeing, grabbing his own stuff on the fly on his way out.  Incensed by his own injuries at the hands of the baseball player, he shouted after him, unable to do anything else for now.

"Fuck you, Andrews!"

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:30 am
by Brackie
Yeah, fuck you Jason. Fuck you for thinking this was a good idea. Fuck you for thinking this could have worked out for you in any way. Fuck you for trying to fix something way too beyond broken. And fuck you, fuck you for ever having made friends to trust. Ever.

In fact, as Jason got away from his group, he realized it wasn't just him that deserved a fuck you.

It was everyone.

Fuck you, Michael Crowe, for showing up and ruining everything. Fuck you, Adonis Alba, for not letting him take that fucking gun. Fuck you, Kyran Dean, for having more than Jason ever had with that gun. Fuck you, Clio Gabriella, for forcing him to hide with these guys in the first place because she was a crazy emotional bitch. Fuck you, Amanda White, for existing on this island at all and throwing him off his game. Fuck you, Paris Ardennes, for attacking him when all he wanted was a working gun. Fuck you, Soren Rosendahl, for not giving him the ammo when he wanted it. If he'd just had the ammo, everything would have gone so different.

The trees got closer, and the lack of sound behind him helped him realize that none of them were following him. He'd done it, he'd incapacitated Adonis to the point that he could get away.

Jason smiled, and turned on his heels, leaving his back open to the bushes rustling in what he assumed was the breeze.

Fuck Andrews?

Nah. Jason was fine. Jason was gonna win, unlike these guys. He'd known it from the moment he woke up he was going back to his rich-ass family all things forgiven. What the fuck were these guys going back to? Nothing. Nobody wanted a masked circus freak for a son, or a fainting pussy, or the world's worst footballer. But everyone was going to want Jason Andrews, because he'd be a rockstar, and he'd live out the rest of his goddamn rockstar days as a hero for surviving some punk-ass terrorists and their stupid fucking game that nobody else had a chance of beating because Jason Andrews was a goddamn winner and none of these other pathetic pieces of shit were.


Time to return the favour.


Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:30 am
by jimmydalad
((Saachi Nidal continued from We Know Who Our Enemies Are))

Saachi had momentarily halted her pursuit of Chuck. True, she may have lost sight of him for a bit because she was too busy trying to one-up Alice. Her assumption that he had crossed over the bridge at the ravine had so far left her search for his crossbow somewhat fruitless. If she had any time to dwell on that failure, Saachi probably would’ve been more annoyed by herself.

It was at that point that she heard a gun go off. While most people would think to just run away from the sound, Saachi saw it as an opportunity. It meant a chance for her to get a gun for herself. A gun would beat a crossbow any day of the week. Not one to shy away from danger and with a reckless confidence in herself, Saachi moved towards the gunshot.

Moving through the trees, she quickly found the source of said gunshot. Of course, Kyran, of all people, had a gun. Why wouldn’t he? She gritted her teeth and twisted the cleaver in her hands, refusing to let a frustrated grunt escape through her lips and ruin her hiding place. She probably should be relieved he didn’t have the gun out during their first encounter in the warehouse if she wasn’t so annoyed by how the game seemed intent to screw her over.

She had to admit that she took some satisfaction in seeing her enemy vomit and then collapse. Ok, so maybe the game hadn’t been screwing her over that badly. It seemed like something bad had happened to Kyran and while normally she’d feel more sympathetic towards someone collapsing, their last encounter did nothing to change her assumption that he was not on her side.

It also seemed like he picked up a motley crew along his way. For one thing, she was surprised to see Adonis with him. She thought that their less than positive interactions back home would have carried over to the island, but then again stranger things have happened. She shouldn’t really judge teaming up with less than ideal people in the name of survival considering she worked with Jay, who did try to kill her.

It seemed like everyone apart from Adonis had a gun. Just her luck. One guy she had no clue how to recognise from sight alone. He looked like a discount horror movie villain and it was only when he spoke that he recognised that it was Michael Crowe of all people. Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to him?

Then there was Jason. While she couldn’t say she was the closest of friends to Jason before the island, she was certainly familiar with him. After all, her father loved dragging her along to his high society parties. He also seemed to be one of the more aggressive members of the group as he had his gun pointed at Michael. Was he the one that fired the gun?

In any case, Saachi found herself bemused by the situation she was in. Normally, she’d be the one who was worried. Three of them had guns and one of them she knew had a vendetta against her. However, half of the group had been severely messed up by their time on the island considering they’d only been on there for three days. The group also seemed to be breaking themselves apart and she didn’t even have to do anything but watch.

At the edge of a treeline, she noticed a large bush that was a few feet in front of her. The others seemed to have been preoccupied with each other, so she took the chance to sneak slightly out of her original hiding place and into the new one. With the sounds of Jason and Adonis fighting, Saachi began to plan.

First off, she exchanged her cleaver for the trident in her bag. If Adonis got anywhere near her, she’d basically be already dead, so maybe going for something with a bit more range was needed in this situation. It was more precautionary as she had no plans on engaging with Adonis until she took a gun from one of the other boys.

With Kyran knocked out, she realised that she had to go after either Jason or Michael first. Once she got one of their guns, the rest should be easy. Kill one, shoot the others. 4 quick kills under her belt as well as remove a dangerous foe for her down the line. That counted as a success in her book. Nodding to herself in affirmation, she shifted her focus back onto the other group.

Saachi waited for the end of the fight, eagerly clutching onto her trident with a muted excitement. This was her turning point. Her chance to increase her stake in this competition and come out with even greater odds than before. She prepared herself, changing her position so she could easily pounce on whoever got close to her. She needed to be fast and use the element of surprise to her advantage. That had been what had gotten her this far in the game.

As soon as she saw Jason coming, she could hardly believe her luck. This was perfect. Jason moved closer to the bush and Saachi tensed her knees, ready to jump out and strike. She had to wait for the moment. The moment where he wouldn’t be able to stop her. Where he would never see it coming.

Jason turned to Adonis and Saachi took the moment. Jumping out of the bush, she lunged her trident straight into his back. The forked weapon easily burst through his chest and blood spurted out of the front of his chest. Jason’s body was still, as if the shock had turned his body rigid. She saw the gun in his waistband and immediately wrenched it out, the force of her movements causing him to collapse forwards into the ground face first.. Turning towards the group of guys, she aimed the gun at Adonis and pulled the trigger.

Nothing came out.

Saachi’s heart stopped.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:32 am
by ItzToxie
Michael was left holding Kyran's legs up as he heard Jason screech and... Why did he have Kyran's gun? Wait.


Michael's head turned back and forth between Adonis and Jason as the pieces put themselves together in front of him.

Jason you punk ass mark!

Jason just headbutted Adonis and hopped for the AK, with Adonis dragging him away from it just in time. The two began beating the everloving shit out of each other, and Michael had no idea whether or not to join in, or drag Kyran out of there.

"Fuck it."

He chose to focus on waking up Kyran, because as dickish as it was, Kyran was one of his best friends, and best friends kind of take priority to be honest. He dropped his legs and moved over to his side, grabbing him by the shirt and shaking him back and forth like a ragdoll, the sounds of the two scuffling behind him in the distance.

"Waaaake uuuuuup. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. WAAAAAAAAAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUP!"

He began to do anything he could to get Kyran's attention, from rubbing his knuckles on the sides of his ribs, to sending slaps across his face. He eventually moved in close to Kyran's face, taking two fingers to try and open his eyelid, before the sounds of "HEY ALBA!" caught his attention.

Michael shot up as he heard Jason scream out.

"FUCK Y-" came, followed by a meaty whack. That didn't sound good at all, but considering it happened while Jason was speaking, it must've happened to him and not Adonis. Adonis must've snapped his neck or punched his head off mid-sentence or some shit.

Michael looked behind him to see nobody going for the AK, so it must've been Adonis winning. That sound was probably something important to Jason's existence breaking. Michael thought that he should try and tell Adonis off for it, but truth be told, he probably wouldn't miss Jason either way considering all he did was point a gun at him and try to steal a gun from his supposed "friend". If it was Jason that bit it, good fucking riddance.

His focus returned to Kyran as he tried to think of the next thing to wake him up. "Hey asshole, listen, if you don't wake up I'ma do CPR and I'm pretty sure we both don't want that you dick! Wake up!" Yeah, CPR was for people not breathing, and Kyran was still breathing, but with his new face, the idea of mouth to mouth with anyone would be enough to wake them up, right?

His head turned back to the AK, then back to Kyran. Guns are loud...

Michael had an idea.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:32 am
by Aura
Adonis rose to his feet, keeping a hand over his nose in an attempt to keep his blood from leaking everywhere.  This failed, as it continued to pour over the inside of his hand and leak through the gaps between his fingers and face.  So really, he just made it a slightly more localized mess rather than an all-out gorefest across his face.

He watched Jason turn around and, like a dickhead, start yelling back at him.  Oh, like that motherfucker didn't know that all of this was his fault in the first place.  If he hadn't gone after the AK like a shithead, then they'd all be just fine.  Well, aside from Kyran, but he didn't know what the fuck went down there.  But the point was, Jason was being a total-

... Oh.

Suddenly, a trio of spikes poked through Jason's chest, and he stopped yelling like a shithead.  Mostly because he was dead.  He fell flat on the ground, revealing a tiny girl behind him.  She grabbed Jason's gun and Holy shit I totally forgot he had a gun.

Yeah, things were suddenly looking very bad for Adonis.  He was right in the girl's sight, she had a gun trained on him, and since she had just shoved a trident through someone out of the blue, it was pretty obvious that she wasn't there to talk things out.  With the situation the way it was, he figured that it would only be a second's time before he was nursing a fresh new hole, just like Jason was right now.

... Then a few seconds passed, and nothing happened.  Adonis reacted appropriately.

"The fuck?"  He uttered in disbelief, his voice taking an odd humming pitch thanks to the current state of his nose.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:32 am
by General Goose
((Chuck Soileaux continued from La vulgarité de l'escalier.))

As he headed back east, Chuck had heard a lot of noises. A gunshot, at first. Loud. Sharp. Piercing. He had been tying his shoelaces at that moment. He paused. Looked around. Breathing heavily. Couldn't tell from what direction. It was far enough away that he quickly returned to the task at hand. His already jittery fingers had been thrown off entirely. He had essentially given up, and went for a very basic knot, tucking the laces between the shoe and sock to prevent them flapping about everywhere.

He continued his path. He was heading back to the ravine. He heard more noises as he approached. Shouting. Seagulls. More shouting. More seagulls. Shouting at seagulls. He quickly realised that he was walking towards something. Now, maybe his father had passed on some first responder gene or something. Maybe he was just bored and reckless. Maybe he fancied himself a hero. But Chuck continued to walk forward.

'Fuck you Andrews!' he heard. Chuck was not really keen on the Denton habit of using family names to call people out. In this case, it confused him. His first priest had the name Andrews, and so his mind went there first. And then to Jason. Mixed bag. Lean negative. Rich fuck. Pretty annoying. Chuck would probably agree with the 'fuck you Andrews' sentiment, then.

It was Adonis's voice. Adonis...mixed bag. Lean negative. Bit of a bully. Chuck had little patience for bullies.

Both had the advantage of not being Saachi. That was a pretty great advantage in the moment. He doubted either one was truly malicious. He had no real issue with either Jason or Adonis, not really, but he wouldn't count them as bosom buddies any time soon. Plus both were fitter than him. Bigger. More dangerous. At least they were preoccupied with one another. And as they seemed embroiled in a melee, with the chance to swear at one another, he doubted either of them had the gun. Otherwise the fight would have been...over quicker.

Chuck continued walking. Curiosity, that was his motive. He'd decided upon that. Maybe he could help. Maybe he could bring the impartial and dispassionate mediating role of an outsider. He very quickly saw the scene, standing on a very small hill for a little bit of a vantage point. Surveyed the scene. In all its chaos and confusion. Jason and Adonis and...someone...and Kyran. Kyran! Kyran was a friend. Kyran was not currently embroiled in some jock fight. Kyran was out cold. Kyran. That was a good name to say. Two first names. And he pulled it off, the beautiful man.

He was getting a wee bit homoerotic whenever he saw an old friend. And so he began striding forward. Had a purpose now. Help Kyran.

Chuck had approached the scene from an angle, though. Had not seen the new arrival. And so, when the trident burst through Jason's chest, he added his own voice, an "oh fuck!", to the equation. He rushed forward. Had to protect Kyran and his carer, whoever that was. Adonis...could take care of himself. Yes. That's what Chuck told himself. He began sprinting forward, as much as possible with a heavy bag and even heavier crossbow.

And then he saw her.

Aiming the gun at Adonis.

Chuck stopped in his tracks. Unlike her weapon, Chuck's did fire. It missed her, by a fair few metres, Chuck having, in his exhaustion, steered his aim to the side so as not to hit Adonis. Chuck had just seen someone die. Oh God. This was terrible. He put the crossbow on the ground, and fumbled as he prepared to load another bolt.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:33 am
by jimmydalad
Jason had an empty gun. He had an empty gun!? She didn't even have that much time to react to her entire plan crumbling before Chuck decided to intervene. Saachi held her breath as he fired his crossbow, her body stiff even as the bolt sailed past her a few meters away. That was way too close to call. If Chuck wasn't such an awful shot, she would probably be dead now. That was not how she envisioned things happening. Her plan was flawless, but Jason had an empty gun. That ripped her entire plan to shreds.

She needed a moment to think. Judging from the situation, this was a losing battle. Chuck hated her guts and was preparing another crossbow bolt and they still had the AK-47. Staying here much longer was not the plan for success. She needed to get out while she still could.

It then came to her that leaving a group of four like this with a vendetta against her was bad news. She already pissed off the Felicia group on Day 1 and having a large group of guys with guns hunting her down was a recipe for disaster. She already took down Jason by herself. All she had to do was outsmart them and pick them off one by one. Which in all honesty, shouldn't be too hard considering how the smartest guy in that group was Chuck, who was already a demonstrable idiot. In fact, she already had a target in mind.

"Hey, Adonis!" Saachi called out, stepping on Jason and ripping the trident out of his body. "I never took you for the type to hide behind others. Guess you were a coward all along, huh? Not that I'm surprised. An idiot such as yourself could never get anything done at home, let alone on this island."

Picking up Jason's bag, she gave a confident smirk in Adonis's direction while Chuck fumbled with his crossbow. Adonis was the one without the gun and was also probably the biggest dumbass of the group. Riling him up would be easy for her.

"Come and get me, unless you want to prove to everyone watching what you really are. A stupid, pathetic, idiotic wimp."

With that, Saachi darted to her bag, quickly slung it over her shoulder and rushed into the woods. She already knew where she needed to go.

((Saachi Nidal continued in David and Goliath))

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:33 am
by Aura

Adonis jerked his head to the side as an arrow flew straight past him.  What, there were more people shooting shit all over the place now?  He looked back to see a guy with an admittedly sweet Boo hat fiddling with a crossbow on the ground.  Whoever this guy was, hopefully he wasn't about to try anything stupid, like trying to fire another shot off when he was standing right in his path.

He wasn't going to focus on Boo Hat though.  Trident Girl was too busy trying to get his attention.  Speaking of trying to get his attention she was doing a damn good job of it.  But of course, when you try to call someone a coward right after literally backstabbing someone right the hell outta nowhere, it just makes you look like a hypocrite.  Adonis would have made a crack about it, but couldn't for two reasons.  One, he's not really that witty, and more importantly, he was pissed.

One thing that most everyone knew about Adonis was that he had pride, and he didn't like having that pride shot at.  Sure, back home he could try to use some of those techniques that his anger management coach taught him.  But here, after spending three days being slowly driven to his breaking point by every damn thing that came his way?  Yeah, he was just gonna toss all that bullshit to the side and focus on the heart of the matter, which was the girl with a dead man at her feet and a gun waved in his direction.

Basically, there was a problem, and it was a problem that he knew the solution to.  Someone goes around being a horrible shit?  Well, that person needs someone to knock the hell out of them.  And Adonis knew that if there was one guy in their class that was up to the task, then it was him beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Plus, there was something else at stake.  Trident Girl had Jason's stuff now, and Kyran still didn't have a bag.  Once they managed to wake him up, he'd probably appreciate having some supplies.  Getting some food or water or whatever he needed.  Then they'd be back on track to figuring all this stuff out.  Yeah, that was a good plan.  Too bad the hard part was still ahead of him, though.

Oh shit, Trident Girl was runnin,g.  He had to act fast.  He slapped Michael on the chest with the back of his hand, much like one would do with a teammate.  "Yo you guys go ahead.  I'll catch up."  And just like that, he was off, sprinting after a murderer.  Not his ideal plan, but he was confident.  He was stronger, he was faster, and he had something to prove.

Call me a fuckin' coward, will ya?

(Adonis Alba continued in David and Goliath)

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:34 am
by Somersault
((Natali Greer continued from she lit the bridge and burned it))

Fuck wannabe heroes. Fuck Kyran Dean, girl whose name started with a T, all of them. Fuck the multi-killers too, KK, had taken photos of a few track meets, Saachi, debate girl, all killers now. She was gonna go stay way clear of all of them. Idiots, all of them. They could go off and fucking die, and she didn't need to care. Had to force herself not to care, even as the bile threatened to rise up from her stomach and make her sick. She had to change, had to be strong. Not tissue paper floating in the wind. Iron. Strong as iron.

Only one would live, right? No sense in trying to help more, or trying to antagonize any more people than you needed to. It was just common sense. That was what she did. Common sense.

Natali couldn't stand to think about what it was if it all meant nothing, so instead she concentrated on the fact that it could have been something. Something to fight for, something to persevere for. The gun hadn't been for nothing, the gunshot hadn't been for nothing, the fact that she now had another boy's supplies hadn't been for nothing. It couldn't have been, right? Always had to question herself. Was a thing, even as a little girl? Was it right? What did it all mean? She didn't know what any of it meant, really.

At the very least, though, it gave her additional incentive to run faster. It gave her that additional incentive to run more quickly, yes, but she did have a bum knee, and it was only shortly thereafter that she lowed to a cautious jog, and perhaps only a few minutes more before she opted to just continue walking, regularly shifting the position of her bag to stop her shoulder from aching.

The gun was back in the bag, but the bag was kept open. Instead, she held the map in her hands, as she headed towards what seemed to be the ravine. Again. The place where she had seen the dead body of Richard, left Kyran, and promised to stay true to herself, and find a way out. That was a load of crap. All of it. Even then, though, she kept on pushing forward. Going forward was better than going nowhere.

As she got closer to the brush, screams and crunches began ringing out, but Natali kept on going forward. Her feet were shuffling roughly in that direction, so she went, even though she was certain a whole load of crap was going down. Maybe she could make something of it, and even if it was risky, wasn't that the best chance for her? There seemed to be some other people in the distance, but from here? Couldn't tell who they were.

She didn't know why, but she still wanted to seek people out. It was awful, selfish, even detrimental to her plan, but still, it was like there was this urge inside of her, beating like a heartbeat aching to rip itself out of her chest. So, she got even closer, hoping that her bright clothing wouldn't be seen.

"Holy hell..."

While something was most definitely going down, she didn't exactly expect to see Kyran, idiot that he was, laying almost dead on the ground, while some guy who looked like a horror movie villain was trying to treat him or something. Kind of like Tina, actually, but the guy's face was even more messed up. A gasp of surprise almost left her mouth, but she was able to stop it, and so she looked around, and saw two other boys. One very, very, dead, and another one with a Boo hat, and a crossbow.

She had to know what happened here, but how would she do that? Her eyes looked at the bag. The gun. The gun would fix it. Slowly gripping the gun, she rose from her sort-of hiding spot somewhat unsteadily. Perhaps her hands were wavering, but her eyes weren't, as she locked them with the boy with the crossbow.

"H-hey, can someone please tell me what the fuck just happened?" Yeah, that was definitely calm and collected. She had to know though, had to find out.

Maybe, she just wanted to speak with people who weren't trying to immediately murder her.

Re: We're Mostly Made of Water

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:34 am
by ItzToxie
Michael bent down to pick the AK up before he decided to reach in his pocket, and put his facial coverings back on. He made his point earlier, and he didn't have to keep flashing people. By the time he re-adjusted his mask, and picked up the AK, Adonis had tapped him and told him to go ahead.

By the time Mike had caught his bearings, Adonis was chasing after Saachi? His eyes moved down the path, and saw Jason laying there unmoving, blood pooling out of him. He looked over and saw Chuck standing there pointing a crossbow, but there were no bolts in Jason.

Adonis was chasing Saachi, and it didn't take too long for him to put two and two together, but... He'd at least like some clarity. A whole shitstorm just happened within the span of fifteen seconds while he was busy trying to wake up sleeping beauty, and... well a lot happened in fifteen seconds apparently.

Almost out of nowhere a girl was asking what in the fuck happened behind him.

"Fuck if I know."

Michael looked back and forth between her and Chuck, taking a moment to try and figure that out himself. Maybe Chuck had seen more of the shit show maybe?

"Ay Boo! Fuck happened down there?"