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Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:07 pm
by Aura
Shit. Rhonda should have listened when Xander just wanted to cut and run. She saw that shiny little edge in Giselle's hand, and every fight or flight response in her body set off like a fire alarm. Except if she chose flight, then Xander was going to get stabbed to death, so that wasn't an option. She could easily rush Giselle since she was stronger, but then that would put her in the path of the shiv. In her eyes, that shiv meant death, so she didn't want to be anywhere near it.

But she was already swinging the shiv at Xander, so that was a problem. And that gave Rhonda only one option if she wanted to defuse Giselle.

She retrieved a shell from her pocket and opened the shotgun, shoving the shell inside quicker than she thought she could. She was pretty sure that all she needed to do was point it at Giselle to get the message across. Unless she was a total moron, then a sawed-off shotgun pointed at her face should send a clear enough message. At least that's what she thought until she heard Xander scream.

Giselle was attacking now. Rhonda didn't have time to waste thinking about scaring Giselle. She needed to act immediately.

The problem was thinking about what she would have to do, and reconciling it with herself. This wasn't being a player or trying to pad a kill count. This was self-defense. She didn't want to do it, and she didn't set out to do it, but if she had to, then she would.

She could give herself a pass, just this one time.

She snapped the gun shut and flipped off the safety, pointing it at Giselle with shaky hands. "Back off, bitch!" She barked. And in her anxiety, before she could solidify her aim, her finger hit the trigger, and the recoil of the gun hit her square in the chest. The impact disoriented her for the next for moments as the shot tore through the air and into the altercation.

Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:39 pm
by Sh4dE
Xander was too strong. He was unarmed, she had the shiv. Xander stopped her from even coming close to hitting anything vital with the shiv. Eyes, throat, veins, chest. She would've stabbed anything to free herself but Xander already grabbed her wrist.

He tightened. Her wrist. Her throat. It hurt. It hurt, she tried to escape Xander's hands but she couldn't. It hurt. Her wrist hurt, her throat hurt.

Giselle forgot about Rhonda. Rhonda said something, then a loud explosion sound came into Giselle's ears.

Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:59 pm
by Namira

Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:58 am
by Lilith

Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:40 am
by Aura
There were three voices screaming in Rhonda's ears. The first was her shotgun, and the next two came afterwards. She winced from the new pain in her chest as she got her first look at the aftermath of her shot.

It wasn't right.

Giselle was still standing there, but Xander wasn't.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

Xander was on the ground, bleeding heavily from a huge hole in his chest as he laid still.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

She was aiming for Giselle. She was trying to save Xander. Xander should be the one standing with her, not Giselle.

Her knees shook, but her feet were glued to the ground. She shot Xander. She was trying to shoot Giselle, but she shot Xander. Her mind replayed that fact, and she could hear her own voice relaying that in her mind.

I shot Xander. I shot Xander. I shot Xander.

Finally, she reacted. It started as a scream of "No!", but quickly turned into a loud wail of despair at what she had done.

Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:01 pm
by Sh4dE
She could breath again.

Giselle stood there in shock for a second. Before she realised that she had been blessed by surviving this event. Realising Rhonda did not reload but instead was as shocked as she was.

She didn't lose time gawking at the horrific look on Xander's corpse, she ignored herself being covered in blood, she gripped her own shiv so tight that it hurt. Giselle looked at Rhonda who wailed.

Giselle bolted.

((FR05 Giselle Fillmore continued in The Management))

Re: this leaves me quite discheesed

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:48 pm
by Aura
Compared to a few moments prior, Rhonda's reflexes now felt like she was trying to swim through syrup. When Giselle ran away, she wasn't able to register it until the other girl was close to rounding the corner. She raised her shotgun again and instinctively hit the trigger, but was met with only a click. She had only loaded one shell. She thought that was all she would need.

She lowered her gun once more, and her focus returned to Xander's body. She didn't know what had gone wrong. She was sure that she was focusing on Giselle. She thought that her aim was on target. She had shot the rope earlier, and that was a far smaller target. Although she was at point blank range then, and not in the middle of an altercation. She got to her knees and turned Xander's body over, hoping that maybe it wasn't as bad as it looked, and he just passed out from the shot.

It didn't take longer than a second for those hopes to be shattered. As she laid Xander face-up on the walkway, she got her first sight at his exit wound, and it was nasty. She forced herself to look back at his face before she started to discern more details about the wound. That wasn't much better though, since the lifelessness in his eyes made her feel sick in an entirely different way.

Xander was gone, and Rhonda knew that. But even with that being plain as day, she didn't want to accept it.

"Come on, Xander." She pleaded with him, even though he couldn't hear her. "Get up. I'm sorry, I'll fix you up. Just get up so we can get to work." She put a hand on his chest, intending to tap it encouragingly, but she came away with the unpleasant sensation of the fresh blood that soaked through Xander's shirt and made it stick to his chest. This only frustrated her more, and her temper started to boil.

"Come on, man. Get up. Get up!" Her voice rose, and she grabbed him by the collar, pulling him up until she was screaming only a few inches from his face. "Get up, you piece of shit! If you don't get up, I'm gonna kick your ass!" She shook him by the collar, making his head limply bobble around while she shouted in vain.

Xander's corpse didn't respond, and his head tilted back towards the sky, leading her to stare him right in the chin as her grip tightened to the point that she thought she might tear through his shirt. Despite her best efforts, it was impossible to keep up the denial. Xander was dead, and he wasn't coming back.

And worse, Rhonda was the one who pulled the trigger.

She released him, and his body fell back down, his head making a loud thump as his head hit the wood. Crouched next to his body, Rhonda started to break down in full, the guilt overtaking her as she struggled to reconcile with her new reality. She was a murderer. She didn't mean to kill him, but that didn't take away from the blood on her hands. And soon everyone would know. She remained by his side for a while, letting her tears of remorse flow.

Part of her felt like she had already failed, that she had already fallen to what the producers wanted from her. That she was already going to be another part of their highlight reel. Maybe she had already lost her chance to be anything but a pawn for them.

But that would be giving in, and she refused to knuckle under, especially to the SOTF producers.

She wiped her face on her cleaner sleeve and reached over to Xander's bag. "Sorry..." She mumbled before removing his rations and adding them to her own supplies. She felt like shit doing it, but it was a better alternative to letting them stay there to rot. Plus, she would need the food and water to stay alive.

She wasn't going to say that she was doing this for Xander, or that he didn't die in vain, because both of those statements would be outright lies. Xander shouldn't have died at all, and there was nothing that she could do to change that, or make it feel like it meant anything. The only thing that she could do now was live.

She turned back to him one last time, trying to think of some final words, or maybe something profound, but nothing came up. She could only shake her head and try to hold back tears.

"Fuck... I'm sorry."

Rhonda walked down the boardwalk and left, hoping that she wouldn't have to return.

(Rhonda Rollins continued elsewhere...)