
Sin will pluck on sin

These are the woods on the island’s northern coast. The trees run nearly all the way to the sea, allowing only a thin stretch of beach, which disappears altogether depending on the tide. The trees here are largely coniferous, and are in good health, bolstered by a number of wet years and their proximity to the ocean. These woods are largely fairly dense, though clearings are abundant and comparatively-sparse undergrowth leaves them fairly easy to traverse.
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Post by Lilith »

Tina spun around to see that Natali wasn't the only person with a gun. There was also Kyran. She stared at it, then looked Kyran. She cocked her head. She was being held at gunpoint. It was a bad feeling, felt like someone could end her life whenever they wanted. She prefered being on the other end of the gun, being the one in control, the one with the gun pointed at someone.

She didn't like that one bit.

Tina made a mistake and it made her gut wrench. She hated it. She should have shot them all when she had the chance. It was a dumb decision to reveal herself, step out of the safety of the bush and threaten people with a gun when she didn't even know what was their weapons.

"Hey Kyran," she cooed.

She squinted, looking at Kris and Kyran. If Tina had one flaw, it was her tunnel vision. Always focussing on one thing at a time, never bothering looking at things around it. She wasn't always like that, but when she started something, her mind would be wrapped around the task at hand. Her task was to survive, at all cost. She wouldn't obey to Kyran, she wouldn't drop her only way to go back home. She wasn't dumb, she knew when she dropped it they would probably take it and shoot her. It wasn't survival of the nicest for a good reason. The name of game was to get a kill and go home, everyone would be obviously playing it.

"You should have said nothing."

She jumped backward, pulling the trigger twice toward Kyran and Kris. She landed back into the bush where she came from. It didn't give her anything to stop the bullets from hitting her but it hid her. If he couldn't see her, he couldn't be sure he was going to hit her. So when she touched the brush, she crouched then laid down face first on the mud. Her left hand grabbed the second magazine and her right hand aimed toward the pair.

AK-47 bullets would probably just pierce through her body. Just bite through her flesh, leaving huge, gaping holes. She'd bleed out quickly or her brain would be splattered all around the forest. Her family wouldn't have to see her die since she was hidden in the bush. It was the best case. She either lived and continued hunting for Blaine, or died and her family didn't have to see her do all the things she feared she'd have to do.

Win-win situation.
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Post by Deamon »

She knew it was a cliché but despite everything happening so fast it all seemed to move so slow.

The girl had a gun, that was what she had been trying to retrieving from her bag earlier. Her lying had been to avoid revealing that it was in her possession, and now it was on the floor. No threat or use to any of them.

Her friend had used her hand to stand up, then turned on their attacker with his gun. It wasn't a smart decision and only served to escalate the situation. It served to part the sea of tension that had been present between all of them and brought forth the flood.

Their attacker turned her gun on them and dove backwards firing twice. There was the roar of the gun, the bullets that had been itching to leave their confinement finally being released.

Two bullets, one for each of them.

She flinched.

An involuntary reaction but she stayed standing where she was. She actually found herself more worried about her friend.

Still the first wave of violence crashed around her rather than going over her and dragging her down to the depths. She was fine.

The attacker was hidden away in the bush, returning from the darkness she had originally come from to reclaim her shadow mantle.

Meanwhile she couldn't help but grin.

Liberation had never tasted so metallic.
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Post by Somersault »

See? Natali put the gun on the ground, she was doing the right thing, so Tina wasn't gonna shoot up the place, right? Or, at least not shoot her. That was the main goal here.

But, no, Kyran had to get his own gun out, which was like a fucking rifle, and point it straight at Tina, and so now she started shooting at Kris and Kyran, and right now, Natali was just done with everything. She was not going to get murdered because she got caught in the crossfire between two people who couldn't control their trigger finger! Was that too much to ask for?

The ringing in her ears from the bullets weren't subsiding, as she bent down and slowly picked up her gun. Her head hurt, she felt like she could barely stop herself from falling, and the gun was so cold, so metallic and gray and stuff. Not cold in the refreshing way during a late summer dip in the pool or something, but cold like a dead body or something. She had never touched a dead body, but she guessed that the kind of cold she was feeling touching the gun right now was that kind. Unpleasant and uncomfortable.

But, she couldn't be a victim! She couldn't die like this, helpless and confused! She needed to live.

Unsteadily getting back up, tightly gripping her gun, Natali turned and looked to find Kyran and Kris, but no Tina. Whatever. She had more important things on her mind, like how dumb Kyran was being. She didn't really consider herself an angry person, but why was he threatening someone with a gun with another gun! Like, the hell! Just ugh. What more could she say?

Looking at Kyran, and still holding the gun in one hand, she frowned.

"The hell was that for?"

She tilted her head. Why?
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Cake »

It happened again, two more bullets, louder than ever without Adonis Alba around to charge through him.

One of the two bullets knocked the snapback straight off the top of his head, sending it twirling several feet back. If it was literally a hair length closer, Dean would be dead. His first response was to dive out of the way, to the side and he did, finger impulsively squeezing down on the trigger a life survival mechanism in this worst-case scenario.

Click. Click. Click.

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

What. Safety? Shit.

He rushed himself slightly out of the immediate clearing, taking cover behind and between the all-encompassing trees, thickets and shrubbery. Now, now - he was being grumbled at. Yup, that really was what was happening right now. Natali had followed, with the idea to get out of dangers reach as well. Her gun was back in her hand, almost leaning in his direction, clearly agitated.

Misplaced anger and hate.

Was this girl serious? Why the heck was she wasting her time being snippy at him instead of the girl who, seconds ago had fired at all of them first and was just holding her up? Why the hell was he getting the brunt of her bitch fit?

His answer came out rapid fire, no time for filtered decorum - his mind still focused on the life threatening situation still in front of him, from a gun-toting maniac.

"Look bitch: You got your gun back right - so shut up. You know I'm clearly the good guy here since you had enough trust to come talk to me not her. If I didn't do something none of us would have guns right now; Tina would have them all, including this AK and you'd be dead."

Kyran's eyes scanned the area quick, his eyes darted to the bushes Tina had disappeared into and back to the clearing. What the heck was Kris doing, standing in the middle there. Smiling. What the heck was going on with his friends' brain? His snapback was still there too, a hole right through the center of the serenity dove print. He had no more time to think. Kyran swiftly turned to Natali and then to his firearm.

"Cover your ears."

In one smooth motion, Kyran flipped the safety from the S to the F.

“This - gonna be loud.”

His aim went up at the trees overhead, near the branches from where Kris had been chilling when he first got here, right above and around the foliage. His heart skipped a beat and he fired.

A barrage of bullets flew into the canopy above. Sounds battered at Kyran's drums, at the senses of his inner lobe. He felt almost deaf and blind for a second and he hadn't expected that recoil, thumping into him, knocking the wind out of his chest.

The trees rustled as projectiles found their way up and the empty shells jumped and exited in jumbles from the rifle's side, like burning confetti.

He rubbed his chest, he was okay.

Then a rumble.


A staccato of wood and leaves, birds and large branches came raining down one after another over and around the bushes below.

"Go. Run!"

He didn't know if Kris would. Or if Natali could.
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Post by Lilith »

Tina wasn't a pious woman. She never really cared about religion or believed God existed and watched over her. She surprised herself when she cupped her hands together and prayed for a quick and painless death despite her actions. It was a surprise that she didn't become a bloody mess of holes and pain. It seemed like Kyran missed his target.

Or did he?

She heard noises above her and she was scared. She feared to look above but curiosity forced her head up, stared at the branches above her. The bullets hit them, one by one, tearing it apart. She saw what would have happened to her if she was shot by a bullet like that, she would become like the tree above, torned apart and begging for death.

It didn't die so quickly. The big and small branches, the birds' nests, the twigs, the green leaves, everything that made a house up there was doing going down there, and Tina was right below. When the first twig found its way to Tina's body, she jumped. A second branch slapped her neck, it drew blood. A bird nest and its content tumbled its way down and slammed in Tina's back.

She was half-standing, half-crouching when she decided to look up, again. She knew it was a mistake because her right eye met a foreign object. A pointy bit, approaching her right eye.

And suddenly.

There was nothing but red and pain in her right eye.

It didn't bleed so she assumed it was a good sign. Or perhaps what she thought were tears were actually blood trickle down her cheek. It hurt so bad. It felt like there was something stuck under her eyelid, rubbing against her cornea, tearing it slowly.

She was scared that she'd go blind but that was a dumb thought. Going blind was nothing compared to death, a state of constant blindness and numbness. She continued to run away from the falling objects. She had the good common sense to run the opposite direction of the gunshots.

She raised her left hand and squeezed the trigger three more times, aiming wildly where the trio could be. She didn't feel anger toward them. She felt nothing but disappointement toward herself. They did nothing to her but meet her and she knew she wouldn't make a mistake like that again.

Or at least try to stop it for happening again.
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Post by Deamon »

Her friend fired and then the attacker replied with three more shots, a call and response in the song of violence.

That was when the bough broke and the woods came tumbling down.

Her friends cry was slightly too late to be of any use to her. The debris was already falling around her, some of it she felt stick into her hair or scratch her skin. She raised her hand out in front of her as a collection of leave fell down into it. After a moment she tipped her hand over and let them fall gently to the floor.

Then it was all over, the song finishing for a time, until someone else took it up. There's was just one act of many that would be played across the island.

Once everything calmed down she found herself unharmed yet again. She chuckled slightly as she idly picked out the twigs and branches that had tried to find a new home on her head.

It occurred to her that she still possessed the ability the light the entire woods on fire if she so chose, just like the field. She could have had an empire of ash.

She turned and began to walk away. There was nothing else left to do in the woods, staying wouldn't serve to make it more or less safe. Safe didn't truly exist anymore, danger would lurk in the shadows and in the open, waiting to swallow them with gnashing teeth.

After she got a good distance away she stopped to consider something then turned her head back to her friend and the girl.

Despite all the bullets that had been fired she was still alive, physically, with a few more scratches, but intact.

"You can follow if you want."

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Post by Somersault »

What the hell was Kyran trying to tell her? Calling her a bitch? Saying that without him, she'd be dead? No, no, absolutely not true. Fine, maybe she should appease to his ego or whatever, but right now, Natali was pretty angry. Pissed, really, but she didn't know if she wanted to use that word.

It had been only a few hours since she'd woken up here, and she really didn't want to deal with a wannabe hero with an ego problem, who had almost managed to get her and his friend killed. She couldn't just stand here and take this verbal abuse. She just couldn't stand here all silent-like, and take it. "Well, I'm sorry that you decided you had to be a hero and threaten someone with a gun, okay? Don't tell me I was the idiot here, when you're the one starting up fights. No, okay? No." She replied, glaring at the boy. She was not going to get killed because of someone else's stupidity.

Looking down at her gun for the moment to make sure that everything was okay, she was surprised when he started telling her to cover her ears. What was he gonna do? Blow something up? Regardless of that, she rolled her eyes and covered her ears, watched in surprise as he shot the trees.

Dumbass. What the hell was that for? Attracting more psychos to this section of the wood? Natali was just about to fire off another verbal retort at him, get to know why exactly he was doing all of this dumb AF stuff, when she noticed that branches were starting to break. Oh dear. This was not going to end well. Not at all, no no no. Murmuring under her breath, she said a quick prayer to whoever was up there, that they could prevent her from getting killed by a falling branch or something, but then it was falling all falling.

On top of her, around her, and all she could do was try to hold her hands above her head to ensure that she wasn't just about to get killed. Just keep treading water, keep on being alive. That was the goal, that was what she needed to keep her mind on. Survival, that was the name of the...whatever it was. She didn't know if she could stomach calling it a game. Slowly though, slowly, her breath started to calm, the onslaught of branches seemed to stop, but as she began to stand up, a sharp pain in her knee forced her back to the ground.

Why couldn't she get up? She tried again, but again, she was met with failure at her attempt. She had to get up. Breathing slowly, trying to focus, get her mind centered, she slowly lifted her injured knee upright, wincing as it began to throb.

Trapped in a forest with a crazy person, someone with a hero complex, and a busted knee. Natali's plans were going really well.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Cake »

The whole time this was happening; Natali was giving him the evil eye and kept on ranting instead of running.

Kyran had stared at her for a second and he remembered why he didn't really talk all that much to people he didn't know all that well. They had the tendency to be annoying and thick-headed about all kinds of things.

What did she think was going to happen after throwing down her weapon to Tina? Tina the actual, actual, person who started the fight, by shooting at them - first - from the bushes, in an attempt to scare and or kill them. Did she think Tina was going to allow them to go off on their merry way, after that sort of introduction? It was clear that she had fallen into this whole, 'playing the game' thing that the terrorists wanted for them all to do, just like Saachi and Jay and even her own good pal Blaine, from the looks of things.

It made no sense to Kyran, that Natali out of all people couldn't see that. That she needed to place all blame on him for endangering their lives by 'threatening Tina' when Natali was being held up herself. It's not like Kyran had planned on shooting Tina, that's why he'd only tried to get her to drop her gun and when things went out of control, he went for the trees. She needed to be right though, so alright, fine; he'd let her be right.

Maybe he wouldn't do anything next time. Let them do whatever.

To her, Kyran Dean was the stupid idiot who wanted to 'act hero' for some stupid cameras and everyone by doing dumbass things to satisfy his own massive ego - not the guy who had common sense and the means to help some of his classmates survive, because it was the human thing to do. It sort of hurt though. Did she really think so little of him?

No, she simply didn't know him.

All she saw was some machismo jerk, not a regular guy who wanted to become a vet and save lives.

Then the bullets came, one for each of them. Tina had retaliated again, bullets piercing, thudding into the bark around them. Kyran could have sworn he'd saw Tina withdraw from the bushes, staggering out in injury to flee, but he couldn't chance it. They would all need to breakaway from here and live another day.

Kyran jumped up, about ready to run, when he looked to see where the others were. Kris had disappeared from the area, like a mysterious apparition, but that was good. His friend would continue to survive, wherever she was. Natali, meanwhile, not so lucky.

Natali was on the ground, struggling to move, struggling to even get up. The injury Blaine had previously done to her legs, had buckled in again, likely from stress and exertion from the moment and lack of rest. The branches swinging down and the bullets nearly hitting her as she dove out of the way, probably didn't help matters either.

He watched her for a second, thought of the self-talk he had decided in his mind a second ago, that he wouldn't do anything next time and let them do whatever.

At this point, Kris' voice called out to them from somewhere, a distance off, seeming to echo throughout the area, whereabouts unknown, adding to the enigma she had become.

Kyran lifted his snapback from the ground, with the bullet hole in the serenity dove as he tried to identify where she was. Instead, he saw the feathers scattered on the forest floor, the ruined nest and the bloodied bird corpses. He turned away from the sight of it.

Then his eyes returned to Natali - unable to fly free.

He dropped the rucksack with the B14 stitching, next to a tree. He needed a free arm. There was no way he would be able to carry that too.

"Come on," he said kneeling, reaching out to this bird with a broken wing.
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Post by Somersault »

She was still struggling, still trying to will herself to stand up, when she saw Kyran offering his hand to her, offering to help her up.

Fine, maybe he wasn't purely fueled by ego or whatever, but that didn't mean Natali was gonna trust anyone blindly. Still though, she did need to find a way to stand up after all, so she guessed she needed to accept his help.

At least he seemed to believe his own hype. Simon was kinda awkward with the whole insult then offer to help thing, but she guessed Kyran was really offering to help her.

Unless he was trying to kill her, but in that case, wouldn't he have killed her already? She was pretty sure none of her classmates where hiding a hidden penchant for sadism, so she felt pretty confident in accepting his offer.

With a grunt of effort, Natali grasped onto his hand. Better to get herself out of this mess right now, and then worry about the consequences later. At least for now.

In any case, she still had the gun. Still had some kind of power.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Cake »

His hand helped her up, prying at the branches that had her stuck, but she still struggled to stand, let alone walk.

Swiftly, he lifted her into his arms, with the AK-47 safely tucked back into its carrying case strapped across one shoulder.

She was slightly astonished, but with the circumstances, he wasn't going to give her a choice, even if it was awkward and he felt kind of weird cradling her like this, her feet hanging off a bit to the side, her gun still clutched in hand. It was a good thing she was light enough.

"Sorry," he said.

Kyran remained alert, looking around attentively for any more signs of incoming bullets. His assigned bag long forgotten.

He sped off in one direction, playing wide-receiver once more with Nat in hand, eyes searching left and right for Kris. Unsure if he'd meet her again.

[[Kyran Dean and Natali Greer to: A Pity Sight for the Magpie.]]
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