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Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:09 pm
by Hallucinogenic*
Khalid watched the girls as they exchanged looks. The fact that they appeared to be so close after only three - no, not even that, more like two and a half - days together tickled him. He couldn't remember forming such a bond in his time here, only running, and hiding, and a moment or two of bleak desperation. Those were his memories. But these two... well, they stirred something inside, something akin to hope, but a little less fantastic. That's why this next part had to go without a hitch, and why whatever happened, he was going to protect them.

Quietly, he picked up the bread torn up by Taryn just moments before, and trusted her judgement on the matter at hand. He hadn't seen this other girl yet, the one they said could make him sick. All he knew was that he didn't like the sound of that. Whatever power the serum had given her had kept her alive, that much he assumed, and by now she'd already earned the fear and sweat of these two girls, who now sat, waiting, preparing for the worst.

After stuffing in the bread as far as it would go, he tested their effectiveness by talking to himself. Sure enough, every word he spoke ebbed and vibrated, muffled just enough to make himself sound far away. That would do, he thought. For now. The real testing would begin later on.

He got the others' attention, then instructed them to check their equipment. They had to be completely ready. Drawing his gun, he emptied out the clip, checking every bullet to make sure they were fit for use. There wouldn't be any time for misfires or duds, and any time now spent properly arming themselves would save them more later. It was common sense. Common, militarist sense. His eyes scanned for any signs of imperfection; any nicks or cuts on the casings; any dust lodged in the barrel just in case. He could feel the sweat on his back as the sun rolled overhead, and by the time they were done, an hour had passed.

"She could be lost," He whispered.

"This forest goes on forever, after all. I once spent an entire day trying to find my way out after somebody stole my map."

For a moment, there was silence. Tension racked his body as he sat there, crouched in the dirt, gun staring out into the distance as he watched for a flash of pink hair. Had he told them that already? Did it seem strange to appear so familiar with this place?

He hoped not.

His hands shook regardless. He hadn't told them this, but he'd never shot someone before. Even in target practice he was a lousy shot - barely had the time to learn. Everyone needed coffee, but only one guy had to get it. What d'you need a gun for? You don't shoot the beans. He swore under his breath. He'd always had his suspicions, but now he knew. The only reason they made him get the coffee was to keep him busy, stop him making plans. If they wore him down, melted him into the boiling pot, he'd stop trying to escape and they could focus on bigger things. Often he'd find himself staring out of windows, dreaming of his home, wondering if they even knew where old Papa lived.

But this wasn't the time for conspiracies. This was the time for action. Time to win back some of the control he'd lost when they threw him back out to sea.

"No more." He told himself.

"No m-"


Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:19 pm
by Rocky*
That had been way too easy. First, finding them had been easy enough, it wasn't that hard to find people when they were blabbering on like that. What surprised her was that they weren't fighting. Sure, the two bitches from before were probably going to work together until the end, but the boy was strange to her. He was also completely inconsequential as far as she was concerned. Her issues were with the two girls.

Two shots rang out, and the boy fell. Ashlie made sure to keep herself out of sight for the time being. Let the others panic for a bit, knowing she was out there. Waiting for them to make their first move. She could wait. She had all the time in the world right now. After all, it was just her and the bitches now. And this time, she wasn't playing nice.

The pink haired girl slowly made her way along the ground, making sure to keep low to make things easier for her to sneak up unnoticed. Things needed to end, and she wanted it to end so she could go home, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy herself before doing so. Which was exactly what she planned on doing.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:41 pm
by Macha*
They spent about an hour sat there in the heat, checking through their equipment again and again for faults. There was no room for error here, one wrong step, one jammed bullet, and they would be dead. Khalid didn’t have to worry, he was immortal- supposedly- but they weren’t, and that was worrying Kate. She shook her head. No time to worry, no time to think that they couldn’t succeed because if she kept thinking like that they wouldn’t.

Khalid whispered something. It was hard to make out through the jury-rigged earplugs, but she heard enough to piece together that without their map, it’d be impossible to get out.

“Right,” Kate looked down. It shouldn’t have been an issue, given what Khalid had told them, but she still had her map in case. “T-that shouldn’t be an issue.”

She flicked the safety on and felt the pistol in her hand. Was it a bad sign that she was getting used to the weight of it? She couldn’t tell. It didn’t matter. She had to stop focusing on these things. They had to kill Ashlie. There were no two ways about it.

Kate looked to Taryn, then back to Khalid. Deep breaths. Stay calm. Khalid will lead, he knows what he’s doing. Khalid raised his pistol, muttering. Kate still couldn’t hear. What was he saying? Kate’s head was swimming. This wasn’t working.

“What’s wrong?” Kate asked, raising her own handgun in a different direction. “Is someon-”

Two shots rang out, and Khalid hit the floor.

The man who couldn’t die was lying there, in front of her, leaking blood from two, small red holes. He was supposed to be immortal, and there he was; dead. But if whoever was shooting them aimed that much more to the left, that could have been her. That stirred something in Kate. Panic? She wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t good. Of all the time she had been on the island, that was the closest she had been to dying.

Her ears rang, she could feel her heart pounding away through her skull.

“T-Taryn!” Kate shouted, but it sounded muffled, even to herself. The plugs were doing more harm than they were good. She couldn’t take them out now, though. She needed both hands on her gun. She tried to aim but she couldn’t see anyone.

Something was incredibly wrong here. Ashlie was playing smart, much smarter than she had been before.

Kate panicked, ducking, running, slamming her back against a tree painfully- she felt a slow, warm trickle of blood on her back- and fumbling for her gun. Ashlie was out there, she was close, and she had just killed Khalid. Everything that she’d been told, everything that she’d tried to make herself believe had been thrown out of the window.

She grabbed her necklace, closed her eyes tight, flicked the safety off of her handgun and started to quietly cry.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:38 am
by Carrion Queen
A strange calm was washing over Taryn as they checked and double checked the equipment. It was going to be over soon, one way or another. The concept of being left in peace was so alien to her she wasn't sure what to expect from it. The prospect of being lost in the forest didn't scare her, but it was probably good that Kate made sure to study the map.

Taryn got up with her gun and surveyed the area. From somewhere behind she heard two shots pierce the silence. She spun and looked back. Khalid was bleeding out on the ground.


Taryn ran over, knelt down next to him and turned the boy face up. He'd come back, wouldn't he? He just told them that was his whole advantage.

"Hey, get up!" she whispered quickly. Taryn shook the boy by the shoulders. She felt like a crazy person trying to shake awake a guy with a bullet in his head. A few moments passed and he reacted like any other dead person, that is to say, not at all. She dropped him roughly with an frustrated sigh.

Had he lied to them? Maybe his power wore off. She looked up to get Kate's opinion on the matter but she found herself alone with the corpse.

The blood drained from her face and she felt a little sick; Kate had disappeared. She had to find her before Ashlie did or else she'd end up like Khalid. Taryn wasn't going to let that happen. She sprang up and stalked forward. Her heart beat was ringing in her ears. She was calm when they were together but now she was on her own and couldn't be sure if Kate was alright.

"Where are you?" she said quietly.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:30 am
by Rocky*
Things went easier for her than she planned. After shooting the boy the two girls ended up getting separated, which was all the better for Ashlie. Divide and conquer, as they say. They'd already divided for her, now she just needed to conquer.

The pink-haired girl focused on the weaker of the two, knowing that she would be easier to take down. Not to mention she was already in her direct line of sight. Or was until she decided she was a commando or something and ducked behind a tree. Ashlie just smiled. At least she knew exactly where the bitch was. Which was good for her. Not so much for the other girl.

Ashlie continued her slow progression forward, veering off so she would have a better view of her target. She felt the grin on her face widen. The sense of excitement she got before a kill was one she had gotten used to, one she enjoyed.

The girl waited for a few seconds, letting the moment draw out. Finally, when she was done savouring the feeling, she pointed her weapon in the direction of the timid looking girl and pulled the trigger twice.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:47 pm
by Macha*
Kate’s hands shook as she dropped the necklace, opened her eyes, and span out from behind the tree. She couldn’t see anyone. That made her nervous. Where was she? How was she taking them out if they couldn’t see her? There was no way this was the same Ashlie they had fought in the prisons. She was smarter now, playing off of them. She was a much more dangerous beast this time.

And she’d separated Kate and Taryn. That was her plan. She set a trap when she shot Khalid, and they’d fallen into it. God damn it. Kate’s heart raced as she raised her gun, aiming wildly at what she thought was a flash of pink in the distance, before she dismissed whatever she had seen as nerves-

Kate hit the floor with a loud thump, followed by a shrill, pained cry.

Two shots had rang out, but before her brain could register them, Kate had been hit. She didn’t know where, or how, but all she felt was pain, shooting through her entire body. Everything felt distant now, her ears rang, even through the earplugs, and her vision blurred, whether it was from the tears streaming down her face or something, anything else.

Her breathing was shallow, frequent, panicked. Her arms hurt more, as time went on, than the rest of her body, so she assumed that the problem lied there. The first shot had grazed her right shoulder. That would be fine, in time, it stung her, for now, but in time it would be okay. The second, more damaging shot, went through her lower arm. In the movies Kate used to watch with her dad, the hero- some gruff guy with no personality- would just shrug it off and use his other arm to shoot people in the face.

As much as she wanted to, Kate couldn’t do that. Instead, she just screamed for Taryn to help her.

“T-Taryn!” She screamed. “Taryn!”

Kate instinctively pushed down on the wound, for whatever good it would do, and pulled her arm up as high as she could manage, tears still streaming down her pale face.

She couldn’t move, instead, she just shook, cried, and silently prayed Ashlie wouldn’t try to finish the job.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:52 pm
by Carrion Queen
Two shots cracked through the slience a little ways off. Taryn jumped and spun in the direction the noise had come from. She took a tentative step towards the noise, hand growing slightly slack around the gun. Her heart sank and her eyes were wide. It was rare, but in that moment she looked truely scared.

"No," she mouthed wordlessly.

She took another step, another. It changed from a fast walk into a jog.

"Taryn!" she heard Kate scream.

The jog was a full out sprint towards the commotion. She wanted to scream back and let Kate know she was coming, but it would leave her position exposed. Kate's name jammed at the base of her throat.

You'll be no use if she shoots you while you're still 30 feet away.

The closer she got, the more her anger built. This peice of trash had dared to hurt her friend. Kate was worth a million Ashlies. Kate....

"I wouldn't have to own up to what I did if I said I did it for you. I could twist my thoughts so that I was a good guy. But I'm not a good guy. And I killed those people just as much for myself as for anything else because.....because I AM selfish and because I wanted to be the last one. I'm sorry Kate. I.....I'll understand if you leave."

"Taryn...I'm not going anywhere, okay? I don’t care what you’ve said, or what you’ve done. You’re not getting rid of me that easy."

The leaves and trees passed by her in a watercolored blur. Kate couldn't break her promise. It wasn't fair. A million thoughts were running by her as well. She finally saw the back of Ashlie's head and stopped. A few feet off, Kate was on the ground, bleeding and crying. It was her friend, someone she cared about, that was in pain and the person who'd caused it would know exactly what that meant to her. The adrenaline shot through her strange blood and she raised the gun at Ashlie.

I will kill you. It's not even a matter of needing to in order to survive. It's not a matter of me killing you so that I can live, but I will kill you if it is the very last thing I do.

Of course, it's never that easy, despite what we intend. One step forward and one stray stick beneath her foot were all it took to complicate matters.


Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:33 am
by Rocky*
Ashlie watched the girl fall, bringing a smile to her face. Unfortunately she didn't appear to be dead yet, though this didn't bother the pink-haired girl too much. The longer she lived the more she would suffer, a thought that filled Ashlie with a sense of satisfaction. Sure, she wanted to win, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy it. And she planned on enjoying every last moment of it.

The girl was snapped out of her inner monologue by the sound of a breaking branch behind her. Ashlie had forgotten for a moment that there were two of them, something which thankfully didn't bite her in the ass more than it could have. Her head snapped around to look at the direction of the sound, seeing the second girl approaching.

Ashlie instinctively brought her weapon up, pointing it in the direction of the approaching danger. From her mouth came a string of curses, while her finger pulled the trigger, the pistol jumping in her hands as the projectiles left the weapon.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:54 pm
by Carrion Queen
Ashlie turned too look at her, alerted by the faint sound of the stick that had broken.


The sound and pain was almost simultaneous. Her hand was empty and blood was oozing over her palm from the side of her hand in that strange, goopy way it did since she'd come to this island. It looked like thick, red syrup. Taryn had no idea where her gun had gone. It probably fell into one of the bushes near her feet. There was no time for her to try and dig around for it. Another bullet had struck her upper arm. The bullet had gone clean through and the thick blood was starting to roll downward.

Taryn bit her lip and her eyes welled up with tears for a moment. The nails of her good hand dug into her palms, but the pain hardly registered in comparison to her damaged right hand. With her left hand she wiped the tears away and stared up at Ashlie, determined.

"Lucky shot, you stupid slut," she warbled.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:17 am
by Macha*
Kate closed her eyes in anticipation of the third shot. She knew it was coming. It had to be. She had screwed up and now Ashlie was going to kill her because she wasn’t paying attention. Clutching her bleeding arm, Kate winced as she pulled her arm close to her chest, felt for her pendant and curled the fingers, caked in mud and her own blood, of her good hand around it.

She sobbed quietly, whispering the words she never thought she would say out loud, but had repeated to herself in the back of her mind from the moment she had woken up on the island. Please don’t let me die. Her body started to shake. Why hadn’t Ashlie shot her yet? What was going on? She was playing to win; this didn’t make any sense at all. What was Kate to her? One more body for the count? There was no approach, no gunshot, no knife to the throat, no scream.

Just the terrible sense of dread of knowing that in front of her, right in front of her, there was a girl with a gun pointed at her face, who could, in a heartbeat, pull the trigger and kill her, and that there was nothing Kate could do to stop her.

Then there was a loud snapping noise and Kate’s eyes darted open. She breathed a short relieved sigh, let go of the pendant and put her hand back on her arm, over the wound. She looked for her gun, but she must have dropped it somewhere in the confusion. It would take her too long to find for it to be useful, plus it was- by now- caked in too much mud to ever be useful.

She tried to swivel herself around, but she couldn’t quite make out what was happening. Ashlie was pointing at something- someone, and she started screaming. Kate’s head was a blur. She gagged, tried to throw up but nothing came out.

Faintly, through the blur, she thought she heard two gunshots. She shuffled more, still nausious, got a better look at the situation. Taryn stumbled, bleeding, shouting. Kate shook her head violently. Taryn was in trouble, and unlike before, Ashlie looked poised to finish her off.

Kate panicked. With her good arm, she fumbled for something, anything that she could stop Ashlie with. Her knife was in the pocket of her denim skirt, but that would have taken too long to get, and it wasn’t as if she could throw a knife. Her hands found a rock. It was big- reasonably so, anyway- and felt heavy in her hand, but she didn’t have time to think about that. She needed to do something to stop Ashlie. The stone in her hand, Kate struggled, pushed herself up to her feet and with what little strength she had left, she threw the rock at Ashlie.

It didn’t matter where it hit. It just had to hit her.

Kate breathed a nervous breath, held her arm tight, and waited.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:30 pm
by Rocky*
Ashlie was kind of disappointed. She was really hoping that these two would put up something of a fight, not for them to just roll over and die. Instead she had one down and the other injured, and it was just simply a matter of hitting them somewhere fatal. Which wouldn't be all the hard. The pink-haired girl turned her attention to the stronger one, the one still standing. The other one wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon.

And then she felt something impact with her arm, forcing her to let go of her weapon. She just caught the rock out of the corner of her eye as it landed on the ground. Her eyes turned to where the weak girl was, glaring at her. Her mind completely forgot about the other one in that moment, only thinking of the bitch who dared to attack her.

Drawing her knife, Ashlie charged headlong towards the girl on the ground, fully intent on killing the bitch who threw the rock at her. She was finished playing games, and now she just wanted every last person on that island dead.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:23 pm
by Carrion Queen
Taryn wrapped her arm around her baby sister and this time she didn't fight her. She stood still, implacable and hardly seemed to notice the hug. Their older sister Jayna moved in the kitchen, trying to prepare something for them to eat. A girl with dark curly hair, a friend of Taryn's, came up awkwardly and said good bye and wished them a good night. Kendra glared at her as she left. Taryn kissed the top of Kendra's head.

"It's been a long day. Go get some rest, baby. Jayna and I can take care of things in here. We'll wake you when dinner's ready."

Kendra bristled and ducked out from under Taryn's arm.

"Don't tell me what to do," she spat. "You're not my moth-"

Angry tears welled up in her eyes. She turned and ran before they fell. Taryn sighed a deep sigh and sunk down at the dinning room table as Jayna turned on the burners.

"She'll come around," Jayna shrugged. "Don't take it personally. She won't listen to anyone."

Taryn pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes.

"I know, I know. She's just lashing out because she doesn't know how else to deal. I just wish dad was around more to help us deal with this. He's so wrapped up in work and I'm too....I'm too young for this. Honestly, I don't know what to do either. We thought she went into remission. They told us she was going to be okay."

Jayna checked the water. It was going at a steady boil. She tipped a box of pene pasta into the pot until it was mostly full.

"Just hope for the best. It's all that you can do, Taryn. You know, maybe you all should get out of town for a day or too. Just to get your mind off of things.You're a good sister and a great daughter."

"Mmm. It's frustrating. I just don't like feeling like there's nothing I can do."

"But there is something I can do."

Ashlie smirked at her with that ugly, crooked smile and she saw her lift the gun. The smile turned to an even uglier scowl when a rock flew at her.


Weak and panting, Kate was still slumped over by the tree, but she'd used whatever strength she had left to help Taryn.

Taryn was touched. A small smile flitted across her face. She dug her heels into the ground.

If you can keep fighting down to the very end, then so can I. I owe it to you. I won't give up.

She'd dropped her gun. It was now or never. Taryn ran full speed at Ashlie while her focus was on Kate and threw herself at the other girl. The two fell to the ground together in a heap of tangled limbs.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:22 pm
by Rocky*
Ashlie found herself thrown to the ground, and it wasn't until she actually hit the earth that she realized what had happened. She instinctively lashed out with her knife as they two tumbled to the ground, hitting nothing but air. Silently cursing herself for being caught of guard, Ashlie instead worked on trying to defend herself from the inevitable attacks that were sure to come.

Her mind was racing, trying to think of a way to get out of the situation. Her best option would be to use her voice, something she had no real issues with doing normally. However at that point she was gasping for breath, trying to regain the air that had been pushed out of her upon hitting the floor.

The form that was on top of her began to take on a distinctively human shape, and out of desperation Ashlie lashed out with her empty hand, aiming for what she thought was their head. If she could get them off her then she would be in better position to attack. As it stood right now, she was at the mercy of her assailant until she got her breath back.

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:12 pm
by Carrion Queen
Taryn was trying to get a hold on the girl. She was squirming and pitching a fit like a cat that knew it was time for a bath. She saw the girl swing for her face and dodged. Unfortunately she didn't noticed the other hand with a knife near her throat. As she moved to avoid the punch a sharp sting ran across her chest.

Taryn looked down and noticed the slow-moving goop starting to well up near her skin. Ashlie'd slashed her, leaving a slanted line from the bottom of her right collar bone to the top of her breast . Had the swipe been farther up, she might have got her neck. The wound wasn't lethally deep, but it hurt. It also didn't help that it cost her more blood.

Taryn knew that her blood could turn to crystals. The piece of paper had said so and she found out that it was the truth. She knew that it made her blood all gooey and weird. It was a side effect of whatever they'd done to her. What Taryn did not know was that due to the way her blood formed into crystals, she lost more blood than the average person with each cut. The Organization knew, they'd marked it on her file as a consquence of the serum, but they made no attempt to let Taryn know.

And so she also did not know that each drop she shed was a waste she couldn't afford.

She scrapped with the girl around on the floor, trying with all her might to get he to stop fighting. A sudden sensation of falling hit her for a moment. She shook her head and looked at Ashlie.

"I'll drag you down with me if I have to. I'll drag you behind me kicking and wailing like a freak right down to Hell. That girl you hurt is worth a million of you. No one's gonna cry over you if you leave. You are trash. Sneaky, cowardly, disgusting, trash. I hope I'm there to see you burn."

Re: Paper Dolls

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:37 am
by Rocky*
The girl attacking her was tenacious, she would give her that much. even after unintentionally injuring her, she was still furiously assaulting her, something that Ashlie had a hard time stopping even when she did get her breath. Taryn's strikes rained down hard and heavy, and little bits of her strange blood had begun to harden, leaving small superficial wounds on her arms and across her face. After considerable effort, but the pink-haired girl was finally able to get away from her momentarily after yelling at her.

Everything that she had done in the last hour or so, from killing the other boy to this, had been a considerable drain on Ashlie. She crouched on one knee, panting noticeably as Taryn gave her little speech. Ashlie couldn't really care less about what she was saying. She was just glad for the brief moment to get some of her stamina back.

Ashlie's grip on her knife tightened. It seemed almost fitting that after everything, she was back to using the weapon that started her on the journey to get here. Taryn looked to be in bad shape, Kate even worse off. They were the only three left, and only one of them was going to live to see tomorrow. In Ashlie's mind, she had already won. She lunged at Taryn, her blade pointed outward, aiming to drive the weapon straight into the other girl's heart.