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Re: Uphill and Against the Wind

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:38 pm
by Pippi
Amanda was the first to reply, almost immediately after Roy had yelled his question. Her response, however, was less than useful. Apparently, the trio hadn’t found anything, not a single thing. Roy shook his head. Great. I mean, I wasn’t really expecting anything, but we’ve wasted valuable time when we could be looking for our classmates.

After that, there was silence for a moment. Roy wondered whether he should just step back outside again, and wait for them. Or maybe I should, like, yell at them again... ask whether they wanna leave now or something.

Roy was about to act on his thoughts, and had opened his mouth to speak, when Martin started walking over to him. Roy closed his mouth, and looked at Martin slightly quizzically. He didn’t have time to ponder what Martin was planning, however, as he almost immediately spoke up.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Roy couldn’t help smiling when he heard Martin say that. Finally, they were gonna act and find some people! Who else would they be able to “recruit” for their group? Roy was fairly sure that Lucy, Tito, Martha and Patrick would help them, and he was sure Leo, Martin and Amanda had other friends that could help. Still smiling, Roy turned to follow Martin, who had by now walked out the open door. Roy’s smile instantly vanished. Oh, right, yeah. Finding people means going out into the boiling heat, doesn’t it? Still, if it means saving lives, I can stand a little bit of heat.

So Roy stepped out of the Sherriff’s office, confident, prepared, and yet still slightly scared, and started to follow Martin.

((Roy Benson continued in The Great Elsewhere))

Re: Uphill and Against the Wind

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:38 pm
by Courtography
Well Martin and Roy were ready to go. Leo looked annoyed, but didn't he always? This wasn't the best situation, it was understandable. Still, they had to find more people for their group to prevent anything bad from happening. They could do this.

(Amanda Clearwater continued in The Great Elsewhere)

Re: Uphill and Against the Wind

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:38 pm
by Acidic*
When the group started to leave the office, but Leo found himself pausing at the door. Delaying the heat, pausing the possibility, and holding the frame looking out.


((Leo Raclaw, continued in The Great Elsewhere))