The Bagman's Gambit

Private! pre-dawn Day 3

A moderate sized cruise ship in which the motor has been carefully removed, this shell of a vessel once was used for daily tours about the nearby waters. Inside are some bedrooms, a pool on deck, and a relatively large restaurant, with all of the place mats an dishes still on the table.
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Post by Fiori »

"I... I don't understand."

She didn't wan't to believe what Cesar was saying right now as she crouched beside him, no matter how much deep down she agreed with the idea that he was suggesting. From a purely pragmatic point of view, Odile putting Cesar was a much better option to having to drag him around everywhere. After all, it would also mean that she would be one step closer to getting off this island, what with the ten kill rule in place.

But... The very idea of Odile shooting Cesar dead was almost too much to bear, even though Amber herself wouldn't be the one who has to pull the trigger herself. Amber herself was never particularly close to Cesar, but she knew for a fact that he and Odile's relationship was REALLY close. So close in fact that she was, admittedly, a little jealous of it. But not enough that she wanted to see it end like this! Good god, nobody deserved to die like this!

She bit her lip, trying desperately to think of some kind of better alternative as tears continued to flow down her cheeks. But sadly, nothing whatsoever came to mind. And as much as she hated to admit it, Cesar's suggestion WAS the best option at the moment. She was tempted to suggest taking the shot herself, but at the same time she knew that doing so would be pointless from a purely logical perspective. Unless she was mistaken, killing her own teammates wouldn't count towards the ten kills needed to escape, and she had no intention of killing another eight people in order to win anyway. Besides, the last thing she needed was to give her mentor another excuse to berate her again, and somehow killing Cesar struck her as the kind of thing that would rile him up a lot.

Cesar leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, asking her to look after Odile in a whispered tone. Amber nodded solemnly as a reply, trying desperately to hold back on the tears that were dying to flow freely.

What happened next shocked Amber. Not because of what happened, but because of her she instinctively felt about it. Cesar had embraced Odile, passionately kissing her on the lips before calling her things like "his black swan" and "his witch'. And all the while, Amber was genuinely shocked with herself for feeling so jealous about the sight. Jesus Christ, am I really so pathetic that I'm envying someone who's about to get shot in the head?!?

At least now you'll have her all you yourself, slut...

Odile then suggested that she go grab some glasses and smash them on the bottom of the ramp, just in case anyone had heard them. "G-Good idea." was all she could think of saying, right before she turned to Cesar and gave him one last tear-soaked hug. After all, she highly doubted that she would get another chance to do so after she had gone.

"Don't worry, I'll look after her. You'll see..." she whispered into his ear before giving him a kiss on the cheek, forcing her lips to form a weak smile before she got up and headed for the kitchen.

She gathered a couple of glasses and headed back the way she had originally came, down the bullet-ridden corridor, past the lobby, and eventually through the door onto the ramp outside. She couldn't actually see anyone in the distance, but regardless she decided to follow Odile's suggestion and threw them down the ramp so that they smashed near the bottom. After she had done so, she went back inside and closed the door, locking it from the inside. There, that ought to stop any unwanted visitors...

At that point, a gunshot rang out through the corridor.

She stood there for a moment, not moving so much as a finger or saying a single word. Instead, her thoughts drifted back to Cesar and Odile. To all the private moments they had shared together. The smiles they shared, the stories Odile had told about all of Cesar's odd habits and quirks. They had gotten along so well together...

What had Cesar's final words with Odile been before she had left?

"I love you..."

She leaned her head against the metal door and let her tears flow freely again, her legs slowly sliding down until she was in a crouching position. It wasn't fair. Cesar didn't have to die! Neither did Anthony, or Jaszmine, or Devonte, or Tiffany, or... Hell, or even that freak Lou! He probably wasn't such a bad guy before he got dumped on the island. Okay, he was probably still a total freak, but even so at least he wouldn't have been forced to play this stupid game and force her to kill him!

Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, that familiar voice began to speak to her via her collar again. Oh for fuck's sake, why now?

To be fair, this time the advise he gave her was perfectly sound. Keep her guard up, things could be a lot worse, etc... The only thing she wasn't sure of was the advice to not trust anyone at face value. Was he referring to Odile? In that case, he obviously knew NOTHING about her, because anyone with half a braincell knew that Odile was one of her closest friends in the world. If there was anyone on this island she could trust, Odile had to be one of them. She just HAD to.

After all, if she couldn't trust Odile... Then who COULD she trust?

Well... No use standing around here anymore. Better head back.

With this in mind, she took a deep breath, and headed back to reunite with Odile.
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Post by Nadir* »

((I always thought that this song would be fitting for this scene. It turned out to be less emotional than I planned, but anyway, here it is: ))

Andrea Perdomo was lying in her bed, awake, yet still unmoving. She was hearing her parents and all her sisters downstairs, screaming and shouting, and then she knew that something bad had happened to Cesar. Something horrible. He had got hurt. Possibly somebody had shot him. Or stabbed him. Or strangled him. Andrea didn´t want to know.

She wanted to summon enough courage to get out of the bed, open the door of her bedroom, go downstairs, and ask her family what the hell had happened. Why the fuck her brother was not going to be able to come home anytime soon, and who was the cause of that fact.

But, at the same time... she was so fucking scared to know. Little girls shouldn´t have to ask if her brother was going to be alive by the end of the day or not. She shouldn´t be even wondering if he was alive or not...

She was still pondering if it would be wise to go downstairs or not, when heavy steps began to sound coming up the stairs, and walking through the hallway until her room. In any other case, Andrea would have closed her eyes and would have pretend to be asleep, in order to evade a scolding from her Mom, her Dad, or both of them. But this time was different, and she knew. She had to know. She had to...

The door creaked open, and her father´s head sneaked into her room. She sat up straight on her bed. She didn´t even need to ask her father. The look on Antonio´s eyes said it all. Andrea felt how her eyes began to swell up.


Antonio came to her and sat down besides his youngest daughter.

"Andrea..." he muttered, trying to find the words on how to say it. But he couldn´t "I´m so... I´m sorry..."

He instantly felt how the youngster threw her arms around him, sobbing quietly while burying her head deep in his shoulders. He should have said something. After all, he was supposed to be the man of the house. He was her father. He should have told her that everything was going to be fine, that they were gonna pull through all of that pain, that they were gonna find the people that had done this to Cesar, and then make them pay for this. But, at the same time, he knew that the odds of getting revenge, even if he would like to think the opposite, were highly unlikely...

And so then, in the darkness of his daughter´s room, where nobody from his family except his youngest child could see him, he cried for the son he had lost.


Cesar was losing it, right now. This was taking way too much time. If Odile didn´t compose herself, he would die before she got him, and then it would all be hopeless. C´mon, he thought, you are tougher than this shit, honey. You can pull through. C´mon, pull the trigger and end it already.

Amber had said goodbye, and then Odile had ordered her to smash something up so people could not trace them. Ah, even in the cusp of having a nervous breakdown, always the resourceful strategist, Odile.

Cesar had to admit, he was going to miss her. And Amber, too. And everyone. He could think of lots of possibilities, how this whole damned game should have ended up, if only he had not been so stupid and reckless. But in this island, being reckless was paid with one´s own life. That was the law of the jungle. Eat, or be eaten. He was trailing off...

Ah, so, where was he? Ah, allright, goodbyes. Now it was Odile´s turn.

Love you too

It was a lie, and he knew it. She had not loved him, not for a second. Of course, she had been comfortable in his presence. They had enjoyed their nights and afternoons together. They had enjoyed every second of whatever the fuck they had. But sometimes life isn´t enough.

Anyway, that didn´t prevent him from smiling when the bullet fired from the pistol passed through his brain and splattered all the wall behind him with blood and gray matter.

PRP4: Cesar Perdomo: DECEASED
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake was getting really tired of Jared Clayton' s attitude. When a guy is begging for death, you offer a gun, not first aid. Not anymore. Maybe if Jared weren't such an asshole he'd actually listen for five seconds and-

His thoughts were cut off by another gunshot. Instinctively, Jake braced himself for the worst. What if they missed? What if by some freak sense of unholy justice, this time it actually hits him? That was probably the worst thought.

Of course it didn't. Jake could only assume that it met its mark just fine.

There was a moment of silence as he thought about the people on the other side. Would they let him out now? Did they hate him for being effectively the reason why their friend died? Well...that was being a little too strong, their friend died because he was an idiot, but the idiocy was only because Jake himself was there.

He pressed his forehead against the door. "I..I'm sorry," he whispered to the person on the other side. "I'm sorry for your loss."
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Post by Cake »

A voice echoes from both collars...

"You know what would cheer anyone up during a sad moment like this? Talking about our sleek, new VerizonTM cell-phones. Could you two bring that up for me? We here at Verizon are sponsoring you both. Continue making us proud. Thank you for that Verizon name drop, earlier, Jake."
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Post by Kitten* »

Cesar was gone.

Odile couldn't even look at what he'd left behind, what'd once been him.

She turned from the body, backing as far away from it as the cramped corridor would allow.

"Someone... someone deal with hi-... with this."

The words didn't come easily. Odile forced them out, fighting not to cry. Not here. Not with a camera right in her face, with a microphone right under her chin. She needed to be strong, now.

There'd be time for crying later.

Her collar spouted some nonsense about Verizon, as did another. The kid she'd locked in the room was on her team, then? She'd missed the bandana, if he'd been wearing one. The damage that her inobservance may have done outweighed any worry she might have had about how incredibly useless their shared mentor appeared to be. Both of these facts she filed away in her mental "deal with later" tray.

She chose to ignore the collar-voice. Instead, pulling the chair away, she opened the door that her teammate had been trapped behind, leaning against the frame. Amber couldn't lift Cesar... couldn't lift the body by herself, and Odile didn't want to touch it, didn't want to even think about it.

So don't think about it. Just act.

"I'm going to need you to get rid of tha... of that body, there. I don't care where it goes, it just needs to be out of my sight."

Authoritative. Calm. Rational. Keep it together, Odile. You're doing well.

"And be quick, yeah? Lots to talk about when you're back."

It was a double impact. There was the pain of him being gone, of knowing what she'd done, of the whole goddamn fucking bullshit situation. Then there was the second pain, the sneaky fucking insidious pain, where she just wanted to lay her head against his chest, to make the first pain go away. The salt in the wound.

That second pain was the worse one, a constant reminder that he'd never be there to console her, to comfort her, to hug her. He wasn't here now, and he wouldn't be there ever, because she'd shot him in the forehead. His clever eyes had rolled back in their sockets, and his brilliant, incredible brain was all over the wall behind him. Cesar's warm, comforting chest looked a lot less appealing with a whole the size of her fist in it.

Cesar was dead. He was dead, she had killed him, and she'd have to deal with that.


Right now, there was one more thing she had to do.

"Th-thank god for my sleek, new, Verizon cellphone, or I'd n-never get through this."

You had to kiss ass to make it in showbiz, right? She'd wanted to scream, to tell that useless apology-of-a-"mentor" to go fuck himself with his bullshit phones, but with Cesar dead and an island's worth of potential-murderers about to find out that she'd done that to him, Odile needed all the friends she could get.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber knew for a fact that she wasn't going to like the scene of violence that awaited her.

She could already picture it in her head: Cesar lying lifeless on the floor with a massive hole dominating what used to be his face, Odile standing there in shock with the gun still in her hands, covered head to toe in her ex-lover's blood. Just thinking about it was making Amber's skin crawl, and her innards feel as though they would erupt at any moment.

But nevertheless, slowly but surely, she made her was down the bullet-ridden hallway which led to where she had left Odile to do what needed to be done. A small part of her hopelessly wished that things were actually better then they seemed, that some kind of miracle had happened to save Cesar's life. Maybe that gunshot hadn't been intended for him? Maybe either he or Odile had changed their mind at the last second, aiming or pushing the gun away at the last possible second?

Or maybe she was just being blindly optimistic...

Sure enough, that proved to be exactly the case.

She turned around one last corner, and there he was, lying lifelessly on the floor as a boy who Amber assumed to be the one from behind the steel door was dragging him away as Odile stood there in silence. Well, that settled it. Cesar was gone. She would never be able to hear his voice again. Never get the chance to giggle at his funny mannerisms, or tease him light-heartedly for the odd way he spoke. Nor would she ever be able to give him a warm and comforting hug ever again. No, Cesar was dead. Her teammate... No, her FRIEND was dead, and nothing would ever be able to change that.

Only question now was how Odile was taking all this. After all, if anyone here should feel remorse at Cesar's loss, it would be her. She was always much closer to Cesar than she was, in more ways than one. So if anything, she should be feeling far worse then Amber ever could be about Cesar's death, especially seeing as she was the one who had been forced to pull the trigger.

And yet... Something about her demeanour suggested that she was indifferent about it. There was a certain coldness about her expression, as if she knew for a fact that she had done the only pragmatic thing and didn't feel the least bit sorry about it. Some people would be horrified at how easy she seemed to be taking this, would label her as a heartless monster who killed her own lover without the slightest bit of regret.

But Amber? Deep down, she knew this wasn't the case. The Odile she knew wouldn't be able to do this with the same ease as swatting a bothersome fly. No, she could tell just by looking at her that Odile was trying desperately to hide her true feelings. Holding back on them to avoid looking weak in front of the camera. It made perfect sense really, from a practical perspective. She was always good at staying strong, and not letting her emotions rule her judgement in the same way that Amber let her's. That's part of the reason why Amber had always liked Odile. She KNEW when the right time to cry was, or when it was okay to let your guard down. She was always a natural actress, something which Amber had been trying to emulate for god know's how long.

And yet, despite all this, Amber couldn't just stand there and watch Odile bottle up her feelings like this. She couldn't even imagine how horrible she must be feeling with herself right now. Amber knew how hard it was to take having killed someone in self defence, but killing someone you cared deeply about as an act of mercy? Odile must be feeling like the loneliest person in the world right now...

Which was why Amber couldn't stop herself from running up to her and wrapping her arms around the taller girl and embracing her as tightly as she could, her head resting against Odile's chest as she finally allowed herself to weep freely.

"I...I-I-I'm sorry! I'm SO sorry! I w-w-wish I could have done something... That I could have...... Oh god!"

A small part of Amber tried desperately to remind her of what her mentor had tried to warn her about. That Odile had by now killed up to three people, and that the chances that both of her first kills were done in self-defence were flimsy at best.

Not that she cared. Not that she ever truly cared.
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Post by peregrineink* »

If Jake got out of this alive...

...he was going to punch his mentor in the fucking face. Seriously, how awkward can you fucking be?

How did it get to this point? He was just sleeping, and now all of a sudden a girl with absolutely bewitching eyes telling him to move the body of a person that she obviously just shot, she obviously told that she loved and whether or not that was true didn't really matter, did it? She cared for him enough to tell him that, regardless.

Just like Jake had loved Madelyn enough to leave her.

God, wasn't that a crock.

Cesar was dead and uncomfortable weight in his hands as he dragged him down the hall, trying to ignore the frantic screaming as a new member joined the party. He tried not to think of his gun, or of how much of a dick Jared Clayton was to him personally. Was the dude a dick to everyone or was Jake just special?

Jake tried to ignore the trail of blood he was leaving. Maybe he could just leave the body in another stateroom and make it back. That girl was not doing too well. And there was lots to talk about wasn't there.

...Like the fact that she was on the same team as him.

It didn't strike him at first, but as he kicked open another stateroom door and dragged the body to the bed, his heart began to beat faster. The mentor had spoken to the both of him. He heard her make a halfhearted plug for Verizon as he left. His heart thudded. At least he wouldn't have to kill her. They could be friends. They could becomes friends and it would all be fine. They could figure something out.

He dumped Cesar on the bed and bounded out of the room, back towards the girl. The mysterious girl who seemed to be dealing with her own inner turmoil.

...The girl on his team.

His teammate.
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Post by Kitten* »

It was all too hard; all too much. She didn't know what to do, didn't even know what she wanted to do. Killing her competition, putting on a show: it all seemed so meaningless. She'd set out to make things entertaining, but now Odile was having doubts about whether this was something that should be made entertaining.

Cesar was dead. It was something she wanted to think about, but it was true. He was dead, she'd shot him, and a million people had loved it. Odile had always loved to entertain, but this seemed wasteful. He'd been brilliant, Cesar. Smart, lively, perceptive, hers; Cesar'd been a billion kinds of interesting, and all these vultures cared about was... what, exactly? The petty thrill of watching the death of a fucking child? Of some kid, who'd never done anything to hurt anyone?

It was cheap. It bullshit, it was stupid, and it was cheap.

The possibilities of the show had entranced Odile: the chance to entertain thousands, to put on the show to end all shows. From the other side of the screen SOTF was dazzling, but every stage the world over had grime behind the curtains, and the blood that all that glitz was bought with was a price that Odile was becoming less and less willing to pay.

Amber hugged her, but she barely felt it.

She needed to get cleaned up, get this blood out of the corridor. There were towels in the kitchen, probably running water, too. Odile'd clean the mess up in there, maybe try and make the place a little habitable, maybe take a shower. Then? Then she had some serious thinking to do.

A general sense of disillusionment aside though, Odile was doing okay. Should she act sadder? Shed a fake a tear or two? It seemed a little tacky, and she couldn't imagine it'd help Amber very much. Odile's friend looked how she herself was feeling: tired, worn down, on the verge of a breakdown. She pulled the girls head against her chest, hugging her back.

"There wasn't, it just..." Odile trailed off, "This was the best we could do"

The simple fact was that sometimes the best wasn't enough.
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Post by Fiori »

I... I understand.

Amber wished this moment could go on forever. She felt so warm in Odile's arms. So safe, so secure, that she wouldn't have any troubles to worry about anymore. As long as she and Odile remained embraced, then she wouldn't have to think about all the awful things that she had witnessed on the island. All the death and suffering which she had heard about. She could pretend it was all just a simple nightmare, one which she would wake up from at any second.

But deep down, Amber knew that the only really reason why she didn't want to let go was because it would mean having to face reality. That there were many questions she had been meaning to ask, questions which she wasn't sure whether or not she really wanted to know the answer to. Why had she killed those two students from the other school? Was it done in self defence? Did she have no other choice? Did she feel as much regret as she did after her first kill? Had Odile seen Eloise anywhere, or Anna for that matter? And if so, how where they taking this situation?

And of course, she would need to tell her the truth about what she had done back at that cabin. Well, not EVERY last gritty detail, but it wasn't as if she really needed to mention that part which led up to Lou's terrifying entrance. But would Odile believe her? Stupid question, of course she would. Odile wouldn't have dragged her along if she believed that she had killed someone without a good reason for doing so.

That is, unless she had some kind of ulterior motive for bringing her here. Her mentor DID mention about... Wait, what am I thinking? If I can't trust Odile, then who the hell on this island CAN I trust?!?

Eventually, Amber grudgingly pulled back, her eyes meeting Odile's as she mustered up the courage to finally ask the question she had been avoiding for the past several hours.

"Um, Odile... There's something I've been meaning to ask you abou-" She began nervously, only to stop mid-sentence as she noticed the gaunt-looking boy walking towards them down corridor. Oh, he must be that boy from behind the door. Darn, well, I guess this can wait until later...

As she looked over at the strange blonde-haired boy, Amber couldn't help but notice that like Odile he too wore a yellow bandanna around his arm. Odd. If he was one the same team as Odile, then why would she block the door and steal his gun? The only reasonable answer Amber could come up was that for whatever reason Odile couldn't tell what team he was on. Maybe he had fallen asleep on his side or something? Either way, the fact remained that Amber had to do something other then just stand there and watch as Odile has to explain why she decided to trap her own teammate. Whilst this guy didn't exactly look that bright, something told Amber that he would find it difficult to believe that Odile had simply not noticed the yellow bandanna on his arm...

However, the idea of telling him that SHE was the one who trapped him in that room out of fear sounded much more reasonably. After all, she happened to be something of an actress herself...

"Hi, um, I... I'm sorry about locking you in your room earlier. Me and my friends were just exploring the boat, a-a-and none of us were really expecting to find anyone, you know? So when I DID find you, I got... Well, a little scared, especially since you had a gun and everything. I didn't notice at the time that you were on the same team as my friend. I-I-I wasn't sure what else to do, so I decided to... Um, well... To borrow your gun and block the door with a chair."

She paused for a moment, allowing what she had said to settle in.

"O-Only temporarily though! I n-n-never meant to just leave you trapped in there or anything! I didn't think you'd even wake up so soon! I was planning on letting you out and giving your gun back once I was certain that you weren't dangerous. But then you woke up earlier then I thought you would, and Cesar, he... He got scared. I didn't get the chance to tell him that everything was alright before he ran off and accidentally shot himself. Don't get me wrong, he was a good person, a REALLY good person. But he was also very... Well, overprotective."

She paused to catch her breath once more, praying that this boy was actually believing her story.

"I... I'm REALLY sorry about this. I truly am. This was all just one big misunderstanding... If you want, I-I can give you your gun back or something if that makes you feel any better..."

On that note, she produced the pistol from her pocket and flicked the safety on, holding it by the barrel as she glanced in Odile's direction to see whether or she she approved of her suggestion. Oh god, I just know that fuckface of a mentor is going to give me hell for this...
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake listened quietly as the really sexy one rambled on to him about how scared she had been and that was why she locked him in and how Cesar had been a good person.

Then she handed him his gun.

A thought flashed through his mind, how easy would it be to turn the gun on her? Would the other girl? The one with the eyes, the one on his team, stop him? They were obviously together in this so probably. He tried to conjure up disgust at the thought of the back of her head exploding into blood and viscera. It didn't seem to bother him, however.

"It's okay," he replied to her, once her tirade was done. "It's a crazy time, isn't it? You don't know me, I was some strange big guy sleeping. I totally understand why you...and he, did it." Jake didn't know how to properly breach the subject of the body he just dragged away as he tugged the gun safely in the back of his pants again.

The rambling girl was incredibly tiny, he had a hell of amount of height on her, nearly a foot and a half. While she had talked, he tried not to stare at her lips, they were so full, he wondered if she chewed them like Madelyn had.

It was far too easy to look further down, and he tried really hard not to. He had left Madelyn for sure, she was out there somewhere, who knew where, but it didn't stop him from loving her any less.

But still. Seriously. Those were some big tits for such a little girl.

Bad Jake. Seriously.

"Thanks for giving me this back, by the way. That was nice of you.."
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Post by Kitten* »

What did she want?

Amber wanted to talk, and Odile could guess what about. Her friend wouldn't've followed her here if she had serious doubts about Holly and John's deaths, but she'd certainly have questions. As for the tall kid, his eyes were making it abundantly clear exactly what it was that he wanted.

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. You could say what you like about boys, and Odile tended to, but at least they were consistent.

This was all well and good, but the question of what she wanted was still left unanswered. Everything that she'd been aiming for, now seemed worthless. All of her plans that were so clear, now seemed muddy. The show was a fucking joke, exploitative bullshit farming senseless tragedy for easy drama. What had she'd even seen in it?

She'd seen the biggest audience of her lifetime? Odile had never worried about audience size before. She'd seen a chance to improve it, to make it her own? It was without a shred of false modesty that Odile could say she had never tended towards altruism. The show was beneath her, a populist, pandering piece of shit, and she'd styled herself as some kind of director to avoid facing the fact that she was just another victim.

Just like Cesar.

Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes, and Odile made no effort not to cry. Fuck her image, what did she care what the stupid, mouth-breathing audience thought of her? Fuck Amber and tallboy too: if she had to watch Cesar die, to watch her boyfriend just go, they could deal with seeing a few tears.

She felt lost. She'd been feeling that since the start, but blamed it on details: adhesive for a weapon, morons for allies. Amber was with her now, as were some serious items of hardware, but Odile still felt adrift, and of course she did. Not having a gun was getting her down? She was 17. The fact that a lack of firearms was something she was expected to... to rectify? That was seriously fucked up.

Also? Seriously bullshit. She hadn't cared about the gun, not really. Sure, Odile had felt weak and powerless, but that wasn't because she was unarmed, or whatever. It was because half her fucking highschool were now expected to murder one another, and she and all her peers were almost certainly going to die.

And now Cesar had.

Looking back on her actions was painful, embarrassing even. Skulking about like some pantomime villain, trying to make things "interesting"? Not just going along with this sham of a show, but actively trying to make it more popular? More profitable?

She'd felt so smart, then. So clever. Now Odile just felt ashamed. Lost, ashamed, and more than a little angry. She wanted to break something, to make someone else feel what she was feeling. It was a dangerous emotion, she knew, although not an altogether unpleasant one.

Reign it in, Odile. Her priority flip meant that any long-term plans she'd had, insofar as long-term existed for her, were now void. She didn't want to do anything rash that would end up hurting her later on.

Short term, though, there were a fair few things that needed her attention. Odile wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, then wiped that on her jeans.

"This seems like a good enough place to hole up as any, so I should probably do something about... all of this." She gestured at the leftover bits of Cesar, splattered against the wall, then turned to leave.

"You kids play nice, now." Odile sniffed, and forced a grin. She could do this. She could get through this. She might not have any plan yet, but she could think of one. She would think of one.

That was her thing.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber inwardly breathed a sigh of relief when the tall boy tucked the gun into his back pocket. Not that she assumed that he would have instantly used it against her the moment he had it in his grasp, otherwise she would have never given it to him in the first place.

But that didn't mean that a small part of her still didn't trust this boy, and she would have never done such a thing if Odile hadn't been there with her own gun at the ready in case anything went wrong. Whilst he seemed friendly, Amber knew from experience how looks could be deceiving. She herself being a prime example. Around school, she had always tried to maintain a facade of being a ditzy innocent little schoolgirl. A little energetic perhaps, but far from the flirtatious party girl she was when the sun was down. Of course, nearly everyone at school who knew that the whole "naive schoolgirl" thing was a total act, but that never stopped her from trying anyway.

Either way, the fact that he hadn't turned the gun on her JUST yet earned him a few brownie points.

"N-No problem!" Amber replied with a nervous smile, pretending that she didn't notice how the tall boy was eyeing her up. She had better things to worry about right now then whether or not some boy was staring at her chest. Besides, if anything, over the years she had gotten used to the kind of looks guys always seemed to give her whenever they got the opportunity.

Admit it, you love every second of it...

At that point, Odile suggested that they should stay at the cruise ship for a while. As much as Amber wasn't fond of the idea of sleeping in the same place that Cesar had died in, she couldn't deny the fact that this was a pretty secure location. Much MUCH safer then that crummy old wooden shack. At least she can finally get some sleep without worrying about some machete-wielding psycho climbing through the window like some kind of pirate.

Just as Amber was shaking off the surprisingly creepy image of Lou dressed up as a pirate, she noticed that Odile was heading off towards the kitchen. Probably to grab a couple of towels or something to clean up all the... Well, all the blood.

However, as she spoke, Amber couldn't help but notice a singe tear dropping onto the floor. A tear which, for once, came from Odile's eye instead of her own. As far as Amber could recall, she had never seen Odile cry. At least, not genuinely cry anyway. She had witnessed her make use of crocodile tears numerous times in the past, but never had she seen her cry tears that weren't part of some elaborate act. And Amber was pretty certain that this was no act.

Which, in a funny way, actually made her feel kinda better. I KNEW that she really cared about Cesar! I just knew it!

", Odile?" she said on impulse, only to find no words coming from her mouth when Odile turned around to see what she had to say.

"...T-Take care." was all she eventually said, trying to sound as comforting as possible.

After Odile disappeared from sight, Amber turned her attention back to the tall boy who she was now left alone with. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any for some introductions.

"So, um... What's your story?" she asked, pausing for a brief moment before adding. "Oh, a-and my name's Amber by the way."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Jake smiled kindly at Amber as the other girl- Odile her name seemed to be- walked away.

Odile. That girl had kiiillllllled.

Instead of being afraid, why should he be? She was his teammate, he took a great amount of comfort in that. She was going to help him, they were going to be on each other's team. They were going to find the rest of their team. It was going to be okay. Maybe they'd find Zach, if he wasn't still being so clearly manipulated by Mae. Maybe this would all be okay.

This Amber girl was asking what his story was. What could he possibly say?

Well, I found my girlfriend pretty much immediately after waking up. It was great, I was happy, but then I realized I would have to kill her, then we ended up hooking up with my former fuck buddy Mikaela and walked around a little bit feeling like I was getting nowhere and I left them. I left two girls alone in the middle of a tropical island because some voice coming out of a collar made me feel useless and I really don't know why. I could not tell you why right now, Amber. Damn, you name is really Amber. That is certainly a name. I shot a girl. A shot a complete stranger because I wanted my friend to teach me how to actually play this game. It turned out to be okay. I don't know what I'm doing and I really want to figure that out. I don't think I can ever face the girl I love again. That breaks my heart a little bit but I'm supposed to be a man.

Truth is I've never really felt like much of one.

He didn't think he could tell all of this to a complete stranger. Especially one that was wearing a purple bandanna.

"My name is Jake," he ended up saying. "Jake Langston, I'm from Silver Dragon, of course. Looks like I'm on your friend Odile's team." He gestured to the bandanna Amber was wearing. "Weird coincidence though," he added. "My girlfriend Madelyn is on your team."

He didn't know why this made him so sad. But it did.

"We got...split up," he added hastily. That was certainly an interpretation of what happened.
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Post by Kitten* »

Odile doubled over as soon as she was out of sight of the others. She crouched against a doorframe and tried not to make a sound as she cried, her whole body shaking with silent sobs. It was so unfair. It was awful, it was senseless, and-

And crying wasn't going to change any of that. She wiped her face on her shirt. Get it together, Odile. She didn't know exactly what it was she was trying to do, now, but sitting about weeping certainly wouldn't be helping. She needed to stand up. Stand up. Stand up.

She stood up. Deep breaths. Calm. She could cope.

There were a couple of large pots in the kitchen, and Odile filled them with hot water. There didn't seem to be any dishcloths or anything, so she stripped the pillowcases and sheets off a bed. Taking a moment to clear up the mascara that'd run down her face, she went back into the hallway, where Amber and the tall kid were talking.

"Don't mind me, won't be a moment" She didn't quite manage the false cheer she was aiming for, but Odile was pretty sure she'd kept most of her despair out of her voice. Fake it 'til you make it, her Uncle had always said, and it was advice that she'd never found wanting. Pretend at something until you get the hang of it. Wear a mask for long enough, and your face'll grow to fit it.

Was that what had happened, to her? She'd gotten so used to her theatre persona, to playing the dark prince, that she'd forgotten how not to? How to just be Odile? Ankle deep in her boyfriend's remains was probably not the place for existentialism, and she tried to put these thoughts on hold while she cleaned.

Don't think about anything. Get what's left of Cesar off the floor, this'll all be over quickly.

She tried not to think, as she cleared up the bits of Cesar. Just clearing up the stage, after a show, was all. She'd gotten fake blood everywhere. Prop blood. Not real.

It was stickier than prop blood, and thicker, and it stunk. It soaked through the sheet in seconds, covering her hands, and she tried not to gag at the feel of it on her skin. Just prop blood. Not real. Just prop blood.

Prop blood wasn't this warm.

The blood-drenched sheet went in one pot. The pieces of skull and clumps of hair went in the other. Both went out a window. They were the fishes' problem now.

She made a show of cleaning her hand with her shirt, despite there being probably just as much blood on there as on her fingers, and offered it to the boy.

"I'm Odile. Jones. From Detroit." She smiled without a trace of warmth. Her real smile, not the one she put on to set people at ease. Crooked and twist-lipped. Unsettling. The kid seemed nice enough, but she was in no mood to be fucked with.

"Maybe you've heard of me." It wasn't a question.
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Post by Fiori »

Silver Dragon? Is that the name of his school? That's... Actually kinda awesome.

To Amber's surprise, this boy - who's name as it turned out was Jake - was actually a lot nicer then a lot of the other kids from Silver Dragon whom she'd met.

Then again, the only other two Silver Dragon students who she actually met so far was Shawn and Lou, and whilst Lou was a creepy psychopath Shawn actually came across as a half-decent guy himself. Not to mention handsome. Hell, if the two of them had met under different circumstances, she could easily picture herself flirting with him like crazy.

Shame he had to go ahead and strangle one of her classmates with a snake.

Oh well, this Jake guy seems alright though. Come to think of it, he's actually kinda cu-

"...My girlfriend Madelyn is on your team."


That... Was kind of disappointing, in more ways than one. Not only was this guy taken (Not that she was genuinely considering the idea of hitting on him), but more importantly he had revealed who the mystery fifth member of her team was. A Silver Dragon girl by the name of Madelyn who was this guy's girlfriend.

Amber feelings on this revelation were mixed to say the least. On the one hand, it was refreshing to finally know who the fifth member was, seeing as she had been dying to find out who the rest of her team-mates ever since she first woke up on this cursed island. On the other hand though, this also meant that any lingering hope she had that one of her other friends like Anna or Eloise were on her team had been thoroughly shattered. And whilst she wasn't too surprised to hear that the fifth member of her team was from the other school, she couldn't hide the disappointed look on her face as Jake told her the news.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that..." she said, trying her best to not reveal how she really felt about the news of this girl Madelyn being the fifth member of her team.

"I recently got split up from a close friend of mine too. W-We had met very early on, and thought we could find a way off this island or something together. But... Well, things didn't work out so well, and we eventually lost track of each other when we got ambushed in the hotel. Me and Odile were barely lucky enough to get out ourselves, weren't we?"

She turned briefly to Odile and waited for a reply before turning her attention back to Jake.

"But in all the confusion, I'd completely lost track of him. I... I have no idea if he's even still alive right now......"

She paused for a moment, casually wiping away a single tear from her cheek before turning her attention back to Odile.

"D-Do you think we should go back to the hotel tomorrow morning and check the place out? I mean, who knows, he might still be there waiting for us or something..."
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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