Second Impressions

The tunnels, leftovers from the failed mining experiment on the island, are rather simple in their construction, with their main branches leading into the quarry and heading out towards the isolated cabin. While the entrance from the quarry is still clear, the entrance from the cabin is overgrown with thick foliage. It is hard to breathe and almost impossible to see without a light source down in the mines. These tunnels stretch all throughout the northern and western parts of the island, allowing access at several points in the coastal woods and near the beach.
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Post by Bikriki* »

Actually, now that Damion mentioned it. This was an important question to answer: what weapon had been assigned to Vincent himself? He had found his bag alright and it was strapped tightly to his back. But the tunnels were dark, and he was afraid he'd lose something important if he started rummaging around back there.

Alas, it wasn't as if Vincent could afford to check now. Damion was a nervous wreck already. If Vincent were to open his bag, Damion would be triggered and might pull... the trigger on Vincent. He would have to wait a minute or two. That wouldn't be much of a problem.

Vincent waves the two boys goodbye. He made sure to stay in Damion's field vision, or where Vincent assumed it was. It would be too much of a shame if he started drawing the ire of Damion now that he was already as good as gone.

He was looking forward to seeing what his weapon was, surprisingly.

[[Vincent Holway, continued elsewhere]]
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Post by Sh4dE »

"Why would you think I would murder anyone?", Lance shouted. "Look at what you holding the gun lead to. If you had given me the gun, I would have given it back to you once you calmed down, but you don't want to listen. Jesus Christ."

He looked at Damion's fingers and it surprised him that no one was shot yet. Another snort.

"Whatever. What do you want from me? Can I leave, too?"

He had to find Kasumi.
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Post by Maraoone »

Damion finally allowed himself a sigh of relief as Vincent disappeared from his field of vision. One gone, one more to deal with. And with no blood. He almost let his gun down. His arms wobbled. But then they went taut again. Stay alert.

His arms hurt. They burned. Sweat dripped down the side of his forehead. He just wanted this to be over. Wanted someone on his side, someone not staring him down. Like Jasmine. And oh God, Jasmine was here. She was with him on the trip. Oh God. That, that meant-

No, he couldn't think about that now. All he could afford to think about was the fact that he needed her so bad. And that to get to her, he'd need to end this.

Lance answered, and blood rushed up his neck again. He was blaming him for this. Even though he was the one to ask for the gun. His arms shook even more.

"I don't even know you! How the hell would I know if you'd really give it back, Mr. NRA Member?"

And then Lance asked what Damion wanted from him.

Drop the bag. Lay it all out for Damion. It would ensure that Lance couldn't do anything sneaky, even if he wanted to. And give him more than enough supplies for his entire stay.

While Lance would starve.

No. No! It was the first day, and he was already considering robbing people at gunpoint. It was the first day, and he was already pointing guns, holding people hostage. This was too much, too quick. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be a villain. Lance hated him, and Damion hated him back for that, but not enough to kill him. No. He had to hold himself together. At least for the first day.

He swallowed a lump on his throat, allowed himself to close his eyes. Count to three. Take a deep breath.

"Just- just do as Vincent did. Walk away. Hands in the air. Until I can't see you."

He shifted the gun slightly, towards Lance's face.

"If you try anything, if you try rushing me, stabbing me, shooting me, you're dead. So, don't."

Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
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Post by Sh4dE »

"Well, if you think all NRA members are-"

gunthieves, then you're just an idiot.

Whatever. He had a way to get out of here, so he would take it and not ruin it by giving this madman any more attention or provoke him. Hands in the air, he walked away from Damion.


((Lance Adams continued in Fearful Symmetry))
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Post by Maraoone »

It burns. It hurts.

Just keep it up a few more seconds.

He's so far away. Even if the trigger were pulled, the shots wouldn't land.

But you can still see him. You need to make sure.


The moment you give in is the moment you die.

And so Damion held his gun up, pointed it at Lance as he became smaller and smaller. After the gun completely obscured him. After he started to be swallowed by the trees. A minute or so after he was completely gone, just for good measure. Then, when he was sure, absolutely sure that both he and Vincent were gone, that his ordeal was complete and he still had his gun and everyone still had their lives to go on with, he dropped the gun. And he dropped with the gun.

He dropped to the ground, and even though ants were crawling a few inches away from his eyes, he stayed, and hugged his knees, and he let himself cry again. The gun was behind the ants, a few feet so. He hated it. Hated how odd it looked. How it made him laugh. How it drove away two of his classmates. How they would probably go around and say, 'Don't go near Damion, he's a psycho, he pointed a gun at me.' It wasn't his fault. They forced his hand. But that's what they would say. And behind the gun, there was a camera, pointed at him right now. And behind that camera were people, probably looking at him and pegging him as first killer or something like that. He wasn't a bad person. Just in a bad situation.

Yeah, a good person who pointed a gun at two of his classmates.

God, he was terrible. He closed his eyes, and all he could think about was how they looked at him. Embarrassment coursed through him. No, no, just, don't think about it. Forget it. What's done is done. Just move on.

OK, you can cry a few more minutes.


Eventually, Damion got himself together, wiped the tears off his face. Started making plans, because that's what he did, what he needed to do. Plans. He was good at them. Just, get in his element.

He went through his stuff. Bread. Crackers. High-energy bars. He split the latter into two pieces each, then got one half, and forced himself to chew. God, cardboard. Closed his eyes each time he swallowed. As long as he didn't fuck up, run into some robber, conserved his supplies, he'd be fine. He then read through the manual, practiced loading and cleaning the gun. This monstrosity was a one-shot gun apparently, so he'd be no good in a gunfight. Great.

And then, the map.

He saved it for last, particularly because after the map came a question he really didn't want to answer yet. The question of what to do next. From what he could tell, he was somewhere around the coastal woods, either on one side or the other. Helpful. If he was on the west, then he'd be right next to a cabin, and if on the other side, he'd be next to nothing. Maybe the beach, or the lake after a few minutes' or hours' trek. Whatever the case, the real question he had to answer when looking at the map was where to go next, what his future plans were.

What was he supposed to do?

Whatever he did, Jasmine was part of it. No questions asked. He had to meet her. Maybe some of his other friends, too, that would be nice. But after that? Would he play? He could point a gun, but could he shoot it? He didn't want to answer that yet. He liked to believe he was better than that, but after what he just did, he didn't know. Would he escape? It was an appealing idea, probably the best idea, but how would you start? He didn't know how these collars worked, how to row a boat, how to swim. He just had to hope someone on this island smarter than him could think of something. Maybe Eris. Maybe she could think up a plan.

Honestly, the more he looked at the question of 'What next', the more it overwhelmed him. There were so many possibilities, so many ways to fuck up. How did you move from one point to another here?

Instead of answering that, he went through the Vincent-shaped hole in the tunnel. The darkness inside scared him a bit. Reminded him of horror movies. But he felt more secure here than out in the open. Then, he laid down behind the foliage. Maybe he could sleep away his worries for a bit.
Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
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Post by Ohm »

[B12: James Mulzet start]

It took a while for James to wake up from the drugs they had given them, and even then it took a while for him to realise he wasn't dreaming considering the darkness surrounding him. He unsteadily got himself up and patted himself down to check if everything was still there and to see if he was dreaming.

Nope! Felt pretty real.

He felt a chill up his spine as he realised this, and he cursed out loud as he looked for his bag. Shambling around in the dark before kicking it and almost tripping. He got himself on his knees and opened it.

The first thing he did was get the map out of his bag. It seemed like a smart thing to do at the time. Get the map out, find out where you are, get out. But James forgot a crucial thing.

He couldn't see shit.

Then he remembered, right. They probably would give them light if they had places like this. And he fumbled with his bag some more for anything that could give light, there were sounds reverberating around him. Sounded like people. He stood there in the dark listening to this as the sounds got louder, more intense. In a way, he felt safe in the dark, he could see about as well as anything else there. Almost made him stop himself from trying anymore and make his way without it. But he didn't.

He fished out his flashlight and turned it on. Afterwards he got out his weapon and shined the light on it. James had been lucky. He got a gun, sort of. Looked like a … launcher maybe? Looked like one, he'd seen it games before. Kind of sad that was his point of reference, but regardless of that. He had something unique in a way, that he didn’t know how to shoot or load for that matter. So it was sort of useless in his hands, currently at least. He would work it out later. He hoped.

Weapon in hand, he quickly made a move on. As he walked, he could see what this place was now, a mining tunnel. It made him feel less safe. He'd heard about mining tunnels and the amount of accidents, cave ins and people losing their minds. He needed to get out of there.

So, yeah. He fumbled around the tunnels for a bit, tripping here and there and not really knowing what to do. Well, he was forming a general checklist of things to do like a normal person. Get out of here, find people, talk, maybe team up, not die. If last one not applicable, Well, then something have gone terribly wrong. Other than that, he was going with the flow, at least for now. Trying his best to keep calm in these tunnels.

As he came closer to the entrance, shown by the light coming through and making it so James were no longer walking as awkwardly as possible so as to not trip, if ever so slightly. There was foliage here, clearly disturbed as it formed something of a nest. For a second he saw something in this, a face. He shined his light at it.

[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by Maraoone »

Light. Sounds. People.

Oh god, someone was pointing a flashlight at him. There were people. God, Vincent came from the tunnel. Maybe he had friends who'd heard everything and were going to kill him for laughing. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Damion scrambled up against the foliage, grabbed his gun, and pointed it at the figure.

"Get away! Don't move a finger."

He couldn't stop breathing. He couldn't stop crying.
Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
maraoone was a mistake - cicada 2021
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Post by Ohm »

This went to shit in a handbasket real fast. First person he meets has a gun, what are the odds for that? James took a few steps back as he held his hands up. The voice wavered and the sound of breathing fileld the area, but the intent was clear.

“Whoa! Take it easy there, I’m not armed.” He shaked the items in his hands to emphasise this. And technically he was right. it was in the bag. Not like the gun-toting hole person needed to know about his possibly too good to be true weapon.

"Look, unarmed." He was trying to find a face to the voice. He recognised it, although it was hard to think of one, with the gun poking out and the subtle voice in the back of his mind telling him to get out of dodge. He took a few more steps back in case as he shined his light on them again.

"Damion? That you?
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
Posts: 507
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:09 am


Post by Maraoone »

"Oh my god, James." He'd just done it again. He'd just pointed a gun at some random person- no, he just pointed a gun at his friend.

What was happening to him?

He finally met someone who actually liked him, and now he scared them away just like that. No, he didn't scare him away because he was still here. This could still be fixed.

He dropped the gun, rushed forward, and hugged him.

"I'm so, so sorry, I was just so scared because I thought you were here to attack me, and I didn't know it was you, and I didn't mean it, and-"
Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
maraoone was a mistake - cicada 2021
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Post by Ohm »

Okay, okay. Getting some mixed signals here. So it is Damion in the shadows who went from holding him at gunpoint to hugging him while frantically spouting apologies. James stood there stiff as a tree. He'd been the recipient of some awkward hugs from time to time, but this took the cake.

"Alright, alright. Take some breaths there." While said out of concern for his friend, James would admit to being creeped out. Why did he hide in there, alone in the dark with a gun? He should have known Damion wouldn't take this well, but enough to point a gun at him... This was worse than James initally thought. It's already getting to them.

"Did something happen? Someone attack you?" James looked at him intently, as far as he could see weren't much outside the red around his eyes, but he might have gotten lucky or as lucky as a paranoid dude hiding a hole could get.
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
Posts: 507
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:09 am


Post by Maraoone »

He backed off from James as soon as he started speaking. OK. He was going too far the other direction. Scaring him with kindness. OK. Just, yeah, just take a chill pill.

So, he complied, took some deep breaths. That worked. He felt better now.

And then James asked him what happened, and his heart started beating a little faster. He would start judging him again, like Lance did. Cause, that's what Lance did, ask him if he's okay and then all of a sudden, he tried to get his gun.

But, it hadn't gotten there yet. He was just making assumptions. All he had to do was tell his story, and everything would be OK. So, that's what he did.

"Y-yeah. Like, I just woke up, and this guy just asks me for my gun. And he has a friend with him. So, I tell him no because who does that? I- I barely even knew him, you know. Like, he's the gun freak, Lance something, so, why would I give him a gun? I'd- that'd just be suicide right there. So, I hold him off, and it takes forever, but eventually, he and his friend go away. I just thought you were a friend of his friend, Vincent Holway. He came from the tunnels, and you came from the tunnels, so I thought you were just waiting there."

And then he looked down at the ground a bit.

Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
maraoone was a mistake - cicada 2021
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Post by Ohm »

He stood there in silence as Damion told his story, as he listened he absentminedly shined his light around, as if to see if others were coming up. The only sound filling the air being Damion talking and his own breathing, it was hard to breathe in this place. He heard the last word and turned back to him to see him looking at the floor, whatever happened obviously affected him, and this place and the dark, bad combo.

"Hey! It's Alright, I believe you." Well, he did. Somewhat. He could believe that Vincent and Lance going after his gun, but teaming up? no no no, not this soon. People would be going for someone they would trust, like they were doing right now. He could not remember those two being close enough to try that. Either way, it became clear to him that they needed to get out of this place.

"C'mon. Let's get out of here, being stuck in the dark like this..." He snapped his fingers as he tried to find the right word. He settled for the first thing that came to mind. "'s bad for you, who knows how long we've been in here. Get your gun and let's go." Letting him get his gun back might be a mistake, but he was gonna take that chance, Damion was already on edge as is, and James wasn't ready to leave a friend in the tunnels to go crazy on his own. He just hoped it would work.

Maybe blowing something up would help with that.

((James Mulzet continued in ...))
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
Posts: 507
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:09 am


Post by Maraoone »

A smile broke across his face at those three words. 'I believe you.' And then his smile grew even wider at the next three words. 'Get your gun.' James trusted him. Enough for him to keep his gun.

'and let's go.'

His smile faded a bit. Damion honestly appreciated this second chance a lot, he did. He had an ally, a friend with him that trusted him, that cared about him. But this friend was also dragging him to that forbidden question, 'What next?' Once he got out of the tunnel, once he fixed his stuff, they'd have to figure out where to go next, and what to do next, and whether they should play, or find their friends, or try to escape, or just wait it out, and couldn't he stay in this tunnel just a bit longer?

And yet James was already on his way out.

If he stayed behind, what was he supposed to do? Hope Lance or Vincent would forgive and forget?

Slowly, he slung both his bags around his shoulder, picked up the gun, and walked behind James to their next destination, wherever it was.

((Damion Castillo continues in I'd Rather be at the Aquarium))
Matias Juarez is fed up. He is currently walking home.
Pregame: now that you are broken by the seas, in the depths of the waters,
Memories: Vamô Detonar essa Porra!

Diego Larrosa is lost.
[+] ᵧₒᵤբₛ
[+] Supers
SS35: Mattie Wilkinson can't stop thinking about the past. He tried his best to matter in There We Will Be, Like An Old Enemy. [14/43]
Previous Threads: would - I'm the Satellite and You're the Sky - I'll Be Your Friend in the Daylight Again - What Remains of Cyrus Vähi - Could You Spare My Blood? - Inertia
[+] TV3
TV3 Characters:
BC03: Matias Juarez hates you, and you personally. It was all bullshit to him in the end. [24/81]
Previous Threads: Doves in the Wind - Chapter 46: Fantom Frigate - Matias & Me - Loyalty: 1 - Everything Is Going According to Plan - Loyalty: 2 - If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it - Go for Broke - Wisdom (Part 2) - The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living - The Distance Between the Landscape and Dusk - I Want to Conquer the World - Night Moves
Memory Thread: It's All So Incredibly Loud

SS11: Britnee Joyner (adopted from Somer!) heard something from a friend of a friend, and wants you to know about it. She gave the cameras one last smile in Out on the Sea, We'd Be Forgiven [37/81]
Previous Thread: It Matters if We All Live - 👁️👄👁️ -👁️📦👁️ - Wait a Minute! - Bravado - On the Way to Anywhere - I Want Blood, Guts, and Chocolate Cake
Pregame Threads: Now, Check That
Memory Threads: Let's Hit It 90 To Nothing
[+] SC2
B16: "Badass" Johnny Lancer (adopted from Yugi!) is the diplomat with scars inside and out. He got what he deserved in Though Far Away, We're Still the Same [8/65]
Pregame: Hold Your Horses Now (We Sleep Until the Sun Goes Down).
Memories: Through the Dreamers, We Hear the Hum. They Say "Come On, Come On, Let's Go."
Previous Threads: I'm Looking For a Place to Start, But Everything Feels So Different Now - waste of words - Now, Wait, Wait, Wait for Me, Please Hang Around. I'll See You When I Fall Asleep - Sinking Man - Little Talks - There and Back Again - Your Bones - some day we may come to peace with the world within ourselves

B33: Damion Castillo is the perfectionist with cracks in his facade. He ran out of time in At Every Occasion, I'll Be Ready For The Funeral [38/65]
Previous Threads: Second Impressions - I'd Rather Be At The Aquarium.
Memories: Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
[+] SOTF TV2
CJ2 - Cathryn Bailey is the cynic who just wants respect. She lost control in Production Costs [4/72]
Previous Threads: A New Morning - Don't You? - The Jellies Experience - Makeup - Discordant - Stuck in the Middle with You - The Final Curtain - Grievances - Silver Lights - Going forward - Closing In
School: Whittree Secondary School
TB3 - Damion Castillo is the elitist who just wants to be good. He died a perfectly ordinary death in Lifdoff [65/72]
Previous Thread: Countdown
School: Davison Secondary School
pls give my kids friends tv3 version

Stephanie's Cuckaneers Today at 12:29 AM
maraoone was a mistake - cicada 2021
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