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Re: diamond city lights

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:09 am
by carduinal-cyn
BooBreath Today at 7:44 PM
let's stop talking about all that...
i'm gonna get the scary stories thumbnail finished tonight, and i'll send it here when i'm done โ˜บ๏ธ
so, brb!

Re: diamond city lights

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:21 am
by carduinal-cyn
BooBreath Today at 10:08 PM
missed me that much, huh? ๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ˜…
well, i'll email you the thumbnail so you can download it without getting too spooked
my gift is pretty messed up btw...
the first time i found out i had it, it was in preschool i think
my old best friend, you remember will, right?
well we first met when we got in a fight, and i punched him in the face ๐Ÿ˜… yeah it was bad!
and it wouldn't let go. like, my hand was fused to the side of his cheek
we had to go to the hospital, and that's when i found out...
these days it'd happen if they made me run the mile for gym like they did in middle school lol
that's pretty much it, though. hope you never see me like that. super cringe and embarrassing.
anyways, gn and i hope you like the thumbnail ๐Ÿ‘

Re: diamond city lights

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:20 am
by Cicadan
Kanako Today at 10:09 PM
i mean i guess like
occasionally i will do the whole crazy girlfriend trying to repeatedly text someone to remind them about stuff but thats not really me
thank you so much for the thumbnail again โค๏ธ
i still think you should accept the commission offers from my friends in prism
unlike me they super legit and pay standard market rate for stuff
and i know your gift is like the worst ๐Ÿ˜”
i dont think cringe is the right word though! its not something you decide to do or be its forced on you
the myth of consent
this exact conversation comes up in my circle a lot i s2g like
duniway is uniquely cursed with a population whose gifts are terrible and make their lives hard
i dont think any other school in bend has to suffer like we do
anyways good night ray!
if you need me you know im on until like 3am the usual