Jewel's a really slutty blond cheerleader

[Mary's Hurricane Party, SOTF watch! Open]

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Post by Polybius »

Wow, that panda cub looked really happy. Sure, it was stuck in a tiny pen, but it had what it could want - bamboo, bamboo, and... well, company. There were always people around looking at the baby panda, so it was never really lonely... or was it? There was always that barrier there, separating it from anything else. Hmm...

Ah, but it was working. She couldn't even remember what had been bothering her so mu- oh wait, yes she did, it was SOTF. Kids stabbing each other. But she had that nice moment where she couldn't remember, and that was good.

Alyssa's head rolled over and she looked at Marion. She was so peaceful, confident, pretty... like together. always knew how to respond, never lost her mind over dumb little stuff. Alyssa was always moving around, shaking. Here one day gone the next. But Marion was just there, and that never changed.

Alyssa thought she should really tell Marion how much she loved and appreciated her. But the position she was in right now was so comfortable, and she didn't feel like moving or speaking. She closed her eyes again- her eyelids were feeling very heavy, suddenly. She'd just take a nap for a little bit, then she'd tell Marion. Maybe give her a break for a little bit. Just... later...

((Alyssa Tibbett continued elsewhere))
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