Tonight's Biggest Loser

Day 1 - 2h After Start - To the side of the buildings, on the rocks.

The buildings making up the southern sector of the settlement are more varied than in other regions; they're split fairly evenly between habitations and commercial enterprises. A number of small stores, restaurants, and other businesses may be found here. Many of these occupy the lower floors of buildings, with housing for the operators and their families above. This section of town is generally efficient and well-organized, with decorations intended to lure customers inside and with little room for gardens. The lighting here is good, and the area is generally quite clean.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Phoebe looked closer, but was taken aback.

“Blood…?” she said, under her choked breath.

It was obvious now. It was all over Yian. That meant he got hurt, or he…

No. No. This had to be a lie. Maybe it was from earlier, when they got abducted. But it was fresh and wet. Phoebe felt herself gag a little.

She stepped closer, in full sight of Yian and Rajni. Rajni was there too, and she was a flake, sure, but Phoebe didn’t think she was the type, was she?

He tried to explain himself, but-

An intercom turned on. Phoebe flinched for a moment, almost dropping the bees, before she remembered. And her heart pounded.

Apparently they were supposed to give them… “updates.”

And right away, they got answers.

"First to fall was Cedric Isaacson, shot down as he struck at Yian Griffiths,” the man, “Major Yancy,” said.

And Phoebe’s face went ashen.


He continued. There were three more. Calista, Rue, and Morton. Then, he clicked off, but not before reminding them that it had to continue until there was only one left.

Phoebe had to take a moment to let it sink it. But it wasn’t a long moment. She turned her head towards Rajni’s outburst.

Phoebe took another breath. Right. Time to use your Head Girl voice. This was much different than, say, someone smoking behind the school. No, it was worse. She just had to stay calm, make sure she sounded authoritative, and try not to let things escalate. Even if your heart's pounding.

She stepped a bit more in, placing herself in full view of Yian and Rajni.

“Yian,” she said, her voice stern, her mouth frowning. “Margot’s right about the shower. You should clean up first. Once you’re done, you should explain what happened.”

He seemed shaken up, so a bit of water might make it easier for him to talk. She wanted to believe he was innocent, she wanted to give him that benefit of a doubt.

So she was going to give him it.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Yian couldn't help but feel everything well up again as everyone started shouting. Soon enough he was being dragged to his feet, someone pulling on his backpack from behind. He squirmed, trying to get away, stumbling forwards and spinning around to look at everyone, having stumbled a few shaky steps forwards and away as he looked at the three of them in turn.

Phoebe was the one he ended up on settling looking at. Rajni looked mad, Fleurette seemed annoyed, but Phoebe seemed concerned. He couldn't help but look back at between the other two as they continued talking, and he took another step backwards, looking at the bag dangling in Fleurette's hands now.

They were trying to get him to go inside the house. But were also openly just talking about if they wanted to do something to him. He wasn't really sure he wanted to stick around and find out what something entailed, in particular. They were telling him not to do something stupid too, was that a threat? That was the kind of thing police said, right?

He looked over his shoulder in a quick motion, noting the distinct lack of places nearby that he could run to, before returning his attention to the three of them.

"...don't want to..."
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Post by Lilith »

"Well, I do."

She sigh. That was a lie, the kind that got someone killed. With the gun and the ammunition, she started to walk backward. Yian was crying like baby. He sounded like an ambulance. At least babies had the perk to be cute, she tapped his back with her foot. She circled away from the boy as if she was looking at a roadkill.

Rajni was still there. She still looked as defiant and annoyed as ever. Whatever. She was an 'all bark, no bite' type of person. Even if she had a netgun, she didn't use it against Yian. Why would she use it against her? She still felt the need to speak to her.

"Yeah. I'm just passing by."

"Sure," she paused, "whatever the fuck you want."

Fleurette thanked Rajni and continued. She reached Pheobe. She looked the girl up and down. Her heart was going to leave her body, either through her mouth or eyes. Fleurette still tried to maintain it under control as she pointed the pair.

“Just... keep an eye on them.” She started whispering. She hoped she was out of earshot of Rajni. She might bark a lot, but even the tiniest jaws could nibble you. “And keep them here.”

Pheobe nodded. She turned toward the home. Her heart was in her throat. She kept her breathing under control. This wouldn’t take long, or at least shouldn’t.

After she had closed the door behind her, she grabbed a chair.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Phoebe felt the corner of her mouth twitch. “Don’t want to?” What on earth was that supposed to mean? She wanted to repeat herself. Maybe a bit more firmly. Do her whole… Head Girl thing, she guessed.

Her eyes followed as Rajni and Fleurette had a brief exchange. Then, Fleurette approached.

“Keep an eye on them, keep them away from the house?” Phoebe wasn’t quite certain what it meant. But, after a split second of thought, she nodded. Albeit, a bit hesitant.

Let’s logic a bit. If Fleurette was whispering such a request, that meant she wouldn’t want them to know. That might have meant that she might have had something planned, an escape strategy, a way to scare them away or get information out of them, supplies to help clean up something. It was probably better to do it as instructed, no matter what it was.

Then, Fleurette slid back into the house.

And Phoebe kept her eye on the two. Yian was still looking as shifty and bloody as ever, Rajni was… gosh, she didn’t know.

HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Lilith »

“-but if you keep taking kids like us-“

Fleurette had expected them to fight back a little. While she felt the electricity in the air, there were no explosions, fires or anything that could deter someone from breaking them. She spread the damage evenly from starting from the first floor.

“-there’ll be more like me. More of us-“

The gun took a little while to reload. It wasn’t easy but with the explanation in the booklet, she managed to make one shot. She needed to make it count.

“-you never planned to take any of us home-“

The chair leg was the better weapon against them. Probably because it was light enough to swing around but also made of wood to avoid conducting electricity back into her body. She smashed them, indifferent to the voices from outside. She had an opening and she needed to take it.

“-so fuck you. Fuck all of you. Don’t take any of us again-“

Phoebe. She was on her mind. Please Pheobe, keep them outside. Don’t let anyone else suffer from her selfish decision. It was Fleurette’s burden to carry. She wished Pheobe the best, for whatever time she had left here. If anybody wanted to take her pain after she was gone, she hoped she would be more successful.

“-because there will be more like me-“

The second floor room she woke up in was now ravaged. The cameras were gone. Inside the bathroom were someone had died, she finished the final camera off.

“-and less of you!”

She pulled out the gun. She was panting, she felt like blood was flooding her mouth. She still needed to do one thing. Fleurette was at the window, seeing the group from below. Pheobe managed to keep them away. She thanked God and pushed the window open. She raised her gun, aimed straight, and broke the PA machine. It made a noise similar to the camera, the noise of them dying. Speaking was hard, it felt like someone was squeezing her throat.

She waved her hands after they turned because of the gunshot.

“Guys, leave. Just fucking leav-“

And suddenly, it went all white.

((Fleurette continued in the next thread))
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Post by Mini_Help »

"Just lost a camera. Student attacked it."

"Roger that. Keep eyes on the situation."

"Looks like she plans on continuing."

"Okay. Play the warning."


One of the speakers nearby to Fleurette crackled to life.

"Attention F16. Further damage to Program assets will result in termination. This is your only warning."

Another camera sparking into useless circuitry was as much response as it got.


"She's not stopping. Orders?"

"Fire at will."

An ear-piercing gunshot split the air.

"That's a miss."

"Flyover authorised."

Breaking from its patrol pattern, a helicopter swung across the area. Its doors slid open, and a trooper inside levelled a hollow tube at the buildings below as it hung steady overhead.

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Post by Namira »

Yian wasn't proving to be much of a--well, much of anything really, and after the initial stunned anger wore off, Rajni realised that she was actually just feeling additional anger. Huh. Fair. This was stupid. Just grade-A stupid. She wasn't really sure who she was pissed off with. Yian sure, America, Cedric for going and getting killed by Yian, and that one guy--shit, Rajni had actually met him, the defence secretary, the geezer with the severe combover and the weird tie.

Fleurette had passed both ways before Rajni remembered.

"Fuck you, John! You're shit and your defence is shit!"

Feeling marginally but-not-really better, Rajni looked around at the sound of a crash and shouting. Very French shouting.

Oh, bollocks.

Round about when the helicopter flew over them was round about when Rajni decided to leg it, because seriously? Fuck that.


((Rajni continued in Cake by the Ocean))
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

The whump-whump-whump of helicopter blades tearing at the air captivated Yian for a moment, even as Rajini shouted and ran. It wasn't like he could really follow her anyway, he'd done all the running he could already today, so he simply turned as it whipped into a holding pattern over the water. The pattern the downdraft made was surprisingly pretty, the circular hole the downward pressure of it's rotors spinning rimmed by a spitting, turbulent edge looked like something one would see formed in an occult ritual.

Phoebe was still looking at him, expecting an answer, or something.

It was all he could do to sigh and look down. Things weren't going to get better. He could feel it in his bones.
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Post by KamiKaze »

What on Earth?

She’d been staring at Yian, expecting more answers, until a loud whump-whump-whump filled the air. Phoebe looked up, seeing… were those helicopters? She raised her free arm to her face, shielding her eyes and obscuring her discerning look.

Were those gunshots? Shouting?

Phoebe’s eyes flicked open as she saw a tube pointed at one of the buildings.

“What on Earth?” she mouthed, echoing her thoughts.

For a moment, her legs felt like they were superglued to the ground. Every part of her was still, and unable to move.

Then, a rupturing noise.

Phoebe, on pure instinct, decided to run for it in the opposite direction. She could still feel the agitated bees viciously slam against the jars confined, upset by the noise and movement, as she began running.

((Phoebe Quincey continued in the script for The Bee Movie))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

It took him a little bit to realise what had happened as the helicopter began to turn away, the dull thunk from inside the building seeming rather quiet in comparison to anything else, until he realised he couldn't hear Fleurette shouting any more. The other two had run away, and he hadn't even bothered to get up and follow them. He'd already done the run away in fear thing and it had gotten him here, and that was about as far as his legs were going to carry him, he was pretty sure.

He stood there for a moment, watching as Phoebe took off, and Ranji became a blip in the distance.

None of them tried to help him get away, but could he really blame them?

The stones crunched under his feet as he turned around slowly headed towards the building, hoping to get his bag back, at least. Then maybe he could find a nice bed, go to sleep, and wake up at home and everyone would tell him it was all a bad dream.

That would be nice.

((Yian Griffiths continued in Paper or Plastic?))
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