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Re: The Problems of Three Little People

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 am
by jimmydalad
While he heard Louisa's apology, Maxim did his best to shun it away from him. He couldn't accept her apology and let her get the upper hand. She was the one who was in the wrong here. She was the one who encouraged him to leave and hurt his friends. His only friends for a long time. They had been together since they were little kids and the fact that they left him made him feel terrible. He was influenced to do wrong by Louisa and Tori. That had to be true.

One of the things Maxim had to give Louisa credit for was her power with words. Her words always had some knowledge behind them and they were able to make even Maxim quiet as he took in what she had to say. She did have a point. Maxim never liked the fact that his friends were racist. How could he like that about them? They said they were being patriotic, but for some reason, he always felt that the excuse was pathetic.

No. He couldn't let himself fall into her trap. She knew her words had power over him and she could easily sway his judgement. All he had to do was think that it was her fault. It was her fault. Just ignore her. Maxim turned his head away from her in an attempt to block out her words, the words that penetrated his soul. It was times like these that he hated those words. He wanted her to be scapegoat, just so he would have someone to blame.

With every word she spoke though, Maxim found himself agreeing with her, not that he wanted to admit that. For once, he wanted Louisa to be wrong and him to be right. But no, that wasn't how things were turning out. Louisa was smarter than he was. She was the voice of reason, but today, Maxim didn't want to accept reason. He wanted to be friends with Brian and everyone else. He was so confused, the feelings and attachment for both groups consuming him and fighting against each other inside him, leaving a emotionally exhausted and stressed out Maxim.

"Louisa... I'm so confused. Why did they just leave me like that? What about all those memories we had together? The times spent together where we laughed and made jokes? They just threw it all away. How could they do that?" Maxim asked Louisa through tears, unable to stay angry at his friend. Louisa was his friend, one of his only friends now. Louisa and Tori were the ones that stuck with him, not Brian and his friends. Maybe Louisa had a point. He turned back to Louisa.

"You know, even though I want to be angry at you, I can't. You always were the smart one in the group." Maxim said in between his tears, trying his best to smile and chuckled a little after he had finished speaking. She was good at being emotional support. The most level headed of the three, she had this power which always took Maxim by surprise. It was one of her hidden quirks that made Maxim just like her as a close friend.

"Though I really don't want to admit it, you have a point. Geez, your words are always so powerful. It's really annoying." Maxim remarked as he was progressively getting happier the more time he spent with Louisa. He couldn't help it. Maxim just liked being around his friends and just their presence alone was enough to make him feel loved. It was why he took losing all of his old friends so badly. He really treasured their friendship, but he never realized how fragile it was. Maybe he needed to take better care of it.

Re: The Problems of Three Little People

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 am
by Laurels
Louisa waited for his response. He was hurting, and she knew that he was in a state where he might be unable to process his thoughts clearly. She hoped he thought about what he wanted to say.

He asked her why Brian and the others just abandoned him despite years of friendship.

"It's simple," she explained. "They are so wrapped up in their hate and anger that they forget the good in life. They forget the fun and laughter they shared. To people like Brian, the world is dark and hideous, and anything good in their lives is second to the bad. They stopped being friends with you because they can't see how great you are to them."

Louisa looked up and saw that Maxim was able to face her. He commented on how smart she was and always knew what to say, although it could be annoying at times.

"Words only have power the more you believe in them," she responded.

She stood up and moved towards Maxim. She sat next to him and held his hand.

"Believe me when I speak this: I love you, Maxim Senders. You are my friend, one of the most important people in my life. Although you feel as though you are lost now, being lost isn't always terrible. You may not know where you are, but there's more to see. If you calm down, look around, you might find that you are surrounded by beauty. Look closer, and you might find others who are lost like you. Lost children, struggling to find their way in the world. But you can all be lost together. Just hold hands and stay close as you walk through the forest together. There's a way out, so let's find it, together."

Louisa then rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry, I got a little flowery there. Moments like these bring out the bard in me."

Re: The Problems of Three Little People

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 am
by jimmydalad
Maxim scoffed a little at Louisa's comment. Of course she would say something like that. Maxim frowned at her, but kept his eyes on Louisa as she continued to talk to him.

He felt Louisa's hand hold his as she went on about how she felt about him. The gesture of holding his hand allowed Maxim to gain a better composure over himself and he felt a closeness to Louisa that he hadn't experienced before. What also helped with this feeling of closeness was her words, which were so powerful and emotional. Maxim instinctively leaned his head on Louisa's shoulder, realizing that Louisa was the pillar of strength that he really needed.

He chuckled as she commented on her inner bard, one of the aspects of her personality that Maxim really liked. It made her different and stand out in the crowd of people. While she may think it was annoying, Maxim thought it was endearing.

"Yeah. We're all lost children in the end I guess. I'll be glad to take your hand any day cause you know way more than I do." Maxim admitted, laughing at himself as he grinned at his friend. Maybe it wasn't so bad that he lost his old friends. After all, they weren't the nicest kids in the bunch. Maybe what he needed was Louisa.

After realizing they had been holding each other's hands for quite some time now, Maxim quickly withdrew his hands, blushing a little and coughing as he lifted his head off Louisa. He was a bit embarrassed by what had just happened. Louisa saw a part of him that wasn't strong. She saw his weakness and his emotional side. The fact that she took it meant so much to Maxim. It meant that she could trust her through thick and thin.

"Thanks Louisa. You always know what to say." Maxim gratefully said to her, giving her a tired and worn-out smile in the process.

Re: The Problems of Three Little People

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 am
by Laurels
Louisa realized that Maxim was leaning his head against her shoulder. She had never felt this intimate with him before. It was kind of nice. He may have screamed those awful words at her, but he clearly felt close to her.

He echoed her "lost children" statement and said he would be glad to take her hand any day. Louisa let out a small laugh.

He's really honest. He really trusts me. I'm so glad.

Just then, Maxim quickly let go of her hand and coughed. Louisa then tensed up.

Oh, crap, we did sort of get that close. Oh wait, I actually said "I love you" back there. Oh, uh....

Maxim thanked her for her words.

"Oh, um, you're welcome. If you ever need to talk, just call me up," she said, miming a cell phone with her hand. "I'll be available 24/7."

Louisa brushed her hands over her knees.

"So, how about we go do something fun? I bet Tori would be willing to meet us for a milkshake somewhere. Sound good?"

Louisa smiled at Maxim.

Lost children, lost together, getting milkshakes. I kind of like that.

Re: The Problems of Three Little People

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 am
by jimmydalad
"Yep, most definitely" Maxim confirmed with her, nodding his head as his smile grew wider. Maybe things weren't all bad. Sure his reputation in school was ruined and he lost nearly all of his friends in the space of a few minutes. Yet, he still had Louisa and Tori. As long as they were together, Maxim didn't care one bit.

Maxim rubbed the back of his neck as he listened to Louisa's suggestion, nodding his head as he made a motion to stand up, whipping out his cellphone in the process.

"Let's go to your place! I'm craving a pizza right now. I'm gonna call Tori now to tell her what's going on. You're making the pizza." Maxim happily called out as he began to scroll down his contacts to reach his friend's number, walking down the bleachers till he reached the floor.

"What you waiting for? Let's go!" Maxim shouted at her as he reached Tori's number and began calling her. Putting the phone to his ear, he waited for Louisa, grinning widely and acting much like his usual self. He needed to treasure his friends more, that's for sure.

Maxim giggled at that thought, remembering the feelings it brought and the other memories associated with it. It really was that moment that changed his life and whether it was good or bad really depended on how he looked at it. For him personally, he was much happier being the person he wanted to be, not the person who had to hide his true self. He was happy with Louisa and Tori.

Leaning back a little on his chair, he felt the bandanna on his head. Maybe he should get rid of it. After all, he didn't like what America did and especially didn't like the whole issue with the forced years of war. However, it was the world he was brought up in and Maxim had grown up wearing it for most of his life. Could he really take it off now?

In any case, he shouldn't be worrying about that. There were more pressing issues at hand.

"Louisa! Where's that pizza? I'm getting hungry!" Maxim comically called out, ready to just have a good time with Louisa.

((Maxim Senders continued in Party Like It's Your Last))

Re: The Problems of Three Little People

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:33 am
by Laurels
Louisa watched Maxim stand up and pull out his cell phone. He wanted to get some pizza and was going to call Tori.

"Okay. It's not milkshakes, but pizza is good as well," Louisa said.

Before she knew it, Maxim was already down the bleachers and yelling for her to catch up.

"Ah! Don't leave me!" she shouted, rushing down the bleachers.

Louisa laughed as she followed Maxim out. It was good to see that he was getting over his issues. The next few days were going to be tough for him, but Louisa was sure he would be able to brush off any conflict he had. Maxim was stronger than he looked, and she knew he would be able to prosper, especially if she and Tori were by his side.

Louisa! Where's that pizza? I'm getting hungry!

"Don't rush me or I'll drop it!" Louisa shouted.

Louisa moved out from behind the counter and approached Maxim, pizza in hand. She placed the pizza on a pizza tray.

"Okay Max, we've got a pepperoni, bacon, chicken, onion, and pepper pizza ready to eat. Believe me when I say that this pie is going to be oh so delicious."

She held her spatula up and began to lift a piece for Maxim.

"Enjoy, young Maxim, and be merry," she said as she placed a piece on his plate. "Although life may be a bit scary, when served with some delicious pie, and served to my favorite guy, these are problems we can parry."

Louisa placed a piece on her own plate.

"Okay, that last bit was a kind of a stretch. Let's eat."

Louisa sat down and placed a napkin on her lap. She had pizza, a good friend, and not a care in the world. Everything was good.

((Louisa Bloom continued elsewhere))