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Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by Laurels
Before Tori could respond to Louisa's question, Maxim appeared. Louisa smiled and waved to her friend.

"Hey Maxim, glad you could finally make it."

Tori offered Maxim a seat on the bench, so Louisa moved to the side to give him room to sit down.

"You haven't missed much. I wrote a weird poem about mothers, and Tori fantasized about robot warfare."

Maxim then asked if they heard about what happened on Tuesday. Tori admitted to not knowing anything. Louisa only knew a little bit. All she knew was that Maxim got into an argument with Lenny Osborne. Felicia was at the table as well, but it sounded like she was on the sidelines for most of it. From what she heard, it sounded like some really nasty stuff was exchanged.

"Well, I just know you had some issue with Lenny," Louisa said softly. "What happened?"

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by jimmydalad
Maxim chuckled at Louisa's statement as he sat down in between the two of them, suddenly feeling a little bit uncomfortable. The space was a little cramped and Maxim fidgeted a little as he tried to get himself comfortable. He looked visibly nervous as he tried to settle down on the chair, adrenaline was rushing through him.

Maxim was a little surprised that they both hadn't heard much about what happened on the day. He knew Tori was a bit of a social recluse while Louisa only knew that it had something to do with Lenny. Lenny. It was his fault that this happened. His idiotic reasoning behind his questions only served to tire him out and it came to the point where he was so tired, he couldn't think rationally anymore. Then again, he did bait him. He just wasn't expecting the idiocy of his replies.

"Well, a lot of stuff happened in a short amount of time that day. I wanted to talk to you two that week, but I had so much schoolwork and extracurricular activities. I couldn't find the time." He confessed to the two of them sadly, looking at the floor. He found himself unable to make eye contact, more out of fear than anything else.

This fear was terrible. It was overwhelming him. Right now, all Maxim could think about was how they would react. Before, he shrugged off not telling anyone because he told himself it was to prevent drama. But at that moment, Maxim realized there was a deeper reason than that. Maxim worried about how the people close to him would take it. He didn't want them to feel ashamed of him and he especially didn't want his friends to leave him like that time in 9th grade. He treasured his relationship with Louisa and Tori. They were there for him al those years ago. He didn't want to lose them.

He gripped his hands tightly on the table and took a few more deep breaths as he tried to calm down again. His heart was beating quickly as his instincts were telling him to just stand up and run for his life and his body was starting to sweat a little. This was becoming much harder than he had originally imagined. He had to tell them. He just had to. But it didn't stop him from freaking out about how they would take it. What if they treated him differently? What if it suddenly became really awkward and they just fell apart? What if they left him and told him never to talk to them again? All the scenarios flashed through his mind as he tried to gain the courage to talk about it.

"W-well..." Maxim unsteadily began, trying to conjure up the right words. "It happened in the morning. I was at the table with Lenny, Felicia and Audrey. And then I asked the table about why people discriminate against minorities." Maxim told the two of them, him feeling their eyes staring right at them. They may not have been, but that was what it certainly felt like to him.

"One thing lead to another and Lenny and I got in a huge argument, which attracted a lot of attention. He said some really awful things, things that I couldn't believe would come out of his mouth. It tired me out just shouting at him. I shouted at him about why it was wrong to be racist, the problems with the army and war as well as the forced years of army being stupid and there being a better way. The funny thing is, he didn't even listen to me for half of the time." Maxim continued to tell them dolefully, bitterly laughing after he had spoke. He resented Lenny. He despised him. But he realized that no shouting would get through to him. He was too shallow for reasoning.

"After that... After that..." Maxim tried to say, but finding it hard to get the words out of his own mouth. Maxim was visibly shaking at this point, nerves completely consuming him. This was the moment. He had to tell them. He couldn't keep this a secret to them for much longer. He took a moment to try to conjure up the words, taking a few more breaths in an effort to relax.

"After that, I left, but not before saying "You know, it's guys like you that make me wonder why I like guys instead of girls in the first place."." Maxim finally confessed, his head turning away from them once again, unable to look at their faces. He couldn't face their faces as of yet. He continued to talk to them, looking to the floor as he did so.

"Yea... I'm gay. I'm sorry for not telling you."

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by Aster
According to Louisa, Maxim got into an argument with Lenny (Sook? Christ, she had to get better at remembering names.) and something bad happened. That didn't seem so bad to Tori until Maxim poured in the rest of the details.

So, the full story was about him and Lenny arguing while having lunch with Felicia and some other girl and Lenny said the typical racist things you'd expect an over-patriotic American would say. I wouldn't have been surprised, as Lenny was a military enthusiast. Typical patriotic stuff.

And then he was gay.

Wait, what?

Tori reminded herself that Maxim was a friend, and he was a friend no matter what. Luckily, Tori only raised an eyebrow at the statement, and that doesn't usually arouse suspicion. After some mad and incomprehensible thoughts, Tori decided to take the revealed sexuality as just another fact about him. As the new take on the situation sank in, Tori became more and more comfortable with it.

", um, interesting fact about yourself, Maxim. It's nice to know that I now have a little more knowledge about you, and that it's at least an interesting trait." Tori said bluntly. She gave Maxim a grin and patted him on the shoulder. "We're cool, Max. Why would I leave a friend just because of his or her sexuality?"

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by Laurels
Maxim began to explain the issue he had with Lenny earlier that week. Louisa was surprised that Maxim had to ask someone as simple as Lenny about the mistreatment of minorities, seeing as how it would only result in mind-numbing stupidity from Mr. Osborne. But then Maxim mentioned the last thing he told Lenny before leaving the table. He admitted to Tori and Louisa that he's gay.

Louisa was silent. She had to admit to herself that she never considered that Maxim could be gay. In retrospect, she should have been able to figure it out, but she probably did need it told to her by him.

Tori broke the silence. She took it more as Maxim revealing that he likes licorice as his favorite candy. Then again, it really didn't matter at all. Tori was right. Maxim was still the same person. He just preferred guys to girls. All that meant is that they can all just be friends and not worry about any possible sexual tension.

Louisa put her hand around Maxim's shoulder as well.

"Well Maxim, I'm at least glad you can admit this to others. Some people are going to not treat you as well as they should, but I want you to feel safe with us. This must have been somewhat difficult for you, but I hope you feel better as a result."

"Have you told your parents yet?"

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by jimmydalad
The silence was deafening and Maxim was still afraid to look at the two of them in the eye. He kept his face down as he tried to calm himself down once again. The fact that they weren't saying anything caused Maxim to start to freak out in his mind. It was this moment that Maxim felt the most fear he had ever felt before. It was not something he ever wanted to feel again. He wouldn't know if he could take these emotions again.

The sound of Tori's voice reached his ears. What she said puzzled him at first. She took it so casually. Maxim couldn't believe his ears at first and he wondered whether she had heard him correctly. She was taking this much better than he imagined and he looked up at her, confused as she gave him a typical Tori smile. The patting on his shoulder convinced him that she heard him perfectly clear and he could feel the corners of his mouth rising a little.

It was then Louisa's turn to talk, who put her hand around his shoulder. The touch made him feel oddly calm and her words just made him feel happier by the moment. They were ok with it. They were more than ok with it. They didn't run away or shun him like his old friends when they found out that Maxim wasn't patriotic. His smile stretched wider as a few tears fell down his cheeks out of sheer joy.

"Yea. It was hard. Really hard. I was scared, more so than I have been in my life. I was scared that you wouldn't accept me. Scared you would leave me like my previous friends. I didn't want to lose you guys. I didn't want to be alone again." Maxim admitted to them, wiping away some of his tears that clung to his face. He shouldn't be crying at a moment like this.

Louisa asked about his parents and by that time, Maxim had finally fully calmed down. He felt that he could truly be himself now and nothing would change between them. That thought alone meant everything to him. They would still be friends and they would still be able to have fun doing things together and Maxim being gay wouldn't change anything.

"They know. I told them as soon as I got back from home that day. They were surprisingly cool with it." Maxim told the two of them happily, looking from Louisa to Tori. His face was beaming and it was honestly one of the best feelings he had ever felt. A large burden was lifted off his back and now Maxim could finally be 100% himself and be proud doing so.

"I'm really appreciative of the fact that you guys stayed with me. You didn't leave me or ditch me. I'm so happy. I'm so happy I have friends like you." Maxim told them gratefully, once again on the verge of tears as he put his arms around the two of them. As long as Louisa, Tori and his parents were okay with it, Maxim didn't care about anyone else. He was happy.

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by ViolentMedic
((Dylan Walker: start))

Lake Michigan had a fantastic view of the city. From where Dylan was standing, she could see loads of Milwaukee. It made for some really stunning photos.

Dylan adjusted the settings on her camera before taking another shot of the city. She also had a sketch pad in her bag, but a picture that incorporated such a vast view of the city would take forever to draw, and she couldn't stay out for that long. Not to mention it'd be difficult to draw in the dark, anyway. She just needed a couple of good shots of the skyline to reference later.

Click. Click. Click. Maybe a couple of photos of the lake itself. Click. Click. And maybe a photo of those three kids grouped together nearby--oh, hey. Classmates.

Dylan peered over the top of her camera at them. Yeah, she recognized them. Those three were always hanging around each other. Maxim Senders, Louisa Bloom and Flip McRusskie. Maxim and Louisa were clearly idiots, if they were gonna be that free with associating with minorities, but otherwise they were just kinda... there. Dylan didn't hate them or anything, just doubted their brightness.

Dylan watched for a few moments. They seemed to be having some kind of warm, fuzzy moment because there was a lot of shoulder patting going on. Maybe it had something to do with Maxim's little cafeteria spazzout a few days back.

Speaking of which, she had something to say to him about that.

Dylan grinned before trotting down towards the trio. As she got closer, she could hear some stuff about friendship and them not leaving him and euck. So sappy. Once she got close enough, she raised the camera again and took a quick snapshot.

"Photo op! Ca-chink." She lowered the camera. "Adorable little friendshippy moment you were having there. Coming-out party, Maxi Pad?" She kept on grinning at Maxim, while acknowledging Louisa with a nod. She didn't acknowledge Flip McRusskie at all.

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by Aura
((Brian Meyerhold Callison: Begin))

The grass rustled under the shoes of Brian Meyerhold Callison, student body president of Patriot High. He was on a constitutional through the park, and had just arrived at Lake Michigan. The skyline of Milwaukee could be seen in the distance, with office buildings and skyscrapers reaching towards the heavens. The sight was incredibly beautiful to the young patriot.

As he walked around the lake, he came across a group of teenagers sitting down. Brian recognized his schoolmates immediately as his old "friend" Maxim Senders a.k.a. the guy who had cursed his very existence for the past two years, as well as Senders' little friends, Louisa and Tori. A dark-skinned girl with a camera was talking to them, but she wasn't really of any concern to Brian. Something she said certainly got his attention, however.

Coming-out party? Well, this is certainly an interesting turn of events.

Apparently, Maxim was gay. This was honestly a surprise to Brian, who had never even suspected that possibility. Unable to resist, he walked up to the group's table and directly addressed Maxim.

"Well, well, well. I have to say, Maxim, I certainly never saw this coming."

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:21 am
by Aster
Well, look who comes over and kills the moment. Dylan "I'm Black But I Deny That Fact" Walker. After snapping a shot and calling Maxim "Maxi-Pad", she disregarded Tori's scowl and then fucking Brian comes over and bothers them. Great, now the three of them have to deal with Dylan and Brian. Well this is fantastic.

"Hey, Dylan? Here's 10 bucks, why don't you go get yourself some fried chicken?" Tori shot back, trying to sound as innocent as possible. She held out a 10 dollar bill, careful enough to keep a tight grip on it. Like hell she was going to give Dylan the money, jabbing at her ethnicity was entertainment in itself. As for Brian, he might leave on his own.

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by Laurels
So it seems that Mr. and Mrs. Senders were cool with Maxim being gay. Louisa was glad. She knew that not everyone could accept a person's sexuality and that relationships could be hurt by it. Maxim at least can feel safe at home, and safe with his two gal pals.

Louisa saw how he was on the verge of tears as he proclaimed how glad he was to have friends like them.

Oh great, now I'm going to cry.

Louisa tightened her grip on Maxim. The fact that the three of them were huddled on a bench and hugging felt strange, yet oddly comforting. They were all good friends, and Louisa was proud to be with them.

Photo op! Ca-chink.

Louisa jolted up and saw someone taking a picture of them. At first, Louisa thought it would be some sort of local photographer, or maybe a tourist, who wanted to take pictures of the Lake Michigan area, and could use an image of the three of them as a symbol of the fraternity that can be found in Milwaukee.

Instead, it was Dylan Walker behind the camera.

Adorable little friendshippy moment you were having there. Coming-out party, Maxi Pad?

Louisa groaned. Of course. The three of them have an important emotional moment, and suddenly one of the most annoying people at Patriot High comes to ruin it. Louisa thought Dylan was a pathetic person. To become so focused on appearances that she denies her own cultural heritage and treats everyone like dirt was such an absurd way to live.

But Dylan was here, clearly wanting to annoy the hell out of these three.

Come on, these urban trips are supposed to get us away from high school melodrama.

Well, well, well. I have to say, Maxim, I certainly never saw this coming.

"Oh my God," Louisa moaned softly.

Now Brian Callison was here. A perfect example of their country's pig-headed jingoism was here, practically on cue, and was making it clear that he was going to harass Maxim as well. Louisa quickly covered her eyes with her hand.

Okay Murphy, keep your stupid law away from us for one day

Tori was already on the move. Louisa saw Tori fish out a $10 bill and tell Dylan to go buy fried chicken.

Yes, Tori. Let's fight a self-hating black woman with comebacks that only bring up more racial stereotypes. Okay, best thing to do is to get them to leave so the three of us can salvage this day.

"Tori, please don't waste your money," said Louisa, tapping Tori's shoulder.

She then turned to Dylan.

"Dylan, to answer your question, yes, we are having a party. Maxim has been hiding part of his identity for a long time, afraid of how others will react to the news. But now he knows that the people who matter to him will still love and care about him. He can now live his life without being afraid of how others will react to him and be able to wake up in the morning proud of who he is. He's beginning the final steps to becoming an adult, and I think we should be proud that he isn't hiding important aspects of his identity."

Louisa smirked. She sincerely hoped that Dylan understood what she was saying. She then turned to Brian. She knew this guy was probably going to be incredibly insensitive to Maxim, so she needed to be ready to attack him.

That shouldn't be too hard. Politicians are easy to pick apart.

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by jimmydalad
Maxim felt Louisa's grip tighten as she noticed how close he was to crying. Maxim could always count on her for emotional support and the three of them shared a very nice moment together, Maxim beaming happily as he hugged the rest of his friends that were on the bench.


What the hell was that?

Maxim grimaced when he saw Dylan standing there, mocking him and his supposed "Coming-Out Party". Way to ruin a moment Dilly Willy. Maxim knew she liked coming up with nicknames and came up with one for her just to try to piss her off at first. But it was only Dylan. Sure she was a really annoying son-of-a-bitch and sure she was probably too dumb to live but all she was was annoying. She wasn't scary or anything like that. He found it easy to shrug her off. She was like a fly.

Then he heard another voice.

No. Not here. Not now. Not him.

But it was him. It was the voice that haunted him from his past. The voice he hated hearing. The voice he wished would the disappear from his life. It was the voice of someone from his past.


Though he heard Louisa's groan and Tori's taunting at Dylan, Maxim didn't pay any attention to them. Dylan was insignificant. No one really cared about her too much because she was just a contradictory bitch with ridiculous double-standards. Right now, the only thing he could think about was Callison. The blight of his past. After Louisa had finished her talk to Dylan about something he wasn't really paying any attention to, Maxim stood up and glared at Callison, possibly trying to intimidate him even though the other boy towered over him.

"Of course you wouldn't Callison. The only thing you can see coming from me is my fist colliding with your face." Maxim threatened, hoping Callison remembered the time back in the 9th grade where his fist met Callison's smug face. He realized at that time they were about the same height, but that didn't matter to him. Brain Meyerhold Callison was the person he hated the most in the world. That was a cold hard fact that was undeniable to anyone, even Callison himself.

Not only was Callison an utter jerk, but he was a brutal reminder of his past self, who just stood around and let people discriminate right in front of his face. He wanted to change. He had changed and yet, Callison served as a horrid reminder of the past. A past he wanted to leave behind. After that event, Maxim never called him by his first name ever again. He stopped calling him by the nickname he gave him when they were kids. Maxim only called him Callison. And it was that name that was forever ingrained in his mind.

"Why don't you go fuck off back to your fancy little home with that little lackey of yours. I'm sure she'd love to worship your feet or something like that. After all, you are the "student body president" and king of the school. Oh wait, she's not white. You're too much of a ass to associate with them." Maxim angrily declared, not really caring about what Dylan had to say. He gave zero fucks for whatever she had to say.

With every moment that passed, Maxim's fierce eyes never left Callison's. Maxim was hoping that Callison and Dylan would just go away so he could spend time with actual friends. Friends who wouldn't ditch him in a drop of a hat. Friends who accepted him for who he was. Maxim resented Callison. He wished he'd just die. At least then he wouldn't be a virus for the world.

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by ViolentMedic
Dylan fiddled with her camera, not looking at the newly arrived Callison. Callison was fine. Smart enough to be student council president, real upstanding and patriotic and stuff. Had the good sense to ignore minorities, which was probably a lot more intelligent than mocking them to their face, like Dylan did. (But she couldn't very well pretend they didn't exist, given... well...)

"Prezzy," Dylan said shortly. She knew better than to try and engage him in conversation. He probably didn't believe the 'tan' thing.

Dylan just raised an eyebrow at the flip's comment. "Oh, you would? You'd cut into your vodka money just for me?" she cooed. "But really, flip... isn't that just a little rude? I hadn't even said anything yet. And considering your group's 'high-and-mighty' approach to us 'lowly xenophobics...'" Dylan etched quotation marks in the air with her fingers as she spoke. "Isn't it just an eensy bit hypocritical to use racial stereotypes to fight back?"

McRusskie's comeback, if you could call it that, had just been pathetic. Louisa's had made her twitch just a little, though. The whole identity thing at the bottom, didn't have to be a genius to know what that was aimed at. Dylan kept grinning, although her ears went a little bit pink. But the good part about playing a cheerful, oblivious dork was that she could pretend she didn't get it and they'd just think she was an idiot.

She had been about to reply when Maxim let off a bunch of anger towards Callison. Wow, could that guy go on a tirade or what. Dylan listened and absorbed each word of Maxim's rant before shaking her head.

"Uh, wow. Sorry, but the hypocrisy is just... I mean, this hypocrisy is fucking palpable. Could eat it, it's that solid. I noticed you're referring to me like I'm some kind of 'other' or not even standing here or something. So I don't really appreciate you using me as an example in your self-righteous tirades and all, seeing as you're kinda calling the kettle black there. As well as me. I'm just tan, you idiot.

"Aaaaand I'm hardly protesting against the whole 'coming out' thing, Minstrel," Dylan said, directing this at Louisa. "That's fine, although personally the 'last steps to adulthood' part was a little cheesy. But didn't mean to mock that. Not my business where Maxi-Pad wants to stick it. It just felt like a good segway. I mean, the stuff he said in the cafeteria... oh, sorry, that you said there--" Dylan started directing her words back to Maxim. "I'm just kinda concerned, is all. I mean, what was it..."

Dylan pondered for a few moments, then nodded. "Yeah, now I remember. Something about America being kinda dickish when it comes to the army and minority stuff and how if America is doing something or other then you hate having to call yourself an American... you know, something unpatriotic. Ain't my business if you think that stuff or whatever. Just thought I should warn you not to go saying it loudly in public spaces. Sure, it's just mild disapproval now, enough to maybe get you some scolding from the counselors or something. But, if it gets worse..." Dylan shrugged, raised her camera and took another picture of Maxim. "Ca-chink! ...Just in case you start yelling something about protesting at the government. Just making sure they'll be a memento left. You get me?"

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by Aura
Brian was slightly annoyed by the girls deciding to respond to the camera girl rather than paying him any mind. Surely that girl's words had no more meaning than his own. After all, he was the student body president! That position is supposed to come with some brand of authority, if he wasn't mistaken. Fortunately for him, Maxim responded by standing up and staring him in the eye.

"Of course you wouldn't Callison. The only thing you can see coming from me is my fist colliding with your face."

Brian smiled smugly and looked at Maxim, chuckling lightly. "Oh, Maxim. Do we really need to bring up the past? I thought that even you would know to just let sleeping dogs lie."

As Brian was busy being condescending, however, something the girl with the camera had said caught his ear. Apparently, Maxim had been saying some rather un-American things in the school cafeteria. Brian's smirk disappeared and was quickly replaced by an angry glare. He spoke to Maxim in a low, angry tone.

"Now, just for curiosity's sake, what exactly were you saying about America? I'm dying to hear."

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by Laurels
((Lealoha hasn't logged on in over a week, nor is he posted as Away, so I'm gonna skip order to keep the thread going))

Louisa began to get really frustrated with the two racists jerks who were ruining her day. Maxim was the first to respond to Bryan, bringing up their falling out a few years ago and bringing Bryan's racist nature to attention. Dylan didn't seem at all pleased with how they were reacting to her. Aside from Tori's stupid fried chicken comment, she now thought Maxim was being a hypocrite simply because he was facing Callison and not her.

This girl really wants attention brought to herself.

"No one is ignoring you Dylan," Louisa said. "You made it pretty clear that you wanted us to notice you."

Aaaaand I'm hardly protesting against the whole 'coming out' thing, Minstrel. That's fine, although personally the 'last steps to adulthood' part was a little cheesy. But didn't mean to mock that. Not my business where Maxi-Pad wants to stick it. It just felt like a good segway. I mean, the stuff he said in the cafeteria... oh, sorry, that you said there--

Louisa furrowed her brow. Being called a minstrel didn't hurt her that much, but Dylan's passive-aggressive criticism of Maxim was bothering her. Now she was bringing up the issue in the cafeteria with Lenny. Dylan was making jabs about Maxim now becoming an enemy of the state for being so "radical". Even Bryan wanted to hear about this incident.

"What Maxim said doesn't matter one bit," said Louisa. "If he personally thinks there is something wrong in the military, he should be entitled to his opinion. You shouldn't act like he's being treasonous when you don't even know the full extent of his thoughts. There are always ways to improve something and every idea should be heard."

Louisa turned back to Dylan.

"Oh, and Dylan, calling me a minstrel is quite asinine. If I were to be seen on stage with Al Jolson, I'd look completely out of place. You, on the other hand....."

Once again, Louisa was praying a racist moron would be smart enough to get the insult.

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by Aster
(Oh sweet god, I thought that Medic came after Aura. My bad.)

Re: Mother Bird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:22 am
by jimmydalad
(O.k, due to the interest of time, the new post order for now will be myself -> Medic -> Aura -> Laurels and LeAloha can slot himself in wherever. Does anyone have any issues with that?)

Dylan's talk was really pissing him off. Of course everything had to be about her and how she was the one that was being wronged in the situation, even though she was the one who approached them and she was the one that aggravated them. She also insisted that she was tan once again, which made him scoff. If Dylan was tanned, then he was 100% straight. The only person who believed that Dylan was tanned was Dylan herself and that was just sad.

And then the cafeteria incident came up. If only he could only film Callison's reaction. It was absolutely priceless. His fury was obvious and Maxim took it like nectar. It was just brilliant and his anger only made him feel more confident in himself as he returned a very smug smile right at Callison.

"It's ok Louisa. I can handle Callison." Maxim confidently called out to Louisa as she tried to defend him. Oh he was going to make his intentions very clear to Callison and he was going to enjoy every single moment of it. His eyes never strayed from Callison as he wasn't going to back down anytime soon.

"What I said about America is that they are wrong. Really wrong. The xenophobic nature and the war effort are absolutely ridiculous and a waste of perfectly normal lives. Why do we have to fight against everyone? Why are we so intent on fighting these so called "threats" that we are literally forced to be part of the military? Are we so narrow-minded that we cannot accept people are different and not inferior just because of their skin color?" Maxim began passionately, once again getting steamed up for another debate about America. He didn't enjoy doing this, but he always found himself in these situations. It wasn't his fault half of America was filled with dumb fucks.

"I hate being American sometimes. The social stigma we have towards minorities is pathetic. The fact that us Americans are so scared of the outside world that we discriminate against other nationalities and call it "patriotism" is horrible. It is wrong and the government should not be endorsing it. They shouldn't be the ones to fan the flames of racial discrimination. They should be encouraging everyone to be openminded and look for peaceful and diplomatic ways to interact with the outside world. They should not be sending people off to their deaths in the name of Patriotism or whatever bullshit they come up with." Maxim continued to declare with venom in his voice. He knew America was wrong. It had to be.

"There is something wrong in America. This mentality we have, the mentality we were supposedly brought up with. Is it fair? Is there any justification for it? I know America can be better. America doesn't have to be this way. What we need is to stop this war effort. Stop forcing people into something that could kill them. Is that so wrong?" Maxim concluded, his eyes never straying from Callison, as if all of this anger was directed at him. He was tired of arguing about this. Tired of the whole issue with his mom going to do her years of service and worrying about whether she would live or die. He knew it was wrong, but what good did all this shouting do.

"Never mind. This is pointless." Maxim said to himself exasperatedly, sighing as he turned away from Callison and made his way over to Louisa and Tori. He ignored Dylan. He didn't want to always have to put up with this bullshit. It really wasn't worth it. While he wanted to be vocal about his disapproval of America, what good did it do? All it did was put a big fat target right on him and his week was already filled with enough bullshit to last a lifetime.

"Louisa, Tori, could we just go? I'm not in the mood to deal with all of this." Maxim asked them in a tone that clearly suggested that he just wanted to get the hell away from here. He wanted a day where he didn't have to deal with this shit. However, would he ever get a day like that?