They Could at Least Have Left Me Something ...

(Re)start of G15, open

Little more than a field hospital, this is a very small building crammed with tiny beds, gurneys and stretchers. The place is suffused with grime, and the unsettling feel of the building is only compounded by the fact that any kind of medicine has been meticulously stripped from it.
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Post by Rattlesnake »

Nick stepped cautiously forward, reacclimating himself to the relative gloom after his brief moment in full sunlight, still tense as he waited on the occupants' response to his query, apprehension quietly growing as he walked towards potential danger.

The response he got wasn't expected, but wasn't completely unhoped for; whoever was in there clearly wasn't in the mood to be disturbed, but, more importantly, they clearly weren't in the mood to try to slaughter him as soon as he breached the doorframe, either. That was good. He could live with that. Literally.

Haha, I kill myself.

Oh, hey, there I go again.

He reached for the door.

The door, in response, exploded outwards.

Nick started, jumping back reflexively into a ready position. He threw up his right arm, raising an invisible shield; cocked his left, ready to strike with a nonexistent sword. it wouldn't have matter if he was armed with either, however, as a blur in the form of two girls burst forth immediately, rushing out the open doorframe and right past where he was standing. Half-formed words died on his lips as he turned to watch them make their swift exit, but he was too stunned to move out of his defensive posture. Sally? came the tentative thought. And then - I could be dead right now.

It was true. It was clear that one of them, whose retreating shape he now knew unmistakably as one Sally Connelly, had a sword, and judging by her manner of her departure, she was considering using it.

"What- did she-"

He blinked back his surprise, swiveling between the occupied room and the vacant doorway. He tried to figure out his next course of action, but found it decided already for him.

He turned to face Jessica one last time before bolting out in pursuit, lips working soundlessly.

"Don't die," he finally blurted.

((Nick Reid continued in Let's Go to the Mall!))
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Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Lyn could already hear the commotion coming from the other room. She couldn't quite make out what was going on, but she had a feeling that the longer she stayed here, the greater the chance of someone bursting through the door and riddling her with bullets.

She snatched up the pickaxe and hefted it up as she hurredly climbed back through the window. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her forearm as her hasty escape led to a shard of glass sticking out of the side jabbed her, enough to punch through the fabric of her shirt. Stumbling out, she didn't waste time taking a look at the injury as she grabbed her pack with the arm, wincing as she slung it over her shoulder and ran like hell.

{{continued in No One Checks in Unless Their Name is Smith}}
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Super Llama.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Will make this longer when I get more time))

Jessica watched in shock as Sally took Megan hostage. She ran after them, taking care not to extend the knives in her boots.

((Jessica Vogel continued in Let's Go to the Mall!))
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