Time To Pretend

Done: Day 3.

The most frequently traveled beach, if only for its proximity to the only real civilization on the island. The students who spend their time here will find a few abandoned food and merchandise vendors strewn about, and the occasional litter and seaweed washed up on the shores.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Alicia wasn't fully prepared for Panya's entrance into the shack.  Panya was dressed only in her lacy white bra and panties, and she was carrying a full-size Smokey the Bear costume under one arm.  Ali's jaw dropped open just a little bit, and she almost missed it when Michael gave her a polite wave.

"You girls wouldn't mind putting your weapons down, would you? As you can see," Panya continued, "I don't have any weapons unless you consider this bear costume dangerous!"  The girl's tone was almost jocular, as if there were something about the situation that was amusing her privately.

Alicia decided that there was something a bit off about Panya, but relented and lowered the barrel of the shotgun until it rested on the floor.  She held it loosely in her hands, but remained wary.

Panya went on to guess that Lady Mae was from Texas, complement her on her beauty, and then mentioned that she admired Ali's colorful hair.  "Thanks," Ali responded to the girl distrustfully.  What is up with this girl?  It's almost like she's trying to act the part of Tiffany, but is only getting the shallow parts right.  Michael seems to remember her from chorus, but that doesn't make them close.

Ali shrugged to herself.  She's not armed, therefore not too dangerous.  Find her clothes and find out if Michael has a plan.

"I don't know if we've explored the whole building -- there isn't that much to it -- but if you can find anything that fits, you can have it, I guess."  She turned to their other guest.  "Hi, Michael.  I'm Alicia."  She raised her eyebrows suggestively, hoping that he'd tell them his plans.  She nodded toward another chair.  "Please sit down."
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Post by Mini_Help »

Michael was starting to get on her nerves.

"Hmm, yes we're both in choir, that might be why I remembered your name, Michael. Speaking of names... if Smokey is retarded, than why are you still calling me that? Surly you don't feel the same way about me, hon. It's Panya."

The name that will soon marquee in lights.

She kept a smile on her face to mask her actual agitated mood at these people. That Mae chick who, based on tone and visible evidence, obviously had something against her. Alicia whose hair alone was pissing her off. Now Michael who kept calling her Smokey. They've all lost favor with her, including the boy, who still admired her assets, at least. She'd take care of them in a moment.

"I think I'll keep the costume. Besides! Some people love, Furries." A wink. Even the furry fandom needed some love too!

Oh and what's this? Alicia completely lowered her gun at the sight of her and the 'friendly' request. How nice! She even responded with a "thanks" and allowed her to explore their building.

"No. Thank you." Panya said quietly.

Alicia had turned her attention away from Panya toward Michael. Talking. He had her distracted. Perhaps the boy was useful after all! But the other girl. The one staring daggers at her. Mae St. Bitch. She hadn't lowered her weapon as Alicia did, so she could be a problem. But in all honesty, what could a sword POSSIBLY do against Panya's gun!

What was that phrase again? Never bring a sword to a gun fight!

It was that other girl. Alicia who was the threat. She was the one with the long ranged weapon. The shotgun. She was the one who could fight back. She was the one who needed to be eliminated first. Her first victim. Yes. Then the bitch with the sword, who Panya really wanted to shoot first, but decided against it knowing she was the lesser of two dangers. Then possibly, Michael, if he was stupid enough to refuse teaming up with her.

Three down it would be that simple.

Her hand found it's way into the costume, feeling for the metal of her firestar hand gun, which she found immediately. She had to confuse them first, distract them, so they wouldn't retaliate too quickly.

With a flick of her wrist Panya launched Smokey the Bear's head toward the girls, aiming to beam it at one of their heads.

Now the gun. She pulled it out and fired at the most dangerous girl first.

"Jonas. Eat you heart out."
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Post by zabriel* »

Michael shrugged. "It's just a nickname, don't take it so seriously."

Michael may have been a little slow on the uptake when it came to people, but he wasn't entirely stupid. He was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Something in Alicia's voice told him that she didn't trust Panya. He made himself focus and started trying to pick up the cues. A female friend had once told him that whenever a girl said she liked how another girl looked it meant she thought she looked like shit. Wasn't that how it was in Mean Girls?

The furry comment also rubbed him funny. Furries were weird. There was no reason to keep that costume, or to even try to appeal to the audience (at home or "in studio") at all. The girls who did that kind of thing were usually players.

Michael didn't really want to think that people were playing, but he knew very well that a few of them were. That ten kill award was attractive. Still, he wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt. Hope was all they had, so he wanted to hang on to it. Still, he remained behind her as she explored the room, presumably to keep staring at her ass.

The head throw surprised him a little. Enough that he wasn't sure what happened until after she'd drawn a gun from somewhere and fired a shot. Michael may have been slow on the uptake, but his instincts were pretty finely honed. A gunshot meant GO. He launched himself at the girl's back. As long as he didn't completely miss there's was no way a little girl like that wouldn't go down to the ground.

If he was really lucky, the gun would go flying too.
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Post by Mini_Help »

[[OOC: Responding immediately to move things along. Reaction would be instant anyway.]]

So this was how it was going to be was it? The boy didn't want to play along nicely. He opted to attack her rather than back away like a good boy. He wasn't the one being shot at, yet he wanted to be some sort of hero huh. Fine. He made his decision and confirmed her own decision. They'd all die.

He lunged at her from the rear like the football player he was dressed as. She had prepared herself on the fifty-fifty chance that he'd 'stab her in the back' and moved slightly, but Michael had tackled her right leg causing her next gun shot to soar crookedly. Fortunately she caught her gun before it could fly too far and fumble. She moved and aimed a kick to keep him from possibly grabbing a hold of her leg.

Betrayed by her leading man? How could he? How-

"How DARE you?"

She would NOT be embarrassed again on National TV with yet another set of three people like on the Northen Beach. NOT THIS TIME. In anger she turned her attention to the boy and pointed the gun at him.

"I WAS gonna let you live. Not anymore. Shame such an attractive thing has to go to waste. That's too bad."
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Deliberately leaving this ambiguous on the off chance you don't want Panya to be stabbed. Thanks for giving us a chance to post!)

Mae didn't expect herself to immediately react the way she did, but she felt the steel jump in her hands, and all of a sudden she was lunging forward and slashing. She didn't expect her eyes to be closed, as though she were watching something horrible happen, but she didn't know. She wasn't watching.

She wasn't even sure if anything landed. All she was sure about was protecting Ali, Mae had seen where the gun was going, she had Panya's number from the beginning, and she didn't want to pay the price for inviting the girl in.

She thought of Harold's locket in her pocket, she still hadn't been able to bring herself to wear it, she still thought of the way he looked when he died. She still thought of the way he looked when he was bleeding.

He had asked her to save everyone.

Did she know that sometimes, that might involve death?

Mae's dancer's body moved gracefully here, she didn't know if she was aiming for the chest, or the throat, or anything, she didn't even know if it would hit.

But Mae knew that that she was willing to kill.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Panya spoke politely, then suddenly her Smokey costume's head flew directly at Alicia.  Ali ducked out of its path and saw Panya bringing a pistol (where did she get that from?) in line pointed at Ali's head.

It was as if everything turned slow-motion.  Ali started  to raise her shotgun toward Panya, but she could tell that the other girl would be able to fire first.  She heard the single bang!  It was louder inside the shack than the last shots she'd heard, back in the rain forest.  She saw Michael running toward Panya for some reason.  Lady Mae was lunging at Panya with her katana as well.

The barrel of the shotgun was pointed at Panya finally, and she pulled the trigger, not quite realizing how close Michael and Lady Mae were when she heard the
Ali hadn't realized that she'd closed her eyes.  She forced them open, but she didn't like what she saw.
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Post by Mini_Help »

Panya was ready to shoot Michael in the head, until she heard footsteps coming for her. It was at that moment Panya realized her mistake. The instant she turned her attention to Michael meant she turned attention away from an armed Alicia and Mae.

She turned to see Mae running toward her in what seemed like slow motion, brandishing her sword.

Before she could fire a shot she heard a loud boom. A large round from the Remington Model 870 flew toward and through the side of her body, piercing through her exposed skin, smashing through the edge of her ribs and into her chest.

Almost immediately, the feel of cold iron from the katana went sliding in through the flesh of Panya's lower body and out through the other side.

It might have been the blast from the shotgun that killed her. Or it might have been impalement from the katana which did her in the end. The one thing that the audience knew for sure, was that BLK5: Panya Bishara was guaranteed dead.

BLK5: Panya Bishara, Deceased.
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Post by zabriel* »

Michael had the misfortune of having just looked up, ready to try to diffuse the situation. Further he had opened his mouth to speak. There was a metallic taste in his mouth and an uneasy feeling in his stomach. The girl's body hit the ground very close to his face. He shakily lifted a hand to his lips, finding it covered in blood when he pulled it away.

That was a bit too much for him. He made an effort to move, but only succeeded in rising just enough to ensure that when he lost the contents of his stomach, again, that the whole of it landed on Panya's fresh corpse. At least this time he had an excuse that didn't boil down to oh my God, a dead body!

"I...I'm sorry about that. There was blood in my mouth, I think I swallowed some." He wasn't exactly sure why he was apologizing for throwing up. Lots of people got sick when something like that happened. He shakily rose to his feet and grabbed the lower part of the Smokey costume, wiping his mouth and face off as best as he could. Then he sank down again, this time in an attempt to process what just happened.

"Holy shit..."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae stared wide eyed at the corpse that used to be Panya.




She probably should have screamed, she probably should have torn her hair out and screamed or gone into shock, like with Harold. Or worse. She had helped kill this girl. This girl was not killed because of her...not like Harold, she had physically run her through with her sword and why? Because the girl was beautiful? Because she was a bitch?

She tried to shoot at Ali I was protecting Ali

Wasn't Zach protecting her from Harold!?

Mae withdrew the sword from Panya's body, trying not to admit to herself that she loved the give of flesh, the slick slide of the sword. She swallowed hard and looked at Michael, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry." She felt that she had no reason to apologize, Panya was obviously going to try to kill them all, and Ali and her took care of it, but still...how could she be afraid of Zach now that she had taken a life?

"Ali, are you okay?"
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When Ali re-opened her eyes, she did not see the reason she was still alive.  The single, small bullet hole was there in the wall behind her about an inch away from her left ear.

She did see Lady Mae with her elegant katana still piercing Panya's abdomen.  She did see Michael, with blood sprayed on his face and shoulders, vomiting crudely onto what remained of Panya's body.  She did see the small puncture where the bullet entered Panya's right side, and the gaping, gory hole where it exited through her left side.  The dead girl lay still, supine, her lingerie bloodstained but intact.

Ali's numb hands dropped the shotgun onto the floor in front of her.  The horror of what she'd done spread through her inexorably like a ripple in a pond.  She vaguely heard Michael and Lady Mae speak, but her brain couldn't process anything like language at that moment.

Her eyes slammed shut again and she fell to her knees and covered her head protectively with her arms.  Her voice was utterly piteous.  "Oh no!  Oh no!!"
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Post by zabriel* »

His mouth felt disgusting even without considering the taste. Though he'd hoped to conserve his water a bit, he reached forward to take his bag, opening it and fishing out a bottle.

As he drank he continued to process the events of the last few minutes when some things began to occur to him. Panya had lied about being unarmed. It was also conceivable that she'd lied about other things. Like her bag.

Her bag which has more water. Water is good.

"I just thought of something. I'm going to take the gun, just in case, and have a look around where we met her. I'll be right back."

He took another drink and then placed his hands on the hand that had been holding the gun. It was still kind of warm, which unnerved him a little. It reminded him that she'd been alive only moments ago. He shook it off and pried the gun from her hand. Then he rose and left, making a beeline for the area where they'd first seen Smokey the Bear.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae took a beach towel off the rack to clean the viscera off of her blade. She should be wailing, or screaming, or some other type of reaction. She looked over at Ali and saw that the girl was obviously in shock, lost in thought. Why wasn't Mae?

Why was killing that bitch damn near pleasurable?

She sighed and looked down at the body. In the heat it was just going to start smelling, plus, she didn't want Shawn and Ben to come back to see this...Shawn was so peaceful, and after what they both had been through, how would he react to murder?

Mae knelt in front of Ali, being careful to maintain distance and not touch her, lest the girl freak out and attempt some sort of attack in her shock.

"I'm going to move the body," Mae's voice sounded calm and even. "We shouldn't keep it in here with us."

She didn't wait to see if the girl responded, most likely she wouldn't and that was fine. Instead she grabbed as many towels as she could from the racks to wrap around the girls dead body.

Panya's body was still pliant, luckily the stiffness hasn't set in yet and Mae could roll her frame onto one of the bigger beach towels. She bit her lip and had to turn away for a moment as blood and some...other things ran out of the girl's gaping wounds. Death was messy, she knew that. But at least this death was quick.

Moving the body by herself was a little more difficult.

She looked over at Ali.


She walked to the doorway, looking to see if Michael had run. She knew he was just looking for water....it was fully dark now. Where was Shawn? He was running late. That made her worried....

"Michael? Could you um...could you help?"
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Alicia closed her eyes tightly, trying desperately to block out what she had seen, but it was too late.  The image of Panya's corpse had been burned into her brain along with the knowledge that Ali herself was responsible.

She dug her fingernails into her scalp, trying to physically remove those horrible images, the images of her shotgun slug ripping its way through Panya's ribcage, splattering blood across the room.  That same blood had spattered over Michael's face, painting him with death.  Let me take it back, she silently prayed without knowing to whom she was praying.

The images played again on the IMAX screen of her mind: The left side of Panya's torso exploded outward as the slug exited, having already destroyed most of the girl's internal organs.  The shell probably went through both her lungs and her liver and... what else is in there?

She saw it again: The shotgun slug missed Panya by passing just a few inches to her right, hitting Michael's forehead instead.  No!  That didn't happen!  That's not right!

The scene played once more:  Lady Mae had thrust her katana into Panya's abdomen at the same moment that Ali fired her shotgun.  The blast ripped through both of the Elf maid's wrists.  Mae screamed in agony.  It didn't happen like that!  Stop it, brain!  Ali began to weep softly to herself, curled in the corner of the shack.

A single drop of blood slowly trickled down from her hairline toward her right eyebrow.  The traumatized girl didn't notice.
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Post by zabriel* »

It didn't take him long to find the hidden bag, she obviously intended to be done quickly. So she had been done quickly, just not in the way she'd imagined.

"Score," Michael muttered mirthlessly. No sooner than he'd picked up the bag did he hear Mae calling to him. "Right. Body," Michael reminded himself. It was creepy and it would be starting to smell soon. They'd want to get that out of there. Maybe if they threw it in the water the tide would take it away. Or it would push it back up on the shore. He couldn't remember just then. Not that it mattered much anyhow.

He trotted back with the bag and set it next to his. "We can open that up after we, after we do this. Uhm...which end do you want, I'll get on the other...and we'll get this...somewhere."

He was acutely aware of how inarticulate he sounded, but it wasn't like they gave prizes for eloquence on the island.
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Post by peregrineink* »

"I'll take the feet, if you don't mind...you seem a lot stronger than me."

There was obvious dissonance in her statement, Mae's voice remained even and calm, her hands didn't shake and she picked up the ends of the dead girl's feet, and she looked at Michael expectantly, waiting for him to take the head.

"I'll clean up what's left behind when we get back, we should give Ali a chance to regroup."

She didn't blame Ali for her weakness, the girl had been injured long before they had all met up, and maybe this was just some fallout from that injury now, creeping back to the surface. Mae herself had nearly fallen apart at Harold's death, but she found herself fascinated now...fascinated at the idea that dead could feel so different depending on who was dying. She refused herself any sort of remorse for her actions, why? She was in a situation where she had the nation's blessing to kill.

Especially kill camwhoring bitches.

Would Zach be proud of me, to see what he's seeing now? The thought floated through her mind, clinging like some schoolgirl with a crush. She had liked the power of stabbing that girl with her sword, she had liked that. If that was who she was, wasn't it possible to love a killer as well?

She was one herself.

Mae lifted the feet. This wasn't so hard.
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