After Practice

Private, Nicole and David. A few weeks before pregame

Things that happen in the past oftentimes affect the way people behave in the future. Your characters, like most people, have a past, and most of them have special memories from another time. Some are good, some are bad, but in some way, they've influenced your character. Within this forum, you'll be able to write out those special events to further develop your character before Second Chances begins!
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After Practice


Post by MurderWeasel »

It was afternoon on a Friday, well after the end of the school day, but Nicole was still around campus. The reason was not purely academic; today, Nikki was going to be spending time with a friend. In fact, she was here to meet her boyfriend. David had many interests, but one of the most major ones was baseball, and today was practice day. Nikki liked watching the practice sessions. Even if she wasn't completely engaged at all times, she could study nearby and take breaks every now and then to watch the proceedings. Still, the best part of practice was when it was done and David came out to greet her, fresh from the showers and always in a good mood.

Today she imagined he'd be especially pleased to be done with practice. She'd sat in the sun for two hours as the team did their exercises, and it was one of the hottest days of the year so far. Even the cool breeze that came with Highland Beach's coastal location wasn't doing much to make things more bearable. The baseball diamond was more known for dirt than good airflow, and the coach made sure none of the players were ever standing idle. David had been run particularly hard today, so Nikki was hoping her company would provide a nice change of pace for him. He certainly helped her calm down after the more harrowing sessions of student council.

Now, as she waited for David to appear, Nikki quickly checked that her clothes were presentable, smoothing her skirt and adjusting her top. She wanted to look nice, especially since she did not have the benefit of a shower immediately prior to seeing David. If he was going to be perfectly clean, she wanted to be able to match him fairly well. Checking her watch, she saw that he'd be out within a couple minutes. She took a moment to pack away her study things. Academics was important, but so was knowing when to take a break, and this afternoon was for fun. Because of that, Nikki had dressed much less formally than usual, wearing a flowing green skirt that reached her knees and a blue halter top, along with her favorite necklace. She felt more comfortable experimenting with clothes around David, since he was always respectful towards her. It was one of the things that had initially drawn her to him.

Once she had her belongings packed, Nikki stood up and headed down the bleachers, just as the first members of the team began to emerge from the locker rooms. She watched the boys shuffle past, trying to pick out David from the crowd. A year ago, she wouldn't have felt comfortable hanging out near the team after a game, but she'd gotten to know David's friends, at least a little bit. They were good people. A few of them waved to her, and she returned their greetings.

Finally, she saw David, looking good if a bit bedraggled after the practice.

"Hey," she called to him. "You okay? It looked like the coach had you ready to drop."

She was teasing, of course, but David would appreciate it, just like she was sure he'd appreciate it when she stepped up to give him a hug.
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Post by Slayer* »

“I’ve got to let him win, sometimes.”

No matter how hot the day, however hard the practise, some things made Coach Patterson's obsession with running the Colehurst baseball team ragged worth it. Championship honours, attention from scouts like his dad, the adoration of the student body...

Oh, and after a few hours of working himself to the bone in the dust and heat, covering himself in dirt, sweat and often various bruises, having someone as gorgeous as Nicole Husher waiting for him was always nice. The world seemed to take on a bit of a softer edge as David felt Nicole’s body against his, slipping his arms round her waist and pulling the young woman closer. The fabric was cool and slightly damp under his hand, contrasting with her own warmth.

She pulled her head back, and one hand moved up to rest in her hair as he kissed her firmly. Seconds bled together under the sun, a teammate’s jeer echoed past somewhere both close and distant. Whose voice exactly, he didn’t know. It didn’t matter. His free hand flexed slightly, itching, considering. It would have been simple to slip it under her top, or let it wander a bit south and take hold...

No, better to behave himself. He finally broke off, if slowly, his tongue flicking teasingly across her soft lips before he took a breath and shot a mischievous grin.

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” he offered, his hand lightly brushing across her cheek. Like he needed an excuse. “Hope you didn’t take time off anything important to come down here.”

It was weird thinking of a student council with enough influence its meetings were actually worth going to, but that was what you got for going to a small secondary school he supposed. Didn’t he hear they were discussing some resolution or other? It was at the back of his mind, where he couldn’t quite reach. Not when she was this close. The world around them had a strange tendency to go dim when they were like this, as far as he could tell.

Nicole, he’d joked before, could make that happen just by walking into a room. It had been nearly a year since they’d started seeing each other and it hardly seemed to have been a day. How many first kisses had they had? Hell if I know, one part of him said. Not enough, offered another.

We can’t stand like this for ever, a third pointed out. Much as he wished otherwise, it was right. The guys were fine with it after practise, even if he’d get teased relentlessly for it, but the coach was less patient, and Nicole would probably like to get a move on at some point.

But to where? Hrm. He hadn’t actually thought of a plan. Mike would be out training, and he didn’t quite feel like just going home and hoping neither of his parents were in. So...

“Any plans for today? Your ride or mine?”
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The kiss was slow and passionate, and it occupied all of Nicole's attention. She could get lost in moments like these, every single time, forgetting the heat and the dust and the droplets of sweat on her back. Her world was the movement and contact of their lips, the press of their bodies—at least, until the catcall from one of David's teammates. For just a second, that almost made her remember that she was a student council member, that this probably wasn't the most proper way to be seen, but who cared? Today was for fun, and David's teammates were just ribbing her for kicks. Someday, maybe she'd learn to return the favor adroitly enough herself.

David was the one who finally broke the kiss. Nikki's lips were already curving into a smile as they parted from his, and she wasn't at all surprised to see David's grin. He gave her some little apology and checked to make sure he hadn't drawn her away from any truly pressing student council business.

"Nothing they can't live without me for," Nikki said. It was really nice to have a break. The council could get a lot done around the school, but some people would just not give up, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that their position was the incorrect one. The better part of an hour earlier in the day had been filled with speeches and counter-speeches over something so trivial she couldn't even understand why they were debating it. Some of the council members wanted to post signs by the drinking fountains telling people not to spit gum into them; others thought doing so was a waste of time. Why there was more passion over this than about real school safety issues, Nikki would never understand. They'd shelved more important stuff for another day because the debate was running too long.

None of that mattered at the moment. When David was around, Nikki was able and willing to allow herself to become pleasantly distracted, She could let go of all the things that seemed so important and life-consuming at other times.

She was so busy letting go that she didn't quite realize for a few seconds that she'd been standing immobile without really having much of an idea what they were even planning on doing. David grounded her (something else he was good at), tossing the choices to her. That was fine; one of the comfortable parts of their relationship was that neither one took the lead all the time. Today, it seemed to be Nikki's turn.

"We can take mine," she said. "Maybe go get dinner? Anything particular you're in the mood for?"

And just like that, she'd moved things forward a bit while at the same time giving David input again. Fleetingly, she wished that student council could manage something even close to this sort of cooperation.
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Post by Slayer* »

"Surprise me."

He leaned in and kissed her again. Once, twice, three times, each more passionate than the last. The arm still round her waist trailed south, and his hand squeezed gently as he held a fourth kiss, lightly nipping her bottom lip when he finally pulled back for air. A step back from the embrace and a glance at (all right, and down, too; he was only human) Nicole’s top, which left even less to the imagination than usual - and this time, he suspected, by choice - gave the rather distinct impression that was her idea all along.

An eyebrow was raised, but he didn’t say anything. What was he going to do, complain about it? Crazy talk. People were starving in the world, and he had his home and family here, his team, Nicole, a great school and a good chance of finding well-paying work no matter where he went in life. What the hell did he have to complain about?

The clear of a throat politely reminded him he hadn’t taken his eyes off his girlfriend’s cleavage for several long seconds. He had the courtesy to blink and look back up, but since Nikki didn’t seem too annoyed, he let himself relax. He was seventeen, what did she expect?

“I hear a new Italian place opened up near Shooters, but I was serious about that,” he said with another of his easy grins. “Kind of curious about what you’ll think up.”

(Sorry, ran completely out of inspiration and I have a lot of work to do.)
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The kisses were good. They sucked Nikki right back out of planning mode and into the special place that was just for her and David. They let her forget that planning was her responsibility again. They let her forget that she was a little bit overheated and was standing in front of the school and that she'd been thinking just a moment ago that they should get moving. They let her forget, but only until David pulled away, at which point reality reasserted itself just in time for her to catch him checking her out. Anyone else would've gotten a good talking-to about that, but David was someone Nikki trusted, someone who sometimes teased her a little bit, someone who had been the epitome of respect to her during their relationship.

Besides, she had dressed up for him. David was somebody Nikki could be flirty with and show off for in a comfortable way. It came with the territory, after all.

Didn't mean she couldn't give him a bit of a hard time over it. Nikki cleared her throat, snapping David's attention back where it belonged. He recovered nicely, offering a suggestion for dining options but insisting that the choice was hers. That was fine.

"You want me to blindfold you until we get there?" Nikki asked, at the same time moving towards the parking lot. She was also running through their options mentally. A new place could be exciting, but the food could also be questionable. It was hard to get Italian totally wrong, at least.

Whatever she ended up settling on, one thing was sure: she was going to keep David guessing until the last second. He'd asked for a surprise, and Nikki was feeling playful enough to deliver in spades. She was running through options, routes to drive to fake David out, alternate parking locations, the works.

Some time later, Nikki pulled her sedan up in front of a small restaurant. She'd decided on the Italian place after all; in some ways, going with David's suggestion might constitute a surprise, given the circumstances. Besides, she was in the mood for something exciting as well, and a new restaurant meant neither of them would have any idea what to expect. It was an adventure, and if the food turned out to be terrible, they could always go somewhere else for a snack afterwards.

Of course, the first issue would be getting David into the restaurant. He was more worn out than Nikki had been expecting. She was surprised he'd seemed so energetic earlier, given that he was now completely asleep. It came with hard work, probably. She was actually a little concerned about David. She had seen David worn out before, with how hard he liked to push himself, but hadn't expected him to drop so suddenly. They'd taken a fairly circuitous route, including a few stops of varying lengths in a parking garage and in front of a few other restaurants. David had slept through most of the latter, though. He looked peaceful, with his hair tousled and his eyes closed. He also looked (and smelled) a bit like he'd just come off a marathon run, and Nikki hadn't quite gotten all the lipstick off his neck. Good thing this wasn't a formal restaurant or a busy time, and she hadn't given him any bruises. She'd have to give him a little prod in the direction of the restroom and a gentle suggestion he tidy up a bit, though. She'd straightened her hair back out and had sprayed on a little deodorant already, and the air conditioning was humming along on a low setting. At least they almost matched, though Nikki was definitely a bit better at faking presentability. Maybe it came with practice.

"Hey," she said, reaching over and running her finger down David's cheek. The friction was eased slightly by a bead of sweat she accidentally ran her finger through, causing her to chuckle briefly. "You even up for food?"
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