Fate Bash

SotF-TV Party (SDA)

Sandbox threads from TV1.
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"To fucking love triangles" he muttered under his breath as he took the toast, the liquid fire feeling like a pleasant massage down his throat now. He was gathering a taste for this stuff now. That was troubling. He just hoped he wouldn't have a hangover. They sounded like the single worst expierience that anyone could endure. But he was begining to feel a tad better, as though the burning alcohol had warmed his soul.

He snapped his head around as a fist was slammed into the table.

Shit, shit, shit, SHIT. Frank saw me eye humping Mae He thought, tensing up as he looked around frantically. He was surprised to see an elegant, pale limb holding the shotglass, not a muscular hairy one.

He looked up to see Mae looking at him expectantly, tears beading her chocolate eyes and threatening to ruin her delicately applied make up. He reached over and wiped the droplets away quickly. It was very quick and efficient. He might have looked into her eyes for a moment too long, getting lost in her beautiful features, but he was damn sure Frank wouldn't notice.

He obliged her request, measuring out another shot for her. He considered pouring one more for him, but he decided that passing out this early would make him seem like a lightweight, and he was aiming to get laid tonight. He was goddamn tired of being a virgin. It sucked so hard. And he wanted to be practiced for Mae-

No, Bad thought processes, shush.

He needed to distract himself, so walked over to a relatively deserted corner where he noticed Mike was standing. On the way he grabbed a can of coke to quench his thirst. His throat felt really dry for some reason.

He seemed to be lost in thought so he clicked his fingers infront of his face.

"So, how are the Sht-"

Did he just slur his words? Ookaaaaaay, no more Vodka tonight. Well, for an hour. That seemed sensible. Right, just start over. He won't have noticed.

"The stories coming along, mate?"

Fucking smoooooooth
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Post by Acidic* »

Zak figured it was free style toasting and said,

"To Alcohol!" and downed his drink. He hated it, but didn't show it as he put the glass back on the table. Never. Again. He jumped as Mae slammed her glass on the table asking for another. At that point Zak wondered if he should have another just so he wouldn't be out done.

While this was going on Frank was checking out another girl as Zach put his hand to Mae's face and poured her another shot. He walked away as Zak decided not to have another glass. He saw him walk over to a guy even taller than Zak, but did hear him slur his words. Madelyn did. She was going to talk to Mike, but as she approached Zach made it first and talked. He's hammered? I should keep an eye on him.

At that moment the soda Zak drank earlier must've been scared of the Vodka, because it wanted out. He went upstairs to use the bathroom passing Madelyn.

She decided to get one more Coke (Madelyn usually never drinks this much soda, but she made an exception for tonight). She grabbed one bumping into either Frank or Mae on the way,

"Sorry!" and went back to Zach and Mike. She wanted to hear about his stories as well. They were always good.
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Post by OverlordMikey* »

Michael had been standing alone trying to observe his fellow party goers, but his eye focused on Zach as his story seemed more interesting. Mae had drank a shot and was coming to him for aid. Would their love follow in a kiss.

“Zachariah; please assist me. Only you can aid my wounded heart.” Mae cried out to Zachariah. Would her arms fly around him? “I’m so tired of life without you. - I…” Zachariah raised his hands to wipe her tears away. “I’m not the one - no not yet. We aren’t ready yet, we are far to young…“ What a bold twist! Zach had wanted to push forward before, btu now he seemed to want to take things slow! Would the love survive to bloom into true love? Perhaps go the way of Romeo and Juliet and be nothing but lust after all!
Poor Paris, I always felt bad for him… He wasn't the perfect, but compared to Romeo...

"So, how are the Sht-"

Michael looked at Zach with a strange glazed look on his face. When did he come over to him? Michael must have zoned out. Still Zach seemed to slur. This is why Michael avoided alcohol, mess with his thinking - and that was messed up enough on it’s own.

"The stories coming along, mate?"

That made sense, he was confused at first. Well okay he was always a bit confused, but he was confused about what he was asking at first. He wondered why he wasn’t hanging out with his girlfriend, but Michael didn’t mind the company.


Madelyn came over as well. Perfect, he’d been hoping to pass his ideas along to some people for an opinion and he felt their where no two people better to seek out.

But where to begin…

“It’s going okay. I will admit I was stumped as first but - okay this is might be a little confusing so tell me if you guys don’t get something.” He let out a dramatic cough and his eyes seemed to light up with a passion only given to his stories. “I’ve mentioned before I was working on a few short stories, but all of them felt really cliché -” He paused for a moment as if to build dramatic tension. “then I had a flash of inspiration.” Okay technically it happened only a few minutes ago, but a good story is timeless. “I decided to incorporate all the ideas into a single full length novel. The story about a gruff homosexual detective who is invited by an old friend to her mansion because she suspects someone will try to steal her family jewels. Little does she know that the perpetrator is a fairy who was the one who kidnapped her daughter ; yes the same one from that other short story I wrote awhile back, the one with the flying shark and the evil gazebo,”

He stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. It was; in his mind, the most wonderful story aimed at children he had ever written. “yeah the gazebo story - I loved that one. The gazebo was so tragic - I was thinking of bringing it back in this story, but I feel that would ruin the impact of the other story and the lesson the shark learned. I still can’t figure out why no one would publish it.” A hint of bitterness was in his normally cheerful voice. “Maybe because I’m just a student…”

In the back of the room Frank had begun to flirt with Kim who he had apparenly been eyeing. She was Michael’s doubles partner - a girl who was about 5’6 with long blonde hair and the finest ‘assets’ and nose her father's money could afford her. She looked a little trashy and was most certainly spoiled, but was a decent person - if not a gossip. She seemed more irritated than flattered. Although Michael wasn’t paying attention her words where somewhere along the lines of. “I’ve got a boyfriend jackass he‘s just not here.” which was true - she had a boyfriend who was kind of a nerd; he was on the chess team or something, which Frank used as a reason why it was totally okay to sleep with him behind the guys back, “These aren’t for you, don’t you already have a girlfriend.”, and “Threesome! Fuck off!” Frank didn’t seem to take the hint and his popularity and looks didn‘t seem to have any effect on her so it seemed like a pointless cycle.

Michael only realized he was getting off topic and quickly veered back on track. “The point is - The fairy is actually the women’s real mother and she wants her jewels back because - get this - an interstellar alien armada wants the jewels to stage an alien invasion on Earth and they could kill the fairies if they have those jewels…” He stopped. He didn’t wanna spoil anymore. “It seems kind of odd, but it’s really quite cool, but I‘m still working out some details; like this one heartwarming subplot involving a witch and the daughter who was kidnapped which I can't decide how it should end, so I‘ll stop for now.” Michael pointed to his head. “It’s all in here right now, but someday I know millions of people will be able to enjoy it just like I did when I came up with it!"

And now the moment of truth.

"But seriously - what do you think?”
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae's head felt as though it were full of sloppy butterflies as she slammed her third shot glass on the table again. He had touched her face, in front of everyone, he had touched her face. She picked up the bottle herself this time, filling it again, ignoring Frank as he obviously flirted with another girl. She felt slightly relieved, maybe he would get all he wanted from this new girl, maybe he would stop pawing at her. Maybe now Mae's body could be her own.

He had touched her face. Her mind raced wildly at the thought of his, he brushed away her tears in a way that she had only dreamed a boy could do. Her head swam, her vision blurred a little bit, and she couldn't help but wobble a little as she poured her fourth shot. How unbecoming of Mae, to get so drunk so quickly. How unbecoming for her to get drunk at all.

Her "boyfriend" whispered to the other girl- Kim was it?- that maybe they should go somewhere to talk. Mae lifted shot #4 to her lips, a giggle escaped her lips, bubbling up and escaping from her. How strange, she thought. This life that I live.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He smiled as the boy spun one of his curveball plots at him. He knew he had a knack for making these things click, the nonsensical jumble that fell into place. It was like Tetris, only with pieces of stories.

Each of the characters seemed to be lifted from a different genre, yet blended together. It felt realistic for some reason. The world wasn't all magic fun time, but it wasn't all city noir either. It was patchy. That's why he liked the stories he crafted, they seemed to flit from one thing to another. Romance, action, mystery, humour, all of it topped off with the traditional Aesop. He had developed a fondness for a few of the characters in his stories, even writing a sole attempt at fanfic for the gruff detective. He hated that piece of writing. It was too dark for a childrens story, he'd just needed to vent his anger and took it out on the character. He had shared it with Mikey, he'd felt obliged to, but on the stipulation it was never to be mentioned again.

"It sounds a mite complex for a single childrens book, I'd adore to see it as a series though!" he said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

This gesture, through either pure coincedence, or grand design, brought Mae into his portal of vision. She was drinking alone, her "boyfriend" chatting up some whore with more plastic than braincells. His playful grip on Mikes shoulder became firmer as he formed a fist in the other hand. He might've accidentally hurt Mike, as his grip could be rather strong, but he wasn't concentrating on him anymore. His blood boiled as he looked at Frank, disregarding the single most perfect being in existence for some barbie doll facsimile. He slowly moved his arm from Michaels shoulder, fixating on Frank. He cracked his knuckles softly in an attempt to calm himself.

Frank had everything he could have desired and he was throwing it away. Spitting it in his face, taunting him. He gritted his teeth and used what little he could recall from anger management.

5..4..3..2..1.. Aaaaand breath.

He exhaled through a clenched jaw.

And a deep breath in.

He sucked another breath in, the cold air hurting his teeth slightly, bringing the room into sharp focus.

Hold it... And out..

He let the breath escape as more of a sigh than an angry wheeze.

He needed to distract himself from the omnipresent Mae issue. Stop thinking with his head, look lower. Past his heart and into his other head. He could try and pick up some equally unsober chick, go to the bathroom, have some fun, and rejoin the party with a clear mind.

But who? Who, who, whom? He looked at Madelyn. She was looking rather appealing, but she was a good friend, and nothing more. Plus, he knew she liked her men with big muscles and dicks, not brains. So Maddie was out.

He looked around for any unescorted pair of boobs to attach himself to. He wasn't disappointed. Had Mad deliberately chosen single ladies to invite? Seemed so! He fucking loved Mad for that, giving him a chance to pull, for the first time in his life. And he wasn't going to miss that chance.

He grabbed a can of medium beer and cracked it open. He wasn't going to do hard liqour for another hour, but he could quench his thirst with some cheap supermarket shit for now. He sat next to a rather delectable pair of tits and ass and made sure she was single. He sat down next to her and flashed a million watt smile.

"Hey babe, enjoying the party?" he asked, noting the half empty bottle of wine nearby and solitary wineglass. Chances were she was as sozzled as him, which did a world of good for his chance of getting some poontang.

I am so going to get a punch in the nuts now, aren't I?

Shut the fuck up pessimism, no one likes you.
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn clapped and smiled when Mike finished. She loved it. She thought it must've taken a lot of time and effort to put such a tale together. She was too interested in Mike's tale to have noticed the exchange between Frank and Kim (If she had she would've told Frank to knock it off, or she's tear his nuts off and use his scrotum as an ugly-ass change purse). When he finished she was about to answer when Zach beat her to it. She nodded in agreement instead.

She decided to survey the environment. She saw Frank talking to Kim while Mae took a shot that knocked her off her ass drunk, and Madelyn was wondering if allowing alcohol was a good idea. She turned back to Zach and Mike finding Zach fuming, and breathing slowly. She recognized this as deep breathing from her anger management courses.

"You okay Zach?" Just then Zach looked at her as if calculating, and walked away. She didn't know why, but she felt (and looked) insulted. She watched as he sat next to a girl on the couch and tried to flirt. Madelyn put her hand to her face and sighed, God he's horrible at this. I'll get him a book on flirting later. She took the hand off her face, I thought he'd be a fun drunk. She turned back to Mike and smiled,

"I'd like to hear more about it as the story develops. I can't wait to read it when you write it out."
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Post by Slayer* »

"I'm not sure about this, Kate..."

"Oh, don't be silly; it's just a party, you know. You could use the chance to relax."

"But what if the police show up? Besides, it's an SOTF party."

"Nobody's making you watch it; just unwind and hang out if you want. Don't you know Madelyn anyway?"

That was true; if nothing else, Mikaela saw Madelyn more than the other woman did between going through the corridors and her morning runs. She would even go so far as to say she knew the athletic girl rather well by now, though she didn't quite know if Madelyn counted her as a friend. Of course, she had invited Mikaela, so there was that; honestly, she was probably just overthinking things.

Whatever the case may be, when the invitation started circling around Facebook, Kaitlyn Rowen decided she'd be damned if she'd let Mikaela sit out. The shorter girl was one of the earlier ones to get to know Mikaela when she transferred and had come right over, all but dragging her into the car and setting off before the aspiring doctor could even really get a word in. Mikaela had never quite been sure if the other girl was trying to break her out of her shell or was simply always like that, but the short, blonde Senior allowed absolutely no room for argument as she went about things.

In a way, Mikaela could respect that, it wasn't like she was much different when things caught her interest, but she still felt a little indignant, as if the choice had just been taken from her. They'd already driven down and parked the car close by, though, so there was probably no use worrying about it now. She could just ignore the TV and see if she could find anyone she knew, right? Right. It wouldn't be so bad, then.

They got closer to the door, and Mikaela took a breath. It was just a party, with some DVDs and a bit of booze. As long as she didn't get drunk or say anything too stupid, she'd probably be fine. Not like she would've been invited if nobody wanted her there, after all. Besides, a surgeon couldn't be afraid of something so simple as showing up to a party. That'd be silly.

Worse comes to worst, nothing says I can't leave. Worth at least trying, right?

"What're you waiting for?" Kate's voice, and the slightly impatient edge it carried, snapped her out of it. It was only then she realised she was staring right at Madelyn Conner's front door, and had been for a few awkward moments now. "You gonna ring the bell or what?"

"Yeah, sure. Sorry." Mikaela took another breath, smoothing down her blouse. This was ridiculous; time to just get it over with.

Here goes nothing...

She pressed the button, and it didn't blow up in her face or eat her finger or anything like that. The doorbell simply rang.

((Not my best, sorry, but trying to get something up and sorta get my feet wet writing the character.))
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Begin Renée Carlson))

Renée Carlson was not usually one for parties, but parties weren't usually all about SOTF. She was definitely in for a viewing party. Sure, there'd probably be alcohol and make-outs and whatever else her peers chose to occupy their time with, all that fun and wonderful stuff people did to squander the time they could have been putting towards pursuits they actually remembered in the morning. But you know what? Whatever. Renée would duck around the drunk make-outs and perch on the back of a chair and stay glued to the TV screen all night, if they'd let her. It'd be an old season. Almost certainly stuff she'd seen before. It'd be nice to have a communal viewing, though. Someone had to cheer on the heroes of the show. The popularity of players, of sadists and villains and torturers, was completely unfathomable to Renée. Did people seriously look at that stuff as fine entertainment? They served a narrative purpose, of course. A hero wasn't much of a hero without evil to overcome, without a villain to vanquish. Renée just hated to see those plot devices win, though.

Of course, she knew it was all real. She knew that she was watching and cheering and indirectly supporting the murders of dozens of kids not that different from herself. On an intellectual level, she was disgusted and horrified with herself sometimes. She'd built up a nice little fortress of denial that held strong most of the time, though. It was simple: SOTF-TV was a tremendous show, with enough market force to roll over any other form of entertainment media. If one teenage girl in Bryan, Texas stopped watching the show, it would have exactly no impact on its ratings and popularity. More than that, it inspired Renée. Watching doomed people pull themselves together, transcend their human limitations and do truly great things in the name of decency and love, that all helped her keep strong in her own life. Some day, she'd be something important, a professor or a diplomat or something, and she'd do enough good in the world to more than make up for her dirty little hobby.

Besides, every so often, there was that little adrenal thrill that came with pretending she was in SOTF. It was scary, more than that, petrifying, but it presented intellectual stimulation and possibilities for ethical experimentation far outside those offered by daily life. Standing up for some kid was easy if the worst you'd get was a fat lip, some nasty words, and a day's suspension if you handled things really poorly. When it meant the end of your life, though, it was a whole other story.

Renée was looking forward to discussing this with all those at the party. Her car, an old, beat up thing, drifted to a halt a little ways down the block from the house. She'd heard about this on Facebook. Seemed like everyone was coming. She'd have no trouble avoiding the people she didn't like. Tonight should be drama-free.

She pulled the parking brake, then hopped out of her car. It wasn't even worth locking. There were so many nicer cars in this neighborhood, the only reason to steal Renée's would have been spite. It wasn't that her family couldn't afford a nicer car. She was just not that great a driver right now, having only held her license for three months, so she was stuck in the car her sisters had banged up before her. She'd added a new dent or two herself, though, so it was probably for the best.

She took off towards the house at a light jog, noticing other people at the door. Halfway there she got a bit tired and slowed to a walk. No point burning out before the fun even began, right? Besides, she was close enough to slip in with the others if the door was opened.
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Post by OverlordMikey* »

Michael’s smile seemed to become bigger than his face. He assumed he looked goofy, but he was glad they liked the idea. Although he was a little concerned about Zach. He had thought him and Mae where going out, but it had started to chime in that he may have been off the mark. Why else would he be flirting with someone?

Madelyn turned back to him and said with all sincerity. “I'd like to hear more about it as the story develops. I can't wait to read it when you write it out."

“Of course! Tell you what, I’ll send both you and Zach the rough draft when I finish some of it.” He figured it was about time to ask - better now that say the wrong thing later. “Um - I have an embarrassing question. Zach and-” The door bell rang. “I’ll ask later… you should probably get that. I need to get a drink anyway.”
Michael nervously shuffled away, he needed a drink. Was Kim wrong about it, probably just another stupid rumor. To bad, he was hoping it was true.
Bad timing, I‘ll ask when she gets back…

He passed by Kim who was pissed at this point. Frank seemed more interested in her tight revealing clothes than the words repetitively coming from her mouth.
“Listen Frank, I’m not interested. N-O! No!”
“But my girlfriend’s cold, I thought maybe someone with your experience could -” Kim’s cold and malicious stare seemed to finally be sinking it as his words seemed to slow for a moment. “loosen her inhibitions.” Michael finally noticed the two’s conversation as Frank became more defensive of himself. “Oh come on, nobody buys your whole good girlfriend act. One threesome, it‘s not like it‘d be your first.”
Michael interjected with “Hey, don’t talk to her like that!”
“Mike stay out of this.” Kim replied, although it seemed more out of concern than frustration. She didn’t want a fight. Frank on the other hand only gave him a nasty glare, obviously mad that he was in the way.
“Listen - she’s mine, find your own girl.”
“Ignore him, he‘s just pissed because his girlfriends smart enough not to fall for his charms

Michael thoughts went along the lines of but he’s being rude to you. I have to do something, what kind of friend would I be otherwise… “Well he’s not to bad looking…” Michael replied before looking directly at Frank. He decided to give him a piece of his own medicine, ignoring what a bad idea it was he place his arm around Frank. “If you’re really that desperate for sex maybe you and I could move to another room and get to know each other a-” He didn’t get to finish.
“Shut the fuck up sick freak.” Frank pushed him away and punched him in the face. Michael fell to the ground, despite his size and build he didn‘t react to pain well, at least when he didn‘t see it coming. Michael; at this point, only knew his ears where began ringing and he didn‘t really feel like getting off the ground.
“Are you okay?” Kim asked.
“Gazebo?” Michael replied confused, but he was nodding yes.
“Gazebo, is that some kind of code for something? Listen I told you I didn’t need your help. Couldn’t you keep your mouth shut…” She sighed. “Thanks though, I think he’s finished with me now. I’m gonna find Madelyn and tell her what happened, I think you’ll need an ice pack. After that I’ll walk you home…” As she got up and started walking away she added. “Damn it his eye looks bad.”
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Post by Macha* »

((April Stone, thread #2 start.))

April had been sat at the bus stop for a while. She hadn't checked her phone or her watch, since she'd forgotten to even wear a watch and her phone battery was close to dead, but it was a while at least. Maybe not two whiles, that might have been pushing it, but it was a while.

She shuffled, trying not to knock over the huge bags she'd brought with her. Her motto of sorts was never to arrive at a party empty-handed, and now was no exception, the huge bags filled with snacks being something of a pain to haul around, but she persevered.

April turned her head around to see a bus arriving, and stood up ready to get on, only to look at the number and find that it was the wrong bus. April’s expression changed to a rare frown. This was the part she didn’t like. She could have just walked to town in the time it took for the bus to arrive but no, Dad didn’t like her walking on her own.

Sighing, she sat back down. The only reason she even waited for the bus was because Dad always insisted that she took public transport instead of mooching for lifts. "April, don't ever talk to strangers," he'd tried and failed to scare into her, much to Mom's dismay. It hadn't worked, but she took public transport to keep him happy until she learned to drive. April had just shrugged. Anything to keep him happy.

Eventually, the right but did arrive, and April did manage to get on, and she found herself with just enough spare change in her pockets to pay for a ticket even if she did have to check every hiding space for the last 5 cents. April smiled at the slightly perturbed driver and dragged her bags over to the only empty seat she could spot.

The bus ride was long, boring and April had to sit next to some old man with a terrible cough. When she eventually reached her stop, she almost jumped out of the bus, her bags trailing behind her as she rushed with some vague idea of where she was headed. All she knew was that Jeanie and Peter had liked it on facebook in between poking her every five minutes- Hey, she didn’t start the poking war. That was a pre-emptive strike – and that there were going to be a whole bunch of people there. That was cool, she guessed. Jeanie was already there, if what she’d said earlier at school was right, and Peter was probably coming later if he wasn’t off smoking again.

That was cool though, just meant she had to talk to new people for a while until they got there. Should be easy.

When April struggled to the door, bags in tow, she noticed a whole bunch of people just waiting to be let in. Were people just waiting there? April walked up to the back of the queue. Wow. They were just waiting there, huh.

“Excuse meeeeeee!” She said as she tried to push through to the front of the crowd before eventually giving up and walking to the nearest window. She rapped out a little tune on it and waved for someone to let her in.

"Guys!" She practically yelled as she tried to peer through the windows, lifting up her huge bags to prove that yes, she actually did make herself useful and bring something with her this time. "I brought snacks!"
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Begin Jake Langston)

Jake checked his watched as he bopped his way up to Madelyn's door. Swinging his bulky guitar case for momentum, he hoped that people wouldn't mind him bringing it. I mean, how engrossing could that weird show be? Opening the door, he descended the stairs carefully, being careful not to bang his case against the wall or anything, it wouldn't be nice to the wall.

On the landing he saw two things happen at the same time: Frank punching Michael in the face and Mae St. Clair bursting out in laughter at the spectacle. He watched her wobble on her feet, and knew exactly where to go first.

"Hey Mayfly," he whispered to her, attempting to make some sort of eye contact to see how far gone she was. She steadied herself against the table and looked over to him, her eyes lighting up. Jake had known Mae since kindergarten, living down the street from her meant that they had participated in plenty of closely watched play dates for as long as either of them could remember. She had drifted a lot since their teens, but she would always be the little sister he never had.

And in the years he had known her, he had never seen her like this.

"Jake! Your mom let you out! Oh man!" She giggled again as she poured herself what seemed to be a red cup full of vodka. Mae saw Jake every day in English, but it had been years since she had seen him in any social gathering. It was strange to see him with that silly guitar here, but then again, this night was turning out to be utterly ridiculous.

"Yeah...let me see that for a minute." He wrested the drink from her hands and took a sip. Augh. How could she drink this straight? He knew that she drank even less than he did. Mae wobbled a bit again. "Maybe you should sit down."

"Where am I going to sit, Jake? Where? Over there?" She pointed at the spectacle between Frank Whitaker and Michael Marshall. "Or how about there?" she pointed over to where it looked like Zach Johnston was chatting up some girl he couldn't see because of the angle. Jake had absolutely no idea what the context of all of this was. Was he going to have to break out his "Mae Complicated Relationships" flow chart?

Mae felt as though she were in some sort of kaleidoscope she wondered what it would be like to dance this way, all loose and flowing like some embodiment of water. Frank had hit someone because he had tried to make some sort of pass at some slutty girl and she was wearing this ridiculous dress, her hair was in a ponytail and she didn't understand why any of this was happening.

She started simply, tugging at her hair tie and allowing her hair to tumble down her back again, Jake looked at her as though she were having some sort of seizure, and she leaned over to flip her hair forward, before tossing her hair back. I can be sexy, she thought. I can be totally sexy.

Straightening back up, she stumbled, and this time Jake caught her. Keeping her straight. It was a truly innocent gesture between two old friends, but it didn't stop Frank from catching a glimpse of this.

"HEY." He stormed over there, not caring who he shoved aside in order to get there, and grabbed Jake by the collar of his blue plaid shirt. "Get your hands off my girl!" Jake wasn't sure whether to laugh at the sheer awkwardness a relationship with Mae would bring, or wonder how he was going to explain a black eye or a fat lip to his mother. At least his dad would think he was finally being a man...

"Hey man, it's not like that," Jake explained, keeping his tone even and establishing contact. Mae's eyes widened at this sudden completely unexpected altercation. "I wouldn't even think about that."

Frank searched him, processed him, and completely disregarded him in a matter of five seconds. "Yeah, man, let me tell you, you're not missing much, she freezes up like the Arctic the second anyone tries to touch her."

Jake should have probably punched him, but he just wasn't that kind of guy. Instead he removed himself from Frank's grasp and looked over at Mae, who was smoldering with a borderline psychotic drunken rage.

"I'm going to go find Madelyn," he said quickly. Setting down his guitar case, he bolted into the crowd. Where could she be?
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler peregrineink. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He tried to ignore the commotion that was occuring around him. He wanted to just... Forget it all. But he kept looking over his shoulder everytime there was a loud noise. He saw Mikey go down like he'd been punched by Tyson, but he didn't intervene. After all, a girl was taking care of it, and he knew full well that girls can take care of themselves. The occasional bruise and harsh word from Madelyn when he tried to stand up for her, even though she hadn't needed help. Of course, the bruises weren't intentional, but he bruised easily and she punched hard. So, he just looked away.

And he felt terrible for it.

The next time he looked back, Frank was being a douche to one of Mae's friends.

"Hands off my girl!" Was all he could make out, as Frank grasped him roughly by the collar.

So, now he was possesive, when it concerned her happiness. Asshole.

But he wrought his attention back to the rather hot lady he was chatting up. He tried to admire her, but all he could see was how her hair was exactly the same as Mae's, how her eyes were that same shade of honey-brown, how her breasts were almost exactly like the ones he had-

Okaay, lets stop that particular train of though there. Look at the diffrences. The things that make her unique and real. She is not going to be the Methadrone to your own special brand of Heroin. She is another beautiful lady, and there should be room enough for two in your life.

Well, three, Madelyn counts in there somewhere. Maybe one day I could have a threes-

Nooooo, that is a bad idea, after all, Mae is just a friend, right. I mean, she was happy with that, and all he wanted was for her to be happy, even if it meant him not being quite so happy.

He let his eyes roam the girls body. Her light, but not pale complexion seemed to glow healthily under the lighting. Her lashes fluttered cutely as she spoke, and her voice was so sweet he wanted to take it home. Preferbly with the rest of her body. He was so busy oggling her body, he almost missed it as she cracked a joke. He laughed in response, a nervous edge spiking it. She looked up at him with quizzical, beautiful eyes.

"Uhhh, I just get really nervous around pretty girls" He covered, blushing a little as if to accentuate the point.

He either looked cute or pathetic. Probably pathetic. After all, he was a skinny little runt.

He needed to make a move right, to prove that he was really coming onto her, and not just being friendly. That was how it worked, Right? Just put an arm around her and pull her close, maybe touch her leg a little and she'd melt into his embrace. A lovely scene. He wanted that to happen. No more complicated relationships, no more dissapointing Ma' and Pa', or worrying about his social status, just a quick fuck. No consequences, just pleasure. He could do that.

He began to reach an arm out.

But what if she jumps away and calls me a pervert? Am I going too fast? Shit, I can't even remember her name! I thought that came later!

He let his arm fall back to his side and he looked away, too scared of what he might see in her eyes; Fear, disgust, irritation, anger, or just that look that said "You done fucked up". In doing that, he saw something even more torturous.

He saw Mae letting her hair down. The strands flicking to the back of her head as her boobs jiggled ever so slightly. He just couldnt look away from the sight. Thankfully, mercifuly, she stopped, and he could look back at his potential fuck buddy for the night, if luck was on his side. Of course, luck didn't exist...

Well, he was about to find out wasn't he?
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »


Jeanette walked up to the house. Seemed to be quite a few people outside. She tilted her head and saw a familiar face knocking at a window.

"What are you doing?" she said laughing.

Jeanette grabbed April's hand and shoved into the spaces in the crowd, tugging April behind her. Once inside she sighed and brushed her dress down.

"You are way to heeeep to be standing out there," Jeanette said as she swayed.

She waved at Madelyn and held up a brown bag that had some sloshing contents and winked at her. She set it down on the table and took off the bag revealing a bottle of Jim Beam whiskey. Quickly she undid the cap and poured herself a few shots worth in a cup.

She swallowed half the contents of the cup and giggled to herself.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Acidic* »

Madelyn went up to get the door (going a bit faster after hearing April's yelling), and opened it to find Mikaela Warner, Kaitlyn Rowen, Renée Carlson, April Stone, Jake Langston, and Jeanette Buendia. April and Jeanette seamed to have brought more food and drinks. She let them in, gesturing to the staircase going down. Following them she said,

"Thanks for coming, and thanks Jeanette and April for bring extra food and 'refreshments' for the party. Just put it on the tab-." She didn't even get finish when she saw Kim hurrying towards her.

"That Frank guy started being an asshole and Mike tried to stand up for me," time for a new change purse. "and he just punched Mike."

Oh. Hell. No.

"His eye's really bad and he needs an ice pack. Also he said 'Evil Gazebo' if you know what that means." Madelyn grinned, and told Kim where the ice packs were (freezer in the kitchen). And turn to see Frank grab Jake by the collar. He gotten there before Madelyn. Frank had let him go as she made her way to him. As much as she wanted an ugly change purse Madelyn know that would just put this party into more chaos, and people would leave. She had to take care of this peacefully. As she approached Frank her statement was short,

"You're leaving, now." Frank apparently thought the idea was a riot.

"Who's gonna make me," he pointed a finger too close to Madelyn's chest. "You?" In response Madelyn grabbed Frank's wrist and twisted it behind his back (instead of punching him, and she would've liked to do). To Frank's confusion all he know was that he was looking at Madelyn, and then a wall. Madelyn than used her free hand to dig the car keys from his pocket as he struggled in her hold.

"Can someone, who's sober, get this asshole home?" When a senior raised his hand Madelyn then walked Frank and the other boy to Frank's pick up, and handed the keys to the sober one.

"Use as much of his gas as you like." and walked back to the house. She went down stairs and straight to Mike with Kim and Jake by his side with an ice pack.

"Are you okay?"
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Acidic. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Macha* »

What was she doing? What did she look like she was doing she was-

"Hi!!" After she recognised the voice, she swung round with the bags, probably hitting someone not all that important in the process, and throwing her arms around her friend in a tight hug.

Jeanette had arrived just after April did, and immediately set to dragging them both to the front of the queue and into the house as soon as the door opened. April frowned and looked down at her bags. At some point in the confusion someone must have taken one of the bags out and eaten it. Great. April set the bags down and leant against the wall for a second to give her hands a break from carrying the things. She dusted herself off quickly. She was dressed moderately smart- which was to say, she wore a nice, proper jacket instead of a hoodie for once and her jeans were a little bit tighter and darker- but she still didn't want any of her clothes to get messed up during the party.

"Where do I- Hi- Bye Madelyn- I bought- Okay I'll go right now-!" April shouted, as Madelyn greeted them only to be dragged away to deal with something else, a problem with someone’s boyfriend or something. April wasn’t paying attention. She waved something of a goodbye to Madelyn before rubbing her hands together, placing her jacket where all the others were, picking her bags back up and starting to drag them into the living room.

April paused for a second. Wait a minute. Hang on. Waaait a second. Something isn’t right here somewhere. April looked around for Jeanie. It was a sad fact that this was the first thing she did when she got a bad feeling like this one now, one that turned out to be right, as April sighed. Jeanie, sometimes, was worse than a child. Where'd she gone to this time? April blinked as she eventually located her, exactly where she was headed to go in the first place. How did she manage to miss that?

"Oh no, Jeanie, you didn't..." April muttered to herself. Jeanie was already in the room, pouring the drinks. She was good, April didn’t even notice she was carrying a bottle on her. Unfortunately, this now meant it was April who was going to get the job of ferrying Jeanette’s drunken butt home after the party.

April briskly walked in, bags trailing behind her as she set those down on the table.

"Jeanie!" As soon as Jeanie turned around, April quickly punched her in the arm. "I thought you told me you weren't bringing anything."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Macha.
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