As Cold as Silence

Day 3 night; Closed

The forests and tropical air suddenly gives way to the cold of the frozen north thanks to snow machine which can be heard chugging away for miles. Snow on all sides, there is a small abandoned lodge, a rental booth, and a ski lift leading up a large mountain. The ski lift is non-operational, the motor obviously purposely destroyed. The only way up is a small railed path, slick with ice and snow.
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As Cold as Silence


Post by The Bearded One* »

((Bobby Goldman continued from Transitive Bodies))

Even though Bobby had the compass out in his hand, he still felt uneasy walking long distances over the island at night. There was the steady crunch crunch sound of the grasses crumpling beneath their feet, and the sounds of crickets chirping somewhere out in the darkness. There were no human sounds, though.

Bobby decided that he needed to try to establish a bit of rapport with these two kids from the Silver Dragon school. "Hey, um, did you say that you were vegan? Why the fuck are you a vegan?" He only realized after the question left his mouth that it could be considered rude.

He didn't try to talk very much after that. Keep your head down, keep tromping through the snow. Wait...! When he pointed the flashlight down at his feet, he saw that indeed there was a bit of snow there. The ground had started to become an incline and after a few more minutes of walking, he spotted the Lodge itself.

Before getting to the front door of the building, though, he saw the shopping cart, still loaded with bedsheets and pillows and a shower curtain. "My crappy weapon draw, ladies and gentlemen," he patted the cart as he walked past it.
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[[GLD4: Shawn Morrison Continued From: Transitive Bodies.]]

So far, Bobby had proven to be dependable, guiding both he and Mae exactly where they wanted to be. He talked a bit along the way, with a tone meant to break the ice between the students of different schools. One of the questions he brought up was asking why Shawn was a vegan.

"It's how I was raised. My dad was vegan."

Shawn stopped there when Bobby pointed out the shopping cart nestled in the middle of the snow. He gave a quick chuckle at it, before shivering a second later.

It was cold here, much more than anywhere else on the island and add in the fact that it was night to early morning, meant that it was freezing. They'd need to head inside the building eventually. Shawn looked at Mae, thinking how cold she would be too. He unzipped his own bag, looking for something to keep them warm. Immediately he spotted his silver blazer and the zarape shawl he had forgotten he had. He pulled the two items of clothing out, also seeing his cupid fan service outfit beneath them. He chuckled at that too.

Turning around still cold, he moved toward Mae with the shawl. "Here" he said to her as he draped it around her like a blanket. "Warm? Let's head inside."

They'd be warm inside and there might also be some beds to rest. Shawn sure as heck had become tired himself, staying awake the whole time at the hotel to keep watch on Mae as she slept. With the cold, it was really starting to take a toll on him.

After buttoning up his silver blazer, Shawn moved to the front door of lodge. He pushed it open quietly, with the shotgun ready for any sneak attackers. Thankfully there was none. He stepped inside and immediately spotted a splotch of red on the ground, with a hand stuck in rigor mortis behind a desk. Shawn backed out of the building slowly and looked to the other boy.

"Hey, Bobby... Could you bring that shopping cart over? I think we might need it."
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Mae St. Clair continued from Transitive Bodies)

Mae pulled the shawl that Shawn had draped around her shoulders tighter around her. It was a good idea that she had changed back into her jeans before coming to this place, it was pretty cold in relation to the rest of the island. Already her nose was growing cherry red, she began to shake her long hair from out of its braid, this might have been a good thing, mostly because she didn't want it to get matted. It curled and flowed down her back.

She couldn't help but smile as Shawn slipped on his silver blazer. "Silver and gold," she said with a slight giggle. "We're the precious metals team now."

Her smile faded around the edges as he found the body. The pooling blood and the hand, crumpled, the rigor mortis. Not again. Not the constant death.

"Hey, Bobby... Could you bring that shopping cart over? I think we might need it."

Mae wondered for a moment how a shopping cart could even be packed into one of the packs for the game, how did Bobby know that that was his original weapon? Was there a note attached? Had he woke up next to it and drawn conclusions? Either way, the shopping cart was a good idea for removing the body, poor kid, whoever it was.

"I haven't even thought of this, but how many of us can be left?"
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Bobby was gratified to hear Shawn chuckle briefly when he saw the shopping cart stuck in the snow. It didn't last long, though. The Texan boy opened up his pack and pulled out some warmer clothes for himself and Mae. She's got to be his girlfriend, Bobby thought.

Mae shivered even after Shawn had given her the zarape; she unbraided her hair and let it fall over her shoulders. Bobby glanced at her appreciatively, but pulled his attention back to Shawn when the other boy opened the front door of the lodge and looked in. Then Shawn called for Bobby to bring the cart. Great, he thought, yet more corpses scattered around the island wherever I go.

He grabbed the cart by the handle and was surprised by how cold the metal was. He rubbed his hands together for some warmth, then grasped the handle again and pulled it out of the snow and gradually into the front lobby of the lodge. Once inside, he unloaded the shower curtain and pillows and bedsheets onto the floor. Finally, he looked over to where Shawn was looking down on a dead body.

It was a tall, brown-haired boy lying on his front. A pool of blood had formed around him, but it had all dried or soaked into the hardwood floor. What if he's someone I know? What if he were Rishi or Skyler or somebody? Bobby shuddered and his stomach clenched unpleasantly. He made no move to touch the body.

"I haven't even thought of this, but how many of us can be left?" Mae's question was the first she had made within Bobby's range of hearing. It may have been a rhetorical question to her, but he thought about it seriously.

I may not have been in the best position to see when we were tied to chairs in that briefing room four days ago, but I'd guess there were about 75 kids in there in total. I think there have been four announcements so far, and about eight or so deaths in each announcement except for the first one. Another announcement is due within a couple of hours probably, so that would be eight times four plus one makes 33; 75 - 33 = 42.

On the other hand, if I look at all the kids from Detroit Central that I know are alive, that would be Sterling, Amber, Cesar, Odile, Brennan, and Karen. That's six, times two because there are probably the same number that I don't know about, and times two again because there's another school represented here; that makes 24. So the number of kids in the game alive still is somewhere between 24 and 42; say 33 as an average.

He looked at Mae, deliberately trying not to look at the dead boy on the floor. "Thirty-three would be my best estimate."
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Post by Cake »

Mae followed close behind Shawn into the lodge, the creaking of the shopping cart's icy tires alerting Shawn to Bobby's presence as well. Bobby removed everything from inside of the cart and placed them onto the floor, bringing the cart to a stop next to Shawn after he was done.

The two other teens began to talk; Mae asking a question about how many people were still living, with Bobby answering. Shawn didn't involve himself in the discussion, instead crouching down to examine the body. The deceased boy was laying face down, with Shawn hesitating before deciding to turn him over. Shawn had enough of seeing dead bodies everywhere by now. It seemed more and more people were turning up dead, many of them he knew and this boy, Shawn also knew.

He recognized the guy from Silver Dragon Academy. The boy was his classmate, Peter Campbell. Peter was a friend of a friend, fellow vegan, April Stone's best friend to be precise. Shawn also knew Peter, because Peter happened to be one of the other stoners from school. He had never been particularly close to the guy, but he did remember passing a rollie with Peter in a restroom after school once. It was sad to see him here like this; dead with three bullet holes in his chest.

"I knew him." Shawn said in a hushed tone as he stood up, with his eyes still fixed onto the body. "He was from my school. Peter Campbell. That was his name."

He finally turned his attention away from Peter then looked over at Mae and Bobby. Shawn spoke again, this time with a steady voice.

"Probably should put him into the cart then bury him somewhere outside under the snow. If we find anymore bodies we can do the same thing. This lodge looks like a good place to rest until morning... just gotta clean up the mess."

Maybe after this they could talk. He had stuff to ask Mae about the collar in Zach's bag. Maybe after this he could talk a little with Bobby, get to know the guy and put stuff behind them. Maybe he could fill him in on the plan to find Renée Carlson and figure out a way to make it out from this island alive and together. An escape Renée called it.

If that wasn't possible, then the plan would simply be surviving the game. Take out anyone who's a danger to the remaining friends they had on the island and any threats to their own survival.

Shawn bent over once again, slipping his hands around Peter's shoulders and started to lift. Gold team's shotgun still strapped and dangling to his side - just in case.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae felt queasy as peter was identified. She remembered him. They weren't really friends, but she remembered seeing ihm in the hall, talking to him briefly from time to time. They weren't friends, but he had always been around, a fixture. And now he was dead. Hadn't she heard his name over the speaker? She couldn't remember, but it never compared to seeing them in person.

She watched as Shawn picked Peter up by the arms and headed towards the shopping cart. It was an ingenious idea to use it for corpse disposal, if a bit ghoulish in its application. There was such a change in him, Mae watched with near astonishment as he placed the corpse in the cart.

Would old Shawn have done that?

A second, more random thought popped into her head.

Am I Shawn's girlfriend now?

The thought made her flush and she cuddled down into the shawl to hide it. She hated the idea that Zach's death had traded her like some sort of item, that Mae couldn't survive SOTF-TV alone. Well, statistics said that she probably couldn't, but it wasn't as though any of them actually could. But there was definitely a change in things, a casual way in which they both regarded each other, they acted as a unit now. A team.

They were a team.

But...what did that mean?

It was a silly, girlish though in the light of such death, and for that reason Mae clung to it. It was nice to feel silly and girlish in spite of things.

She watched his dispose of the dead, and decided though, also in light of everything, that she would probably never bring up these questions. What was the point now?
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Shawn squatted down next to the dead boy, examining him, then cautiously turning him over. There were three neat bullet holes in the boy's chest, the front of his shirt covered with his now-dried blood. Shawn apparently knew the boy from school. "Peter Campbell. That was his name."

Shawn suggested burying him in the snow and then resting until morning. As he bent down to lift the dead boy's shoulders, Bobby noticed something else. The dead boy -- Peter -- had the same color bandanna as Simon had. Another wave of nausea struck Bobby as he lifted Peter's legs, helping Shawn to heft the corpse into the shopping cart.

"Do we have anything like shovels? A simple burial at sea would be easier." Bobby stepped back to the cart handle, prepared to push the now burdened 'weapon' back out into the snow. Burial at sea? Where did that idea come from? Sure we're on an island presumably in the middle of an ocean somewhere, but the only ships are back down at the docks....

Thinking of the docks brought back the memory of Odile's treacherous machinations just before he and Brennan got away from her. Simon was lucky to have survived her before getting caught in the crossfire at the hotel. Cesar was still with her, and now Amber was trapped with her too. If only he knew where she was, he would try to mount a rescue with his new Gold Team acquaintances.

But I don't know where she is. She took her little group to the hotel not long after I got there, but she fled when it turned into a general bloodbath. Where would she go after that? Well, the reason I went to the hotel was because the Cruise ship was a Danger Zone; it isn't a Danger Zone any longer. And she might consider the hotel to still be dangerous. So she might just have gone to the ship to try her hand at looting it and/or turning it into her own private fortress. Bobby pressed his lips together before pushing the cart more than a few feet toward the front door.

"Guys, I just realized where Odile might have gone. I want to make her pay for what she did to those two kids, and I want to rescue Amber and Cesar if I can. It will be a heck of a lot easier if you two would help me. What do you say? Care to visit a cruise ship?"
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Post by Namira »

((Nate Chauncey continued from Crunch))

Arms wrapped tightly around herself and breath streaming in the cold, Nate trudged through the snow. The metal of the sniper rifle tucked ungainly under an armpit was cool against her skin, almost burning in its intensity. The pain felt good. She deserved to be hurt, for what had happened earlier in the day.

Nate couldn't close her eyes without seeing it all over again, replaying in sharp relief. She wanted more than anything to just lay her head down and go to sleep, sleep away the trauma of the past few days. After April though, Nate wasn't sure if she could find that soothing solace ever again. So she just walked. And walked. And walked. Put one buckled boot in front of the other, barely even paid attention when her surroundings went from level grass to inclining slopes, coated in snow. She didn't have any questions left about this place.

As Nate walked, she shivered continually. The blood - April's blood, which she had removed from her head - was splattered all over, making her look as if she was wearing some kind of skin tight red gloves. Her clothes had escaped the worst of it, but Nate's body was covered in gooseflesh. The cold cut straight through the fishnets and mesh top, making her feel horribly exposed for the umpteenth time. Still... on top of all the others things, she barely cared about her appearance any more. Let them think what they wanted.

She kept moving. There was some kind of lodge nearby. Maybe she could sleep there.
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Post by Cake »

Bobby pushed the cart with Peter's corpse inside to the front door, before stopping and suggesting something about shovels and burying Peter at sea. Before Shawn could answer, it seemed a switch went on in Bobby's head as he suggested an idea.

"Guys, I just realized where Odile might have gone." Bobby had Shawn's full attention with those words alone.

The Detroit boy wanted to rescue his friends at the cruise ship where he believed Odile was holding his friends hostage - the very same Odile who had killed two of Shawn's school mates; his friend Holly and her boyfriend John. It seemed Bobby knew that bringing that up would have tugged at Shawn's emotions in order to help him with his cause.

Putting aside his own fatigue and his body's wish for some sleep, Shawn answered in one simple determine filled word. "Sure."

They were outside in the snow again, everything barely visible, with only the darkness of the night sky and the ghostly glow of the snow around them. The chill of the snow soaked breeze started up again, nearly blowing the gold bandanna from Shawn's hair. He quickly caught and adjusted it as Bobby pulled the shopping cart to a stop around a heavy layer of snow.

Mae was near, tightening the shawl around herself again and Shawn couldn't help, but feel the need to put an arm around her and pull her close to himself, using his own body heat to help keep her from shivering.

"Looks like a good spot." Shawn said. "Then we can start saving your friends."
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A voice echoes quietly from Nate's collar.

"Nate, this is your pal Pete Finch again. I'm proud of you girl. It looked like we were gonna go out as wash ups for a while there, but you've really picked up the slack. With that last girl you got in the head - which I must say was some much see tv - you've managed to outlast four other teams. That's four more, than the naysayers expected from you! But I believed in you the whole time! Look, there's people here, I don't think they've seen you yet. From the looks of things you might be able to outlast three more! One step at a time my friend. To fame, to fortune. I can see it now..."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae folded into Shawn quite naturally, trying not to feel so uncomfortable at the fact that they were wheeling a dead body around in a shopping cart. She was starting to think of them as just bodies now, not people. That wasn't Peter Campbell in that cart, that was just some cargo they had to bury before moving on. She didn't mourn for him, though it was still so weird. She was becoming so okay with all of the death and murder. It was all just okay.

When Bobby suggested they go rescue some friends, Mae perked up. That was more like, it, possibly some attempt at heroism on the island. This Odile character certainly was going to be a problem, and she wasn't afraid to face down the girl even if she had already killed two people. Mae had killed, and it was hard not to find people who hadn't. This was fine.

"It will be nice to give Peter a nice burial," she said to no one in particular. "A burial at sea is a good idea."
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Shawn held the front door of the lodge open while Bobby pushed the shopping cart outside back into the cold.  This time it held more burden than sheets and pillows.  Once again, the cart had a rough time rolling over the uneven and semi-frozen ground.

When Bobby paused beside a large-ish snow drift, Shawn said, "Looks like a good spot.  Then we can start saving your friends."  Bobby glanced over toward Mae, but she agreed.  She looked like she was trying to be held even more warmly by Shawn.  Yeah, they're definitely boyfriend and girlfriend.  Damn, I miss Jaszmine!

With some effort, Bobby was able to push Peter's body out of the cart and into the snow drift.  He was about to start kicking snow on top of the boy, but he thought that might seem disrespectful.  He squatted down and shoveled the snow with his bare hands instead.  His stomach cramped again, painfully.

When he was fully covered under a small mound of snow, Bobby stood back up.  He didn't meet the gaze of either Gold Team member.  "Do you want to have a moment of silence?  Or do you want to say something to honor... um, Peter?"

He glanced up at his companions to find an answer, but he saw something else behind them.  "What!?"  The tension crept into his face quickly as he tried to figure out what he was seeing.  At first he thought it was a girl walking toward them out of the darkness, but it was more shocking than that.  It was a sparsely dressed, blood coated, grim faced girl with a sniper rifle slung across her back.

I--  That can't be real!  It's like my own personal nightmare of death!  "Oh, shit!"  He turned to run, but remembered at the last moment that there were two other people he was supposed to be working with.  "You know where I'm going; don't take too long!"

Then he ran as fast as his feet could carry him.

((Bobby Goldman continued in The Wild Hunt))
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Post by Cake »

Shawn watched as Bobby removed Peter from the cart and onto the ground. When Bobby began to shovel snow with his bare hands over Peter's body, Shawn thought it would probably be a good idea to help him.

When they were finished burying Peter under snow, Bobby had stood up and asked if they wanted a moment of silence or needed to say something to honor Peter. Before Shawn could say anything, Bobby gave a sudden and startling "What!?" which made Shawn step back a little.

Bobby's face seemed to turn a shade paler even in the darkness and then he began to... run?

"Hey Bobby, what's going on man, where the heck are you going!?" Shawn said, confused as anyone would be when someone ditched you out of the blue for some unknown reason.

"You know where I'm going; don't take too long!" Bobby yelled back without turning his head. Then he was gone.

Wondering what the heck was going on, that managed to scare Bobby away like that, tugged at Shawn's curiosity. Whatever it was, it was right in back of them wasn't it? So Shawn turned around to see what was up.

Making her way to the open door of the lodge they had just left from was a bloodstained girl, creeping her way closer, in an eerie and inhuman looking manner, wearing extremely light clothing in the snow, with a large gun strapped to herself.

"...Is... is that a ghost?" Shawn stared blankly ahead for a second or two then turned back to Mae. He maneuvered her ahead of him and gave one last look at the ghostly looking specter near the lodge. Shawn didn't know whether that chill that ran up his spine was because of the cold or, that.

"Um.. Mae, I think we should catch up with Bobby. L-Let's get out of here."

[[GLD4: Shawn Morrison Continued To: The Wild Hunt.]]
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Post by peregrineink* »

It all happened rather quickly and Mae didn't really get a good glimpse of whatever everyone else had seen. Shawn seemed to go pale and stammer out.

"...Is... is that a ghost?"

Before Mae could really turn around and look, Shawn brought her in front of him in an almost protective manner, Bobby had already taken off running, and Mae couldn't help but feel even colder than the snow around her. She shivered under his hands.

"Um.. Mae, I think we should catch up with Bobby. L-Let's get out of here."

"I think that's a good idea," she said quietly. Maybe she was starting to think too much like Ali, but she knew bad signs when she saw one, what if where they were heading was just as bad as where they had been?

She took Shawn's hand and didn't look behind her. Maybe they were headed towards a far better place...

(Mae St. Clair continued in The Wild Hunt)
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Post by Namira »

Nate closed her eyes as the grating voice from her collar cut into her head again.

She gritted her teeth.

Her exhalation was white, like smoke.

Then everything went a little bit red.

"Fuck off with your stupid fucking advice that I don't even fucking want and don't fucking need because I don't want this! I don't fucking want any of this! I don't want to win or to outlast other teams or to make it to the end or have to hear about people dying or to be dressed like this or ANYTHING THAT'S FUCKING HAPPENED! It was a fucking accident and it WASN'T good TV and it wasn't on purpose and if you think it is then just fucking FUCK off! I don't want you to believe in me and any fame or any fortune because I just wanted to fucking sing and fucking paint





((Nate continued in Of Moons, Birds & Monsters))
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