Oracular Spectacular


Holding hundreds of people at its maximum capacity, this hotel features a beach front pool, and nearly every room has a view. However the most common complaint that the management used to get was the paper thin walls, and how easily the building carried noise.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Mason took a deep, exaggerated bow, flourishing his hands as he did and cutting the length of his six-foot frame in half for a second as he dipped.

"Mason Ross, waterboy extraordinaire, at your service." He pulled himself back up. The gun was more relaxed in his hand now, pointing down at the floor where it couldn't harm anything but a bug that might have been crawling across the carpet.

"Here I was thinking I'd run into everybody we were going to this time around."

With that said, a shadow slipped across Mason's face as he glanced over Odile's shoulder at the open bathroom.

"So, uh. Is whatever happened in there on open forum?"
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Post by Acidic* »

Listening to the conversation Madelyn looked for a quick way out, but she was too far down the hall to get out quietly. Running was in option, but getting shot in the back wasn't how this game was won by anyone. After flicking the safety off she took a quiet breath to prepare herself.

It was the beginning of the end. The finale of the season, and of their young lives. The only way Madelyn was going to walk out of this was to shoot first before they finished her off.

There was no justice, only things that happened. No source of karma, or dogma would come for her. Just as it never came for anyone the won before her.

When her breath was finished Madelyn readied the gun, and stepped into the doorframe facing Shawn and Nate. At this point she could let them know she'd been there the whole time, or that her victory was inevitable.

Instead of words, however, there were bullets. She had fired three of them before jumping away to slam the door. If she missed it'd slow them down for a little while.
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Post by Namira »

No sooner had Shawn pumped his shotgun than somebody stepped into the room with the two of them, raising a gun and firing without a moment's hesitation. Nate was already moving by the time they fired - catching a glimpse of them and realising it was a girl.

"Down!" she roared with more power than she realised she had in her, shoving Shawn violently away, the force sending her stumbling in the opposite direction and - just about - out of the line of fire. A bullet buzzed her face, or at least, she thought it was a bullet. Nate wasn't sure she could trust her senses any more.

Raising the rifle, hand coming from her wound for the first time in hours, Nate returned fire, even though the other girl was out of sight. It was a big gun and a small set of doors, worth a shot. Five times, she shot back, aim dipping and swaying violently with Nate's unsteadiness as much as the recoil. One bullet hole after another showing light from the other side until, at the fifth shot, there was a muffled cry of pain. Nate fired once more for good measure, then staggered backwards, falling heavily against a table, but just about preventing herself from falling over again.

Her injury didn't hurt any more.

She looked over to Shawn.

"Go! I'll do it."

Looked away from the boy, raised the rifle again, and trained it on the door.
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Post by Courtography »

Impressed? Really? Well actually, now that she thought about it, Odile and Tiffany had really taken off from her in a hurry. Maybe it really was that surprising that she was still around. Maybe it really was, because really, how often did someone with no kills make it to Endgame? She didn't think it was often.

Well that explained that.

Then Odile called Mason handsome, which made Lexi's face go slightly pink. Sure, it might be dumb, it's not like she had some claim on Mason. But still, it's not like she needed to be around for Odile to flirt and stuff, right? Right.

Mason asked if going into the bathroom was okay. Good, best to get away from discussions of handsomeness and such. "Right. So..."
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Post by Kitten* »

Open forum?

"Is that your way of asking about the whole 'weeping the world away thing'? Cute." Odile looked away, running a knuckle under her nose.

"Just your basic 'walk in on a crazy bitch standing over the guy she just killed and get forced to kill her yourself' kinda scenario." She shrugged.

"The both of them are still in there, by the way, so if you're looking for somewhere to pee, sweetie, I might use the gents'." This last comment she directed at Lexi, who was looking decidedly uncomfortable. Full bladder? Or unnerved to see someone she had known, however briefly, 'go bad'.

Fuck it. She'd get over it. Or she wouldn't. Either way, Odile didn't plan on it being her problem for very long. The whiny bitch limit of her party was one, and right now she was meeting that quota herself. The company was all well and good, but Odile had some serious wallowing-in-self-pity to get into, and for her, that'd always been a solo pursuit.

"So anyway, aforementioned crazy-bitch also happens to be my best friend since childhood, yada-yada, woe is me, etcetera." She sighed.

"And I had to kill my sorta-boyfriend, to spare him from bleeding to death or what have you, and two crazies on a beach tried to murder me and I accidentally shot them." The sob that her voice broke into at the end of the sentence was real. God, it hurt to even think about Amber and Cesar.

"Just your typical TV drama bullshit, ya know?" She risked a smile, trying to pretend that she'd put all of this behind her, that it wasn't a big deal. The tears running down her cheeks probably didn't help the illusion. She was so fucking weak.

Deep breath. Calm down. She could do this.

"So, h-how about you guys? Death island been treating you okay?"
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Post by Cake »

His back was facing the door, so he didn't catch a glimpse of Madelyn until after she fired her first shot.

Fortunately for him, Nate did and to Shawn's surprise she managed to shove him out of the way enough before the three bullets could collide with his upper back. The stoke dropped from Shawn's lips from the hysteria of the moment and he fumbled around, hands out in an attempt to salvage it from touching the blood drenched tile floor. The hot cherry of the blunt burned against Shawn's fingers, but he kept his hands cupped around it to block off oxygen and extinguish the flame with a strong blow of breath before stuffing it away in his pocket.

Shawn let out a startled shout of curses as he ducked to the floor in astonishment from the even louder set of gun shots erupting from within the dining hall itself. Nate began firing several shots from her high powered rifle right at the pair of double doors ahead of them. He felt near deaf from the roar of gun fire, unable to hear anything from the other-side of the bullet riddled doorway or what it was Nate was saying after she stumbled back into the table from the recoil.

From reading her lips, it looked like Nate was telling him to go, as in get out of there, but he wasn't totally sure. Even if that was what she said; go where? The only entrance slash exit Shawn could see that didn't lead outside the hotel and into a danger zone was the doors Nate was currently focusing her rifle at. The same doors also happened to be guarded by a former friend turned gun wielding psychotic.

The best he could do was hide away somewhere in this dining area and kitchen and wait for Madelyn to enter then make her next move. Maybe then, she could be taken down or at least flanked and led away from the door so they could escape. He quickly crawled over and hid behind a table set with a few chairs, crouching down low to wait. It was then that Shawn felt the sting of pain emitting from the side of his body. He put a hand over to the section of his abdomen with the most pain, where he felt a fresh hole in his shirt, bordered with some of his own blood.

Apparently, one bullet did manage to nip at him. Right below his rib cage was a small wound, a graze deep enough to pull some flesh along with it, but luckily not deep enough to get stuck inside or cause any really big problems, at least from what he could tell. He could imagine how much worse it could be if Nate did not shove him out of harm’s way in time. He held at it and groaned in annoyance from both the sting of the injury and the slight cherry burn on his hands.

For a brief moment the bullets stopped. He watched Nate continue to keep her focus on the door, awaiting Mad's next move. Shawn wasn't even sure if Mad had fled or not. Maybe she was patiently biding her time for them to lower their guard and to take them by surprise again, like the last few encounters. Definitely sounded like something she would do, taking into account her previous style of attack. If so, Shawn wasn't going to fall for it this time.

To test the theory, Shawn was going to say a little something that might get under Madelyn's skin and lure her out of hiding.

"Dang Mad, you shot me! Did you get shot too?" Shawn called out loudly with a laugh, still feeling the effects from the drug and the will to appear as crazy as possible to mess with her head.

"I thought you were a tough girl? Didn't know you were just a little bitch, sneaking around and gunning down your own friends from your hiding places. First Mae, now this. Shit, imagine what Jake would think of you now."

Shawn paused for effect and to let the mention of his late best friend's name settle into the mind of the still living girlfriend turned gunman who might still be listening outside the door.

"Knowing Jacob, he'd be ashamed to find out that his girlfriend is nothing more than a heartless, bloodthirsty freak."
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Post by Outfoxd »

The girl had been doing a damn fine job of holding onto her facade, until the sob. Mason was amazed at himself by how blase he was at the fact she had killed a few. The only way you could tell it worried him was the barely perceptible twitch underneath his right eye, and the way his hands white-knuckled on the grip of his gun. It looked like Odile had killed herself out though (was that possible?) so he relaxed.

"Yeah, barrel of fun. Me and Lexi here were about to hit the poolside bar for martinis and skinny-dipping. You wanna co-" His quip was cut off halfway by the distant roar of gunfire from somewhere on the other side of the hotel.

Mason turned to Lexi, eyes going wide. "Fucking Shawn." He clenched his teeth. "We gotta go."

He spun on his heels, ready to head in the direction of the shots.
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Post by Courtography »

It disturbed Lexi to hear Odile speak so relatively nonchalantly about killing. Had she lost her mind? Actually that was very possible...she bit her lip in frustration. She didn't want to think about how one of the people potentially "on her side" now could be potentially unstable. She had known it before this, but seeing it in the flesh...wow.

It was a far cry from her first encounter on the island with gun pointing, but in the end, protection from crazies.

Mason did his normal joking thing, although seeing Mason naked wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world. Not that she really knew. She hadn't seen guys naked before. But still, from what she had seen just from Shawn with his shirt off it was something she would probably like.

But Mason's joke was cut off my gunshots. His first reaction was that Shawn was in trouble, which, given that there were six left and three were right here that was a pretty good guess. She turned to follow Mason. The opposite of what she wanted. She wanted to do what she had done so far and run away from the gunfire and hope it didn't come to her.

But she didn't this time.
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Post by Kitten* »

Shots, and a lot of them. Someone was having a party, but it wasn't one she was interested in attending.

"Think I'm gonna have to pass on your invite, sorry." She shrugged apologetically.

"My being-shot-at-by-lunatics quota has pretty much been met. You kids have fun now, though. Give Shauny-boy my love, when you see him." When, not if. There was some optimism for ya. She forced a smile.

"Swing by later when you've worked everything out, so I know it's safe to come out or whatever. We'll make a party of it, maybe." She took a step back toward the door, giving a small wave to the couple - and she was pretty sure they were a couple, if only due to how much her flirting seemed to other little Lexi. That of course made her more perverse side want to flirt all the more, but the pragmatist in her held off.

Not the time or the place.

Instead, she simply offered them a "Good luck."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Mason couldn't believe the girl (ok, she was odd, maybe he could believe a little) was just going to take off when gunfire was ringing out not that far off. But whatever. To each their own. Or some shit.

"Guessing we'll need it. Thanks." He gave a flippant little wave to Odile, tapped Lexi on the shoulder, and started moving.

He hoped the gunfire meant people were alive. And not dying. He hoped he wouldn't have to add any more shots to the chorus.
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Post by Courtography »

Lexi almost could not even believe that Odile would just dodge out of this. She had killed, shouldn't she at least try to redeem herself? No, instead Lexi the one who hadn't fired a shot during this whole thing was heading into the action.

It seemed crazy to her, after all every time anyone she was with went into the action they died. Or at least one member of the group did. It had happened since she was with David and Sidney, and Chelsea, but she didn't count. She bailed. It just kept happening with everyone around her dying in hails of gunfire.

Her sweaty hand tightened on the grip of the handgun. Could she do it? Could she protect herself this time? Or would she hide as usual? She didn't know. She didn't want to be the one pulling the trigger to save herself, but who else would? Shawn and Mason would probably try, but, but that didn't mean much anymore. Whether she liked it or not the end of the island was near, one way or another.

She glanced at Mason as they traveled. How was he doing knowing that they were near the end? All she knew were her own scared thoughts, but she didn't know how to ask for Mason's. It probably wouldn't help anyway. The only thing that would help now was stopping herself from being useless.
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Post by Kitten* »

Lexi and her new boy didn't seem too pleased with Odile bowing out of the action.

Fuck 'em.

She'd seen the judgement in their eyes, when she'd recounted the scene in the bathroom. "How dare you kill - except when it's for our convenience, of course". Typical bullshit hypocrisy; exactly the sort of thing this fucking show thrived on. Odile wasn't religious by any stretch, but she was fairly certain the Bible never said "Thou shalt not kill, except where narratively expeditious".

She'd heard it was very open to interpretation, though. Maybe that was subtext.

Whatever. It pissed Odile off, was all. She knew she'd done horrible things, but it was for her to be the judge of that, not some dipshit children who pointed the finger of accusation with one hand even as they brandished guns with the other, and certainly not some brainless, asshole viewing statistics who tutted and fretted over teen violence even as they enabled it with their remotes.

She was over it. Lexi Texi wanted to run off and get herself shot? She could go right ahead.

Odile was from Detroit. She knew that when bullets go flying, you fly the other way.

Stupid Texans looking at her like she was weird. They were the weird ones.

"Have fun getting killed, dickheads." she mumbled, under her breath.
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Post by Acidic* »

She wasn't fast enough, and a small crater of gore had replaced a small area of her left, upper arm. Her teeth clenched and hissing she tried to think though the pain. Looking at the wound she could see pieces from the door. She better had hit one of them, or this was going to suck even worse.

Edging along the wall keeping an eye on the door she had shot through. Her vision shook with every wave, and barely made out Shawn's voice.

"Well, she did off my teammate."
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Post by Namira »

Shawn was still there, still talking. If Nate's face wasn't locked into a grimace, she might have spared a moment to scowl at him. She'd told him to jet, why was he sticking around taunting people?

"Shawn - Leave!"

She steadied herself, still holding the rifle in both hands. She could feel the blood trickling down her side, faster now. Moving around had probably just opened the wound further. Nate gritted her teeth. Too late for regrets.

The girl - Madelyn, it had to be Madelyn, called back. Something about one of her team mates. Nate didn't really understand it. Must've been more relevant to Shawn than her.

Nate put another bullet through the door, gestured with her head at Shawn to move back, and she began to back through the dining hall, legs still wobbly, but retaining her balance - just about. Others were around too. They'd be drawn here. She needed to get Madelyn into a more enclosed space.
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Post by Cake »

Teammate. It rattled at Shawn's core when Madelyn said what she did.

Madelyn was more concerned about her teammate than anything else he said. She didn't seem to be affected one bit about her boyfriend's name being brought up at all. Looks like she never really cared about Jake or anyone else except her teammates after all. Funny, considering one of Madelyn's teammates was involved with Jake's death and that was what she had to say.

Purple was a team of psychos and murderers; that made sense.

"Shawn - Leave!" Nate had called out, while Shawn boiled quietly in utter distaste at Madelyn's answer.

"Where, Nate? There's only one way out and it's right through her!" he yelled back from behind his cover, but was quickly drowned out mid-sentence by another loud bang of gunpowder and fragment through wood.

One good thing was that Madelyn's answer confirmed that she was still there waiting and Nate answered it by sending another bullet through the door.

Nate nodded her head back and Shawn took a hint. He grabbed his stuff and jolted further in to the large dining hall, with each step sending a quiver of pain from the side of his abdomen, throughout his entire person. They could potentially trap her in and escape, or overwhelm her. The fact that these sounds were undoubtedly snowballing through all of the hotel, meant that the other three finalists would hear, two of which were Mason and Alexis. They were armed too and they could help.

Shawn found himself kneeling behind another form of cover, as he dug into his bag for a more suitable weapon. His hand found and gripped around his second gun from which he confiscated from Madelyn's very own teammate. He sat back, waiting to see what would happen next, until he noticed his shoulders felt a little bare and snake-less.

"Damn it, Brian."
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