Friendly Fire

Semi-Private (PM first before entry)

This forest stretches far across the island, taking up a good chunk of it's landmass. There are a few well beaten dirt paths criss-crossing throughout, some obviously once used for some kind of vehicles. For the most part however, other than these roads the forest is relatively untraveled, most coming to the island for the more exotic features.
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Post by Acidic* »

Anthony's remark and Amber's reassuring look brought the smile back on Sterling's face. Even if it was set to wry and thin. Sterling began thinking about what he'd do with a six figure salary. Maybe some parts to add to Johanna, his own house with a basketball court in the backyard, and maybe even college! Amber began to respond to Anthony when a group of birds booked from a tree and Sterling stiffened.

Before he could say anything a dark coat came from behind a near by tree and began firing at them. This is exactly what Sterling risked by looking for his friends. At first he turned the opposite direction Amber was heading, but the coat's bullet hit the tree on his way. Making Sterling double back for Amber's log.

He jumped over it and landed a few feet from her as she begged the coat not to shoot. Trying to work out a deal for their lives. Running a sweaty hand through his damp hair Sterling found that he had the hatchet in a death grip in his other hand, and made himself let go. Sterling searched through the seconds before in his head trying to think of something that could get this resolved peacefully. Something about the coat, and he remembered the teams. He whispered,

"Did anyone see a bandanna?"

Then he remembered a fleck of color on the arm of the form. No way. He dismissed the memory as he leaned his head against the log and tried to relax just a bit. In all his years living in Detroit he managed to never get shot at, and now his perfect record was broken thanks to this game. He stayed like that for a while, but while the sky looked pretty they needed to get out of here.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Shots ring out. Our team is sent diving for cover as an unknown assailant opens fire on them. They are all scared, Anthony especially. The camera pulls in tight, revealing the tight, drawn face of someone who has just understood what he's gotten into.

Anthony followed suit behind his companions when the gunfire rang out. He didn't head for the log, sufficed to hide behind the nearest upright tree. It was easy, considering how small he was. By some miracle the stupid hat stayed on too.

He tried to edge out and get a glimpse of the shooter, sticking his head out from his cover and far as he dared. All he saw was a coat.

Sterling asked about bandannas. Anthony couldn't see the shooter's, but something about the coat stuck in his head. Like he might have recognized who was wearing it. It wasn't clear enough for him to venture a guess. Being shot at made it hard to think.

"Couldn't see anything!" He called to Sterling from his tree.

Then to Amber, who had called out to the shooter, "Maybe you shouldn't be letting her know where we are!" Despite knowing full well by talking he was doing the same thing.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Amber was beginning to make a lighthearted response to Anthony, when the flight of birds made her stop short. She, too, looked curiously at the departing creatures and was as surprised as any of the four students when they heard the rude sounds.

Pop pop.... Pop.

It took a heartbeat for Bobby to even realize that those sounds were gunshots. Amber and Sterling dove for cover behind a fallen log, and Anthony backed against an interposing tree. Bobby found another suitable tree and ducked behind it, falling to his knees at the same time. Oh, God! Why is someone shooting at us? This is far too early for anyone to decide to truly play the game. Is it possible that one of us has an enemy who's taking this as an opportunity to take revenge or something? I don't think I'd put it past Devonte or one of his thug friends to try to take me out this way....

Amber shouted from her hiding place that we weren't a threat and the attacker should stop shooting at us and maybe work together. There's no way Devonte or his posse will go for that. He's probably the sort that will decide to play the game.

Anthony shouted back "Maybe you shouldn't be letting her know where we are!" The shooter is a girl?! Bobby tried to wrap his mind around the idea that some chick was taking potshots at them with a gun. It didn't make sense to him.

"Did anyone see a bandanna?" Sterling asked. Anthony answered that he didn't see one. Bobby decided that he needed to risk taking a look, both to see if he could recognize the shooter and to try to spot her bandanna.

He took a deep breath, then poked his head out from behind the tree. He spotted the black trenchcoat fairly quickly, and confirmed for himself that it was in fact a girl. She was hispanic with long, black hair; she was cute, but not pretty. He didn't recognize her.

He did spot a piece of cloth tied around her left arm. It was the shooter's bandanna; it was purple. Hey, wait. That's the same color as Sterling's. Oh, and Amber's too. What the fuck? He pulled his head back behind the relative cover of the tree to try to process what he'd seen and what to do about it.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Karen's targets responded promptly to her assault, all seeking immediate cover. That told her a few things. It told her that they were either not well armed or were unwilling to take necessary action to ensure their survival. It told her that she didn't have too much to worry about. Of course, her mind whispered that she was being overconfident. They could just be shocked, startled into defensive inactivity. They could be preparing a counterattack right now. It was critical that they not be allowed to execute any plan.

Their choices of cover made things both difficult and simple. The two secondary targets were behind trees, peeking out now and then. They'd probably gotten a decent look at Karen. That didn't matter. She was trying to build a reputation. That was the whole point. Her actual targets, though, her primary foes, were hiding behind the same log. They were together. That meant she had to keep the others' heads down, flush her "teammates", eliminate them, then split.

A plan presented itself in very short order. There were some good rocks on the forest floor, near Karen's feet. She fired a shot at the boy who had most recently glanced out at her. He was already back behind his tree, but it didn't matter. She was just keeping him busy, keeping the pressure on everyone here. Then, she stooped, scooped a rock up left-handed, and pitched it over the log, into the underbrush. The idea was simple; there was no way the others could know what she'd thrown, but they knew she was aggressive, so, with a bit of luck, they'd assume she'd tossed a grenade at them and scatter to avoid the expected explosion. Once they were out of cover, she would shoot them both.

Even if it didn't work, it'd keep them on their toes. Movement and speed were critical. Karen had to keep them from having time to process events. That would keep them making mistakes.

Karen remained kneeling, but brought her left hand back around to support the gun, ready to open fire as soon as a target presented itself.

After all, her priorities aside, it didn't really matter if she eliminated those other people instead of her assigned allies. At the end of the day, the goal was the same.

Two opponents.
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Post by Fiori »

Unsurprisingly, Amber's attempt at bringing about a ceasefire worked just as well as she suspected. Crap. Well, so much for that idea...

Thankfully, her friends had managed to get behind cover before their mysterious attacker could pick any of them off, with Sterling hiding behind the same log she'd decided to use as a temporary barrier between her and the bitch who was trying to gun them all down. Who the heck was she anyway? Was she someone from Detroit? Deep down, she wished that wasn't the case. That whoever it was came from that other school whose name she couldn't even remember.

But if it WAS someone from Detroit, then who? Who on earth did she know who'd be so heartless that they'd shoot at her own classmates on sight? Without saying so much as a single word? Could it be Tiffany? Nah, can't be. She's annoying as hell, but theres no way she'd buy into the game THAT quickly. What about Jaszmine? No, thats even less likely. Sure, she and Bobby don't get on well anymore, but that doesn't mean she wants to gun him down on the spot! Maybe... Alicia? Brenda? Panya? Marvia? WHO?!?

Her attention was brought back to the matter at hand the moment Anthony called out to her, telling Amber that she probably shouldn't be revealing their location. "Its a bit late for that!" she relied shortly afterwards, jumping out of her skin the moment she heard yet another bullet bury itself into a nearby tree. Damnit, I can't take this anymore! I've got to know who the hell we're dealing with...

"Hold on Sterling, i'm going to take a quick look..." she whispered, shortly before she lifted her head for a brief second to get a good look at their attacker.

She didn't leave herself out in the open for too long, staying there for only seconds before ducking back down, but within those two brief seconds she had already seen enough to shock her to the bone.

It was definitely someone she knew from Detroit. What was her name again... Katie? No, Karen! Karen Ramirez or something along those lines..... She was the one who was attacking them?!? Amber never really took that much notice of Karen back at Detroit. She'd always just been another one of those girls who disappeared into the background, never really giving her much of a reason to take any notice. Perhaps that was the reason why she seemed to have no problems trying to gun her down...

...But that wasn't the thing that had shocked Amber. Nor was it the thing that concerned her the most at this particular moment in time.

What DID shock her, however, was the fact that Karen was wearing a purple bandanna around her arm. That... Can't...... What?!?

The young girl was so confused, she barely even noticed the small rock Karen had thrown as it fell into the underbrush, nor did she acknowledge Sterling as he called out a desperate warning. It wasn't until she found herself buried underneath him as Sterling attempted to shield her from the blast that never came that she found herself brought back to reality.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, the two looked each other in the eye as they realised their mistake, Amber smiling when she realised how noble Sterling's action had been. "Thanks... You can, um, let go of me now if you don't mind." she said, still maintaining the thankful smile as Sterling gave her breathing space once more.

Despite feeling honored by Sterling's act of bravery, the fact that they were being shot at by someone from her own team was still heavily on her mind. So much so, that Amber was quickly beginning to find herself getting more agitated the longer she thought about it. How... How could she?!? Surely there must be some mistake! She must of not seen our bandannas, theres no way that she could... That she could be so monumentally STUPID to shoot at her own teammates!

"That... That was Karen. You know, Karen from Detroit? An-And she had a purple bandanna around her arm! But... No, she must of seen that we're on the same side! Theres no WAY she couldn't have noticed! But then why would she still be shooting at us? Unless... Unless....."

Then it finally clicked, and Amber's blood began to boil as her fear began to turn into pure anger.

...Unless she's DELIBERATELY trying to kill her own teammates!

How could this have happened to her?!? How could she have found herself with the single worst teammate on the entire island! How many people could have easily taken the spot which Karen was taking up? Bobby could have been in her place, or Anthony, or any number of other people who'd make for a more appropriate teammate then the teamkilling bitch who was currently trying to gun them all down! Why was she doing this?!? Was she psychotic, or was she just an idiot who was too busy watching a butterfly or something to take notice of the specific instructions they'd been given in the briefing? Either way, the fact remained that Amber in all honestly could never remember a time when she'd ever been more enraged with someone in her entire life.

And she was damn well going to let her know about it too.

"...WHAT THE HELL, KAREN!?! Are you fucking colorblind or something?!? We're on the same team, you IDIOT! What the hell do you think you're trying to achieve, SHOOTING AT YOUR OWN FUCKING TEAMMATES!"

She was honestly surprised by how loudly she was screaming at Karen, her throat already feeling sore as her usually sweet voice turned raspy and bitter. Her face had turned red as well, partially out of embarrassment, but mostly out of how unbelievably angry she was with the girl who was currently trying to kill them. It was actually starting to scare her just how much she was beginning to hate the woman who had them under fire, how much she felt like she genuinely wanted to rip her heart out for being such a treacherous bitch. Nobody, not even her own bitchy sisters, had ever managed to enrage her as much as Karen was at that very second.

"I can't believe this... Do you have ANY idea how many people there are out there who I'd prefer to see wearing the bandanna you're got tied around your arm! Out of all the teams out there..... All the many other groups who you could have gotten yourself attached to, you just had be assigned to ours, didn't you? We just HAD to get given the worst fucking player on the entire island! I just hope you feel proud about yourself, because you've just made enemies out of the few people who would have helped you survive, you selfish BITCH!"

She began to cough, her throat in agony after shouting so loudly for so long. Nevertheless, despite how much she'd vented her anger already, Amber still felt that she hadn't done enough to show how insanely pissed off she was right now. How much she felt like going into a room full of expensive china and smashing the entire place to pieces with a baseball bat. How tempted she was to leave the safety of her cover just so she could tackle Karen and ram her nails right into her eye sockets.

Thankfully though, the last remaining shread of common sense within her was stopping Amber from doing just that.
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Post by Acidic* »

Well, Sterling felt like a moron. Sure he was happy they were alive and unhurt, but hindsight made him feel like he should have known that it was just a rock. He was ready to die for Amber in an explosion, and nothing happened but an awkward stare. He reached into the bush and grabbed the rock. It was petite enough to lie in the palm in his hand.

Then she told him that the coat was actually Karen. Karen Ruiz to be exact. All Sterling know about her was that she was a socially inept nobody, and her brother was stupid enough to get himself shot in a hold up. It seemed dumb-ass was genetic since she was shooting at her own team mates knowingly. Sterling was about to share his opinion when it happened.

Amber made up for the explosion that the "grenade" didn't give. Sterling had known Amber for a long time, and he didn't think Amber had it in her. Hell, he was tempted to take cover from Amber. Instead he just sat there too surprised to pick up his jaw as Amber yelled her throat ragged.

For awhile the young star wasn't sure what to do when she finished. Sterling didn't exactly approve of Amber's outburst even if his opinion was similar, but being angry at her for possibly putting the two of them in more danger wouldn't help matters. Sterling opted to give Amber a calming stroke on her arm and an understanding smile as a sign to calm down. Then he came up with an idea.

Sterling took a quick peek over the log. On the other side it probably look like a speedy bob. Still, he was able to see she was kneeling and facing them. He picked up a few more rocks like that which she threw, putting some in his pockets. He also put the hatchet in there(handle first), and kept in his hands a few stones.

Now all that was left was chance and patience. If Anthony or Bobby gave Karen another reason to shoot at them then Sterling wound have once chance to bean her with a rock. Sure he wasn't on the baseball team, but he still played and was an okay pitcher. Okay wasn't the best to bet you're life on, but in this game you took what you got and ran on the luck you were given.
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Post by Outfoxd »

While the "grenade" hadn't done much to really rattle Amber or Stirling, it had caught Anthony off guard. Maybe it was seeing too many war movies, maybe it was the general feelings of having someone shooting at him, but it got him to move. He broke cover, just a little bit, backing up enough so that his body was visible around the side of the tree as his gnome hat fell off of his head.

Even as Amber started screaming, Anthony was muttering, "Was that a fucking grenade?"

In a moment, the "grenade" would be the least of the filmmaker's troubles.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

((Skipping with permission from 'foxd/by his request))

The girl screamed at Karen, screamed and shouted and ranted and generally showed that people talked too much, even when under fire and in danger. Karen didn't care. Her focus was elsewhere. She had failed entirely to flush her teammates. She had been identified. She had incited rage. That was of secondary concern.

She had scared one of the others into a bad position.

He was in her sight. He was standing there, only partially covered by the tree, and he didn't seem to realize that Karen was drawing a bead on him, even as the others panicked, even as the girl yelled at Karen. There could be no better diversion, no better way to draw attention away from herself.

No mistakes. No haste. She sighted, this time, from her kneeling position. This was it. This was different from taking wild shots at people in passing. This was calculated. This was deliberate. This was almost precise.

Two opponents.

As the word "Bitch" cut through the air, Karen steadied her aim, counted to five, and then fired three times.
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Post by Outfoxd »

The first round didn't make contact. That didn't matter.

Round two passed somewhere through the center of Anthony's mass. The unfamiliar feeling of being shot dragged him out of cover, where round three managed to, by some feat of ridiculous (bad) luck shear through his left index finger. He looked at his mangled hand, confused.

How the fuck do I work a camera now?

The second realization was that he was having trouble breathing. He would never know this, but the second bullet had managed to puncture his left lung through his back.

He coughed, lightly, and warm liquid came up from his throat. He managed to spit, saw it was blood.

Really? I'm the black guy that dies first? I knew I could've done more for this fucking show working the camera.

It didn't really hurt. He was in shock by this point, and the filmmaker was content to fall to his knees, the strength of his body giving out. He caught a glimpse of a camera in the underbrush.

"Hope they...fucking got that shot." Anthony managed to say, hard as it was with the blood starting to rise in his mouth.

He fell the rest of the way, facedown in the grass.

PNK 01-Anthony Rollins: Deceased
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Almost as soon as Bobby had finished glancing at the hispanic girl, another shot rung out, accompanied by a shower of splinters exploding past his shoulder. Crap! She's a good shot. That means we're in big trouble.

Bobby looked over to the fallen log behind which Amber and Sterling were taking cover. He saw Amber bob her head up over the log for a long second, and cringed inside, imagining a bullet passing through that attractive head before it ducked back down.

No such shot felled Amber. Instead a solid thump landed a couple of meters behind Amber and Sterling. Fuck, is that a grenade? Oh, shit! Bobby dove to the ground flat, and covered his head with his arms. The log will take most of the blast. Oh, God, I hope Amber and Sterling get the fuck out of there!

There was no explosion, though. Instead, Amber began screaming at the girl (and calling her Karen), cursing her for shooting at anyone and at teammates in particular. Karen? I think there's a hispanic girl named Karen on the girls' soccer team back at Detroit Central. She's real quiet, but kind of hot....

Amber and Sterling had stayed behind their log; apparently they'd been close enough to realize that whatever it was hadn't been a grenade. But as Bobby looked around, he saw that Anthony had been fooled just as he had. He was off balance, trying to use his tree to block the blast, but forgetting where Karen was shooting from. She fired off three more shots.

Bobby saw that at least one of those shots hit Anthony solidly. He saw blood drip from the other boy's mouth just before he collapsed face first onto the ground. That's... his mind froze, unable to process what just happened before his eyes. Oh, God, this can't be.

I have to find some way of preventing her from just sitting there and gunning us all down. I have to find some way to distract her. He shifted one of the metal rods into his right hand and got to his feet. He took a deep breath in preparation, then dashed out from behind his protective tree and threw the rod at Karen like a javelin, then continued his path to another tree to hide behind.

He didn't believe there was a great chance of hitting her, but it would make her think. After another moment, he decided to play a psychological game as well. "Don't worry," he called out to his friends, "I can get behind her!" He didn't know for sure that he could, but it was the beginnings of a plan.
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Post by Fiori »

Amber barely had time to acknowledge Sterling's attempt at calming her down when the sound of three more gunshots rang out, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin once again. Damnit, will that bitch EVER give up?

It was pretty obvious by this point that something needed to be done. Sooner or later, Karen was going to end up hitting someone. They were lucky enough as it was that none of them had even been scathed yet, but Amber could tell deep down that their lucky wouldn't hold out forever. The only question was HOW exactly they would be able to get away from Karen without her being able to make any pot shots at them...

They could always make a run for it, but that would mean leaving themselves open to getting hit. Whilst Karen wasn't smart enough to tell that shooting her own teammates was a fucking awful idea, she definitely seemed clever enough to try other ways of flushing them out. Amber would have NEVER thought to throw a rock over like it was grenade in order to cause panic, although there was always the distinct possibility that Karen just threw it for kicks. Either way, she was probably just waiting for them to make a desperate run for it just so she could shoot them in the back. Which meant that SOMEHOW, they were supposed to figure out a way to outsmart Karen before she outsmarted them first. Fucking hell! I can't concentrate with this BITCH shooting at us all the time!

"So, does anyone have any idea how the hell we can get out of this mess?" she asked nobody in particular, her concentration still firmly placed on Karen. She was about to consider taking another peek when it suddenly occurred to the young woman that neither Sterling or Anthony had answered her query, which was odd considering how quickly they had replied earlier. She turned her heard up at Sterling, whose terrified eyes seemed to be focused on something else. Huh? Why does he look so... Pale?

She quickly turned her head to face the direction Sterling was staring in, expecting to see Karen standing there with an evil grin on her face or something along those lines...

...What she saw instead, however, was a hundred times more shocking then she had ever imagined.

"A... Anthony?"

She froze on the spot, her eyes widening as her skin turned visibly pale. The only part of her entire body which seemed to be moving at all was her heart, which was beating at a pace she had never experienced in her entire life. Never before had she ever been so shocked to the core, so effected by the mixed feelings of fear and distress that was coursing through her body.

She had been so concerned for her own safety, so busy getting herself worked up over Karen, that she'd failed to notice that in all the chaos Anthony had been shot.

The way he lay there facedown in the grass looked so... Unnatural. So unlike anything Amber had ever seen before. Despite living in Detroit for all of her life, she'd been careful enough to avoid witnessing acts of violence like the one in front of her. Sure, she'd seen people die all the time during episodes of SOTF, but that was different. She could distance herself from the violence, act as if nobody had really been hurt at all. But here, in the middle of the real thing, the sight of a dead body was incomparably horrifying.

And it was made worse by the fact that it was somebody she actually knew and cared deeply about. Anthony was her friend, probably one her closest now that she really thought about it. He was the first person on the entire island who she'd met, and already he was lying facedown in the mud with a bullet in his chest. Despite the fact that deep down, a part of Amber knew that whilst she herself might survive many of her friends wouldn't be so lucky, it wasn't until she looked at Anthony's vacant corpse that the true reality of the situation finally hit her.

He... H-H-He's dead. He's actually dead! That bitch shot him! Oh god, ANTHONY! This is too soon, WAY too soon! Ohgodohgod, what should I do?!?

She began shake as her heart rate continued to increase, her body convulsing as she began to panic. What now?!? Where they all going to die, just like Anthony? No, she can't let that happen! She had to make it! No, THEY had to make it! All three of them! But... Anthony had died so easily. Just a simple bullet to the chest, and he was gone. Any of them could die at any given moment! And there was absolutely NOTHING she could do about it!

They had to get away. Run as far away as possible before the situation got any worse. Amber couldn't care less whether or not it left her back open to Karen, there wasn't any way on earth she could stand being anywhere near Anthony's dead corpse any longer. I have to get out of here! I have to get out of here! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!

At that point, just as Bobby began calling out to them, she suddenly stood up and ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction. She didn't care if Karen shot at her, or if any of her companions had decided to run alongside her. Not because she was being selfish, but because she was simply too terrified to take much notice of her surroundings. The only thought that crossed her mind as she ran headfirst through the forest with her bag slung across her back and her spear in hand was that she had to escape. Had to get away from the nightmarish situation she had found herself in.

Only time would tell when and if she would ever stop.

((Amber Lyons continued in Shelter by the Lakeside))
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Post by Acidic* »

Sterling got in position to throw the rocks and saw Anthony get shot. Even when he landed face first on the ground Sterling felt like his brain needed a long over due oil change. It was almost impossible to process what he'd just seen, or anything beyond that. He dropped the rocks, but kept staring.

Amber asked how to get out of this. She didn't know yet. Sterling didn't know how to tell her, and couldn't act his way around it. When she had said his name he figured she had seen. Even as she began to shake Sterling still found it difficult to do anything.

Then she ran, and Sterling ran after her. He could trust Bobby to take care of himself, and he didn't want to lose a team member. As he ran after Amber Sterling hoped he'd see Bobby alive again, or that he died painlessly.

Sterling also hoped to meet Karen alive again. Before someone else got to her.

((Sterling Odair continued in Shelter by the Lakeside))
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Killing someone was not exactly what Karen had expected it to be.

The boy dropped fairly quietly. There was no drama, no tearful goodbye speech. He mumbled something, but the ringing in her ears stopped her from picking it up. She just stared at the dead boy, at the boy she had killed. The gun in her hand trembled, but she held on tight. She'd done it. She'd killed someone in cold blood. No more Schrödinger's guilt. Just a dead boy on the ground in a pool of blood.

She couldn't get distracted now. She had to focus. Reflection could come when she wasn't in the middle of a firefight. This was like soccer. You didn't think when you went for a goal, not at the critical moment, at least. If you did, you screwed up, telegraphed and let your opponent counter you. Karen was now in a position even more dangerous than she had been a couple of seconds ago. There was one less opponent, but the survivors would, in all likelihood, be emotionally charged by the death of a comrade. They'd break, or they'd rally. She'd have to be ready to deal with either. She had to keep her momentum going.

One opponent down.

One to go.

She heard someone call out, saying they could get behind her. That was bad. It sounded like they were pulling together, preparing a counterattack. How many shots did she have left? More than ten, she thought, but she couldn't recall the exact number, so she would assume ten. She would teach herself to count better in the future, too. Ten shots until a reload. Three opponents. One flanking. Karen slipped around to the other side of the tree she was using for cover. She had to throw him off, change her location. Confuse him. It was the biggest boy in the group. He'd be dangerous if he got close to her. She'd have to make sure he didn't get the chance.

The crashing sound of people fleeing drew her attention for a second, as the two who'd been hiding behind the log split. In that instant, Karen knew she had this.

She could have taken some shots at them, but doing so would have been a horrible mistake. They were leaving. Yes, they were her primary targets, but they were fearful and they were extricating themselves from the situation. They wouldn't last long even if she didn't get to them. Better, perhaps, to let someone else finish them, so that her remaining teammate would not be forewarned. More than that, they were acting in unison, abandoning a guy who was not on their team, leaving him to face a girl who was ostensibly supporting them. That wouldn't be good for the boy's state of mind. He had to be questioning by now, had to be wondering if he'd fallen into a trap of some sort.

Karen gripped her Glock in both hands, back pressed against the tree, glancing around. It had been a couple of seconds since she switched sides. The boy would attack her, or he would flee. He was the last person in the vicinity, so she could shoot him if he ran. If she could see him, that was. Right now she couldn't quite pin down his location, and that made her nervous. She was tempted to fire a shot to keep him guessing, but that would just reveal where she was, wasting ammunition in the process.

Instead, she sprinted to the body of the boy she had shot, and knelt next to him, taking a quick second to confirm that his breath had ceased. Her new position was superior, affording her better visibility and interposing her between her old position and the direction the others members of the Purple Team had fled in. Best to keep the boy from catching up with them, to split them from any support, to decrease their chances however she could. Of course, she still didn't know where the other boy was. Maybe he'd followed them already. Maybe he was lurking nearby. She kept her gun at the ready, continually scanning the area for signs of movement.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Bobby heard the sounds of some rapid footsteps from the direction of the fallen log. Oh good, they've heard me and are helping to flank the shooter, he thought. He risked a quick glance around the thick tree he'd hidden behind.

Karen was on her feet, holding her gun with both hands and looking for him, unsure where he might approach from. But Bobby also saw Amber and Sterling running away from here as fast as they could. They weren't flanking; they were fleeing.

They're leaving me... leaving me to face this gun-toting bitch alone. Is that how it's going to be in this game? I could die and they don't care? Bobby felt his throat tighten. I'm going to die alone here! No, not yet; I'm not dead yet.

He heard Karen moving again, slowly and carefully. Her feet were treading on fallen leaves and underbrush, making silence impossible. Bobby looked down at the ground at his own feet. When I move, I'm going to make just as much noise as she does. Then he took another quick peek toward Karen from behind his cover.

The girl had walked over to Anthony's body. She knelt down close to him as if looking for something.

That's fucked up. This bitch isn't just playing the game, she's looting the corpses. I've seen that on SotF before: If you kill someone with a better weapon you take it; if your victim has supplies you need, you take them. But this is less than six hours into the game, and the bitch has one of the best weapons that it's possible to get! Bobby felt his heart rate rising, feeling the energy flow into his arms and legs. I can't let her get away with this.

He looked at the two remaining rods he carried. They were fairly pathetic, even for makeshift weapons. I'll have to get a bit closer to her for these to do any good. I have to wait for her to make a mistake, and then jump her - beat her to death with one of these or with my fists. She doesn't seem to know where I am right now because she can't hear me. That's my only advantage at this point; I'm going to have to milk it for all it's worth.

He controlled his breathing, listened closely for her movements, and waited.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler The Bearded One. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Silence. Stillness. Karen remained in her crouch, holding her gun, glancing around. The boy wouldn't be able to approach her without her seeing him, but for now, he was still in an unknown location. He wasn't moving; she could tell that by the lack of sound. She was not entirely certain he was even still around, but she hadn't seen him leave, so it was the only safe assumption. That he was waiting was bad. She couldn't say what exactly he was doing, but she didn't like it one bit. He didn't have a gun. That much was clear. If he had had one, he would have shot her by now. He was big. Not a football player, but certainly more than a match for Karen if it came to close combat. That meant she had to avoid that particular outcome at all costs.

She looked around again. Still nothing. This wasn't good. She flicked her gaze to the dead boy, then back. His bandanna was around his arm. Pink, now slightly bloodstained. His weapon, some giant sword, was lying next to him. Useless to Karen, given her size and current armement, but exactly the sort of thing the other boy could use to kill her. She had to keep it out of his reach.

The pack was still on the body's back. That would make retrieving it a nightmare under pressure. She needed to get it, though. That meant she had to drive the other boy away.

Or kill him.

The thought of killing someone else so soon was strange. Sure, she might already have three deaths to her name, but she highly doubted it. It would be best if this boy just left her alone, if he just went his own way and let her process everything. He'd die eventually, but it didn't have to be now. There was no reason for him to push this further.

On the other hand, there was plenty of incentive for Karen to go gunning for him.

One to go.

Had he been weak, had he been one of the two who had fled, maybe she would have gone searching, would have played a game of lethal hide and seek. As it was, she was handling things with the greatest caution she could manage.

She released the Glock with her left hand, testing her one-handed grip. Good enough. She'd easily have her stabilizing hand back in a split second if he rushed her.

Then, without looking at what she was doing, keeping her eyes peeled for any movement in the trees, she groped for the dead boy's bandanna with her left hand. Her fingers brushed over his skin. Still warm. Karen didn't like touching people. She repressed a shiver as she grabbed the cloth and quickly slid it down off his arm, picking up some blood on the way, and then folded it into the pocket of her coat. The whole process had taken a couple seconds.
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