For Great Justice

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Mostly untouched, this natural rain forest sits on the far east side of the island, providing a marked contrast to its strictly regulated cousin. One of the defining features of the resort, very prominently displayed in every brochure, the only sign of civilization is a small wooden booth labeled "Jungle Safari" on a crude wooden sign a few hundred feet down the only pathway leading in.
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For Great Justice


Post by Kitten* »

((Kevin Fielding and Mason Ross continued from I Came to Play))

Kevin Fielding was a little lost.

The night vision goggles worked great for immediate obstacles, but they were useless over distance. Without any points of reference to divine his position from, Kevin had almost no idea where he and Mason were. Somewhere with trees, was the best he could offer.

This wasn't ideal.

"I say, Mason! Perhaps we should stop and rest for a while."

He didn't let on the reason for the delay. There was no need to alarm the man.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Kitten. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Somehow they ended up in a rainforest.  And Mason knew it was a rainforest, because of the map, and not a jungle.  But the song came up in his head, and he muttered a few words anyway.

"A wimboweh, a wimboweh..."  He kept trudging on behind Kevin.  "...jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight..."

He shook his head, repeated himself.  He only knew the first line and the wimboweh part.  He had heard it from that old movie with that guy who talked out of his ass, and it was the only line they used.  Was a pretty good movie, if crude.

Mason's feet were starting to hurt a little, so he was happy to oblige Kevin when he suggested they stop.

"Good show, 'ol chap.  Maybe we can have a spot of tea.  Or something."  

He found a patch of ground that seemed to be relatively free of growth, and he sat down.
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Post by Namira »


Wayne Dupris had the unenviable job of monitoring the collars of the students. Make sure they were working properly (or malfunctioning appropriately, as the case may be). This more or less consisted of watching several rows of LEDs with a single computer screen allowing him to check periodically on each student. Of course, sod's law was that just as something interesting was happening with one student, it was time to go onto the next one.

"Yo Wayne! Check it out! We've been getting some awesome camera angles on the sex scenes!"

One of his co-workers... it was tempting, tempting... tempting...

Oh what the hell, five minutes away from his station wasn't going to hurt too much.

Wayne cast one last glance towards the monitor, hurriedly put his cofee down on the desk, then headed over to his co-worker's place.

The cup teetered... tipped... and fell onto Wayne's keyboard, hitting several buttons en route to going spilling onto the floor.
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Post by Kitten* »

Kevin took of the goggles. The straps were cutting into his scalp.

He stifled a yawn.

"Tea sounds like a capital idea."

It did, too. Finding high ground had been a sound plan, but in practice it was exhausting. His feet hurt, his back hurt, and the collar had rubbed the back of his neck raw.

Kevin put a hand to the wretched device, making sure not to touch it. If he could just get the infernal thing off - but no, that was far too dangerous. He'd heard that the collars had built-in flaws; escape attempts no doubt alleviated the masses' guilt at prescribing to such an otherwise-barbaric form of entertainment.

Could he find one of those flaws? Exploit one? No, probably not. Kevin was bright, but technical know-how wasn't his area of expertise. Still, SDA had some of the brightest minds of his generation as pupils! There was bound to be someone who could unlock the damned thing.

All Kevin had to do was find them. If that meant getting his feet a little sore, so be it.

He sat down, pleased with how his plan was taking shape. These SOTF criminals would find there match in Silver Dragon Academy's student body. They were the leaders of tomorrow, what could some greasy technicians really hope to do to them?

It was then that Kevin's collar exploded, killing him instantly.

This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Kitten. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Mason didn't look up when the splatter of blood hit him.  Not at first.  He knew instantly that he didn't want to look.  He kept his gaze toward his shoes for a solid minute.

He swallowed, reined his lungs in hard as they tried to hyperventilate.

"Kev...fu...fucking.  G-goddammit."

He glanced, and a strong dry heave came up from his abdomen.  He glanced again, and an inarticulate moan drew forth from his throat.

He glanced one more time, lost his nerve and ran.

((Mason Ross continued in The Mourning After))
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