A Royale With Cheese

A last minute Bella Bianchi memory one-shot

The stories of the students of TV2, prior to their being cast in the game.
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A Royale With Cheese


Post by KamiKaze »

It had been a week since she had uploaded them, and only today she would get an idea of what exactly people thought.

Bella slid in front of the laptop on her desk, and clicked on Chrome, sending up the homepage. She typed in the address for Tumblr, and logged in. To be honest, she was kind of nervous. She never got to see what people thought of her fanfiction when she first uploaded it. The first one was something more par for the course for her, the other... well, to put it in the simplest terms, she was dared to write. It had been a little weird writing it, certainly. By her own admission, it was supposed to be somewhat bizarre, but sometimes people didn't get that.

As she clicked around, looking for likes and reblogs, she saw a few comments from people on the first one.

What did I just read?

Am I wrong in thinking the whipping scene was kinda hot?

I dunno, the idea of Jeanette/Kevin/April was... odd to say the least.

April/Jeanette is my OTP, but I don't mind Kevin joining in on the fun. : )

And she managed to collect a decent amount of likes from it as well. That was a relief. It was always hard to upload new works and see them get commented on, but once people liked it it was a nice feeling. But she still needed to check on the other one.

As she clicked over, she saw a few likes and three reblogs.


Is this a Suefic involving a Batman-esque SI avenging the death of her mother and fighting against supervillain versions of 65 contestants? Scratch that, I'm not complaining, I just squirt milk out of my nose while reading. Well done I guess.

Oh my god, you actually wrote it.

Bella couldn't help but smile. The dare she had received was odd, to say the least. But she couldn't help but accept. She honestly wasn't super-familiar with Batman and his motley crew of villains, but she had a basic idea. The one bit she was particularly proud of was Marvia as something similar to the villain Poison Ivy, only with recreational drugs instead of plants.

A small beep came from her IM program, and Bella clicked to the window.

ToasterPoodle: oh hey you're on
ToasterPoodle: i saw that you accepted DZ's dare. : O

Bella giggled in real life, and began typing back.

bebidoll07: Hello Poodle!
bebidoll07: It was very odd to write, but I guess I had fun.
bebidoll07: Was it any good?
ToasterPoodle: eh
ToasterPoodle: It was fine, not expecting shakespeare or anything
ToasterPoodle: still impressed that you wrote it though

Bella reached for the glass of water on her desk, and after drinking, thought a few seconds before replying.

bebidoll07: It's funny, because I wrote it without knowing much about Batman at first.
ToasterPoodle: wait
ToasterPoodle: wait
ToasterPoodle: bebi
ToasterPoodle: you haven't seen the movies or anything?
bebidoll07: No.
bebidoll07: I'm not allowed to watch action movies.
bebidoll07: Then again, I'm part of this fandom.
bebidoll07: ^_^;
ToasterPoodle: dude, bebi
ToasterPoodle: just show her Batman and Robin
ToasterPoodle: it's silly as shit
bebidoll07: It's not like that Room thing I was subjected to, wasn't it?
ToasterPoodle: no
ToasterPoodle: it's stupid, but all you get is uma thurman trying to be sexy and failing
ToasterPoodle: And bat asses
bebidoll07: ...
bebidoll07: I'm hoping that "t" was supposed to be a "d"
ToasterPoodle: Nope
ToasterPoodle: BATMAN's ass
ToasterPoodle: in tight pants
bebidoll07: O_o

How did they go from silly superhero self-inserts to Batman's rear end?

bebidoll07: Um.
bebidoll07: Is it at least a nice rear?
bebidoll07: I can't believe I have to ask. ><
ToasterPoodle: depends
ToasterPoodle: do you find george clooney attractive?
bebidoll07: Uh, he's not bad looking, but he's not my type.
bebidoll07: I mean, he's attractive, just that I wouldn't swoon. ^_^;
ToasterPoodle: so you don't care either way for bat asses
ToasterPoodle: i can respect that
ToasterPoodle: Anyways
ToasterPoodle: i think it's weird how your mom doesn't let you watch much
ToasterPoodle: she sounds like the pushy type

"Pushy"? Well, you could say that. Bella often had to work hard to impress her. And there were... rules. A lot of them, once you got right down to it. Sometimes she would knowingly break them, like how she liked SOTF-TV. Sometimes, you couldn't help being a bit rebellious. But, she didn't like breaking them with her knowing. Usually she didn't react well to that. But she didn't like to think of her as "overbearing". She just... had standards. Standards that were sometimes hard to follow, but you know.

bebidoll07: "Pushy" might be a good word.
bebidoll07: May we change the subject?
ToasterPoodle: sorry
bebidoll07: It's okay. I should be apologizing.
bebidoll07: How's your week been?
ToasterPoodle: miserable!
ToasterPoodle: I'm still sad about shawn :c
bebidoll07: You were hoping that he would win, weren't you?
ToasterPoodle: OF COURSE
ToasterPoodle: i mean, the snake bit was cool i guess, but shaaaaaaaaawn
ToasterPoodle: ;w;
bebidoll07: He made it far, at least. And he went on his own terms.
bebidoll07: I don't think that makes it too much better, but there's that.
bebidoll07: I'm curious about what Mason and Karen will do now, though.
ToasterPoodle: go to disneyland?
bebidoll07: I wouldn't be too surprised if that were some kind of ad, actually.
ToasterPoodle: nah, not sure if Karen would enjoy mickey mouse
bebidoll07: Everyone enjoys Mickey Mouse. I would pounce on him and hug as tightly as possible. x3
ToasterPoodle: thats
ToasterPoodle: strangely adorable
ToasterPoodle: X3

A few minutes passed before Bella started typing again.

bebidoll07: How was your day, by the way?
ToasterPoodle: Just chillin right now
ToasterPoodle: having some friends over for movie night
bebidoll07: What are you watching?
ToasterPoodle: it's funny
ToasterPoodle: Because it's the dark knight tril
bebidoll07: O :
ToasterPoodle: I know, right
ToasterPoodle: I think i may be afk for awhile
ToasterPoodle: since I need to
ToasterPoodle: you know
ToasterPoodle: Get ready
bebidoll07: Alright, I'll see you later!
ToasterPoodle: See you later bebi. I'll tell you how it goes
ToasterPoodle: owo

With that, Toast's status was changed to busy.

Bella clicked back to Tumblr, and started searching through her feed for a few minutes. Someone had uploaded some fanart of Jared Clayton, apparently reacting to the lake scene with a grumpy face. She couldn't help but giggle. Another post had an Odile Jones gifset. To be fair, though, not all of it was SOTF. There was also a bit of fanart of Weiss Schnee, a series of posts about weaponry, cute cat gifs, cooking recipes, another gifset of a dancer, and even, for the first time in a while, some screenshots from Survivor.

As interesting as Tumblr was, though, Bella clicked out. She could honestly look at her feed all day if she wanted to. But for the time being, she had enough.

She pulled a plush rabbit off her desk, and gently squeezed it close to her in thought. Maybe Toast was on to something when they started talking about movies. It had been a while since she had seen any, come to think of it. The last one she saw was... it had to have been Spirited Away, wasn't it? It was a good movie, she felt. Maybe she could try an action movie this time. The few she had seen, she had enjoyed, even if she technically wasn't allowed to see them.

Wait, she just remembered. Mother had Netflix. While she never gave her the password to her account, Bella knew what it was. Some time ago she had been searching for something for a project, and accidentally stumbled across a list of passwords. Once she realized what it was she quietly put it back and didn't say anything. However, she very clearly remembered the password to Netflix.

For a few minutes, Bella resisted the temptation. There were a lot of times where she disobeyed her mother, but breaking into her Netflix account to watch action movies was something she wasn't so sure about doing. For starters, she could easily figure out what she did based off the watch history. Also, she was never given permission to use Netflix by herself. If she wanted to watch a movie on it, she would have to ask her.

Some things just seemed too much.

Eventually though, she gave in, and typed in Netflix's address.

Bella still felt hesitant as she stared at the red log-in page. Maybe if she watched something innocuous once she was done, like a Disney movie. Or heck, she could settle for that instead. No need to upset her, right? Or maybe she could just see if the password still worked, and then log off. There were a lot of better things to do than what she was doing.

And yet, she still typed in the email address. The password was easy to remember. 071304. That string of numbers was extremely easy for Bella to remember. It was clear that her mother had a hard time with passwords, and simply went with her daughter's birthday. Surprisingly... it still worked.

Bella was faced with a string of movies just waiting for her to watch them.

Maybe just My Little Pony? She remembered watching that when she was younger. Or Cinderella? Maybe she could watch those after finding something else.

As she scrolled down to the "thriller" section, however, a movie caught her eye. The poster icon had a woman lying on her stomach on a bed, smoking. In front of her were a magazine and a gun. Apparently it was called "Pulp Fiction"?

Bella scrolled over it, trying to figure out what it was. The blurb mentioned it was a "crime caper" about hitmen and boxers, who also love burgers. She looked at its page for more information, and it looked promising. She had seen some of the actors before elsewhere, and it seemed it was nominated for a lot of awards. Scrolling down a bit more told her that the comments said mostly good things about it.

Should she watch it?

Bella stared at the screen for a few more minutes, and took a deep breath.

She decided "yes".

The movie began with a couple in a diner. Bella pulled the plush rabbit close to her again, her chin resting on its head as she watched. As the scene progressed, it quickly became apparent what they were discussing. Were diners good places to rob? Honestly, she never thought of that. Then again, she usually never thought about robbing places. Their reasoning was that people usually didn't expect a robbery in a diner, it seemed.

Bella couldn't help but notice how snappy the dialogue was, though. Was this why it had so many awards?

The couple on the screen kissed, and then stood up, guns in hand.

"Everybody be cool! This is a robbery!"
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!"

Cut straight to opening credits.

Bella smiled. It was off to a good start.

The next afternoon, Bella logged back onto her computer. She knew her mother had been on it, but she needed to see what exactly she changed while she was at practice.

Once it was at the desktop, Bella saw a few programs removed. Clicking on to Chrome and looking at the settings, it became apparent she put a parental control on it, which meant that she would have to do some trickery if she wanted any SOTF reruns.

Fortunately, though, for some reason she didn't remove the chat program.

Bella logged in, and saw that Poodle was online again.

bebidoll07: Hello!
bebidoll07: I'm kind of grounded right now, but I can talk.
ToasterPoodle: owo
ToasterPoodle: what did you do this time?
bebidoll07: Uh.
bebidoll07: I remembered the conversation we had about movies last night.
bebidoll07: So I found a way into my mother's Netflix. ^_^;
ToasterPoodle: oh god
ToasterPoodle: please don't tell me she grounded you for batman and robin
bebidoll07: It wasn't that.
bebidoll07: I was watching pulp fiction.
ToasterPoodle: Oh okay
ToasterPoodle: good movie <3
ToasterPoodle: and I'm guessing she found out when she logged in and saw you were watching it?
bebidoll07: Well, I didn't keep my door closed, so she walked in at a particularly bad time.
ToasterPoodle: If it was the pawn shop scene i will both laugh and feel sorry for you
bebidoll07: it...
bebidoll07: Was. ^_^;
ToasterPoodle: oh shit
bebidoll07: I was enjoying the movie too, even if that bit and the overdose scene before it were a little tense.
bebidoll07: I had to pause and take a ten minute break after they first showed her bloody face. :c
ToasterPoodle: Pulp Fiction's great
ToasterPoodle: i'm guessing she flipped her shit and changed her password so you couldn't watch the rest
bebidoll07: Most likely.
bebidoll07: She also changed the settings on my laptop while I was at practice.
ToasterPoodle: bebi, I will say it again
ToasterPoodle: your mom is nuts
bebidoll07: To be fair, I did break into her account to watch it.
ToasterPoodle: true i guess?
ToasterPoodle: hang on
ToasterPoodle: dz's on, mind if I make a group chat for the three of us?
bebidoll07: Sure.

Bella clicked on the invitation.

dangerzonia: Hey Bebi!
dangerzonia: I saw what you uploaded to your tumblr. Hilarious! <3
dangerzonia: I couldnt believe you actually did it
ToasterPoodle: dz, bebi got in trouble for watching a rape scene on her mom's netflix
dangerzonia: WHAT
dangerzonia: Bebi
dangerzonia: explain
bebidoll07: Well, Toast and I were talking about movies last night, which gave me the urge to see if I could get on my mother's account.
bebidoll07: I decided on Pulp fiction, and she walked in at the pawn shop.
dangerzonia: Oh wow
dangerzonia: Id laugh if your mom wasn't so...
dangerzonia: you know
bebidoll07: It's fine. I disobeyed her, and I got what I deserved
bebidoll07: I knew I was doing something bad
bebidoll07: It was still horrible to have her yell at me, though.
bebidoll07: I don't like it when she gets angry. :c
dangerzonia: bebi, is it possible to get your own netflix?
bebidoll07: I don't have a billing account I could use
dangerzonia: Aw.
dangerzonia: also, didn't she go on this weird random spiel with you about your hair at one point?
ToasterPoodle: wait, I haven't heard the hair story
ToasterPoodle: what did she do?
bebidoll07: um
bebidoll07: Basically, she went into my room, and started talking about how I should grow my hair out a bit more since it would look nicer when I perform. Which is not too bad.
bebidoll07: It soon turned into how she was glad I've been keeping it at this length despite that because... I quote:
bebidoll07: "It means that no boys would be that interested"
ToasterPoodle: .....
bebidoll07: It was only half-joking
ToasterPoodle: sorry, bebi, I laughed
bebidoll07: It's fine. xD
ToasterPoodle: It's like "Hey bebi, grow it out so you'll look nicer, but don't because boys will like you better that way".
ToasterPoodle: also, the idea of her being worried about boys specifically
bebidoll07: Anyways, can we change the subject?
bebidoll07: DZ, I also saw your fanart of Clayton.
bebidoll07: It was hilarious.
dangerzonia: Why, thank you! <3
dangerzonia: I pictured that as the face he made when all that was going on
ToasterPoodle: huh i remember that bit
ToasterPoodle: shack scene, right?
bebidoll07: Indeed!
dangerzonia: yup!
bebidoll07: Shack scene was... odd.
ToasterPoodle: amber was nice, though
bebidoll07: Um, she was, but I wasn't in the mood to see that
bebidoll07: Nor will i ever.
bebidoll07: x_x
dangerzonia: Hey bebi and toast. I may go play champs in a little bit. Are either of you up for a few rounds?
ToasterPoodle: i was BORN ready
bebidoll07: Let me see if I still have it. It's been a while since I last played.

Bella searched through her programs, looking to see if her mother removed it. Apparently she didn't think to uninstall it, either that or she didn't know how to.

After clicking it, it started checking for updates.

bebidoll07: It's still there. It needs to update, though.
ToasterPoodle: Ah, cool
dangerzonia: Great!
dangerzonia: bebi, they just came out with a karen ruiz player
dangerzonia: And she's fun. You get to sneak around and shoot people
bebidoll07: That sounds fun. I'll see if I can get her.
ToasterPoodle: sweet!
ToasterPoodle: tell us when you're ready

As the game continued updating, Bella drummed out a rhythm with her fingers against the desk. She was far from the ideal daughter, no doubt.

And yet, she still thought about the movie she had been watching. It was kind of like SOTF-TV, only more... polished? Was that the word?

Maybe she should look into ways to watch something like that again.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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