Getting Work Done

Davison Library, OPEN

The stories of the students of TV2, prior to their being cast in the game.
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Getting Work Done


Post by Polybius »

((Brendan O'Toole continued from Race to the Finish))

Brendan sat down in front of a computer, dropping his bag on the seat next to him. He opened his history folder and grabbed the assignment sheet. His heart sank as he looked over the paper.

Brendan had a history presentation the following day, and so far he had managed to do absolutely nothing. His home had too many distractions, apparently. Presenting a day late wasn't an option with his grades, so Brendan decided to go to the library after school and make the presentation in one sitting.

He logged into the computer and opened PowerPoint. So... the Korean War. What could he say about that?

He stared at the screen and rested his head on his hand. This would take awhile.
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Post by Espi »

Riley liked the public library.

((Riley Parker's story continues from Choices))

It was quiet, peaceful, had books which could be a nice distraction (especially when they were about SOTF), there was an area for doing puzzles which was cool, and best of all it was totally free. Free things were pretty cool, especially for Riley, who was perpetually frustrated with an inability to purchase SOTF seasons on DVD (director's cut and the like were hugely appealing) due to lack of funs.

Luckily they had some seasons on DVD at the library! Another point for them, she supposed.

So as she walked down the aisle looking at the different books, she passed by the computers and noticed someone familiar. Hadn't she talked to him in gym the other day during running or whatever? Yeah, that was the guy. She walked over to him, curious.

Unfortunately she didn't recall his name. "Oh, What's up?"

Smooth, Riley. Smooth.
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Post by jimmydalad »

((Start: Erik Sheely))

Erik did venture to the public library on occasion, mostly it was to have some peace and quiet when he wanted to read a particularly interesting book. It was hard to read in school sometimes due to the sheer number of people. Having recently picked up "The Book Thief", a book he was really enjoying, he thought he might go once again to the library just to read.

Looking around for a place to sit, he eventually found some seats by the computers. Not noticing the person he was siting next to, Erik got out his book and started to read. His eyes danced along the pages, taking in the information and processing it. He always felt at peace when he was reading, it was like he was transported to another world.

However, the sound of a somewhat familiar voice threw him back into reality. Looking up momentarily from his book, he realized he had sat next to someone from the football team. While unfamiliar with his name, Erik was able to recognize his face due to the many times he cheered for his team. The other girl was a bit more of an unknown as he had never seen her in any sport. Erik had heard her voice somewhere in Davidson though, he just wasn't sure where.

For now, Erik just gave the girl a disapproving grimace. She did realize they were in a library, right?
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Polybius »

Brendan was skimming the Wikipedia page on the Korean War when he heard someone sit next to him. It was a boy around his age with messy brown hair. Brendan knew that the boy went to Davison, but he couldn't remember his name or how he knew him.

Brendan diverted his attention back to the computer screen, but only a few seconds later he was greeted by a familiar voice. It was Riley, that girl he had talked to in Gym class that one time.

"Oh, hey. I'm just, uh-" he gestured towards the screen "I've got a presentation in History tomorrow on the Korean War. So I'm, y'know, finding information."
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Post by Espi »

Riley nodded, not really interested in the Korean War whatsoever. Still, might as well make nice, the guy hadn't done anything to mess with her so why be a jerk for no reason? Exactly, no reason to be a jerk.

"Oh, huh. I think I did that, too. It's pretty simple, really. You want some help?" She surprised herself with this offer. Riley didn't exactly think herself a super-charitable person; she preferred to worry about her own shit. Still, Brendan (oh, that was his name!) was nice enough and she kind of felt bad for him. He hadn't even done the first step and he had a day left for the project? Way to procrastinate.

"I mean, if you want." She shrugged.
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Post by jimmydalad »

"Isn't that History Presentation for tomorrow?" Erik inquired, realizing that the situation was changing in a way that would make it hard for him to read. He was a bit surprised at realizing that the footballer had made no progress on the work which Erik had finished a few days before.

At the suggestion of the other girl helping the guy out, Erik let out a quiet sigh to himself. If the footballer had any prospects of handing in a piece of work tomorrow, he was going to need as much help as he could get. A part of him was almost regretting going to the library, but since he was here now. He couldn't help it if someone needed help. Maybe he was too nice for his own good, but he was used to people coming to him for help. Helping other people became second nature to him.

"I can help as well." Erik softly said. Trying to be respectful of the place they were in, he was a bit more quiet than the other two Davison students. He rested his book on his lap and looked at the other two people. He wasn't really sure what to say, so he waited. Waited for a sign that any of them had a plan about how to progress with the current situation.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Polybius »

"Ah, okay. That'd be great. Thanks."

Well, Brendan never expected this would happen. Two people were willing to help him, one who he didn't even kno-

Wait, he remembered who he was, kind of. "Hey, you're that cheerleader guy, right?"

"Anyway, I'm just trying to find info right now. The slides shouldn't be that hard to make after that."
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Post by Espi »

Oh, well Riley supposed her peaceful library excursion was going to be interrupted by school by her own hand. She kind of regretted that now; why did she need to be so freaking nice?

Meh, not like she had anything she really needed to do. Besides, good karma and all that.

Riley sat down next to Brandon on the adjacent computer. Some other guy she didn't know was on his other side, also offering help. She considered using that as an excuse (she could hear it now..."on second thought, too many cooks spoil the soup") but that would be a bitchy thing to do and she wasn't sure what the actual metaphor was.

"Okay, so what's the first thing you want to know about it?"
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Post by jimmydalad »

"My name is Erik, but yes, I am that cheerleader guy. You're on the football team, no?" Erik replied, giving him a pleasant smile before turning his attention to the computer screen.

The other girl sat opposite of the boy, leaving Erik to start looking for information on the Korean war. He wasn't sure how long it was going to take, but it was an effective way to waste time. Plus, he was also helping someone out, which is something he was always willing to do.

"How much of this presentation have you done, by the way?" Erik asked the footballer, wanting to know how much work he was going to have to do alongside the girl. Hopefully he had made a start with his presentation and didn't just leave it all to the last second.

He looked over towards the footballer and gave him an inquisitive look, waiting for the answer to his question.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Polybius »

Oh wow, they were serious about this. Brendan didn't often get help from people who barely knew him, and he didn't even have to ask!

"Yeah, I'm on the team." He smiled at Erik, then turned back to Riley. "Oh, I'm just doing, like, an overview. Causes of the war, major events, that sort of thing."

And then Erik asked how much he had done. He suddenly felt very embarrassed. Yeah, he wasn't going to look good after this.

"Um, well... I'm still in the, uh, planning stage? I haven't, like, written out- I'm still... taking information."

He looked between the two and then back at the computer screen. "Um, thanks for offering to help. Most people wouldn't do this sort of thing if they didn't have to, y'know?'  
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Post by Espi »

Riley cracked her knuckles, preparing to get to work on this project. A project Brendan had apparently not even started, like at all, which was baffling. How did you not do anything until the last possible day to work? It was just lazy, and that irked Riley.

Still, she might be able to help the poor bastard, and why not? Maybe he'd return the favor later on.

"Wow, I guess we've got a ways to go, huh. So I guess you need to know the basics, like how long it's gotta be and stuff. What was it, 15 slides? You should organize it chronologically so it makes sense, and have each slide hold as much info that's relevant that you can find."

Riley nodded, and looked at Brendan's screen.
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Post by jimmydalad »

Erik's eyes opened wide in shock, mouth loosening up and forming a small "o" shape. He quickly realized that this wasn't very good for the footballer's moral, so he quickly rearranged his face to be neutral again. He couldn't believe that the guy had done no work until today. if it wasn't for them, he'd probably be royally screwed.

The other girl started to take charge, allowing him not to have to talk. He sat there and nodded, listening and taking in the instructions that she laid out for them.

"It's fine, we're classmates." Erik responded, giving him a soft and friendly smile. He didn't really feel the need to say anything else. He quickly turned back to the computer screen though, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Anything specific you want me to search, or do you just want me to look up general information on the war?" Erik quickly asked, trying to focus on the helping instead of the people.
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by Espi »

((Sorry guys, I wanna get going))

Riley was pretty proud of herself. Look at her, helping out a classmate, being a tutor, spreading the knowledge, all that good stuff. Maybe he was a bit lazy (she could relate), or not all that bright (she couldn't relate), or whatever, but Riley was glad to offer her intellectual services to another classmate.

Well, mostly. She'd rather actually get to read, you know, in the library, but sometimes you had a higher calling in your life. Life, random trips to the library, not too far off.

Riley cracked her knuckles and prepared to dole out some heavy-duty learning up in this.

"Right, so the most important thing to know about the Korean War first off is when it happened, in the early 1950s..."

((Riley Parker's story continues in Showtime))
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Post by Polybius »

((Sorry about dragging this out))

Alright, this was going well. Sure, they probably thought that Brendan was stupid or something, but it didn't matter. He tried not to worry about stuff like that. What was important was that it looked like he would actually pass this project.

"Yeah. Just a general summary of the important parts, y'know..."

((Brendan O'Toole continued elsewhere))
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