

Once a white sand beach filled with umbrella stands and seashells, the winter months have coated the Jewelled Beach with a healthy dusting of snow, extending out to the shoreline and crusting the water with a thin layer of ice. Umbrellas are jutting out left and right, most frozen closed or heavy and open with sleet.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

She must have taken the long route by mistake.

((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Last Time In Take That Money, Watch It Burn))

Unbelievable. How could she have let herself gotten lost? Ashley walked to school everyday. By now, she had to be already late for first hour. Had to be. The daily walk had become a voyage, hearing the sand and snow shuffle beneath her shoes. She muttered and cursed under her brath.

Damn it was cold. Good thing she had woken up with two jackets on. Dad always told her to plan ahead. Brr...still cold. Cold and dark. Maybe it was still early after all. The sun didn't seem to be out...Oh son of a bitch. Her sisters must have wake her up early as a joke or something, making her rush out the house. And she fell for it, hook-line-and however this phrase goes. Ashley was gonna wrangle them when she got home.

Fuck it, maybe she should just go home and stay off school today. That's what she felt like doing. Now was that she just had to get home. Oh God. She didn't know hot to get home from here. She felt like such a child, so dumb, so very, very lost. She was ashamed and embarrassed for herself. Didn't know where she was, didn't know what to do.

She stood under the moon, face buried in her hands, continuing to mutter and curse.
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((Anzu Sakamoto: Continued from Take That Money, Watch it Burn))

Though she wasn't exactly an expert on SOTF, Anzu figured that it was basic fucking common sense that wandering away from your group, even when it contained Ron Swanson and some random dick, was never a good idea. Ashley had admittedly been pretty quiet ever since they had reached the casino, but Anzu had figured that if something had been really bothering her (even more than the obvious) she would have spoken to Anzu before running off on her own. It made her feel like a shitty friend, honestly. Should she have taken the initiative and talked to Ashley first?

Whatever the case was, Anzu certainly wasn't about to let Ashley just disappear like that. She followed her friend as she walked through the resort, eventually coming to a stop by the beach, where umbrellas stuck up from the snowy earth like swords left in the ground in the aftermath of a bloody massacre. Definitely the most comforting imagery to think up at a time like this.

Anzu walked up to Ashley as she stood, incoherently muttering with her face buried in her hands. Okay, that was a lot more troublesome. She gently prodded Ashley in the shoulder to get her attention. "Hey, Ashley, what's wrong? You're worrying me."
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley turned around as she was poked in the shoulder. Oh, it was Anzu. Bestest buddy in the whole world. They were apparently lost together, seeing as they were in the same place, Anzu asking if there was anything wrong.


Ashley grabbed Anzu's hand, hoping she knew the way back. She really was a child, hopeless on her own. Her legs were wobbling as she tried to stay still. Anzu probably had it all figured it out. She couldn't just leave Ashley like this, all alone. It was creepy out here.

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Anzu blinked. Shit. Shit. Ashley was apparently suffering from some colorful variety of mental breakdown. Her speech were jumbled and nonsensical, and Anzu could only barely make out a couple words. Something about school? In any case, Ashley was obviously distressed. Anzu wasn't a shrink, but she had to at least try to do something.

"Hey." Anzu said, carefully removing Ashley's hand and gently placing her own on Ashley's shoulders to try and steady her. "Stay with me, alright? We're-" Anzu hesitated before she told a blatant lie, "we're fine, Ashley, but we need to get back inside, okay?"
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley's hand continued to grasp at nothing once Anzu's hand left it, desperately trying to find something to hold on to. She grasped onto the forearm and squeezed once there was a hand on her shoulder. Anything would do.

She hummed in agreement when Anzu said they needed to go back inside. It upset Ashely that Anzu thought she would leave her, but maybe that was her fault to begin with, since she has been alone for a while now. Maybe she had Anzu alone, instead of the other way around. She didn't know. But they weren't together.

Her legs straightened out once she knew that it was okay to go home, ready to go at anytime.
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Ashley didn't respond, but she did grasp onto Anzu's forearm with a desperation that honestly worried her even more. It was obvious that, whatever it was that had set Ashley off, she was in no state to be on her own at the moment. Hell, it was almost like dealing with a kid. Anzu was terrible with kids.

"Let's go back to Caroline and Sarah, okay?" Anzu said, trying her best to soothe Ashley. Taking a hold of her hand again, Anzu slowly and carefully lead her back to where the other two had been before Anzu ran off ahead of them.
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Post by Iceblock »

((Caroline Leveson continued from Take That Money, Watch It Burn))

Christ, Anzu had just taken off when she saw Ashley on the beach.

That changed things, or at least cemented them the way she had suspected. Caroline frowned as she took her time walking towards them, fire iron weighing on her hand, thoughts and plans weighing on her mind. She'd been quieter than usual on the walk here - Sarah had given her the usual enthusiastic greeting on sight and Caroline had only given about sixty percent in return. She had used all her reckless euphoria on Anzu.

They hadn't seen Val on the way. She thought, for a moment, if she searched all the boardwalk shops again, while Anzu was dealing with Ashley, that would help, but... no. Work hard, but work smart, and searching without the group was dangerous. She couldn't afford to lose any of them again. Not while Anzu and Ashley were out in the open, not while she was the only other person Sarah was around. When they searched, they would search together.

Silent steps through the sand, feeling it yield and scatter underneath her snow-soddened flats.

It was dark, save for the light of the moon. Not good for the cameras; not good for any of them if anyone snuck up. There was a flashlight in her left hand, one that she'd quickly dug through the daypack and found as they left the casino, but she hadn't used it yet. The risk it would give them away was worse than being in the dark.

Maybe she would use it soon. Just not now.

As Anzu and Ashley disengaged from their talk and began heading back towards her, Caroline waved a small finger-wave.

"Hey," she said, her voice low. "Everything all right?" Glanced back at Sarah. "We still need to talk, but... you want to do that back inside or out here?"
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley followed, dragging her feet behind Anzu.  Inside probably meant things would be warmer. Too cold, too cold. She sneezed a few times. Too dang cold out here. She wanted a snow day, where she didn't even have to go outside.

Maybe it was and her sisters were cruel. She'd believe it.  

Other people, asking if they should go inside. Jeez, common sense people. Ashley began shaking Anzu's hand impatiently.

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Post by Deamon »

((RBP3: Sarah Bourne continued from Take That Money, Watch It Burn))

Sarah pulled her hood up over her cap as she followed the others through the resort. It was cold outside. Like really cold. Luckily unlike back home she didn't have any chance of being run over by a far as she was aware. Instead of worrying about the fifty-two tornadoes that hit her home state a year (on average of course) she just had to worry about hypothermia and being stabbed or shot. She didn't have to think very hard about which one she'd prefer. She would have liked to take her chances with the tornadoes; at least tornadoes couldn't use guns.

Anyway the reason they were trudging through the outside during what was possibly the coldest weather Sarah had ever experienced was because Ashley had wandered off, which was pretty inconsiderate of her if you asked Sarah, but only because she'd decided to go outside to do it. If she'd have just stayed in the casino or gone into a different buildings things would have much warmer.

But she was back on the beach again. As much as she didn't like the memories of what she did the last time she had been here. She had let the moment own her then though, now she was going to own the moment. She'd have to put that idea on the backburner though since Anzu had found Ashley.

The diagnosis wasn't amazing. Or good. Ok it was pretty bad. Ashley was not doing amazing; she could still walk and talk and wasn't trying to kill anyone though, so there was that. Caroline went forward and said something to Anzu that Sarah couldn't quite make out.

"Hope you guys are deciding to go inside!" She called with a smile. Try to lighten the mood at least, try to do something. Hide the fact she didn't know what to do to help. Normally worked.
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Post by delicateMachine »

Anzu slowly shook her head at Caroline's question, a concerned frown on her face. "Ashley's really out of it right now." She said quietly, hoping that Ashley wouldn't overhear. Admittedly, it was pretty likely that, in her current state, Ashley wouldn't notice or even care if she did, but it still made Anzu feel like kind of an asshole.

It seemed that everyone had agreed, (Ashley with incredible enthusiasm) that it was best to head back inside. Anzu had no objections. It bore repeating that it was still exceeding-fucking-ly cold outside, and the darkness made Anzu incredibly uneasy. They were wide open if anyone tried to sneak up on them, especially since the only one with a legit weapon among them wasn't exactly in touch with reality at the moment.

"Inside. We can talk after we get Ashley settled back down." Anzu said to Caroline, before turning back to Ashley, forcing a small smile on her face. "Just hang in there for a while longer, alright, Ashley?"
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Post by Iceblock »

Something seemed wrong with Ashley. Her words were running together, and while everyone seemed to agree that going back inside was the best choice - it was freezing, and despite the makeshift extra layer she'd thrown on earlier, Caroline felt the chill, too - Ashley's insistence on it somehow felt the strangest, like she wasn't all there.

Anzu said as much. Anzu was handling it. Ashley was Anzu's best friend. Sarah was keeping it lighthearted. Caroline was just here to play the fourth wheel, and as they all agreed to make the trek back to shelter, she almost agreed as well.

So they were going to go inside, back to Yagmur and his conversation buddy, or perhaps into one of these nearby buildings instead, to get entangled in another conversation or confrontation, and then after the dust settled, or even after Val was found, Caroline would finally ask them what needed to be asked. Or maybe something else would come up then. Ashley panicking and walking off again, an invader, someone looking for ten kills, some flaming words in the snow. And she would put it off again.

Just seconds ago, she'd been willing to put it off, to defer it until the right moment - but what was the right moment? She'd found everyone but Val. Every second that ticked past was a moment that they didn't have a coherent plan, a moment that wasn't fully used, and maybe they were all thinking the same thing, but they weren't working on it. This was already the end of the first day.

"Wait," she said, "stop."

This couldn't wait any longer.

"Sorry," Caroline muttered. "I know it's cold outside." Understatement. Boring. Her collar was picking it up, but she knew no one would care to listen. The words kept coming anyway. "And I know I sound like a broken record, and I know that I just said we can go inside."

"But we have to talk. Now."

With a flick of her thumb, the flashlight turned on.

"What happens next?" Her eyes passed from Sarah to Ashley to Anzu. "What's your plan?"
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley teetered tottered while her knees swayed limply. They just had to wait a little while, Anzu said. Okay, she could do that. She really didn't want to though.

Her head slumped onto Anzu's arm, waiting while Anzu had to talk with others. She didn't really know what the conversation was about, so she just let them say what they needed to say, silently. Something about a plan.


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Post by Deamon »

They were going back inside, which was awesome in Sarah's opinion because it was disgustingly cold outside. She never had a problem with the winter in Oklahoma but as she was quickly learning the weather back home was much much hotter than the weather where they were. Man she missed home.

Sarah shuffled through the snow to get closer to the other three. Ashley was a mess, it was like those videos you saw on the internet when someone got knocked out and woke up confused asking what happened and where they were. Except she was fixating on the cold, not that Sarah could blame her, the fact Ashley had wondered off into the snow notwithstanding. In Ashley's defence she really wasn't with it. Another comparison would be like in films when people got hypnotized, maybe if they told her she was a chicken...OK that wasn't going to be helpful in anyway shape or form.

"Cool...poor choice of words. But let's go inside." Sarah said, spinning around and starting to trudge her way back towards the warmth of the resort buildings. She didn't get very far when Caroline told her to stop. Sarah turned around and walked back over. It was the tone of voice that Caroline had used. Sarah didn't normally hear it but she knew it from when Caroline was serious about something when she meant what she was saying and wanted it to be listened to.

She was asking what their plan was. Sarah raised an eyebrow.

"We go find Val and then..." She trailed off, what did they do after they found Valerie? "Then we...I dunno we'll think of something but finding Val is like the most important thing right now."
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Post by delicateMachine »

Anzu wasn't exactly happy that their return to the heat of the indoors had been delayed, but if Caroline had something to say, Anzu was certain that it was deeply, deeply important. She stopped and turned back to face her, wincing slightly at the sudden bright light. Truly radiant, just like Caroline herself.

Frowning, Anzu nodded in agreement as Sarah spoke and Ashley leaned on her for support. "Ssh. I know. Just a few more minutes, alright?" Anzu murmured to Ashley before returning her attention to the matter at hand.

Anzu didn't want to have to think of the future beyond the immediate present, but it could only be delayed for so long. Day one was coming to an end, after all, and they didn't really have shit to show for it. Sure, the band was almost back together, and sure Anzu had been reunited with Ashley, but beyond that, they didn't have a single clue what to do. It just wasn't their style to just sit around and wait to die.

"Sarah's pretty much got it." Anzu said, idly adjusting her glasses. "Reuniting the band was our biggest priority, but... We don't have an endgame, if that's what you're asking."
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Post by Iceblock »

This, Caroline supposed, was the part where she frowned.

"I know," she said, one more time, trying not to let the disappointment show on her face. "Of course we're still going to find Val."

She had thought that they would all have it together, that they would have some sort of plan by now. This wasn't just school; this wasn't just about homework or test scores, trying hard or not trying. This wasn't laziness. Not at all. But finding out that her friends had been short-sighted bothered her.

It didn't matter. They had to talk, and they had to find Val. Those were the two things that mattered now.

"We'll fill her in on everything when we find her. But we should start thinking about what we're going to do afterwards. Right now." She was just talking, watching their faces still, letting the words spill out. Trying to get to the point. "I've been walking around and looking for you guys and... thinking. Thinking about what we can do, you know?"

"I think I have a plan."
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