The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

Apart from the rest of the resort sits a bizarre structure. Looking out of place with its jagged, fairy tale castle design, the Ice Palace contains a full size ice rink as well as a café area. Originally conceived as a gimmick for the winter season the palace was supposed to be a temporary structure but after mock ups were designed it was decided to make it into a permanent addition to the resort. The inside of the palace is strangely designed to be reminiscent of a Lapland style winter village with the café supposed to be laid out like the village center as well as an arcade designed to look like an ice cave including dry ice to cover up the fact the floor is the same as the café.
General Goose
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Post by General Goose »

His hand was bleeding.

His ears were ringing.

His vision was blurry.

It was a strange mixture of emotional trauma and intense physical pain and mild intoxication that he was feeling, one he had always been careful to avoid before. His eyes were fixed on a random spot on the ceiling. He pressed the open wound on the back of his hand against his pants leg, flinching at the momentary increase in pain, the blood spreading through the fabric and soaking his leg.

He was so transfixed by the pain, allowed his mind to become so blank, that it took him a few seconds - he guessed it was a few seconds, his sense of time was kinda dulled at that point - for him to notice Bella had joined him. She'd survived. That was good.

He looked over to her, to check his senses weren't lying to him. It was her. She was focused on Vahka.

"He was my best friend back in Whittree," he said, no real emotion in his voice, no real purpose behind his statement. He just threw it out there.
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Post by Ohm »

After her outburst had died down and the tears started coming back, the ringing was starting to quiet down and she started hearing voices in the room. She looked away from Michael's corpse to the other side of the room and saw that two others had survived the grenade as well, good for them. Then she saw Vahka.

He was lying there, a barely recognisable mass of blood and matter, but if he was dead that meant...

Zoe grabbed the bat and forced herself up using it as support, her leg stung like it was on fire. "it will be worth it" She kept saying it to herself, like a mantra to keep things moving, giving up was not an option.

Once she had gotten up on her feet she started limping over to where Vahka was lying, if her guess was right then she would be able to get it back.
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by KamiKaze »


Yagmur had been friends with the boy. He meant something to him. Maybe Regina, too. Or not. Not anymore. Perhaps he did die in the blast, but Bella doubted that. In her dim haze, even she could remember the gunshots. Maybe he had a bit of fight to him left.

Bella’s neck felt like a rusted joint when she turned to look at Yagmur. He seemed… lost. Blank, even. He was shaken up, too. She watched as he seemed to look into space, rubbing his hand against his pant leg. Hurt, too, in more ways than one. A stain had formed where he rubbed, making her wince.

By this point, she was used to feeling sick.

Bella wanted to help him. She wanted to say something to him, make him feel better. And yet, she couldn’t. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to. It was that she didn’t know how to. The raw emotion left as quickly as it arrived, leaving only an empty void.

She doubted it was a suicide attack. She just didn’t get that impression. Maybe it was someone playing. Had to have been, actually. The chances were good.

“Yagmur”, she repeated again.

What would she would have liked to hear, if she were in his position? She never was. Gene wasn’t really ever a friend. In fact, he always disliked her. But when she heard the news about what happened to Shadi… she didn’t say anything. Didn’t want to. Only bathed in her shock. Only stared at a map for a few hours. She doubted Shadi was playing, but maybe that was wishful thinking. Probably was. But she never saw Shadi. Never did she throw a grenade at her.

She gulped a little bit, and, despite better judgment, she inched closer. She wanted to reach out to him. For both of them. But she couldn’t. There was what was likely left of Regina at their feet, as well as the body slumped against the wall. Paisley and Colin, too. Everywhere, bodies. She couldn’t think straight. Not with a team mate lying only a few feet away.

Her hand reached up. For what, she didn’t know. But it reached out towards Yagmur, only to lower a bit. Her mouth gaped, and then closed. Then:

“Who was he? I mean… his name….”

The wetness in her eyes told her the blankness was a good thing. It meant that if it wasn’t there, anything could pour out.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
General Goose
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Post by General Goose »

"Vahka," he replied. Bella's conversation was an ice-breaker, he knew that much, something to fill the silence, a substitute for words of genuine comfort and insight beyond anyone's reach. He appreciated them regardless. "You've...probably heard it on the announcements. He's killed a few other people."

He looked up from his hand - still bleeding heavily, probably vulnerable to a nasty infection if he lived longer than a few hours - and spotted his own bag, a short distance away, having been hit by the shockwave of the explosion and carried several feet. He climbed to his feet, wincing as he absentmindedly placed too much pressure on his good ha-his injured hand.

Well, now he had two fucked-up hands to deal with.

"Sorry I got...angry with you...after Paisley," he muttered to Bella, each syllable measured and deliberate, trying to maintain a stoic expression as he looked over to her. When he turned his head away, he allowed the grimacing and the wincing to return.

He walked over to the bag, noticing Zoe approach Vahka's body. He gave her a polite, almost formal nod, not bothering to conceal his pain and torment as he had with Bella - he'd always respected her back at Whittree, considered her someone worthy of spending time with, even if they weren't exactly the closest friends in the world, but all that meant shit now.

Having reached the bag, careful not to place weight on his injured hand and not placing any on his bad hand out of habit, he clumsily descended to a kneel. He opened it, and put his bad hand in, immediately withdrawing it after a sharp sting of pain. A small cut on one of his stumps. He looked inside. The jar of baconnaise had been smashed open, its half-finished contents everywhere and little shards of glass mixed in with them.

Grinding his teeth to try and dull the small jabs of irritation as the little bits of glass scratched and stabbed, he shoved his bad hand back into the bag, pulling out the first aid kit. It was filled with lots of little things with labels that he didn't understand, things that he was sure most of his fellow students would not comprehend in the slightest.

He took out a bandage, and was about to apply it when he remembered wounds needed cleaning. With a sigh, he popped an Ibuprofen - he knew what they did, he wasn't a hermit and he trusted the drugs - and took out the saline solution. He was pretty sure this was the right thing. He poured it all onto his hand, biting his lip to try and stifle out the inevitable cries of pain from the stinging and burning. Pleasantly relieved when that pain didn't come - it was one type of pain he wasn't looking forward to on top of everything else - he wrapped the bandage around his hand, biting off the end with his teeth.

The biting the bandage was a little flourish to look tough, to be honest.

He returned to the two girls after a quick bite to eat and a few moments of quiet contemplation.


The next few hours went by with surprisingly little conversation. They were mainly just gathering up supplies (replenishing food stocks and first aid kits, in a vain hope that they'd last long enough to need them) and dealing with the bodies. Yagmur was largely focused on what he was doing, keeping himself to himself as much as possible, not knowing if that relative solitude was deliberate or accidental or even just imagined.

Michael probably got treated with the most respect. His death, unlike Regina's, had not been instant, it looked like, and he'd left an intact corpse behind. He'd been rested on the ground, placed so no-one would trip over him if running through the Ice Palace but not hidden out of sight, with a convenient piece of nearby tarpaulin placed over him. They tried giving the same respect to Regina, but it proved too impossible a task, and so another piece of tarpaulin, larger and thicker, was draped over the largest remnants of her body.

But there was some conversation. Most of it was just simple questions and statements: asking if that noise was a new arrival in a few brief moments of worry, wondering if anyone was in the mood for a spare Slim Jim, a casual "are you okay?" or two if someone seemed to freeze in thought for a few seconds too long.

Some of it was idle chit-chat, an attempt to distract themselves from the harsh realities of what had happened and get to know each other a bit better. Yagmur even tried explaining his life philosophies and his enjoyment of certain TV sitcoms, but his heart wasn't in it, and his explanations were hasty and superficial at best.

Then the announcement happened, but before Yagmur could process the names - his own name coming up for one - the danger zones were listed.

((Yagmur Tekindor and Bella Bianchi continued in I (Don't) Remember.))
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Post by Ohm »

When Zoe had gotten about halfway over the room, she noticed that Yagmur nodded at her, she nodded back, she didn't have a beef with him or his partner, both of them looked pretty banged up from the grenade.

She threw the bat aside and gripped the sword by the handle with both hands, She felt more secure again with it, she hadn't felt that way since she lost it to him just a few days ago. It was then she noticed he had something strapped over his shoulder, she pulled the cloak back to see what it was and it made her eyes widen in shock.

He had a gun strapped to him, she couldn't tell what type of gun it was, but that didn't matter, she quickly as she started to take it from him, it would be stupid to do otherwise.

The next few hours were weird to say the least, for that most part they spent them treating their wounds from the blast and were stuck in an awkward silence, punctuated by attempts at small talk and reassurance that died down as quickly as it started.

The announcements came up with more murder, Ashley and Sarah had taken each other out, Vahka had murdered someone named Marcus earlier and Cathryn had killed again. Zoe made a mental note on watching out for her, this wasn't going to be another semi-peaceful encounter like they had at the start.

The danger zones came up and it listed the Ice Palace as one, while Yagmur and his partner were running off Zoe limped over to Vahka's bag, zipped it open as she threw the gun into it and closed it. She hobbled out of the area as fast she could with Vahka's bag over her shoulder and her sword in her right hand.

((Zoe Walker continued in Stuck in the Middle with You))
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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