Picking Up The Pieces


The Cabanas are located just off of the beach front, offering a breathtaking view of the ocean and facing the glorious sunset. Each rosewood Cabana is designed to bring the flavour of the Caribbean to you; with a plate glass sliding door, bamboo furniture, and dim mood lighting. The Cabanas vary in size depending on function: family cabanas feature two bedrooms and sleeping arrangements for four, while couples can enjoy our deluxe queen sized beds and cozier models.
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Post by Aster »

Bella finally stopped. That was nice. She was probably just in shock, the flow of adrenaline slowing to a trickle as the rush faded and she was left with the consequences. Funny, hadn't she killed someone before? Tucker guessed it didn't matter; killing never got easier.

He didn't want to look at Paisley again, but something caught his eye: a brown bandanna, tied around her neck and over her collar, identical to the one tied around Tucker's own neck. A sigh of a teammate. The prospect of getting out alive with Paisley brought another pang of remorse. Tucker could've won (or at least survived) with Paisley, and whoever else was on their team if they made it. They'd be able to go home, safe and sound. Alive. But Paisley was lying dead on the ground in front of him, and Tucker was alive. He didn't even know what do do with himself.

Yagmur was saying something, first to Bella and then to him. Tucker appreciated Yagmur's kind words, but they were not what he was focused on. He only thought of what would happen afterwards. Regina and Yagmur knew about Paisley, and they were undoubtedly going to tell Bella about it. She'd know that she was his teammate, and his sister, and while Tucker knew she was just looking out for her own (and Regina's) safety he just...didn't trust her. He never really did.

They were all on different teams anyway, and when it came down to it Regina and Bella could only have faith in each other. Tucker sure didn't have any, and who knew about Yagmur. All teams and alliances in SOTF fall apart, and their little ragtag team wasn't an exception. Tucker didn't know what do do, but his mind told him to run. Run far, far away from here, away from Bella and what was left of Paisley. He wanted to leave.

And that's what he did.

Tucker stood up, knees shaking as he mumbled an explanation. "Uh, sorry, but...uh, I-I just...have to go, alright?" It was a poor explanation, but it would do. "Bye." He didn't know where the knife was, but he just wanted to leave the area as soon as possible. He stumbled back towards the cabana they were all staying at, and clumsily gathered his pack and things. Out of respect for them, he didn't touch any of theirs.

Then Tucker left the cabanas, leaving three living allies and one dead sister behind. And as much as he wanted to, he didn't look back.

((Tucker Hopkins continued in Lone Ranger))
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Post by Imehal* »

They had come here less than a day ago fleeing the Sunshine Tower, and all the darkness that came with it. Gene, Taylor. Now, Paisley. Death was an inevitability in Survival of the Fittest, Regina had known that well before she had woken up in the changing room. She had planned to commit murder herself – to do whatever was necessary to complete her goals, but she had been waylaid by sentimentality from the start. Seeing a former classmate, an almost-friend in need she had surrendered to one last act of charity whilst she carried on her act.

She had fallen as Yagmur had moved, trying to comfort Tucker in the wake of his sister’s brutal murder. For the first time in what seemed like forever, there was silence. No maniacal laughter, no sounds evident of a brutal, if necessary, beating. In that calm, the repugnant mixture of ash and smoke melded with the fresh, coppery tang of blood and, defences down, Regina forced herself up quickly enough onto her one good knee, using battered arms to hold herself. Everything hurt, but she was not going to add sick to the problems accumulated during the day. It was done, and then she rolled onto her back, wheezing and coughing as she fought the urge to curl up and cry. That was surely the best thing to do right now, her body and mind urged. Cry, and scream and get out all of the anger and tension in her that begged for release.

Instead, like Bella, she squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that Tucker would be man enough to leave their things behind in the cabana, fists clenched so hard that her nails bit into her palms. Lips tightly pressed together so that she would not make a sound, even though the taste of bile did nothing to ease any tension.

This was the part where she was supposed to be guiding Bella’s gaze towards her and Yagmur – away from what she had done and instead looking to what she had protected. This game was as much a mental task as it was physical, and Regina, had she been thinking clearly would have taken advantage of such a moment. Keeping Tucker with them was no longer an option – Regina had promised to get him as far as finding a teammate, and she had done as good as. Besides, she was in no condition to stop him leaving – with words or actions. This was where the act needed to hold, but all she could do was force her eyes open to watch him leave, breathless and exhausted as she decided that control could come later.

Being able to think straight would have to come first. “Bella,” she choked out, voice raspy, bringing her gaze up to try and catch Yagmur’s eye in the process. “Don’t... look at... it.”

It. Like it was not a person. But right now Regina did not give a shit about correct wording – she could fix appearances later, re-establish plans after rest.
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Post by KamiKaze »

That sounded like Yagmur. Some part of her wanted to be glad he was okay, at least enough to talk, but Bella only kept her eyes tight. He was saying something, and it came out faint to her. The name “Tucker” had floated to the surface. He could have gotten hurt too. Even in the haze caused by the stench she could worry about him.

Despite better judgment, she opened her eyes.

The girl was still laying broken and still in front of her. Her face was still twisted in a laugh even now, even as it resembled raw meat with eyes. A dark red puddle had formed around her head, contrasting vividly against the white snow. Bella felt the familiar sensation of nausea sweep across her body.

Bella realized she was shaking. She didn’t know if it was from the cold or from what happened. But a sound of crunching snow filled her ears. Her eyes followed Tucker as he swiftly went inside, leaving the three of them and a battered girl outside for a few seconds. Her vision darkened a bit, making it hard for her to focus. Within a few seconds, he came back out with his things. It didn’t take too much for her to realize what was happening.

Her arm reached out, her mouth open like a gaping fish. Maybe he was too disturbed by what had happened. Maybe he knew her. No matter what, she didn’t want him to disappear. She didn’t know him that well, but she had to do something, anything. But nothing came out of her mouth, nor was she able to pick herself up and follow him.

He was gone, just like that. She could only watch as he slipped into the night.

What could she do? Go after him? But could she-

Her eyes went back to the body again. Bella didn’t want to look at her anymore, but her gaze kept coming back. It wasn’t that different from Gene. All the feelings and sensations that came with the act of beating someone to death had returned. All the feelings of nausea, fear, and- anger. Anger was there too.

Regina’s voice had hovered past her, telling her not to look. What it was to Bella, though, was a reminder. A reminder of the girl who she had protected. A reminder of who owned the club. And a reminder of why the girl had to die.

Her hand slid back onto the club, but this time her grip was gentler. She kept telling her legs to stand, but any attempts barely made it off the ground. Regina needed help, but she didn’t know what to do about that either. But no matter what, she had to do something.

She began slowly crawling on her hands and knees towards Regina. The snow continued to chill her legs and arms. Bella felt the sting on her right side, but tried her best to move past it. As she moved, she left a trail of a few small droplets behind her. No matter what, she had to keep going. In spite of the nausea, the panic, the disorientation, the pounding heartbeat, and the gasps of breath.

Even though it was only a few seconds, to Bella it felt like hours had gone by before she finally made it to Regina.

“Regina…”she said, her voice soft. The name was hard to get out, but she managed.

Bella wasn’t sure what to say or do. Tucker had ran off, Regina had gotten hurt again, and there was another dead body laying just a few feet away. It wasn’t too much like Gene, some part of her kept trying to remind herself. She just dealt with someone who had snapped, right? Even if it didn’t end well. She sat down, the movement disorientating her further.

“Are you… are you okay?” she finally asked.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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General Goose
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Post by General Goose »

Tucker left. He tried holding up his hand to call him back, but for what? He couldn't offer any comforting words, any advice, anything useful. He was responsible for this just as much as Bella was - his stunt with the fire, his whole getting distracted, his not being there - had allowed EVERYTHING to fall apart.

Tucker went into the cabana, to grab his things, and left. Well, that's what Yagmur assumed. His attention drifted. He couldn't look at Paisley - he knew her and got on with her, and looking at her would just bring some unpredictable emotion to the forefront.

"Do you know who the fuck that girl was Bella?" Yagmur asked, his voice little more than a guttural growl.
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Post by Imehal* »

A quick sharp glance at Yagmur at his outburst distracted Regina from the girl who was too uncomfortably close, but thankfully not touching her. “I know why you’re pissed at her Yagmur, but it’s not going to change anything about what just happened.”

It hurt to talk, to think – to do anything right now. However, the last thing any of them needed right now was for Yagmur to finally do something and it be verbally attack Bella for doing, as far as Regina was concerned, the right thing. “Can we just find something to wrap her in, give her a measure of dignity, and then go back inside and get some perspective before we start vilifying people? Is that alright?”

Personally, Regina thought it more humane to take the body and toss it into the fire so that no one who was actually friends with Paisley would have to see her this way. Her death meant so many things, but the worst of all was that it gave Regina no information – was that her original weapon, had she found anyone friendly? If so, what had turned her into a killer?
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Post by KamiKaze »

The growl that came from Yagmur’s lips made Bella flinch. Slowly, she turned her head. His face matched that of his tone. Pure raw anger. Of course she wouldn’t know who the girl was. Something seemed familiar about her, but it was very faint. They did, though. They went to the same school. They knew who she was, who she was before.

Bella shook her head. Kept shaking. The movements only worsened her nausea, but the only thing she could do was to just keep shaking it.

Regina spoke up. Snapped.

Oh, she really was their friend, right?

Her mind went blank for a few seconds at the possibility. That girl… might have been close to all three of them. She didn’t know what to do, or anything. Bella had just killed someone who might had been a friend of Tucker and Yagmur’s, and likely Regina. Even if she had snapped and attacked them….

She buried her forehead in her palm for a bit, closing her eyes again. However, Regina kept talking. Something to wrap her in…

Her mind, in its panicked state, tried to think of something, anything. But nothing came up until-

“Sheets”, she said quietly.

After a beat, she continued “There’s… there’s probably some sheets… in the buildings… spares… you know….”

She opened her eyes, and slid her hand away from her face. It wasn’t doing anything to stop the nausea, the whirlwind of emotions, the rapid heartbeat and breaths, the anger all around from everyone involved. Tucker probably wasn’t coming back, either.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by General Goose »

Regina was pussy-footing around the whole issue (nope, he wouldn't mentally call it by a euphemism) whole Bella killing Tucker's sister. Somehow that light touch, that valuing Bella's sensitive emotions more than the fact she just killed Paisley, that pissed him off more than anything.

He turned away from Bella, and locked his eyes on Regina, his nostrils flaring, his mouth quivering in rage, his eyes squinting in a mixture of confusion and alarm.

"Some perspective? Some fucking perspective? What, do you think I'm gonna sentence Bella to hanging in a fucking one-man kangaroo court if we don't all sit down and have a nice cup of shitty tea while we discuss our fucking feelings?" He was pointing at Bella aggressively, but only to emphasise his point. "Yeah, let's turn this show into fucking Judge Judy while we decide if Bella was guilty or not of being just a wee bit too belligerent in her manner and overly vigorous in her conduct."

He turned back to Bella, but that was more just a customary check to make sure she wasn't about to brain him too. "Sure, let's fucking bury her," he said sardonically as he marched to stand by Regina's side, almost spitting his words into her ear, "do we know her religion? Maybe we could give her the kind of burial she wants? Maybe we can ask Tucker if-oh wait, he's gone. I wonder why. But before we do that, Regina, why don't you tell Bella what the fuck she just did, since you're so intent on getting some perspective."


He had all the perspective he fucking needed.
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Post by Imehal* »

The cruel, almost mocking reminder that Paisley was dead and that Tucker had left them so that they could not give their dead friend the burial according to her religion would have cut deeper if it had been more than a mixture of agonising pain and adrenaline keeping Regina conscious. Yagmur was close, like Bella, but she found that she did not care as she gave up trying to sit up and fell hard against the inches thick blanket of snow beneath her. Then, she laughed. “The person who just murdered Paisley is offering to help cover her up so her body isn’t used for memes or publicity – to spare their parents the sight of their daughter like this.”

It did not hurt to breathe, to talk, feel at the moment and that was the best outcome of Yagmur’s anger – the newly formed grief and outrage that meant Regina could be so callous and dismissive. It was exactly what she needed to keep sharp focus. Her lips curled into a smile, eyes looking up at the face of someone who, once, had so often laughed. “And her friend is too busy being angry to help.” It felt good, too good, and Regina knew it. “It doesn’t matter if Bella knows right fucking now who she killed, does it?”

They were all responsible for it too. Her for not telling someone that she was falling behind. Yagmur, for not doing more to actually stop them than levelling a gun after things escalated. Bella, for actually committing the murder. Lastly, whomever had driven Paisley to snap so that she did not even see her brother as she tried to murder once-friends.

A brief, biting laugh, then Regina looked between Bella and Yagmur. “I wasn’t saying this doesn’t need to be talked about, but I’ve seen exactly what you’re doing happen over and over on a television screen. You didn’t seem to mind when Bella murdered someone you didn’t know. She did what she had to do, but punishing her when she is already messed up about it isn’t going to make anything better.”
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Post by KamiKaze »


Bella felt a shudder run up and down her spine once more as Yagmur stomped closer, shouting about the girl. Worst part was, he was right. She wouldn’t know anything about the girl, much less her religion or how she would have liked to be buried.

She hunched into herself as he kept going. Yagmur was clearly angry, and yet mocking at once. Regina spoke up, but this time she was defending her. Saying that the girl’s body would be used for publicity shots and memes. Saying that the girl- Paisley, apparently- would not be in open view for anyone else to see.

It was as if they were a pair of angry parents, just arguing over her head like this. For a moment, Bella considered leaving. To just not look back at the girl she had defended Regina and herself from. Maybe it was a good idea. Maybe it was a good idea to walk off. But then what? What would she do if she did? If she just ran away, would it only make things worse?

Bella slowly pulled herself to her feet, slightly slipping due to her uneasiness. The pit in her stomach only increased as she moved. The club still laid on the ground, gently dripping into the snow.

“I’m going… I’m going back inside. To see if there’s anything in there we could use”, she said.

She still didn’t feel good. Bella could feel the bile once again rising in her stomach. Nausea wasn’t a new experience for her, and as the game progressed it seemed more and more like it was normal for her to feel sick. Maybe she was about to pass out, she wasn’t sure. But before that, she was going to see if she could do something, anything.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
General Goose
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Post by General Goose »

Yagmur didn't even process the second thing Regina said, and he wasn't even aware Bella - the source of all this - had spoke up. Maybe the things they said might have calmed him down. They were perfectly logical, perfectly rational, perfectly valid points, free of fallacy and hyperbole. Maybe it would have calmed Yagmur down.

Or maybe the opposite might have happened. Yagmur was angry - out of all the emotions he was dealing with at that moment, anger was the easiest to tackle. No regret, no guilt, no complexity, nothing. Yagmur found anger the easiest emotion to deal with, but it made him irrational, unpredictable, sensitive to seemingly random or trivial sights while ignoring a forest of other insults.

And maybe, just maybe, Regina trying to cite her experience watching SOTF before might have set him off. Or maybe her saying that he didn't seem to care when Gene was killed might have sent him flying into a rage - maybe that would have pissed him off, but only because it was a red herring, a fallacious argument, as opposed to the obvious reasons.  

But all that didn't matter. Everything Regina and Bella said after Regina's pointed "does it?", he didn't register. He was too busy getting self-righteously enraged.

"You finished, Regina?" he asked, coincidentally after Bella had said her piece. "You finished?" He repeated, adding in a little smirk. It was patronising. It was spiteful. It was petty.

And damn, it was the only thing he'd done that had felt properly good since he'd arrived at this resort.

"I mean, her corpse is pretty damn stationary, it looks like," Yagmur said, crossing his arms, adding a deliberately smug pseudo-intellectual flavour to his voice, not bothering to hide his disdain for the stupid bitch in front of him. Bella was a psycho at this point, yeah. But nowhere near as much of an unbearable pain as Regina was proving to be. "If they want to make memes or publicity shots of her - and trust me, unlike you I actually hate this tedious and shallow piece of crap of a show, that annoys me far more than it annoys you - they have more than enough material to go with. Another five minutes ain't gonna add any more pain, or create any more meme-worthy material, unless you see fit to make some."

It was not his finest moment. It was not his best argument ever. But damn, it felt good. His smirk was pretty damn genuine at this point.

And turning to Bella, he added almost perfunctorily that "you killed Tucker's sister".
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Post by Imehal* »

”Fuck you, you asshole.” A punch to the face. Cheap shot insults.

All of these would have, once, seemed like perfectly logical progressions in this argument. Easy ways to protect herself from feeling anything close to kinship with Bella, or understanding Yagmur’s rage even when she was too exhausted to try and deal with it rationally, if at all.

Even if there had been a chance that they could have been friends, or even good friends, all of them had been wiped away when they had all been abducted and forced to address the parts of themselves – and humanity – that most did not like to consider.

Regina really wanted to hit him when he just threw out the truth about Paisley, but she needed him. Bella too, and not for the first time she made a decision based on her selfish needs, rather than what she wanted to do. So, she ignored the smirk, swallowed down the spiteful, hateful words that she knew could rile Yagmur into a frenzy and instead focused on keeping calm, breathing steady as she could manage.

“Bella.” Regina thought of scattered Tarot cards, and glimpses of sunlight, wondering if she would ever be able to let go properly before it was all over. Then she focused on her teammate, standing tall in front of her, and just managed a smile. “I’ll come with you. Can you help me up?”
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Timeskip and GMing approved, as details have been discussed between us. But, let me know if I need to change something))

Bella never had a brother or sister.

Her entire life, it had just been her and Mother. She had seen her father a few times, but for the most part it was them. A few times Mother would date someone, but never anyone who stayed. Sometimes she would wonder what it was like to have a sibling. People always told her they argued with theirs, but Bella couldn't help but think that it might be nice to grow up with someone that closely related to you.

She couldn’t imagine what Tucker was going through.

The new information that Yagmur told her felt like a mallet to the face. It was bad enough that she just beat their friend to death in front of them. But knowing she was a sister, for a fact that she had a family?

Bella’s knees almost buckled. But it made sense, didn’t it? They looked alike. Used to. Tucker ran away when she stopped. It made disturbing amounts of sense. But she didn’t want it to be. Maybe it was just a look-alike. Maybe there were just lots of girls with orange hair at the other school, and she wasn’t the only one they’d picked up.

No. Yagmur was right.

She’d just murdered someone’s own blood relative in front of them.

Her vision dimmed even more. It would have been welcome at that point, to just pass out in the snow. But what would they have done if she did? It wouldn’t do anything at that point, would it?

Regina was speaking again. It wasn’t more arguing. It was an offer. She wanted to help her deal with the girl.

Bella struggled. But she nodded.

Then she bent down and reached out a hand.

The next few hours blurred together.

After some resting, it took some time for her and Regina to clean up everything entirely. It sounded easy to cover Paisley with some spare sheets, cover up any red stains from the fight with snow, gather and clean the weapons, deal with any injuries, and find more clean things to wear. At least, in theory. In practice… it really wasn’t.

There was only so much snow and sheets that could cover up the mess.

Bella couldn’t help but feel a small amount of irritation at Yagmur. He hadn’t helped them at all. This entire time, he had gone to the back to drink. Then again, to be honest she really couldn’t blame him. Maybe he didn’t want to get involved for personal reasons. Some part of her still wished he did, though.

She was still worried about Regina. It turned out she wasn’t as badly injured as she was expecting, but she still had a limp. But, Regina was still adamant about cleaning up Paisley and the outside of the cabana, so Bella couldn’t say no, no matter what.

Bella patted a spot of snow on the ground. Even when she thought it was gone for good, she was able to see a small patch of maroon peeking out. It didn’t help that the smell of burnt wood and death still lingered in the air, like a guest that would never leave.

She didn’t notice it at first due to the adrenaline, but she’d been hurt in the fight too. Paisley had sliced her open, and when she saw it she panicked for a few seconds, thinking she had been stabbed. Bella didn’t want to take a closer look, but she had to. When she did in the bathroom, she slipped to the floor. Not passed out, just fell.

The cut wasn’t deep, she eventually realized. It was just a scratch. It was still painful for her to disinfect and bandage, but she managed. A change of clothes was also needed. Bella was still hesitant about the dress. It didn’t seem worth it to wear it, only to discover that she couldn’t run or defend herself while it was on her. Eventually, though, it won out. She slipped it on her, and as she placed her filthy clothes, the ones she came in wearing, inside the plastic bag it came in, she realized that maybe the dress wasn’t needed. They had also given her some pants and t-shirts, so it wasn’t entirely necessary to wear it.

At least her suspicions were correct and it was somewhat warmer in it. And it didn’t impede her movement as much as she was expecting. There might have been trouble along the line, but for now it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be.

After cleaning the weapons up, Bella had let Regina keep the club. It was supposed to be hers, anyways. She wasn’t sure if she should have given it back after what she had done with it, but she felt it was the right thing to do.

But right now, Bella felt like there was always going to be a splash of reddish brown on the ground, no matter how much she and Regina piled up all the snow. The girl was silent now, but the maniacal laughter still echoed inside her mind, much like the cries of Will begging Gene to stop.

Just as she pushed down on a stain, she heard a screech, then a clapping noise. Bella flinched, only to realize what it was. An announcement? Now? Bella wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it felt both longer and shorter that time had passed.

And now there were fifty of them gone.

As Ritzy talked, Bella’s hand gripped into the snow. Once again, shock came over her. She couldn’t believe it. But it happened.

Why, though?

She’d left him there. She promised she was coming back, but she didn’t. He was left staring at the limp body of their friend.

So he didn’t make it.

What if he didn’t want to?

The rest of the deaths simply poured on by, like a syrup. Bella was too shocked to really pay attention to who else died. Instead, she stared at her hand gripping the snow.

Eventually, a beep told her to listen.

A new kind of shock came over her. Bella knew what that beep meant. It was a familiar sound from when she watched the show back home. Everyone who had watched it knew it by heart, as it was one of the most regular sounds in the show.

Your collar beeping wasn’t a good thing. It meant danger zones. The entire point of them was to get people moving and interacting with the rest of the game. Most of the time, they were randomized, but on some occasions they would make a location a danger zone if you had been staying there for a long period of time. It didn’t matter which was the case here, though.

They had to get out of here.

Bella slid up, seeing Regina close by. The nausea still persisted, but it wasn’t anything compared to the once again racing heartbeat.

“I’m going to get our things” she forced out. “Go on ahead.”

She felt herself stomping up to the door, slamming it open. The bags were still laying where they had left them, with one having the pony head sticking out awkwardly. Bella slid one strap over her shoulder. Then another. Two was heavy enough. But perhaps she could reach for a third.

Or maybe not, judging by the three fingered hand that tugged it away before she could even touch it. It was swiftly followed by an incredulous look from its owner. Bella decided not to say anything to Yagmur. At least it was only two she had to deal with.

Bella bolted outside to see Regina getting ready to go. The snow crunched underneath her feet as she darted outside, her breath as loud as the stomps. She swiftly turned to see if Regina was able to get out, only to see instead Yagmur picking up the bundle of sheets. A hand sticking out of them told her what he was doing.

“Hurry!” she hissed.

She wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to bring Paisley with them. It was more weight, and more time lost. But they had to keep moving. The beeps were getting faster, louder, and more insistent.

The three of them went as fast as they could, the beeps following them out. It was some time before they actually stopped.

((Bella Bianchi, Regina Aston, and Yagmur Tekindor continued in The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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