Mary McKay pregame thread

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Mary McKay pregame thread


Post by EllisWilson »

I’ll be running just one kid for SC3, and this is the pregame thread for her.

Mary McKay is one of those kids who needs to be the smartest person in a room, and will needle her classmates and even her teachers to make sure of that fact. More than that, though, she also just likes arguing. It’s like a compulsion for her.

Outside of that, she’s an intense but socially conscious person with ambitions of becoming a lawyer (possibly while also becoming a ballerina. Ballerina Lawyer?) who is well aware of how she comes off to others but has no desire to change. She’ll treat her friends respectfully, but she won’t let sleeping dogs lie (I.e, she’ll get right up in peoples business if she considers something to be an issue, the others persons feelings on it not being a factor)

Hobbies/Interests: Ballet, debate club, bowling, civics, getting into online flame wars

Looking for:
  • Friends, whether through her interests or otherwise
  • Former friends that she alienated with her behaviour
  • Enemies/Rivals
  • People she’s harassed online
  • Maybe she has a crush on someone or vice versa, idk I’m open to anything except for outright relationships
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Post by MurderWeasel »

BB probably lands somewhere in the rival camp for Mary—in fact, I imagine they annoy each other quite a bit. BB is also someone who wants to be the smartest person in the room, and can be prickly or unpleasant if challenged/called into question. I imagine they probably bicker or snipe at each other sometimes.

Juliette is also smart/a good student, and quite serious, but she's good with people and adjusts her approach as needed, so I feel like she'd be someone Mary would get along with. Juliette probably admires Mary's passion for debate and her legal aspirations. Generally positive vibes, if perhaps not incredibly emotionally close.

Sofia runs in a totally different circle and has a totally different vibe. She's maybe a bit rough and tumble for Mary, and isn't much of a good student. That said, there's maybe room for them either to have a conversation that goes unexpectedly well, or to have a disagreement where Sofia gets super frustrated at how the discussion goes because she's not used to debate tactics.
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