Christina “Renz” Rennes

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Christina “Renz” Rennes


Post by decoy73 »

Name: Christina Siobhan “Renz” Rennes
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, track, tutoring, live streaming, reading

Appearance: Christina Rennes is five feet four inches tall and weighs 117 pounds. Her messy black hair goes down to her shoulder blades, tied back in a ponytail on the occasions that she has to do anything with it. Her skin is fairly light, highlighting her Caucasian heritage and tendency to spend time indoors, and while she doesn't get many blemishes, she does not use makeup either. Her lidded eyes are a pale blue, set over a small nose and full lips on an ovular face, which would be considered quite pretty if her default expression wasn’t a near-constant scowl. She has no piercings anywhere on her body. Her figure is athletic, a result of years running on the track team. Her normal attire consists of jeans and T-shirts with sneakers. The day she was kidnapped, she was wearing white low top sneakers with white socks, dark blue jeans, and a black T-shirt with an "Anatomy of a Pew" picture on it.

Biography: Christina Rennes was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on November 29, 2006 to Nathan and Paige Rennes, a security specialist in both physical and cyber security and stay-at-home-mother, respectively, twenty minutes after identical twin sister Jessica. While similar at first, the two of them grew apart in terms of interests and friends. While Jessica became a chipper, social, and more traditionally feminine woman, Christina became much more withdrawn and cynical. There was no defining event that caused Christina to isolate herself, she was just an introverted person who felt no need to socialize, preferring to study or read various stories. Her favorite genre is satire, with the stories she liked starting with comics such as The Far Side and Non Sequitur, although over the years this has evolved to movies such as Dr. Strangelove, Idiocracy, and Thank You For Smoking, as well as books such as Incompetence, enjoying the usage of ridicule to poke fun at people's follies and vices. As such, Christina never really had much of a social life, preferring to keep herself to her studies and video games, mostly playing on the various generations of the XBox. She is especially a fan of first-person shooter games, like the Halo and Counter Strike games, as well as some roleplaying games such as Dark Souls and Mass Effect, which allowed her to escape into fictional worlds as a more dynamic character. While her parents, through Nathan's job, were in a healthy middle class wealth bracket and could support this lifestyle financially, they didn’t like it and urged her to socialize, her high grades were of enough comfort for them to relent.

In elementary and middle school, Christina was especially introverted. While she was not unpopular, mostly due to her association with her sister, she preferred to keep by herself, playing various sedentary games, reading, or studying. It was this way where she ended up in her own niche - helping people with their homework. While she was mostly reluctant to do so, some people were willing to pay, so she got some enjoyment and respect out of helping other people. The result was that Christina mostly isolated herself by her own choice, but still had some positive reputation as a smart person with a popular sister.

When Christina entered high school, Christina continued to isolate herself, and it was at this point that her parents finally put their collective foot down and made her join a school activity, as other than her sister, she had nobody at school with whom she was acquainted with. When she passively refused, they made her join the track team with her sister. Like her sister, she was good, although she specialized in more mid-distance running, doing the 800 meter run when not helping keep score during the meets. She has made a few friends, mostly from the track team, but she still keeps to herself. While she was initially reluctant, track has grown on her to the point where she remained on the team for the duration of her high school career, even though she would never admit it to others. Her teachers have very favorable opinions of her, due to being well-behaved and intelligent. In sophomore year, her teachers recommended that she help some of the struggling students in their subjects. Christina agreed, as for her it was officially doing what she used to do off the books, and Christina has been continuing to do so ever since, even helping her sister on several occasions, which Christina will occasionally rib Jessica over.

In junior year, Christina, decided to start live streaming her video game playthroughs for fun, where she goes by the nickname “Renz,” from a common mispronunciation of her last name. She currently has a small following online, owing to her biting online sarcasm and her trademark statement regarding her occasional practice of stream sniping (a practice where a player attempts to gain an advantage in a multiplayer game by watching an opponent’s stream) which she notes can be equally effective when used by them rather than on them.

One of the biggest projects she has done was a yearlong term paper for history regarding Survival of the Fittest in junior year for AP Psychology. This came mainly from the domination of SOTF on the news, and its continuing impact on national security. Her paper covered the history of the events, but focused on the effects that it has had on people, with significant focus on players like Jennifer Steinman, Saachi Nidal, Nicholas Reid, and Maxwell Lombardi, all of whom were known as relatively normal people before the game started, but in their respective games were, with the exception of Maxwell, some of the most notorious killers, with the paper asking why otherwise psychologically stable people would kill so fervently. In this she has learned various reasons that some people descend into killing, such as desperation, psychopathy, or a loss of inhibition, among others. Other topics she focused on were how many of these people were able to stay alive in spite of killing so many people, whether by overpowering others, and the effect on their psyches. She also discussed the disparate nature of the two survivors, Nick and Maxwell, noting that both of them had been able to return to society at large, and Maxwell had, contrary to expectations and the set rules, deliberately won his version without killing a single person. While this was unsettling to both teachers and students, given the subject matter, the relatively academic tone of the paper meant that it evaded a good amount of controversy, with the controversy that it did attract based off the existence of the paper as opposed to any glorification of killing people.

Currently, Christina is sitting on an A average in school, taking mostly honors and AP classes, on top of track and tutoring. She has been accepted to Vanderbilt University, although she has little idea of what she wants to major in as she is good at every subject, although her main preference is in sociology, due to her extensive studies of the human condition in Survival of the Fittest. In the short term, though, she is considering the idea of monetizing her live streaming for extra money. Whereas Jessica is quite close to her parents, Christina is more distant. While she does not have any ill feelings towards her parents and sister, she prefers to stay in her room by herself, with the only common ground between the twins being their similar appearance and participation on the track team. In the case of her parents, while she does not talk to them much, she is somewhat closer with Nathan, who shares the same biting humor as his younger daughter. Paige, on the other hand, identifies more with Jessica's more sunny disposition, with the result being that the relationship between mother and younger daughter is more distant. At school, most of the people she knows come through either the track team, tutoring, or Jessica. As such, her general reputation around school can be described colloquially as Jessica’s sarcastic, less social twin.

Advantages: Christina has good speed and endurance from track. Furthermore, she is bluntly aware of what SOTF is due to her research into the psychological effects of the game, and understands what tricks, both physical and psychological, can be used by other participants to gain an edge. As such, she is likely to be especially wary of manipulation and will as such not trust easily, especially if the person is a noted killer. Her highly relaxed and nonchalant demeanor may afford her some emotional and mental protections against potential sources of harm.
Disadvantages: Christina has few friends, meaning that she has few people who would readily ally with her, namely her sister Jessica. Furthermore, her unsociable attitude would make it difficult to make new allies. While physically quick and possessing decent endurance, her physical strength is lacking due to her otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

Original Profile: Christina Rennes
Permission: Original Handler
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Hey, Decoy! Christina's looking pretty solid, just a bit to adjust before she's set.

Christina's appearance notes her as both sedentary and athletic, which contradict each other. Maybe "sedentary lifestyle" could be swapped to "tendency to spend time indoors" or something like that?

Does Christina have any piercings (especially the super common ear piercings)?

Since the abduction is taking place in May 2024, Christina's birth year should be 2006 to make her 17.

What was the Rennes family's economic situation?

What about satire and video games appealed to Christina?

Can we cut this bit: "her statement “it works both ways, motherfucker,”" We generally try to avoid quotations in profiles since they can make it harder for the reader to tell what's literally being meant, and I think you've got that covered in the second half (that Christina stream snipes people sometimes).

What about SOTF drew Christina's attention enough for her to spend so long studying it? How was her project received by her teachers and peers? Was there any controversy, or did she keep it pretty academic and make it palatable?

"At school, most of the people she knows come through either the track team, tutoring, or Jessica, the latter two of which she continues to participate in due to routine rather than any real feeling of accomplishment." If this is referring to track and tutoring, it should be the former two instead of the latter! If it does refer to tutoring and Jessica, I'm not quite sure what's meant by participating with her sister out of routine. Also, is this a change for Christina? It sounded like she took some personal pride in her track and tutoring before.

I know she doesn't spend much time around them if she can help it, but can I hear one different thing about how Christina deals with both her mother and her father as individuals? Does she talk to one more than the other? Do either of them share any hobbies or interests with her?

Post when you've got that adjusted, and we'll give Christina another look. Thanks!
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Post by decoy73 »

Edits made:
  • Appearance has been changed to note preference of indoors.
  • Piercing status added.
  • Birth year edited.
  • Added that the Rennes family is middle class.
  • Added notes about satire and video games
  • Quote removed.
  • SOTF project elaborated.
  • Removed the portion about routine when it comes to activities.
  • She's closer to her father (if you watch the movie Cube, her father is much like the character Rennes in the movie)
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Almost there! Two last little things:

Can I hear one more specific thing about Christina's relationship with her mom? Maybe just why she's not as close to her?

"As such, her general reputation around school can be described colloquially as “Jessica’s bitchy twin.”" <- This is just a little informal/unclear; can we rephrase it to something more like "As such, her general reputation around school can be described as Jessica's sarcastic, less-social twin."

Post when you've got that handled, and we'll give Christina another look. Thanks!
Avatar art by the lovely and inimitable Kotorikun
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Post by decoy73 »

  • Added small blurb about stream sniping (namely what she intends by the statement)
  • Changed statement on how she is seen.
  • Noted relationship between mother and (younger) daughter
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Post by MurderWeasel »

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