It's Only Natural!


Thought up as an idea to allow tourists to see more of the natural beauty of the location the nature walk is a long dirt path that winds its way through the part of the bay area that is more heavily dense with trees. In places the trees and shrubs shroud the path in shadow and other times they thin out to allow sun to shine onto the path and give tourists an opportunity to take a beautiful landscape photo or group shot.
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It's Only Natural!


Post by KamiKaze »

((Nina Riddhi continued from Honey Badger Don't Care!))

Even walking around in the cold in a tank top and shorts was preferable.

It wasn't like she didn't even think about switching to the long t-shirt and the track pants in her bag, though. The Coca-Cola shirt wouldn't do, but the golden badger one did. It wasn't the most warm thing she had experienced, but it was a step up from her bare arms and legs.

Nina remembered the mindset she was in when she put on her old clothes. It was just going downstairs, maybe stepping outside to take a breather from the pain drilling at her head. That was it. Sure, Oklahoma was just starting to get cold, but not too cold. In a way, it was a victory for the execs. They got her to put on their clothes. Nina had also seen a red and yellow tube top with star spangled shorts. At first, she wasn't sure what it was exactly until she saw the tiara and wrist cuffs.

Wonder Woman, really?

Nina laughed out loud when she saw it. They expected her to run around, dressed as Wonder Woman, in the cold. She had heard about the fanservice costumes before, and the whole thing sounded hilarious. Like, you're going to die, but here, have a Wonder Woman costume just for you! It was a weird consolation, in her opinion. Nina wasn't sure if she would ever actually wear it, even if it wasn't cold, but the idea of having to fight people while dressed as Wondy... it was gold. About as gold as her bandana and shirt, come to think of it.

She had to admit, as terrible as they were about sending people to die, they had a sense of humor. Giving her Nair, putting her in a salon, suggesting she should dress as Wonder Woman? If they hadn't put her here, she would happily go hang with some of them, based off what she had experienced so far. Couldn't lie, Nina enjoyed their style.

Since leaving the salon, Nina had calmed down. It was easy to when you were away from Norma's spear and... whatever the fuck Sissy was doing. Nina wasn't even shot at once when she left, so... what? Let's not dwell on that. They could have fun being psycho bitches together.

Nina sat down on the side of the trail, her back leaning against the steep hill. Just as she sat down, a soft gurgle came from her stomach. Hungry? She saw some food in there. Upon unzipping her bag, she found the sandwich. With a soft sigh, she lifted it out of the wrapper, pulling apart the bread to see what it was.

Bolognia, salami, ham, lettuce, olives, tomatoes, pickles, and mayo. Not bad, she had to admit. They just got Subway to cater for them? Again, it was another weird consolation. Get picked up for TV, get a Wondy costume and some Subway before you die. At least it wasn't a bad sandwich, though. Nina didn't usually eat meat, but she liked it. It was one of the main obstacles in her one attempt to go vegan. Meat was just... too good, even if animals suffered in mass production. It wasn't like she usually ate meat at home, since her folks didn't use much beyond chicken in meals, but she couldn't resist a good hamburger, damn it.

Nor a good Subway sandwich, for that matter.

Nina tore into it with her teeth, ravagedly consuming the sandwich.

This was delicious. And the view from here wasn't that bad. She could see the ocean off in the distance. This was some sort of resort town, that she figured out.

Once again, Nina was not paying attention to her surroundings, just staring at the scenery, with her back against the slope, while eating a sandwich.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by KamiKaze »

As Nina chewed on her sandwich, she thought to herself.

Saachi followed her out, so it was clear they didn't do anything to her. But she wasn't sure where she was now. It... worried Nina. She was so distracted by the cold that she didn't even think to look behind her. Cold, psycho killers, what's the difference?

Nina doubted Sock-Em Boppers were going to protect her for long. Hell, did she even bring them? Did it matter if she did? It was still surreal, picturing the two of them fighting with Nair bottles and boppers. But that didn't matter too much. What mattered was that she lost Saachi.

Even if she and everyone else thought she was a fuck-up, she was a friend, damn it.

Ever since the salon, though, it kind of occurred to Nina that she was going to die a fuck-up, at least potentially. Sure, there was a chance she would escape, or win with her team, or be the last one standing, or even get the ten kills, but she would still be a fuck-up. Most people didn't survive. She doubted her and Saachi were going to be the ones that did. It was luck, in all honesty.

It was strange how calm she was. The closest she got to flipping out was when Sissy and Norma showed up. But maybe she would find Saachi. Maybe.

Nina rested the remaining sandwich on her lap.

Maybe it was going to be her last moments on Earth. It was a strange thing to think about. And here she was, eating a sandwich after running away and leaving Saachi somewhere. That wasn't an image she wanted to leave behind. Not just because Saachi was a friend, and she would never forgive herself if it turned out something happened.

But because, she realized, she wasn't sure what kind of image she wanted to send out in the end. Nina knew it was being broadcast to everyone across the country, and right now they were making presumptions on her as a person. Sure, she hadn't seen any cameras, but her mentor had reminded her of that. At that moment, he had told her he thought of her as someone who stared at fish, not paying attention.

She fidgeted on the ground a bit. Once she was done eating, she decided, she was going to find Saachi.  She wasn't sure what she was going to do after.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Rocky* »

((Shadi Williams START))

She wasn't sure where to start.

It had been some time since Shadi had woken up. At first she was confused, then somewhat excited once she realised that she was on her favourite show. That excitement turned to dread once the rational part of her mind caught up with her and she realised that meant she was probably going to die. Given her size she would probably be seen as a high priority target for anyone trying to take out any threats. She put those thoughts behind her as she pulled open her bag.

It didn't take long for her to find her team bandana, which she fastened around her neck. Everything else seemed fairly typical, except for the long curved stick. Looking around the bag to see if maybe she had something else, she determined that this was probably her weapon when she couldn't find anything else. Picking the cane up, she couldn't help but shrug. It wasn't perfect, but she could probably hurt someone with it if they got too close. It'd have to do.

Almost immediately after this, she began walking. She had two short term goals right now; to find Bella and to find a better weapon. The first part wasn't something she could do much other than look around. The second part might be a bit easier though. Especially if she were to happen to walk up a hill and find someone absent-mindedly eating a sandwich. Something that she just happened to have done in that exact moment.

Hiding the cane behind her leg, Shadi smiled at the girl she had never met. Somewhere in her mind she remembered that there was a second school in this whole thing. A quick glance at her bandana told her she wasn't on her team. Not that Shadi planned on working with her team, but at the very least she could leave the others alone.

"Nice day for a picnic." Shadi called out loud, a friendly grin on her face.
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Post by KamiKaze »

A voice snapped Nina out of her thoughts.

Her head whipped up to see a girl she didn't recognize. Whitree was a small school in a small town. If she had been from there, she would have known. Unfortunately, no, she didn't ring a bell. This girl was huge. Nina was a pretty tall girl, by her own admission, but this girl had at least a few inches on her. She also looked pretty rough: short spiked bleach hair, tanned, and wearing overalls and, for some reason, what she recognized as safety goggles around her neck.

Nina remembered that they seemed to take people from at least one other school, based on the kind of faces in the briefing. Maybe she was Okie, she wasn't sure. In any case, it was safe to assume she wasn't from Whitree.

She was good at dealing with strangers. But she had no idea how well she would do when there was a chance they could kill her. Nina had already flipped out at the salon, and that was two girls she did know. She didn't want to piss herself in front of this stranger who could kill her.

This girl, she didn't look that awful, at least not right now. Nina tried to think of a good response, before saying:

"Eyup, good day for a teddy badger's picnic."

A joke. Maybe she wouldn't kill her or do something terrible if she proved she wasn't looking out to fuck people up. Maybe.

"I guess that..."

Her eyes quickly landed on the bandanna around her neck.

"Scorpions can join too?"

Scorpion? Damn, not a team mate, judging by the bandanna around her neck. That only gave her more motivation. If she were a team mate, at least she would have an excuse to keep her alive. But she wasn't a badger, she was a scorpion, and they didn't know each other, so for all she knew she was plotting her death right at this moment. After all, no connections, whatsoever.

Feeling her muscles grow tight, she shifted a bit on the ground.

"By the way, what's your name?"
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Rocky* »

Shadi's smile remained on her face the entire time the other girl was talking. She was kind of funny she had to admit. Part of her almost wished that they were teammates, at least she would have a source of amusement while she was stuck here. There was no sense in dwelling on it though.

She asked her name. Part of her felt like it would be okay to tell her right off, but then she realized that probably wouldn't be a smart idea. They didn't know each other, and since they weren't partnered up it seemed like the best thing to do would be to keep it that way. Relatively speaking at least.

"You can call me Bonnie." Shadi said, extending her free hand out towards the other girl. The gesture was friendly enough, at least she hoped it came off as such. If not, she'd just have to think of something else.

"And you?"
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Post by KamiKaze »

Bonnie. That was her name.

As she continued to speak, Nina started to suspect she wasn't Okie after all. She didn't have the accent, for starters. Where she was from, though, she had no idea. Hopefully she would find out where exactly they took the other kids from, but that was a hopefully. Nina wasn't sure if it was okay to ask her, especially since the situation wasn't exactly the best for asking questions like that, but she honestly was a little curious.

She wasn't sure whether to shake hands with her. This Bonnie could easily grab it and do god knows what. And that would leave her with one wrist to defend herself. Well, okay, one wrist and two ankles, if you want to be honest. But she didn't want to leave herself exposed too much. Nina just had to pray she wasn't looking for a kill.

But Bonnie seemed friendly enough, right? At least, there was nothing particularly blatant "I'll kill you" going on. Though maybe she wasn't good at figuring that out. Nina had found herself in a lot of odd positions before, but nothing where there was a good chance of getting murdered by someone who seemed friendly. It was the sort of thing that most people aren't afraid of most of the time. Then again, most people aren't given Nair bottles and Wonder-Woman outfits and expected to fight with them.

Eventually, though, she relented. Her hand slowly moved towards Bonnie's, a bit more cautiously than she realized.

"Nina", she said. "Name's Nina."

Bonnie better not turn out to be a killer. Then again, that was another thing that was probably weird to ask. Like, excuse me, are you planning on killing me soon? If you are, it would suck ass for me. Even here, who asks that? Really?
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Post by Rocky* »

((GMing approved))

Shadi gripped the other girl's hand tightly. Her name was Nina. She was going to have to remember that. Or maybe not. Someone this trusting probably wasn't going to last very long. Shadi's face beamed brightly, a mask of friendliness. She almost felt sorry, in another situation she'd probably end up being friends with her, but as it stood right now she only had one thing on her mind.

"It's nice to meet you." She said to her, before swiftly pulling on her arm, causing Nina to pitch forward. As she tipped, Shadi's other arm, cane in hand, shot forward and struck her calf, causing her to fall. Letting go of the other hand, Shadi's smile changed from friendly to menacing in a heartbeat.

"If you don't mind, I'll be taking that bag off your hands." Gesturing with the cane, she kept her eyes locked on Nina the entire time, making sure that she didn't make any sudden movements towards a potential weapon. She made no movements towards the bag or Nina, waiting to see what she would do. "If you give it to me quietly then I'll let you go on your merry way."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Rocky.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Nina smiled a bit as she felt the grip. Nice and tight. Bonnie was no Okie, but she knew how to shake a hand like someone from the south. Maybe she was nice after all.

Or maybe she would turn out to be psycho.

Nina felt her arm tugged, and she looked up at Bonnie, fear present in her wide eyes. The sandwich fell out of her lap, and onto the ground. In a brief second, she knew that she had made a mistake in letting her shake her hand. In what only proved her mistake further, something hit her in the leg. In the space of a moment she had fallen to the ground on her stomach.

Nina lifted her head, spitting out some dirt that had gotten into her mouth. What the hell? No, seriously, what the hell. She had gotten away from the salon for this exact reason. Much good that did her, didn't it? Whoever Bonnie thought she was, fuck her, and fuck herself for believing her for a second!

She glared up at Bonnie. The girl's facial expression changed. It reminded her of an alligator. That was a good description of her in general, actually. Alligator Bonnie. She had a cane in one hand. It must have been what hit her. Great. She had something that could kill.

It was a mugging. Bonnie wanted her bag. Her bag?

In a normal state of mind, Nina would have known to just hand it over. But as her hands pulled her body up, Nina felt her arms shaking, and she knew why. Without even thinking, she said the first thing that came to mind.

"Hell no!"

Her right hand darted towards the strap, grasping it and pulling it towards her.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Rocky* »

Shadi shook her head slightly. She had guts, that was for sure. She wasn't very smart, but she had guts. Nina grabbed her bag, holding it in close. Part of her knew that this was an act of defiance for the sake of defiance, but that just made it all the more amusing to her. She obviously had the upper hand here, but here was the other girl, clinging to her bag for dear life. It was almost sad.

Moving the cane from side to side slightly, Shadi wondered if she should just let her have it. It wasn't like she really needed the bag or anything. There probably wasn't much that she could use from it other than the food, which Nina had already dug into. On the other hand, at this point there didn't seem to be much point in backing down.

"Have it your way then." Shadi said as her free hand shot towards the other girl, gripping a handful of her hair and hauling her up to her feet with considerable force. Letting go of her hair, she shoved her back slightly, causing the other girl to stumble a bit but remained on her feet. Twirling the cane in her hand slightly, Shadi's lips twisted into a slight grin. Maybe her little show of force would help Nina see the light. If not, then it was no real loss to her.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((GMing approved and all that))

As she drew the bag closer to her, she heard Bonnie talking again. Honestly though, she didn't give a shit about what else she had to say. It wasn't like she gave her a chance to respond, though. In a rough second, Bonnie's hand grabbed her hair, pulling her up.

Nina winced from the sharp pain in her scalp, as well as the duller pain in her neck. She had been forced onto her feet, lifted like a dolly or a rowdy animal. Nina's eyes continued to glare even through the pain.

Once Bonnie let go, she shoved her. Nina's feet stumbled, but remained where she were.

She could run. She could run and never see Bonnie again. Nina had no idea how fast she was as a runner, but running seemed like a good option. But she wasn't doing anything, just twisting her cane with that look on her face. God, did she hate her.

But Nina took a few steps back, feeling the air move in and out of her body. She wanted to run, but her legs weren't allowing her. Just a few more steps back.

Then she turned, hoisting the bag over her shoulder. She made two more steps, her legs like pudding. Nina slowly realized there was an ache in her body. In her leg, in her wrist, in her scalp, in her neck. It was in a lot of places.

The cane came swinging again, this time towards her right arm.

Nina gasped as it hit her. The pain was much worse.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Rocky* »

Nina actually took the bait and tried to run. Shadi couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she turned to run, lashing out with the cane and landing a firm hit on her wrist. She almost could have sworn she heard something crack. A few more smacks and the bag was on the ground. Part of her would have been content with letting things stand there. She was fairly certain that Nina wouldn't try to protect the bag anymore. She knew in her mind that she couldn't just leave it there though. She needed to make sure she left an impression. She was on TV after all.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice about risking your life for a bag." She jabbed the cane hard into Nina's stomach,  pushing her back a few steps. Using her free hand, Shadi picked up the bag, slinging it over her shoulder and smiling.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Nina." Shadi said before dropping the cane, lunging forward and giving the other girl a hard shove.

Shadi watched for a moment as Nina tumbled down the slope, before she picked up the cane again and walked off in the opposite direction. With her newly acquired bag on her shoulder, she found the pathway again and continued on her way. She was curious if Nina would try and come after her. She probably would, but Shadi didn't particularly care. She planned on being much better armed next time they met.

If they ever met again.

((Shadi Williams continued elsewhere))
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Post by KamiKaze »

Nina winced as Bonnie kept hitting her arm. The extra smacks only made it worse. She didn't even try to keep the bag over her shoulder. It landed with a small thud in the dirt and frost.

Bonnie was mocking her now, saying that next time she should consider not risking her life for her bag. The cane swung again, this time into her stomach. Nina gasped a second time, feeling the cane jab into her stomach as she was knocked back.

Nina saw her pick up her bag, and realized she wanted to do something, anything, to get it back. But Bonnie thought fast. She reached forward, and gave her a hard shove.

She was rolling, falling away from Bonnie. Nina couldn't stop herself from tumbling, it was too quick and the hill was too steep.

In a second, she landed on the bottom, crying out as she landed on her hit wrist. It only made the pain worse, and for a second Nina couldn't move. But, she lifted her head, only to see Bonnie walking away at the top of the hill.

Bitch! What the hell was wrong with her? She just mugged her, and...

Nina lowered her head, feeling her eyes grow warm. But there wasn't any use in crying, even if she was in pain, or that someone had basically just mugged her. It wouldn't do anything.

For a minute, she laid on the ground, her face buried against the cold dirt. She wasn't even sure if she could get up and walk. A shudder passed over her body, remembering every moment of her encounter with Bonnie.

She had taken pretty much everything she had on her. Her food. Her old clothes. Even the Wondy costume and the Nair, that was gone too. Everything was gone, and now Nina was stuck with just the clothes on her back.

What was she going to do? Was she going to live for much longer?

Nina tried to pull herself up. Her body ached all over, but the worst was in her wrist. It screamed with pain, and she wasn't sure if it could still move. Bonnie had done a number on her.

Eventually, she managed to pull herself up, her legs quivering as her mind continued to replay what happened. How Bonnie had shown up right the fuck out of nowhere, how she hit her, how she threatened and played games with her, how she hit her wrist, and how she knocked her down. Every last second was very fresh.

Nina had found herself in a lot of tough spots in the past, but this had to be high up on the list.

To make matters worse, Nina realized something.

Her wrist had made a cracking noise. Bonnie didn't just bruise it. It was so much worse. Moving it only made the pain worse, and as she lifted her arm to take a close look, wincing, she saw that it didn't look so good. It had a large bruise, and was somewhat crooked.

For a moment, Nina almost let herself cry anyways.

A stray thought popped into her head. It wasn't something she hadn't thought before, but it came loud and clear.

I'm going to die here.

Nina pulled herself up the hill, the aches and shudders making it harder. She was scared that Bonnie was going to come back, cane in hand, and finish her off. Some time later, she was back where she started.

Where it all began.

Nina was supposed to be able to defend herself. Sure, she didn't get a good weapon, but she was strong. She knew kick-boxing, and while it wasn't a catch all to solving every problem, one would think she would be able to solve her fucking problems when it came to the whole killer shit. Nina knew a little about self-defense. Maybe a kick could have stopped her, or twisting her wrist when she started to pull her closer.

But she didn't do that, and now she was here.

Somehow, the air seemed colder.

Her eyes gazed downwards, and saw that Bonnie didn't take everything after all. The Subway sandwich still laid on the ground, the wrapper managing to keep it from falling onto the ground directly.

Nina bent down to grab the sandwich with her good hand, the aches still beating down on her. She sat down with her sandwich, like how she was before. Rubbing a small amount of dirt that had gotten onto the sandwich anyways, she found herself finishing it.

It was as good as anything.

((Nina Riddhi continued in Walking is still honest))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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