Sea, Swallow Me

TV3 Endgame, Part 3

This massive, multi-story cruise ship is at the center of the flotilla, the largest vessel present and one of the most reliably sturdy. Multiple avenues of approach allow it to serve as a hub for transit to other parts of the arena, but also leave it all-but-impossible to fortify against entry itself.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Olivia barely had enough time to reach for her lost weapon when she felt the cold metal barrel press against her back. God, how predictably boring. To run and run, make it all the way to this final point in the game by some miracle... It was so anticlimactic to die like this. Her stomach heaved again. She thought of her parents back home, and of poor Holly...

Then a foot wedged itself underneath her arm and hoisted her back onto her side. Ah, well. Back to reality it was. She could always think back to home in heaven.

Liv stared up at the face of her would-be killer. Verity's plain, doe-eyed expression said it all. This wasn't some hardened brute like Ivan, a maniac like Anthony, a psychopath like Fisk. This was the sort of temperament that would walk out of here scarred for life, if not broken entirely. How many times had Verity's name played on the announcements? And for what? Did she always gaze into people's eyes all soulfully before she blew their brains out? Was this her way of steeling herself to commit a seventh murder? (It was almost cute.)

Olivia's heart thumped against the gun. She should be panicking, right? Her life should be flashing before her eyes. But right now she was tired — it didn't matter when Verity fired, after all. Might as well stall for time while she still had the chance, right?

Far from fearful, the shorter girl's lips curled into a casual, sheepish smile. The audience loved a show, of course. She'd give them a show.

"...What the hell are you staring at?" she quipped.
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
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Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
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"What's your name?"
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

Olivia's nose scrunched up in distaste. Seriously? She was about to get shot by someone who didn't even know her name? She could have sworn she greeted anyone who smiled at her in the halls when they were in school. Had she missed Verity somehow? It would make sense: a tall, self-conscious girl like that would be too absorbed in her own little world to pay attention to the outside. The type to blend into a crowd, half-empty and wholly lost.

Better to just answer and get it over with.

"My name's Olivia," she started. "Del Rio, from the girls' lacrosse team. Nice to meetcha... or, nice to get shot by ya. Whatever."
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
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Sho Tsukioka [B14] gave love a bad name.
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Timothy Torales. Keegan Garcia. Alyssa Tibbett. Junji Yamada. Akeno Kudo. Ashanti Baker. Olivia-
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Post by Lilith »

I AM MEGALON: No I Am Not Going To Sell A Kidney For An Ivan Nendoroid
LOLITA666: its literally just 259,99 with taxes
LOLITA666: its not that bad
I AM MEGALON: I Know He's Your Internet Crush But
LOLITA666: hes not my INTERNET crush hes my SOTF crush
I AM MEGALON: Don't You Have Bills To Pay
LOLITA666: My girlfriend (Ivancoded) pays for them
hypnotist turning the frogs gay: omg ur back!!!

LOLITA666 paused in her typing. She was back and it wasn't like the fanfare she wanted. It was relatively... boring, and quiet, and mild. LOLITA666 expected more from the little gays hiding in her phone, and when she poked and prodded, it didn't result in much. She sighed, her shoulders dropping low. She texted her girlfriend a racy picture, waiting for the reply.

She sighed, turning on the SOTF-TV livestream. She wasn't supposed to watch the endgame. It always made her too upset. Especially if it involved someone she liked. They never won. Cathryn didn't win, Madelyn didn't win, and the list went on with people who had lost when it mattered the most. That's why when she saw Verity getting blasted with the ten-gauge by Ivan, she said with a smile:

"Bye Verity."
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There was no time to move.

No time to react.

No time to even realize what was about to happen once she saw Ivan, in the background, aiming the shotgun.

No time to scream over the sound of thunder in the air, as the bullets hit their target and her arm exploded.
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Post by carduinal-cyn »

"Oh, sh—"

Tenga's clarion call rumbled through the sky.

And there was Verity, blood where an arm should be. Crisis averted! Liv was going to live another day!

She stumbled back onto her feet as quickly as she could, given the state she was in. By this point, it was getting increasingly difficult to tell whose blood was covering her arms, her legs, her lucky coat, even her hair. Maybe she'd look good as a redhead, she thought as the Verity-juice drooled onto her shoulder.

After allowing herself a split second of levity, she fled the scene — though not before flashing Ivan a grin and a thumbs-up.

God, she needed to stop relying on mediocre men.

(To be continued...)
Olivia del Rio [ES11] is shooting her shot!
Olivia's Relationship Thread
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TV3: 123456789101112Endgame (1234)
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Raymond LaSalle [S025] was squirreled away to his doom.
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Sho Tsukioka [B14] gave love a bad name.
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She’d been so stupid. What had she said to herself, right when she’d caught Olivia right in the open? It was something about… opportunity. Just shooting the other person the first moment you could and denying them any opportunity to fight back. Not just standing there and doing nothing because for whatever reason, for however many days she’d been on this ship, she still couldn’t commit. Not nearly as much as she could’ve. She’d thought, maybe, that Ivan had just fucked off, and that was why she couldn’t see him when she scanned down the hallway, but no. Literal blind-spot. She’d tunnel-visioned, he’d jumped out from an entryway he’d been taking cover in, and her arm...

God, her arm…

It’d hit her right arm. Her dominant arm. The one Akeno had slicked with the harpoon gun, just earlier today. That’d only just broken the skin. This… she could see muscle, at least. Maybe even bone. There was a chunk of the lower part just gone, her wrist only hanging on by a couple of threads. It screamed, it burned, and yet somehow it didn’t feel like much at all. Maybe it was perseverance. Maybe it was adrenaline. Maybe it was just tinnitus. Her hearing had long gone between all the gunshots, and when she raised the gun still somehow in her hands, all the cacophony of her body was drowned out. Muted.

Unimportant, compared to the guy, standing in the hallway, only a couple feet away from her. The guy who'd seen his opportunity, took it-

-but hadn’t hit her where it’d hurt.

She pulled the trigger. Let rip on Ivan. Every single sound and sensation dipped out again as the bullets came flying out of Timothy’s gun.
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Post by Lilith »

The livestream was buffering. LOLITA666 sat in her car, curled up and looking at stuttering image. Olivia running away, Verity bleeding and Ivan shooting were all happening at once.

And LOLITA666 found yourself screaming when Verity’s bullets found nothing except the wall of the hallway. She was smiling, because if she wasn’t she’d be biting her lips in anxiety.

The half-blind crippled bitch was an easy target.

“Come on, come on,” LOLITA666 said with a smile. “Kill her, kill her!”

The entrance of the cabin where Ivan had found safety seemed like good enough cover. But he didn’t shoot. He seemed preoccupied with something else.

Maybe he was scared of hitting Olivia as she ran away?

Or maybe it was-

Fuck; wasn’t the place below them on fire?

Ivan said nothing, holding the shotgun near his chest, waiting for Verity to turn the corner.
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Fucking please, Ivan.

You really think Verity was going to fall for the same trick twice?

She aimed at the corner she’d seen him go down and sent another volley through the wall.
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Post by Lilith »

On the feed she was watching, Verity wasn't there. There was a single camera pointed to the entrance to the cabin, the little cove and the other entrance on the other side of the hallway. There was only Ivan, and he was ducking as bullets went through the wall.

The livestream was blurry and buggy, and a moderator in chat said it was maybe from the wires of the boat literally melting from the fire.

She curled up in driver's seat, refreshing the page once then twice. When it refreshed, she saw Ivan do the worm.

Ivan lunged and went on his stomach. As he landed, flat on the ground, his arms barely went beyond the corner of the cove. He opened fire once.
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There was a burst of noise. A spike that pierced through the ringing in Verity’s ears. A shotgun, fired from nearly right below her, loud enough that not even her tinnitus could block that sensation out.

There was a moment, however brief, where Verity let herself close her eye. Accept, maybe, that this’d be the end. That there’d be a burst of pain, arcing through her body, before nothing more.

And then there was another moment. A moment where Verity realized that there was another moment. That Ivan had missed, that the pellets from his shotgun hadn’t done more than graze her face. That the fight had just been handed to her, and that the opportunity to finish it was prone, on the floor, right in front of her.

Verity only took a moment, though. She wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. She moved her gun. Fired. At Ivan. At the floor below him.

She only realized where on the ship she was when a surge of air and heat came up from below and plowed her right off her feet.
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Post by Lilith »

The stupid live stream was lagging really badly now. It seemed like the boat was disintegrating before the audience, and whatever cameras remained were hanging on by a thread. If this was a movie, LOLITA666 would assume that the ship would explode in a blaze of glory really soon.

As the stream refreshed, she saw that the bullets of Verity's gun didn't connect with Ivan. It skirted him and, at best, grazed his arm. Which was a win in her book, and LOLITA666 impatiently waited for Ivan to shoot back.

But he didn't.

She grunted.

"Just fucking shoot, dumbass. Just fucking do it."

But then, someone in the chat, spooper (in the union), pointed out that Ivan's gun was empty, and LOLITA666's stomach sank to the floor.

Ivan retreated while his left hand held his bloodied right bicep. The grainy camera revealed something scarier, however. The ground beneath him was cracking down, breaking into pieces. Cracks grew into holes, and the cove became swallowed by flames, swallowing Ivan with it.

LOLITA666 stared at the screen incredulously. The chat went quiet like it always did when someone died.

"What the fuck?!"

As he fell, Ivan could be heard screaming as the air whistled.
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In the back of her head. The same spot that had been aching ever since the explosion resurged, almost as strong as it’d been the first time. No swimming, no tiredness like she wanted to drop dead, just… the second worst headache she’d ever had.

In her eye. The one not there anymore. It was… mild, compared to everything else, but she could still feel the husk burn. Maybe it was because of the harpoon. Maybe it was from all the gauze she’d poured into the wound, but either way, it was… still there. Still present.

And in her arm. At the part that’d been shot just now. The wound that Akeno had given her just… earlier today still stung, of course, but this was new. Something searing as bright and intense as her eye had. An ache that went down to what felt like beyond her bone. A whole chunk of her arm just… gone. When it happened it had happened. She took it, and all she could think was to give it to Ivan right back. Now… now she could feel it. Now it hurt.

Guess that meant the adrenaline had faded out.

Guess that meant she didn’t need to fight anymore.

She perked her head up. Tried to see as far down the hallway as she could, lying down on the ground. There was just… smoke, climbing up to the ceiling. There were embers — a not-so faint orange glow emerging from the hole in the floor that’d just been created.

No Ivan.

No evidence of his death.

No time to rest yet.

The adrenaline came back. She got up off the floor… far quicker than she thought she could. She turned around, took a step, took a step…

…shit, no, she needed first aid. Her arm…

She looked behind her. At the pit into what used to be the banquet hall. At the hole, slowly growing, breaking the floor beneath her feet.

…Her arm could wait. She needed to get out of here.

((To be continued…))
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