Someone tell me how I got here from the city to this frontier

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours), Open

The dump is a large pit that has been dug in the soft earth on an unused piece of land on the outskirts of town. The dump was used to dispose of the wastage from the towns primary industry and as such is a reeking pile of rotten fish meat and bones along with anything else that people didn't want or need. When the wind blows the right way, the smell from the dump can cover the entire town. There are even rumors that some people who disappeared over the town's life were murdered and their bodies thrown into the dump, though if this is true, no evidence of it can be found. Seagulls circle the dump perpetually, and rats are abundant and bold.
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Someone tell me how I got here from the city to this frontier


Post by Sh4dE »

((Mick Sexsmith continued from A Beginning))

Seagulls flying in the sky.

Sergeant Sexsmith was covered in mud. The coat was ruined, but that did not matter.

Luckily he had his boots instead of the Nike's he usually wears. He was properly clothed for this battle. It was kill or be killed. It was time to try his best to be his best.

Mick wanted to throw up because of this digusting smell surrounding the area.

He paranoidly looked around. No enemies around. He checked his weapon near the green duffel bag.

Some kind of shotgun.

Not a bad weapon, at all.

Did Mick want to stay in this place? No, not at all. It reeks.

But that would also mean no one else would soon come here. Twas the psychology of the nose.

Good point, Sergeant.

He pointed his shotgun up and wanted to test it, aiming for the unreachable seagulls.

A gunshot shot out.

Twas the psychology of the ear.

What idiot would come near him now?
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((Laurie Moran: Start))

Laurie had woken up in an area that she never wished she had. She sat up slowly as she looked at her surroundings and she was trying to remember what happened. Oh, yes. She was in a nightmare that she had no hopes of escaping from.

She saw a bag next to her and she picked it up. She didn't unzip it as she didn't want to see what was inside. She just sat there, trying to think of what she was supposed to do now. She wondered if she should try to find her friends and then they-

A gunshot rang out near her.

Laurie screamed in fear and pulled the bag closer to her chest. As if it would protect her from whoever just fired a gun. She wanted to move, she wanted to hide, she wanted to run, she wanted to escape.

But she didn't move. She stayed where she was, sobbing softly.
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Huh, so this is how a gun worked. Mick never planned to learn how to use guns. Never wanted to be a soldier. Never wanted to risk his life for his country.

But here he was now.

He heard a girl's voice in the area, having reacted to the shot with a shriek.

He spotted her and took a step forward.

It was...Well, he had no idea what her name was. Lo...Mo...Didn't matter. Mick snorted.


There was no need to start a fight by pointing the gun at her, so he held it low. His facial expression was neutral, empty, dead.
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Laurie looked up towards whomever had fired the gun, tears were running down her cheeks and she let out a small whimpering sound. She felt like she remembered the guy in front of her a little. Passed him in the halls, had classes with him, remembered his name. Mickey...? But she still knew that he was a stranger to her. A stranger with a weapon.

Laurie gulped nervously and she sniffled. Now she was just feeling embarrassed for freaking out as he wasn't attacking her and she was an emotional mess. She really didn't like to show how sensitive and emotional she could be.

"....H-Hi...." Her voice came out squeaky and she cleared her throat, trying to sound more like her normal self. "You.... um.... I...."

You can't even get your words out because he scared you, Laurie.

".....Please don't hurt me."
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Well, was there a reason to not hurt her?

Considering that the names of the killers were announced, Mick did not want to be hunted. Who knows who that girl is? She might have some friends that would kill Mick for shooting her.


Mick coughed. His mouth felt dry.

"Won't hurt you."

However, if he recalled correctly that girl was not very popular. Perhaps people wouldn't be hunting him for killing her. But they'd hunt him for killing, nonetheless. Shooting her for the sake of killing seemed counterproductive. He had to be pragmatic and act for the long-term.

"What did they assign to you?"
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The boy had reassured her that he was not going to hurt her and she felt a bit relieved. She didn't know if she could trust him right away. Since he could decide that maybe, just maybe she would be an easy kill. She believed that she was. He could have just shot her as soon as he saw her.


Oh. He was asking about her weapon. The bag was still clutched closely to her chest. Did she even want to know what she had? What if it was something that she didn't want? The boy was watching her and her nervousness was coming back. Why did he want to know?

You're curious too, Laurie. Aren't you?

Yes, she was.

So she opened up the bag and she searched around inside. She noticed that there were a lot of useful items that she could use at later date. Wait a minute.... What was that? Was that her 'weapon'?

She pulled it out out of the bag, feeling a sense of loss and disbelief. Was this really it?

"A flower pot...." She murmured quietly.
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Mick took a step back and pointed the shotgun at the bag in case she brought out something that might hurt him. And then she revealed the ugly brown pot.


Mick was not impressed.

"That's bad luck."

Mick came closer to her with the duffel bag with him, gun still pointing at her, trying not to trip with the ground being hard to walk on. This whole place smelled horribly. Plus, Mick was sure he just saw a fat rat on the ground.
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Laurie noticed that he had not lowered the gun and he was getting closer to her. Why wasn't he pointing the gun down at the ground? Was he going to shoot her afterall? She should have ran when she had the chance. She suddenly felt herself moving. She was now standing up, keeping her eyes focused on him and his shotgun. A flowerpot in one hand, a bag in the other.

"S-Stay away...." She stuttered nervously, feeling afraid for her life. "M-Mickey...."

((Scotty Ward continued from Tristana))

Why the hell did I come to this shithole?!

Scotty was almost gagging at the dump around him. He could hardly even breathe. After he had bailed from that knife boy, he had managed to run all the way to this place and like a dumbass, decided that he should explore there. Because he thought that no one would be stupid enough to hide in trash. Sounded like he was wrong as he could hear two voices talking to each other.

Scotty had taken the whip out of his bag for protection. It was better than his fists as he wasn't good at fighting anyway. He went around a pile of gross-looking shit and he saw that there was a boy and a girl just ahead of him.

Shit! That dude has a freaking shotgun!

Scotty frowned as the dude was pointing the shotgun at a defenceless girl. he recognized that the girl was that timid, shy girl named Laurie. He couldn't allow her to get hurt by that guy. Scotty knew that he was about to get himself killed. But fuck it if he could do it while saving someone that he knew.

"HEY, ASSHOLE! LEAVE LAURIE THE FUCK ALONE!" He yelled as he rushed towards them at a sprint, the whip was raised to strike at the boy.
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Laurie! That was her name. Right. Scotty appeared out of nowhere, screaming, intending to attack Mick. He could feel the hard, burning slap in his face caused by the whip that hit him. Mick turned the gun around to point it at Scotty.

"Hey, you dipshit!"

Mick raised his foot to kick at that nasty ginger. However, the slippery ground combined with the heavy weight of his bag and gun caused him to fall back.

His back landed on the smelly ground, ruining his coat even further, still holding the shotgun tightly, pointed at the ginger.
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Laurie blinked in surprise a few times as she watched what was happening and she had no idea how to respond to the arrival of Scotty. He just saved her from Mick. At least she thought Mick was going to shoot her. What if she had been wrong?

"S-Scotty...?" She said his name, feeling confused.

"Get the hell out of here, Laurie!" He nodded at her with a fake-as-fuck grin. "I'll catch up with you, I promise."

"But...." Laurie paused, looking down at Mick unsurely. "O-Okay. Thank you, Scotty...."

And then she ran, slipping and sliding over some rubbish on the way. She hoped that Scotty would be alright with Mick on his own.

((Laurie Moran continued elsewhere))

Scotty let out a sigh of relief and he then glared down at Mickey. The shotgun was now on him. Just like he planned. This was basically suicide at this point. He just had to provoke the boy into taking him out.

Sorry, Mom. Sorry, Laurie.

"You gonna shoot me or what?" Scotty smirked as he held the whip by his side and he started to walk closer to Mick. "If you don't, then I'm gonna whip your ass to death!"
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Mick's angry face that was still red from the whip hit turned into an annoyed one. He asked back.

"You want me to shoot you?"

Scotty fucking Ward? Whipping his ass? He let out a grumble as he used his elbow to push his torso up. Should he shoot Scotty? Was there a reason not to? Mick moved his finger on the trigger, not pulling it.
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Scotty didn't say a word. Instead he let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. Was Mickey really asking him that question right now? What a fucking weirdo! Wasn't he going to kill Laurie a few moments ago?

"....Shit.... You weren't going to shoot Laurie, were you?" He asked, his green eyes widening in bewilderment.


"Fuck this..... I should just strangle you and get you out of the way. Ha, ha."

Scotty smirked down at Mick bitterly. Then he moved his foot up to kick Mick back down. But he felt himself hesitate for a second.
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You weren't going to shoot Laurie, were you?

Mick raised his left eyebrow and quickly shook his head with an annoyed visage. But then Scotty declared his intention to strangle Mick with the whip.

Mick could not believe Scotty's rationale.

Mick was the one with the shotgun.

Scotty was the one with a whip.

Mick reminded Scotty of this simple fact by pulling the trigger.
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Scotty heard the gunshot and he thought that he was an idiot for even thinking that he could have took Mickey on. He felt the force of the bullets knocking him off his feet. He landed onto his back with a loud cry of pain and he felt his heart slowing down.

Mickey had just shot him in the chest. Looks like Scotty 'The Dumbass' Ward wasn't going to keep his promise with Laurie. It didn't matter now.

"....S-Sorry...." He wheezed out before the darkness took over his vision forever.

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Post by Sh4dE »

Welcome to The Program, Sergeant Sexsmith.

In front of Mick was a dead boy. Disgusting. He sat still for a couple of moments, it could've been minutes, staring at the not-anymore-moving Scotty Ward. Disgusting. Mick instinctively stood up as he was shaken out of the state as his eye saw the presence of rats in the far distance, making him even more uncomfortable, as if they came to get him next.


There was absolutely no reason to justify himself right now. Did he have regrets? Maybe. Doesn't matter.

The only thing that mattered was that it was no disadvantage to have been the killer of Scotty Ward.

No one likes Scotty Ward.

After standing up he thought of taking the whip, but then decided against it. He did not want to touch a corpse or come near it. It disgusted him. Mick usually was not a guy who was afraid of touching things and his comfort zone was probably larger than most of classmates; heck, he was a boy scout.

But this corpse was a different thing. He killed the person. He feels sick looking at Scott, and if his body tells him that it's not good to look at Scotty, he should not. Either way, the whip near Scotty's body was worth absolutely nothing if you've got a shotgun. He did not want to be associated with this dead boy anymore. He should leave.

Mick didn't like the smell of this place, either way.

However, a thing Mick should do for sure is to get the ration. He knew usually The Programs don't last that long, but energy is energy. So Mick overcame his disgust and looted Scotty's rations, trying to not get near Scotty and his big bloody wound around his stomach. Just get the bag. He did not want to get even more dirty.

Before leaving the area he checked his clothes if there was any indication he had just killed a contestant. Blood anywhere? No, he could not see any of it. Just mud.

((Mick Sexsmith continued in Reflection))
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