Take That Money, Watch It Burn

The Bull Craps Casino is a large building on the outside if a bit plain looking, barring the dazzling lights saying it's name and the giant man tipping his 10-gallon stetson, politely inviting you in. On the inside is where the casino really gets to show off its wild west style, being draped by sickly yellow and light brown colors, saloon-esque piano music played throughout the area, the evident smell of whiskey and salty peanuts, and even the playing cards have a cowpoke design to them. The choice of games of chance include slots, baccarat, roulette, blackjack, Texas Hold 'Em, and of course, craps.
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Post by General Goose »

"Oh, I've not been up to much," Yagmur said, with a small, not-entirely-sincere smile. With a click of his tongue and a grinding of his teeth, he shook his head to clear his thoughts. Flashing a slightly manic smile at the girls, he shrugged, and almost oblivious to their presence, went off on a little tirade. "I mean, I'm in the middle of a shitty, bawdy resort that probably only attracts depressed middle-aged couples who want a nice yet cheap place to tell their kids they're divorcing. Clearly does well enough business-wise to get by, I'm sure that's a big enough depression, but not well enough to not need to rent the place out to a bloodsport in the off-months." He said the last sentence under his breath, hopefully loud enough to agitate the owners, and make the fans think he was a far more judgemental and moralistic guy than he really was.

"But we're all in that boat," he continued, going over to a powered-down old-fashioned fruit machine, and giving the lever an absent-minded tug. It almost snapped off in his hand. "Shitty place, very low quality gambling machines", he muttered, once again hoping to piss off the owners and hopefully try and reduce the inevitable tourism boost they'd get. "As to me personally, my best friend is now a murderer. I saw a guy lose his eye in front of me, apparently due to some petty schoolyard squabble from a while back. The first person I met up with on this island, nice enough girl, murdered by Jewel. From our school. And I should have been there to protect her, but instead I let her retrieve a dead guy's bags on her own."

Giving another cheesy grin, he snapped out of it, his face reddened from the rant. "Sorry about that. What about you girls? How have you all been?"
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Post by delicateMachine »

When she saw who Yagmur was travelling with, Anzu's somewhat uplifted mood immediately crashed and burned like a satellite crashing down from orbit and obliterating the populous city below. What the hell was Cholera or whatever the fuck his name doing there? Anzu thought that she had managed to successfully managed to ditch the dipshit, but nope, that would've been way too easy.

Anzu stood up and slowly began to edge away while Sarah talked. "It's certainly, uh, a coincidence." Anzu said in a quiet monotone as she slipped away. She needed some space. "I forgot something over there," Anzu gestured vaguely to the other side of the casino, "So, um, be back. In a bit."

Ashley had apparently fallen asleep at the bar counter, lucky for her. One less person who had to deal with Colic's bullshit. Anzu could hear Yagmur ranting about something in the background as she left, his voice slowly fading and becoming drowned out by the incessant music as she walked further towards the back of the casino.

It still wasn't quiet, but Anzu could at least somewhat tune the shitty music out. She closed her eyes and leaned back against one of the slot machines. Nothing against Ashley or Sarah, of course, but even if Yagmur and Colon hadn't stopped by, Anzu would've had to take a breather sometime soon. Dealing with people was exhausting, even when they were people she actually liked. She stood there for a couple minutes, collecting her thoughts.

For a moment, Anzu felt at peace.

This peace, however, was quickly shattered when she heard the sound of footsteps. It could have been nothing, just one of the group coming to check up on her or another figment of her imagination. However, it was far more likely that someone unfriendly had stumbled upon their hiding place. Maybe Yagmur and Col-guy had an accomplice, and they had just been sent to lower the group's guard before the fatal strike.

Whatever the case, Anzu couldn't just let it go. Quietly, she crept along the various machines and decorations to the source of the footsteps. Preparing for the worst, she braced herself, rounded the corner, and came face to face with the most radiant, beautiful, perfect human being alive.

For once, Anzu was the one who initiated the attack hug, rushing at Caroline and throwing her arms around her. "OhmygodCarolineI'msogladyou'reokayIwassoworried-" Anzu breathlessly said, all of it coming out in a rush in her excitement. After processing that, yes, she had just said all of that out loud, and yes, she was still hugging Caroline, Anzu quickly separated herself from her. "S-sorry, got a bit carried away." She said, blushing slightly, but still smiling like an idiot.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

The gears sent out on their voyage on a desert wasteland leaving no time for the giraffes and mongooses to finish their game of fidchell lessening the number of warriors for the future battles for the sake of time in some form of pragmatism while also shoving that pragmatism away for their personal gain after their so called hardships and trials and tribulations and in order to find a new destiny by using elderly hope sacrificing the youth of the young to continue the worthless bronze brains of traditions chipping away at the gold and silver newborns as they were considered a lower value to their pure invaluable-ness to the point where they started forming their own language and culture that created nonsense but also allowing freedom to which was unabashedly applied with oppression being called radicals and rebels and ruffians but never considered revolutionaries except amongst themselves and even then there were few who truly had enough esteem to believe in one another without doubt and cowardice only naturally given that it was the only way they were taught to behave and of course there was still the awareness of their chances to be wrong as they were not so ignorant to not consider that but felt justified in their recklessness as one extreme tends to lend to another to the point where the thought of a neutral zone only caused illness and frustration among those who dared to think that thought so that only left the turmoil and action as the thing that brought them together only tore each other apart with bloodshed with mother and fathers tasking the Favorited child also known as the child who preferred to keep silent to kill the unfavored child also known as the one who was willing to be assassinated by their sibling for what they both thought and believed in as it was criminal for a mother or father to kill their child yet siblings were known for passion against one another and was treated as if they were angry strangers even though the situation was often them being the closet of friends which only made the known secret all the more obvious but only furthered the cause for it to be ignored by the authority figures leaving the favored sibling guilty of conscience and eventually turning the point where they would strike back against the knowing parents who accepted their fates gracefully as they know what they had done but still believed that it was necessary and not wrong so the favored child would be the last one left until their hate only existed for themselves leaving one option open and it was always taken as to willow out during nothingness was a disgrace to the community granting the oldened the right to label it as a travesty a common travesty mind you but a travesty none the less which allowed them to grant the families to their beings with a flame of stinking fire where they would burn into the sky and turn it dark with their spirits becoming the rocks and the stars that would burn out again into trees that sprouted from the dirt leaving them reincarnated so the scribes would be able to tell their own tales on their paper backs and being read on paperbacks letting the new generation after to read their tales and be inspired by their failures and continuing the cycle of life unknowingly except by the great old one which is me but never mind that part who are you why are you here get out of my house you fool security there's a monster under my bed and it's scary for the love of all that is holy don't open that door it only leads to the insanity look at me do you want insanity because this is what insanity does to you there is only so much understanding one can have before comprehension becomes the burden of atlas speaking of my shoulders hurt I want some ice oh wow that is very cold in fact it's extremely cold I feel tired does anybody else feel tired because I feel tired but it's scary to sleep and I'm scared of a lot things aren't I but that just means I came prepared see do you see how scary it is it's very scary isn't it please don't leave I'm sorry hold me I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm scared hold me don't let go okay thank you now then I believe we were talking about the answer to the universe and my existential crisis oh right of course and so the cycle continued forever and ever with only the great old one to carry this burden of his people the end and that's why it becomes day and night without fail and why time is a thing that exists now wasn't that a nice story and why no I don't know what that smelly rag smells like why do you ask oh dear.

Ashley snored.

Dreams are weird.
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Post by Flare* »

So it looked like word of the two different schools was getting around pretty fast. Made sense, though - people would obviously be questioning when they came across people they didn't know.

"Yup. Albuquerque, home to the dumbest city name in America."

Before he could greet anyone else, Anzu made some excuse and walked away.

Someone's feeling real chipper today.

But that didn't really matter. Even if Anzu was being... apprehensive... everyone else seemed willing to play along, and they had, what, five people now? That was a pretty decent size. At the moment, Anzu was wandering off to wherever and Ashley was asleep, so it was just him, this other girl, and Yagmur, who was going on about the stuff he had been through. Colin had heard most of it already, so he mostly tuned it out.

"So... you've met some people from my school, I take it?"

Maybe he could get some info on where some friendly faces might be. Would make him feel a bit less out of place, at least...
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Post by Iceblock »

Caroline hated the place already.

She hated the smell of alcohol in the air, the flashing lights of the casino machines. There was someone out there that had lost a fortune at these tables. The gamblers deserved it for not having enough self control to stop, but the casino owners were at fault as well. They encouraged, enabled, and laughed as the money rolled in.

Bitter thoughts were what she had for company, because it was her own fault she was alone. She could change that. She was already working to change that, as she continued her search through the building. Slow, methodical. It was guaranteed to work eventually.

There were roulette tables over here; there were fruit machines over there. There was a corner. There was Anzu, rushing in for a hug.

It was sudden, how quickly things changed, and the fire iron twitched in her hand but didn't quite raise in time. Her mind didn't have time to recognize or to process. It was the voice that stopped her. By the time that Caroline realized that she'd finally - finally - found one of the people she'd been looking for all along, she was already enfolded in a hug. Her head only reached up to Anzu's shoulder blade.

As the shock faded, she felt a smile spreading across her face - a real smile, one that needed no faking.

For a moment, everything paid off.

They stood there grinning at each other, exactly like idiots.

"So... what you're saying is that you missed me?" Caroline let a hint of teasing slip into her voice as she dusted herself off, adjusted her tank top back into presentability even though Anzu hadn't mussed it up much. "You almost broke my ribs, you know."

Like idiots, because the euphoria came and went, and although there was a wave of relief washing over her, there was one thought that was important, that caught and didn't let go. This, by itself, didn't change much in the long run.

It was just one step.

"Actually," she said, sobering up, "hold that thought. We have to chat. About what happens next. Are Val and Sarah with you?"
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Post by Deamon »

It wasn't a happy meeting that was for sure. There was totally an air of something hanging about. Anzu awkwardly making an excuse and then leaving certainly didn't help shake the feeling Sarah had.

Then Yagmur went on a rant that destroyed any doubts Sarah had of the coming interactions being pleasant. All of his frustrations had just come flooding out with no provocation. Sarah's brain was still trying to catch up with everything that Yagmur had included in his rant. There was a lot to take in. The most worrying and upsetting piece of information he'd given her was that Jewel had killed someone. Jewel who she played Champions with had committed murder. The bad news was just starting to pile up.

Was that what was going to become of her life now she on Survival of the Fittest? Just movement from piece of bad news to another until it all ended? What even was the end going to be? That was the scariest question.

She was (thankfully) distracted from her thoughts when the boy who was with Yagmur spoke up. Asking her if she had met anyone from his school.

"Just one." She said holding up a finger for emphasis. "His name was Ramón and he had a gun. That is literally all I know." It wasn't exactly the most helpful piece of information Sarah had to admit but it was the best answer she could give so...he'd just have to make do with it, unless she started lying and saying that she'd met loads of his school. Although if she did that he'd probably ask for names and then she'd be in trouble unless she was the best guesser in the world and was able to beat the maths and guess the correct name however many times it would need to be. It wasn't exactly worth it.

"Hey Ashley aren't you going to say hi?" Sarah called before turning around. Once she actually turned to look she realised that Ashley was asleep or at least she looked asleep. Maybe she was just pretending to be asleep, Sarah didn't really know. "Ok...so Ashley's asleep right now." She muttered to herself.

It was looking like it was just her and two guys she didn't really know that well. On Survival of the Fittest. Not awkward at all.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

((Day 11 for me again, I'm sorry))

Ashley could hear her sisters calling for her, yelling that she was gonna be late for school. Did this every time, even though Ashley had an alarm clock that never worked, and one that she would shut off when it did. Bah, she couldn't be late to school, not again...

Backpack, backpack...backpack had everything she needed. It was on her lap. She must have been cramming like a boss again. She hitched it over her shoulder and moved from her desk. Fell asleep at her desk. Ashley was so ready for this test for some class she probably had.

Clumsy legs carried Ashley off somewhere else, snoring softly in her slumber.

The walks to school were always so lonely and cold.

((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Continued Next Time In Crescendolls))
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Post by delicateMachine »

"Hehe, was it that easy to tell?" Anzu said, giggling slightly as Caroline brushed herself off. She was still too euphoric over fucking finally finding Caroline to worry too much about appearances. They were the only two around right then, after all, except for the countless cameras capturing her every careless move. That thought was more than enough to immediately bring Anzu's mood back down to earth.

She gravely nodded at Caroline, who also seemed to have sobered up. Much as Anzu wanted it to be, now wasn't the time for lengthy, tearful reunions. "Sarah found me, and Ashley's with us, too, but I haven't seen any sign of Val. Oh, there's Ashley right now- the hell?" Anzu frowned as Ashley walked right past them and out the casino doors. Something was obviously up. She wasn't running or anything, so it probably wasn't dangerous, but still, what the fuck?

"Um. Let's go after her?" Anzu said. She turned back in the direction of the others and called out "Yo! Sarah! Caroline's here, we're leaving!" She thought for a second. "Sorry, Yagmur." Anzu had nothing against the guy, but their group was getting big enough as it was, and the dipshit Colonoscopy that came along with him was way too much of a pain to deal with.

Anzu waited for Sarah to meet up with them, then headed out with the group to follow the wandering Ashley.

((Anzu Sakamoto: Continued in Crescendolls))
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Post by Iceblock »

Sarah was here, and Val wasn't.

Val wasn't here. Val was the only one who wasn't here.

"Oh," Caroline said. Her chest felt tight, constricted; for a moment, it was hard to breathe.

She'd given herself a speech that morning, one that was mostly stubborn rationalizations, logic covering up for the mistake she'd made. But there was one piece of it that was still valid. She could fix the mistake. She could find Val.

Caroline pressed her lips into a thin line, and hitched her bag's strap on her shoulder into a more comfortable position for walking.

The search was still on.

"Right." She glanced over at where Ashley had come from, where Sarah was apparently talking with Yagmur. "We follow Ashley, we find Val, and then we talk about plans."

She moved out, back into the night.

((Caroline Leveson continued in Crescendolls))
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Post by Deamon »

She turned at Anzu's call, a genuine smile on her face. "Awesome! I'm coming!" She hopped off the table and grabbed her bag. They had three of Scarlet Devil Mansion together now and Ashley. But regardless they had three of them and Ashley, who was on her team. Things were seriously looking up for them. Now all they had to do was find Valerie and they'd have the whole band, and Ashley.

Sarah smiled apologetically at the two boys in front of her. "Sorry guys but I think this is a girls only deal." She shrugged as she walked backwards away from them. "But I dunno maybe we'll see each other again. Anyway good luck!" With that she spun around and headed for the direction Anzu walked off in, she didn't know where the exit was but it wouldn't be hard to find three other girls walking around in a western themed casino. They'd stand out.

Now all they had to do was find Valerie, and then they'd figure out a plan and decide what to do. She trusted that they'd be able to figure something out once they were all together.

Scarlet Devil Mansion riding together through Survival of the Fittest...with Chip and Ashley of course. Sarah smiled. Things were honestly looking up.

((RBP3: Sarah Bourne continued in Crescendolls))
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Post by General Goose »

Well, that was that.

Yagmur shrugged and mumbled some barely-incomprehensible goodbyes as they all left. Apparently rescuing a sleepwalking friend was an expedition that required a whole group to pack off and go. Yagmur was irritated, to say the least. He'd finally met some people he knew, where he had a vague sense of their personalities and interests, where he knew their names and faces. Well, apparently for them it wasn't such a luxury.

Nope, their friendship group had been reunited thanks to dumb luck, and now they all could all die together as friends. Lucky them.

He waved as the last of the girls left his sight.

He then wandered round to another aisle of the fruit machines, threw a punch at one with his good hand, and knocked it to the ground.

That was not a good idea, he realised, as he noted he was now without a good hand.

Clutching it in pain as the knuckles bled, he let out a loud string of "fucks" at the camera.
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Post by Flare* »

And just as quickly as it had started, it ended.

Ashley just kinda... disappeared, and the other girl followed pretty soon after. By the looks of it, Colin was pretty sure none of them were gong to be back.

Well, we blew that. No, wait, we didn't even get a chance to blow that.

"See ya."

That amounted more to muttering than it did to an actual farewell, but it was all anyone was going to get out of Colin. He wasn't mad. Just a bit pissy.

Before he could even think on what in the hell they were going to do next, he heard the sound of fist-on-object. Turning his head a bit, he could see that Yagmur was no longer standing with him. It wasn't too hard of a puzzle to figure out.

"... You alright, dude?"

He said it in more of a casual manner than a worried one, but that's because he figured making a big deal out of whatever he was feeling would only make things worse. The less things that were a big deal, the better.
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Post by General Goose »

"Oh, I'm fine..." Yagmur lied, looking down at his hand. He clenched and opened his fists a few times, the muscles aching and the skin on the knuckles raw and cut. He turned to another fruit machine, and with a loud grunt, threw his foot up and kicked it to the ground with a loud smash.

He stumbled around and almost fell as his foot landed back on the group, the kick having quite understandably threw his balance off and put too much weight on the other leg, but he soon re-orientated himself. Gathering his wits and spitting onto the ground, he then proceeded to pick up a discarded bar stool, lying unused on the ground next to him, and sent it hurtling at a row of the stupid fucking fruit machines.

With a scream, he picked up one of the legs of the now broken bar stools, and began smashing one of the fruit machines into oblivion.
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Post by Sh4dE »

((GHIII Gene Steward, Enter))

After Gene walked away from the empty Beauty Salon, he walked towards the Casino. Maybe Aidan and Laura still were there. And when they are, they probably still have no weapon. Gene, on the other hand had a new one.

So Gene walked to the door, however he did not enter the building. He went to the left wall next to the door and leaned on the wall. He held his pogostick as if he'd held a baseball bat, aiming for a ball.

I might not be the strongest, but even I can hurt Aidan or Laura with a hit. Hell, even somebody like Vahka. Maybe knock them out. Or kill them.

Preparing for somebody to come out of the door, Gene stood there outside.

"Aiiidan! Laura! Come out! Or I'll throw a molotov cocktail in there!"

They ambushed me, too. But, hey, they didn't warn me. I did.
I'm so glad to be back !
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Post by General Goose »

Some asshole called out. Made some threat about a Molotov cocktail.

Cocktail. He wasn't really one for those complicated dainty mixologist creations when he could just down half a bottle of vodka and save the time and money, but right now, he would take any method of getting alcohol into his system. Being drunk, that's what he needed. He was more sociable, more relaxed, more spontaneous, when he was drunk, and that would make his time in this resort more bearable. Shorter, but Yagmur had already worked out that he wasn't going to be getting a Wikipedia article for becoming a supercentenarian anyway.

The smell of whisky on the air was just extra temptation.

He snapped out of it when he remembered the "Molotov" bit in front of the cocktail. It was kind of cute that the kid thought that he'd be able to burn down the whole casino with one Molotov cocktail, and he was quite tempted to just tell him to throw it. Colin was boring him, and destroying the casino and causing property damage would be exhilarating and hopefully put off other businesses from lending their expensive locales to this bloodsport.

But he stopped himself from yelling that out. Instead, he responded with a shout to the voice he did not recognise. Picking up a fruit machine (damn it was heavy but damn he was a man) and pulling it off the table, dragging the plug wire-cable-thingy behind it, he walked towards the entrance.

"You throw that cocktail in, I'm dumping a fruit machine on your foot!"

He liked being angry. He found it relaxed him.
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